File #31106: "William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_53.pdf"


May 1 Begun to sow & sowed 5 1/2 bushel of chinnie Wheat in the field below the Bull paster ground very dry {in left margin} 7 in all of peas
2 Sowed 7 bushel of peas at cristies place 3 of them I got from John Younge Sowed the Hungarian grafs seed in the garden
3 {in left margin} wood look green split rails at cristies in the forenoon went to A raising off a house of Mr McClearys in the afternoon very warm & Dry weather
4 Sowed poll 7 bushel of poll oats at cristies
5 Sowed 9 bushel of oats 5 of them poll 4 off them I got of John Young they are next Edgleys line very warm & dry no rain this spring yet
6 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown Granpa went to Lyn yesterday & came home to Day on foot to the Quarterly meeting
7 David finished draging at Cristies I planted corn in the Garden put plaster in the drill the first row on the top next the Barn next row leached ashes then 3 rows with ashes on the top {in left margin} planted Sugar Beets thunder showers to the East
8 split rails at cristies John Edgley helped very warm
9 {in left margin} a little shower this morning sowed 1 1/2 bushel of Rye next the barn David plowed there yesterday plumb Trees in full blossom
10 laid up the fence at the foot of the hill at cristies
11 laid up the fence next the woods at cristes
12 went to Farmsvill with 32 firkins 8 to Mullvenue 10 to Demin 14 to Green warm Day
13 the Revd Mr Willson preached in caintown
14 sowed 5 bushel of scotch wheat 2 of it I got from Mr Lawson & 3 from Ferguson the first 4 ridges is Lawsons the Fergusons al in the west of the Barn
15 David plowed the potato ground Ad helped Jock to plant very dry weather
16 I trimed some dry limbs of the apple trees & spread dung for the corn
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