William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863


William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863


William Beatty


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, Yonge & Lansdowne Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Beatty Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript



Dec 1 Pulled loads of turnip little rain this afternoon
2 worked at the turnips fair Day
3 heavy rain to Day the ground all in a swamp
4 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
5 worked at the turnips put 9 1/2 load in the cellar at the old Barn it is so full that we cannot put any more in it
6 went to Brockville with 2 firkins of butter got sixteen sents per lb paid Messer Blyth ten dollars & Mr Reed ten dollars on acont
7 drew in potatos from Cristes had about 80 bushel considerable of them rotten
8 the Boys drew in 4 load of turnips to a pit in the garden I worked at the cider prefs & grinder with Jock & Rob fine day
9 made cider for ourselves Rob I. Quensey H Wicks & D Tennent there is over 80 Bushel in the chease the Boys drew 2 loads of turnips into another pil in the garden
rain rain 10 heavy rain most of the Day
11 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
X 12 made 6 teeth for the thrashing machin the Boys drew in the last of the turnip into the garden we have over 500 Bushel in the forenoon thrash oats for Jock
13 went to John Younges got my boots fixed & Elens shoes looked at Ruleses horses
14 came home looked at horses at Gilalands in Plumbhollow paid Adam Armstrong 3 that I owed for leather & bought half a {illegible}
15 the Boys drew wood from cristes & let water of {illegible}
16 plowed frount of Elizes in forenoon then {folded over}
17 finished Plowing frount of house {illegible}


foot snow

Nov 20 Took 3 sheep to Adam Armstrongs Ram {page torn off}
21 began to work at the logs for the Blacksmiths shop
22 load the foundation of the Blacksmiths shop
23 hleped Wm H Davis to kill his hogs snow & wind
24 thrashed & cleaned 10 1/2 bushel of oats heavy storm wind & snow
25 no Meeting to Day very stormy wind & snow with Drift
26 helped Rob to kill a steer in the forenoon David went to Mallorytown in the Buggy with Sarry Spencer she is hear on a visit roads very bad
27 rain & snow this forenoon raise the Blacksmith shop in the afternoon got it up after sundown fine afternoon
28 David went to Mill 10 bushel of Peas 8 of oats & 3 of corn Adam & Me worked at the shop
29 went to Mill 10 bushel of Buckwheat & got 10 shillings worth hemlock or 333 feet Paid
30 went to Samuel Innises got 5 shoes made & one sharpend & sett the Boys sawed some bolts snow & rain
1 went to Brockville with 2 1/2 barrels of snow Apples Mr Robinson got 2 & Gay 1/2 12s6d per Barrel
2 Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
3 healped Rob at thrashing machin Thompsons
4 went to Farmersville & then to Turner falls to see about John Younges cloth it went there in a mistake Stopt all night at R Woods
5 got the cloth at Beverly Paid 10s.5d came home
6 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Hayworth Preach it was thanksgiving day wind was south a little snow
7 killed the Hogs Rob & Wm Davis helped snow
8 went to a school meeting in the forenoon & then to Mallorytown to an Agri{cut off}
9 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Armstrong preach
10 healped Wm H Davis at thrashing machin very stormy snow & wind David went to Mallorytown for a cooking stove & a box stove for Wat from G Tennent
11 David went to Brockville with A load of Turnips to I. Hutchsons 1s per bushel
12 thrashed for Jack stormy Day
13 {cut off} to Brockville with Sausagues {folded over}


Dec 14 healped Edgly to thrash Tennents machin David went to Farmersville for Wats Stoves very cold
15 went to Mallorytown with Rob to the council about a Road the council granted it to him
16 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
17 thrashed at Jocks forenoon
18 Do Do David went to Lyn with bushel 15 1/2 turnips & there he got before made 18 1/2
{illegible} 19 whitewashed very stormy Day
20 rained all night whitewashed finished Jocks thrashing
21 finished David went to Farmersville with things for Wat he is going to live there
X 22 thrashed at our Barn some scothe wheat I went to Brockville with a note that I had of fifty pound aganst R Colman of Granpas I gave it to Sinkler & Richards along with Dunkin Clow Wm Clow George Two & others for collection
23 the Revd Mr Hayworth preached at caintown
24 cleaned the wheat had bushel went to mill with it I went to John Buels & gave him 40$ in intrest got Wals note & other notes that he had
25 Betsey & Wm Hazelwood & famely was hear for dinner Jock & Margret didnt come
26 killed Jocks cow his & our pigs the Boys went to a Bee of S Younges
27 drew some wood of the Lake I fixed a chimney
28 James Clow & wife here on visit the Boys drew some wood & fixed wat skins
29 choped in the shed
30 the Revd Mr McKenzie preache in caintown I went to see Dr Keer
31 went to Brockville with saugauges Mrs Jones got 21 lbs 7 1/2 per lb Mr Co{illegible} & Blyth got 18 & some others


