File #31099: "William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_46.pdf"


1 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown this afternoon very cold Day
2 went to Mallorytown to the Town meeting there was 15 councillors nominated vote for Loranzo Mott Wm Tennent Wm Forester Amisa Mallery & came home
3 went to John Younge to peg Boots he could not peg with his he had sore legs very cold weather the boys went to school
7 Adam came for me to John Younges for came home we made a pair of Boots for Adam. David Robert & Granpa shoes for Elen & Isable A heavy rain most of the Day
8 intended to go to Brockville to the screament the roads was so bad that we could not go rained midle of the Day the Revd Mr Willson preeched in caintown & the Revd Mr Harvy in our School house
9 thrashed the spring Rye side very sore
10 the boys cleaned the Rye had 2 1/2 bushel & thrashed John Youngs peas & cleaned them about {illegible} bushel
11 went to the school meeting selected Thomas Davis again Johny went ot S Stewarts for the Revd Mr Morrison he preaches in caintown to night
12 the Revd Mr Morrison came last night he heard the children say Ten oclock Jock took him to Lyn to Day
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