File #31129: "William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_05.pdf"


Jan 15 David went to Brockville with a cord of wood for the Revd Mr Morrison that I was indue for the church
16 thrashed the spring Rye very stormy Day
17 drew rails & wood of the Lake
18 do do do
snow 19 David & John went to Farmersville David stoped there he is going to schoo & stoping at Wats more snow
20 the Revd Mr Hayworth preached in Caintown
21 Adam went to Brockville with a load of {illegible} to Mill with 12 B of Rye & 12 oats Isable & me cleaned the S rye had 11 1/2 bushel fine Day I went to John Youngs his knee is very Bad
22 Adam went to Brockvill with wood for the Blyths sold it for 7s.6d
23 Do Do Do to the Blyths
snow 24 Do Do very stormy Day Do
25 went to Aunt Marys with Jock to A wood Bee the Roads very bad & the snow is very deep
26 thrash some of the chinnee wheat
27 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
28 went Lyn for the Revd Mr Morrison he is to preach in caintown to nigth & came here with me cold Day
29 Adam went to Brockville with wood for Blyth Isabla & me cleaned the chinnee wheat had 15 Bushel
snow 30 Do Do Do Do
31 Do D Do
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