1 Thrashed some oats in the forenoon went to Adam Armstrongs with the Widow Austin & Elen on A visit in the afternoon very stormy this forenoon
2 David went to Farmersville with some things for Wat & took 8 1/2 bushel of turnips to John Kincaid he got 1 1/2 bushel before made 10 bushel in all
3 the Boys went to meet Wat in Brockville & Farmersville hie is coming from Mitcheel with his Wife I fixed about the house cold Day
4 Wat came here with his Wife he got married on New Years day in Mitchel he has settled in Farmersville then was A party here with him
5 the boys choped some cord wood on the Iland I went to see Dr Keer he is very sick cold Day
6 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in Caintown
7 thrashed oats this forenoon then went to the town meeting along with Rob voted for George Tennent A Mallory L Mott N Shipman & I Hazelwood Stormy Day
8 cleaned the oats & drew wood
9 drew cord wood & David choped
10 David & John Ackland choped cord wood Adam drew it to the house cristie Younge came here this afternoon Sam cut his knee I went home with him
11 cristie brought me home Sam knee is not so bad as they thought very cold weather
12 Elen & I went to Brockville heard the Revd Mr McMorin preach went to Geddes & then to Aunt Marys & Stopte all night
13 went in from Aunt Marys to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Mure preach & partook of the sacrament very cold time
14 drew wood from the Lake I have got a very bad cold cant do any thing


Jan 15 David went to Brockville with a cord of wood for the Revd Mr Morrison that I was indue for the church
16 thrashed the spring Rye very stormy Day
17 drew rails & wood of the Lake
18 do do do
snow 19 David & John went to Farmersville David stoped there he is going to schoo & stoping at Wats more snow
20 the Revd Mr Hayworth preached in Caintown
21 Adam went to Brockville with a load of {illegible} to Mill with 12 B of Rye & 12 oats Isable & me cleaned the S rye had 11 1/2 bushel fine Day I went to John Youngs his knee is very Bad
22 Adam went to Brockvill with wood for the Blyths sold it for 7s.6d
23 Do Do Do to the Blyths
snow 24 Do Do very stormy Day Do
25 went to Aunt Marys with Jock to A wood Bee the Roads very bad & the snow is very deep
26 thrash some of the chinnee wheat
27 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
28 went Lyn for the Revd Mr Morrison he is to preach in caintown to nigth & came here with me cold Day
29 Adam went to Brockville with wood for Blyth Isabla & me cleaned the chinnee wheat had 15 Bushel
snow 30 Do Do Do Do
31 Do D Do


Febry 1 Went on to the Lak to draw but the water is so high on the ice & snow it is partly froze so that we can do nothing
snow 2 thrashed the Chinnie Wheat snowed most of the Day
3 the Revd Mr Lucus preached in caintown
4 cleaned the wheat had 17 bushel
snow 5 Adam went to Mill with 12 bushel of oats
snow 6 thrashed the last of the oats 650 sheaffs stormy Day wind & snow
snowy 7 very stormy Day wind & snow & a very heavy heavy drift Adam went to school
8 very hard frost the watter in the pail & the water in the back kettel was frozen half and in the morning the coldest day we have had
9 helped to shovel the road betwen Edglys & Ackland it was so drifted that there was no traveler on the road in the forenoon cleand the oats in the afternoon
10 the Rverd Mr McKenzie preache in caintown
rain 11 put 46 bushel of oats in Jocks barn & the rest in own had 70 in all very heavy rain the snow is going very fast
rain 12 heavy rain with a little snow the fields shows the stuble mended the childrens shoes rain
13 little frost last night went to Samuel Youngs on a visit Elen & Betsey & the Widow Austin was there the Roads is very bad
14 mended Elens shoes fine day
15 went to see Gardener about his colts but he had let them go Rob & Jonney went with me I got 3 shoes sett at Ned Boothes wet day
16 I went to the Widow Fergusons for Elizie
17 the Revd Mr Hayworth preached in caintown snowy day & night snowed nearly a foot deep


{probably February} 18 Went to Mallorytown to see Thomas Scotts Wife she is very sick the family is all sick with a bad cold
19 split some stovebolts fine day
snow 20 jointed some bucket staves stormy snow
snow 21 Do Do Do Do
22 went onto the Iland & drew 2 load of cordwood broke in two three places tramped in snow & had to quit then went to Motts & Beaches to look at horses but could not trade fine Day hard frost
rain & snow 23 drew 2 loads of wood off the lake stormed in the afternoon rain & snow
snow 24 the Revd Mr Morrison preached in caintown very stormy Day snow & wind
25 drew 6 loads of wood & 1 of rails very windy
26 drew wood & rails of the Lake
27 drew Do there is quite thaw so that the ice is very bad we cannot do any more on the ice
rain 28 A little frost last night Adam went to Brockville with a load of wood to Blyth a little this afternoon the Roads is very soft


March 1 Heavy rain last night fine day Adam went to school I let the water of the Turnip holes the ground is in a swim
2 Cleaned the Buckwheat that was in the bin & filled up the oats & & A heavy rain this afternoon
3 Mr Flechar preached in caintown heavy rain
4 went to Mill with 8 bushel of oats & 9 of Buckwheat hard frost last night
5 went to Brockville with turnips apples & cabbage no Market got 8s for 2 1/4 bushel of apples 10s & s for turnips 3 for cabbage bought a barrel of salt 8s.6d 5s for hoops for buckets the roads very bad a great deal of bare ground
6 went to Mill for the grist I bought a 4 year old Colt from WH Daves for 70 dollars
7 thrashed the last of the Scotch wheat very cold day clear wind this morning in North west & it came round to the south west about 3 oclckin the afternoon
8 cleaned the wheat had 13 1/2 exchanged 4 bushel with John Younge Criste brought 4 of his as he was going to lansdown to Uncle Cristies weding the wind is in the south drew 2 loads from the swamp
9 heavy rain this forenoon jointed some suff for {illegible} the snow nearly gone
10 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
11 Adam went to Farmersville with Wats {illegible} going is bad {illegible} of Pine logs
12 drew cedar from cristies Lake good {illegible line} Adam went to Elgin with load of bolts very stormy snow
13 Adam went to Lyn with a load of bolts got 4$ in the forenoon then to Farmersville with the {illegible} here she is going home


March 15 David came here last night and cedar & cut down the large oake took one large log to the saw mill drew the top for wood
16 drew wood & rails quite warm day
17 Mr Wright preached in caintown
18 drew 3 oak logs to the mill & then drew wood & rails very cold night & day
X 19 went to John Fergusons & paid him 26 dollars that I borrowed of him Ad drew railcuts that was in the road to the east line in the forenoon then wood
20 made some sapbukets fine day
21 went with David Tennant to see a cow of his & stoped withe him all day snowed 4 inches last night Ad went to Mill with 16 1/2 Bushel of wheat snowed in the forenoon
22 went to Brockville with the old Potash kettle its weight was 730 bought a kettle $5.3s.9d bail for the kettle 2s tool 6d the rest in hoops the road good going down warm sun spoilt the roads paid R. Collman $5. for the leather that I got last fall
23 made some more bukets ad taped 20 trees
24 Mr McKenzie preached in caintown a little rain in the forenoon
25 worked at the bukets in the forenoon went to the funeral of Alvine Hayes she was buried at the Booths Grave yard poor slaughing the Revd Mr Bell preached at Lillies schoolhouse
26 worked at the Bukets & helped Elen at the soape rained all day Ad went to Mill with 32 bushel of oats
27 made more Bukets Ad taped Elen boiled 12 pails of Sap
28 Do Do Do went to the Funeral of Mrs John Cain the Revd Mr Bumbo preached
29 made more Buckets raine this afternoon
30 went Mallorytown to an Agriculture Meeting {illegible} in the sugar Bush
31 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown


April 18 fixed hogholes in the line fence & cut some caps & bunks in the {illegible} began to plow & plowed in field west line below the orchard the ground wet cold Day
19 Adam plowed frount of Elzie & then drew dung to the orchard
20 Do Do Do Do Do Do worked in the sugarbush & sowed seed in the hotbed cabbage seed & tomato
21 rain the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown heavy rain to night
rain 22 plowed in the forenoon went to Mallorytown & qualified as fenceviewer Elen went to see Mrs Weeks she is very sick heavy rain to night
X 23 went to Brockville paid Bliths ten dollars & 4 1/2 cords of wood 12s.6d per cord & settled with A Turner & paid him got A side of sole leather 15 3/4 lb 25 cents per pound
24 Ad plowed I fixed the garden fence some rain or showery
25 finished the plowing frount of Elizie & plowed the garden cold day
26 plowed at cristies south side of the road
27 do Do Do in the forenoon drew dung to orchard I went to John Thompson with Wm Hazelwood & George Twoo as Fenceviewers & divid the fence betwen H.B. Weeks
28 rain the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
29 drew some dung to the orchard James went to Mallorytown with Wat he has his foot cut he is going to Landsdown to work
rain 30 went to the Funeral of the Widow Weeks She was buried at Lyn the Revd Mr Armstrong preached heavy rain all day {bottom line illegible}


{a lot of this page is too faint to read}

May 1 Drew dung to the orchard the ground very wet
2 Do Do Do Do
3 Plowed at Cristies the ground that the corn grew in last year for potatos it is the only place we can work the rest is all so wet
4 finished the pease & then drew dung to the Cristies place for the corn
5 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached at caintown
6 began to Sow & Sowed 6 bushel of oats & grass seed on the south side of the road at cristie place began to rain before night
7 rained all night & most of the day
8 cut some potatoes for seed
9 went to Brockville with Jonney he is going to Guelph to look for work there nothing doing here
12 there was 3 Espicafle Ministers from Lyn preached in caintown there conferance was held at Lyn this year
13 Sowed 4 1/2 bushel of oats at cristies with grass seed rained in the afternoon
14 Adam went to Mallorytown to get clothes cut in the forenoon plowed for the {illegible} & beets Adam broke in the oxen {illegible}
15 Sowed 4 bushel of Peas & 4 bushel of oats all front of Elizes
16 crofs draged the Peas & the oast had {rest of page too faint to be legible}

{a fair bit of this page is too faint to be legible}

{probably May 1861}

{illegible the first few lines} was at {illegible} rows {illegible} carrot rest 2 Whites next 2 long Orange the next our own Alringham then 2 rows of yellow globe Mangel next 3 rows long Mangol the rest our own Sugar Beet seed cold day Adam plowed at cristies
19 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in Caintown fine Day
20 Sowed 4 bushel of Scotch Wheat that I got from John Younge it was sowed on the hill & the ridge next Edgly
21 plowed at cristies
22 went to Brockville with 2 calfes got 2 for the hind quarters 1 1/2 for the fore
23 planted the potatos A plowed
rain 24 Isabela Jenet Wm finished the planting of the potatos I sowed 5 1/2 bushel of our own Scotch wehat & draged Adam went Brockville to see the f{illegible} heavy rain last night
25 planted A little corn in the garden 2 rows at Cristies the ground very wet
26 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown in the forenoon the Revd Mr McKenzie in the afternoon
27 very heavy rain last night most of the Day I went to Farmersville to Wats got the Bull {illegible} from Kincaid took 3 calf skins & 2 sheep
28 Sowed 3 1/2 bushel of oats frount of Elizes where it was plowed last fall {illegible} a greate deal of water {rest of line illegible}
29 finished the plowing at Cristies below the road
30 plowed in the field at the Barn ground wet
31 Sowed 4 bushel of wheat at cristies 2 of them is Chinee wheat rest is cotch wheat planted the corn


June 1 Planted 2 ridges of Potatos in the orchard Adam plowed in the field at the Barn
2 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
3 cleaned out furrows at cristies heavy rain the ground very wet
4 drew some chipdung & ashes to the orchard for the Turnips the ground is so wet that we can do very little
5 Sowed some peas & wheat in the field at the Barn it was {illegible} & again this spring
6 finished the sowing Sowed 4 bushel of the Gardiner pea & about a bushel of chinnie Wheat Sowed Grafs seed all below the hill & six ridges all the way washed the sheep
7 worked in the orchard Plowed draged & furrowed up & sowed 30 rows turnips west of the beets {illegible} A little rain this afternoon but very warm
8 worked at the Turnips this forenoon & finished them & drew the stuff that was on the road
9 Samuel Philips preached in caintown
10 draged front of the house & sheered the sheep warm day
X 11 began to worked on the roads Adam drew stone from the old Barnyard to the ditch at the road Mr Tett stopt then
12 worked on the roads all night with horses drawing stones front of the house
13 Adam plowed front of the house & I finished the road work fine weather
14 sowed 1/2 bushel of the hungarian grays front of the house where the old Barn stood
15 plowed the Buckwheat ground at Cristies
16 rain Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown heavy rain last night & a little this morning
17 Sowed 1 1/2 bushel of Buckwheat at cristies

1861 June

June 18 Went to Brockville got 1 barrel of plaster 5s.6d & considerable of things at Blyths
19 went to Farmersville to the Delagation Mr Tell took the nomination by a large majority Mr Jones friends came from Lansdown
20 went through the corn & potatoes with the dict ad finished plowing the Sumerfolow
21 began to hoe the corn it rained most of the Day I went to Mallorytown in the afternoon & got a coat & vest cut by McClure
22 finished hoeing the corn fine day
23 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
24 went through the potatos with the dict Ad went to C Booths & got Bill shod
25 worked at the potatos fine day put Dutch to the horse
X rain 26 went to Westport with the wool Elen went with me & stopt at Newburow with Mrs J. Elliot heavy rain at noon stopt at Widow Austins & got dinner stopt all night at Westport
rain 27 came to Newburow took dinner at Ellots a tea at the Widow Eatens stopt all night at Mr Sheldons
28 came home saw Mr Cosgrove at Portland
29 went through beets & turnips with the dict Ad hoed the carrots when I was away hilled the potatos in the Garden James Marchell came here about tow oclock & took me to Brockville as a witnefs betwen him & Wm Cummins Cummins took Marchel for trespafs & damage for diching a small ditch to let the water of his field {illegible} Stats swore it was 10 dollars damage & Dismiss fine him that I swore it was no damage
30 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown

{probably July 1861}

1 Went to Huntleys & got set of Buggy wheels that he made for me on David Tennets acount & took tow wheels of the little Buggy to get made & then went to Farmersvill the Nomination there was great speachifying Tell took the show of hands Richards part demanded a {illegible}
2 heavy rain last night & all day the ground is all in a flood no work on land
3 let water off the orchard ever place is full of water worked at a road to come up the hill at {illegible}
4 helped Rob to rais his {illegible} in the forenoon sett tires of the Buggy Tire in the afternoon & fixed the Buggy otherwise fine Day
7 went to Brockville heard the Revd Mr Davison fine Day
8 worked at the turnips
9 ewnt to Mallorytown to the Elections acted as scrutinizer for Mr Tett went to T Scotts & stayed there all night heavy rain
10 came to Mallorytown & atended the poll Richards had 115 of a majority over Tell
11 heavy most of the Day
12 worked at the road on the cristies place
13 went to Farmersvill to the Declaration Mr Tett had 25 of a majority there was a great many people there with music
14 went to Brockville to the Scacrement
15 went to Lyn with 15 1/2 bushel of wheat & 1 1/2 Buckwheat visited at Mr Clows & James Elen was with me
16 hoed the corn it is very poor

1861 July

rain 17 hoed the potatos ground wet showers
18 worked at the carrots & beets & turnips with the horse Elen & Granmam went to John McIntosh with Bett
rain 19 very heavy rain in the morning the boys scraped & plowed in the end of the stable then went to hewing bee at J J McIntoshes
rain 20 Adam drew a load of boards from Mcs went to a raisin of Mathew Tous rain in the afternoon Mowed raised the house
21 the Revd Mr Sherlock preached in caintown
22 Mowed the strip at cristies between the fence & Jocks oats the grass light
23 mowed in the field below the Bull paster
got 2nd scyth at Beeds & a {illegible} 11s.7 24 went to Brockville with Mr & Mrs Morrison called at Mr Heugh Morrisons took dinner three then went to Aunt Marys left Brockville at 8 oclock to come home brock the fore{illegible} of the buggy at T Killroys there was a stump put in the middle of the road it caught wheel
25 went home with T. Killroys waggon that I got to come home last night & brought home the buggy withe our own waggon drew in 2 load of hay from cristies & 2 load from below the house
26 mowed in the field below the Bull paster & drew in all the new part of it fine hay weather
27 rain last night & this morning mowed in the field below the orchard
28 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
29 raked & drew in from the field below the Bull paster
30 drew in 2 load from below the orchard & finished mowing the rest
31 heavy rain last night more rain to day no work sent the insureance mony $7 dated 1 of August {illegible} Armstrong


1 Bored 30 set of bunks in the forenoon raked & coked some hay in field below the orchard
2 mowed the strip betwen the dich & the line
3 drew in some hay from the field below the orchard
4 went to John Youngs his Wife has got a son on friday last heavy showr
5 Drew dung to the sumer follow beyond the barn
6 Adam plowed in the dung I went to Fred Moors old Wm Davis died there on monday Henery Armstrong brought the coprs to his own place
7 went to the funeral heard Mr Armstrong preach There was 40 Buggies & Waggons besides horsemen
8 went to Aunt Marys funeral she was buried at the Brockville Cemetry fine Day
9 howed carrots & Beets & new {illegible}
10 Do turnips fine weather
11 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
12 split rails for the line fence East & south side of the road
13 finished rails this forenoon Adam went to a mowing bee of T Williams I cut the seed timothy
14 bund the grafs seed I fix a churn for Adam Armstrong in the forenoon
15 I lay in bed most of the Day sick the boy worke at the turnips
16 Do Do Adam went to rasin of Edgley A went B Armstrong to the Pond to get a cow from Mary
17 mowed part of the garden fence on the road & began to dig the dich
18 Lorne Philips exorted Rev Mr Armstrong is sick


19 worked at puting up of the East line fince south side of the road very dry weathe
20 finished puting up of the to the dich in the forenoon drew stones to the dich at the road from the sumerfollow
21 drew dung to the summer follow west of the Barn
22 rain this forenoon plowed in the dung in the afternoon the ground well soked
23 Adam helped Jock to bind I finished the plowing John Younge came here for his cradle that criste left here
24 Adam John Younge & the girles went to Samuel younges to pick berries I fixed his cradle worked at one for myself
25 the Revd Mr McLean preached in forenoon & the Revdd Mr Woodcock preached in the afternoon
26 cut the peas poor crop killed with the wet in the spring drew in the grafs seed
rain 27 heavy rain last night & this forenoon went to Farmersville with a pig & soap for Wat
X 28 went to the funeral of Mrs Cromwell she was buried at Lyn the Revd Mr McKenzie preached
29 taken with a disentry last night & cold chill could do nothing Adam cut some of the oats at Cristes
rain 30 heavy rain last night Ad cut more oats rain this afternoon Adam taken sick to night I am no better
rain 31 Adam & me both on the sick list Elen & Rob Beatty bound the oats at Cristies cold day


1 No Meeting to Day {illegible}
2 worked at the oats {rest of line illegible}
3 Do Do Do very windy
4 finished the oats at cristies
5 cut the oats in orchard field they are the little white oats good crop
6 drew in 2 loads of oats from cristies in forenoon & bound some of the little oats that was green there was in all {illegible} stooks began to cut the wheat at cristies heavy wind
7 worked at the wheat cristies finished that that I got from John Young David helped
8 the Revd Mr Woodcock preached in the forenoon & the Revd Mr McKenzie in the afternoon
9 went to Samuel Greens& got the horses shod in the forenoon drew 4 loads of oats from cristies in the afternoon very fine day
X 10 went to Brockville with Henary Litle went as wittnefs between James Marchel & Wm Cummins it was anapeel to the Quarter {illegible} the Jurys verdic was for Marchel
rain 11 came home with Wm McCormick rain most of the day
12 thrashed the grafs seed dull day
13 C{illegible}ed thrashing the grass seed & bound some oats frount of Elize that Adam cut on tusday
14 cut or worked at the wheat at Elize fine Day
15 no Meeting to Day little rain
16 went to Brockville to an agriculture meeting sold chickens 7 1/2 a piece
17 {illegible} cuting the wheat at cristies {illegible} & Bob Beatty helped

1861 Sept

18 Cut the wheat at the bull well {illegible} the grafs seed for the show
19 went to Brockville to the show took a keg of butter got the first prize & the first on a bottle of win got nothing on the grafs seed there was a great many there a Daughter of Aunt Jean Clarks from Perth went to Brockville with Elen & me her Father & Mather came to Granpa last night
rain 20 drew in the all wehat from cristes & the Bull well & the oats frount of Lizes fine Day
21 heavy rain last night & most of to day thrashed the peas
22 no Meeting to Day
23 cut the Buckwheat at cristies midling crop
24 cut where we sowed peas the peas was killed out & there was a kind of grafs & stuff on it I went to Westport Wat Wife is very sick Adam went McClearys dung Bee
25 cut the hungarian grass where the old barn was in the forenoon cut some of the corn in the afternoon
26 cleaned the peas had 5 1/2 bushel & then drew in 2 loads of grafs stuff from the wheat the peas was a part of a load hanging cut some of the corn it is a poor crop
rain 27 put a fellow in the Buggy wheel thrashed the hungraian & pusey grass heavy rain all day
rain 28 Adam went to a raisin of Joseph Davis rain in the morning
29 29 {illegible} went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Armstrong preach
30 went to Innises & got the tine sett on the Buggy Thomas Scott & Wife came on a visit stayed all night at Jocks


1 Went to Mallorytown to an Agriculture Meeting {illegible} Adam began to dig the potatos
2 worked at the potatos
3 Do Do Do
rain 4 drew in the Buckwheat thrashed part of it it rained most of the day
5 finished the thrashing & cleaned it there was 12 1/2 bushel rain in the forenoon Adam Elen & Rob went to Lansdown with Elizabeth Young
6 rain heavy rain all day
7 cleaned the Barn floor & got the machin to it place redy to thrash
8 {illegible} healped Jock to shoe his horses in the forenoon & thrashed 500 sheafs in the afternoon Wm Davis helped
9 cleaned the wheat had 29 1/2 bushel went to Farmersville to the fair got our cloth & 2 bags of yarn from Clark at Westport
10 went to Brockville with 3 kegs of butter sold it to James Hutcheson 7 1/2 301 lb paid Blyths 20 dollars & Hopkins 11s3d
rain 11 carried the wheat to the chamber flour to dry & cut some corn
12 heavy rain last night thrashed 700 sheaf of oats Will Davis helped killed a sheep
13 no meeting till night Mr Sherlock preached in the evening
14 cleaned the oats in the forenoon had 56 bushel went to T Davis to clean some wheat
15 went to Brockville with Rob to the council sent 35 dollrs by post to Adam Armstrong in a post office order nothing done the advertisement was {illegible} Adam took 20 bushel of oats to the mill for hog feed
16 began to plow in the spring field very rough
17 went to Mallorytown to the cattle show got 3 1/2 dollars premiums fine Day


rain 18 heavy rain this forenoon went to Lansdown to look at a farm near Ben Younges roads very bad
19 came home from Lansdaown heavy rain at night
20 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached
21 firs fros last night Adam drew the pumkins from cristes I went to Norton Gardenrs as a fenceviewers with Wm Hazelwood & George Two to decide on some ditch
rain 22 drew in the corn Adam went to a raisin at T{cut off} heavy rain about nine oclock tonight
23 Adam plowed front of Elize a little rain the forenoon dug some potatos & husked some corn with {illegible}
24 Adam finished plowing in the forenoon & then finished diging the potatos a little frost
25 draged the corn & potato ground & began to plow it
rain 26 rained most of the day work a little at the cand{cut off}
27 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
28 Adam plowed at cristies I worked at the carrots
29 finished the carrots J.C Foster came & examined this place is to write to me on thursday Adam finished plowing at cristies that is the corn & potatos ground helped Herron to thrash in the afternoon
rain 30 worked at the Beets rain this afternoon Adam went to a raisin of Hughes
31 worked at the turnipsnI went to Mallorytown in the afternoon got a letter Foster he did not trade with Thompson & he offers it to me


{not legible, but Nov.}

1 went with Jock Rob & Thomas Scott to Lansdown {illegible} a farm belonging to James C. Foster came back to Thomas Scotts I stopt all night with him
the cows in to stable afternoon rain 2 wrote to Foster that I would give him 900 dollars for the place him to give me 100$ in lumber & {illegible} rails that Ackland is to put on & meet him on friday next in Brockville
3 heavy rain most of the Day did not go to caintown
rain 4 went to John yonges to pave his stable go A beef kept skin 13s.1 1/2d from I kincaid heavy rain
5 worked at I Yonges the Boys finished the Turnips
rain 6 came home from I Younges rain in the afternoon Adam went to Innises & got some shoes on the horses
7 killed the hogs this afternoon Thomas Tennent & the wife here on a visit
8 went to Brockville to meet Mr Foster made a bargain with him to give 1000$ to butt & he is to give me 100$ worth of lumber & 2000 rails & 30$ that is due on a lot that he has sold to meet him on monday to get the deeds
9 went to Wm Hazelwood to get him & betsey sign a quite clame deed to the half acre that Foster reserved got a deet & gave one to Jock Samuel Younge & James Hazelwood here as J.P. & Robert Armstrong George Towe as witnefses
10 the Revd Mr Sherlock preached at caintown
rain 11 went to Brockville with Rob & Elen to meet Mr Foster he did not come I got word that he has a child dead & that he will meet me on wednesday heavy rain all the way to Brockville a heavy squall of wind blew the top of the market house & it brock down the roof flours to the ground & did a great deal of damage other wise
12 banked the house Ad went to a plowing match at Lillies I went to Mallorytown & met wat he went to Lansdown & then is to go to Brockville to meet Foster

1861 Nov

Stabled the Cows

Nov 13 went to Mallorytown this afternoon to meet wat he met Foster & settled with him for the farm
14 went to McIntoshes with a letter from Sinkelor in the forenoon helped Wm Davis to kill his beef
15 drew some wood cold Day
first snow 16 went to Brockville with Elen met Foster & signed the writings about the farm Sinklar is sick & could not them all finished till next Saturday snow last night
17 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
18 went to Lansdown in the cars agreed with him to stop when I am working on the place
19 went to see Cox about diching to give him 3s.9d a day & py his fair got a porkbarrel from Elingham home Adam helped Rob to kill his hogs
20 very bad with my stomach Ad went to risin of Hill. I. Innis made 4 shoes 2 of them Dutch
21 put the Ewes to the Ram 4 to Damds the rest Robs took 4 bushel Rye to Mill for the pigs
22 drew some wood fixed round the house
rain & snow 23 went to Brockville to meet Foster he brought us my deed & all is finished registered my deeds I have to get Wat & had to go as witnefses to Brockville rain & snow all Day
24 snow the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown the snow is about 6 inches
25 Ad went to John Youngs by Farmersville took the Widow Austin with him she is going home I worked at the woodshed led fine Day
26 Do Do Ad did not come home till to Day
rain snow 27 finished the sled S Stuarts & his wife here on a visit rain & snow
28 {line stroked out} Innis & got belle a Shoe fine Day
rain 29 rain this forenoon made whipeltreen went boys to train
30 worked at sled toung for Rob Ad took 3 bushel of turnips & a barrel of pumkins to J Kincaid

Yonge October 23rd 1861

The award of the undersigned Fence Viewers of the Township Frount of Yonge in the case between Norton Gardener of the one part & George McNish of the other part of the aforesaid township

1st That Norton Gardner or the occupier of lot No 3 of Con 3 of the aforesaid township clean out a ditch that is on lot No 2 south side of the public road runing from the side line between lots No2 & 3 to a creek on lot No 2 at his own expence & that George McNish or the occupier of lot No 2 keep it open hereafter so that the water coming fromo ditches on lot No 3 have a free run

2nd that Norton Gardner or the occupier of lot No 3 take away a dam that is acrofs a ditch runing along the south side of the public road & that he continue the said ditch as close to the road fence as practible to the creek that runs acrofs the said road & that Norton Gardner or the occupier of lot No. 3 make a good & sufficient bridge acrofs said ditch 12 feet in lenth where George McNish or the occuper of lot No 2 now crofses into his field Norton Gardner to make the bridge & drop the ditch at his own expense

& that George McNish or the occupier of lot No 2 dig or cause to be dug a sufficient ditch on lot No 2 so that the water coming from a ditch on lot No 3 has a free run at his own taken the aforesaid ditch is on the north side of the fence of the first field north side of the public road

& that George McNish on the occupier of lot N 2 dig cause to be dug a ditch on lot N2 north of the second knowll withing three month months after Norton Gardner or the occupier of lot No 3 digs his ditch so that the water coming from said ditch has a free run at his expense.

5th that Norton Gardner or the occupier of {illegible} be alowed to dig or cause to be dug a ditch along the line between lots No 2 & 3 from the second knowl to the was on lot No 3 & to deepen a ditch that now open on lot No 2 in a certen piece of woods on lot No 2 so that the water coming from lot No 3 may have a free run at his own expense

all the above mentioned ditches to be of a sufficient width & depth for all agricultural purposes & are all in or on lot No 2 or 3


{out of chronological order}

16 Worked at the potatos fine Day I went to We{illegible} for hemlock Boards got 900 feet 600 for Weaving & 300 for appel trees from B. Bail
rain 17 thrashed oats & cleaned them had 14{cut off}
18 worked at the potatos John Ackland
19 finished diging the potatos fine Day the potatos would have been crop but had it not been for the rot the cork reds was the best & least rot
20 draged the stuble for to sow grafs seed in the forenoon then drew in the corn the Great Chillie potatos si good cold Day
21 rain the Revd Mr Camble the Bible Socitie Colprative preached in caintown heavy rain this morning
22 husked A little corn & cleaned some wheat for the show David plowed frount of Elizes I sowed grafs seed below the Bull {cut off}
23 worked at the carrots & beets for the show
rain 24 went to the Mill with 14 bushel of wheat
25 went Mallorytown to the cattle show the first turnips 2nd on carrots 2 on Bulls 1 on apples 2 on oats in the field & in the Bag Six dollars 1/2 left the same
26 went to Brockville with Rob Granpa & Jock as a wittnefs between John Innis & N. Baxter. Baxter acuses Innis of geting money letter from the Post office the Boys worked at the carrots & Beets
rain 27 came to Mallorytown on the Railcars David met me
28 the Revd Mr Hayworth Preached in caintown Thomas Scott was at the meeting went home with him

29 went to Brockville on the cars from Thomas Scotts
30 Innis got his trial to day the Jury returned a verdic of not Guilty without laving the Box I stopt at the St Larance Hall bed 1s.3d meals 1s.3d I got 20 dollars from the Hon George Sherwood for Walter & gave it to Aunt Mary on Walter note they had nether pen or ink she said she wood indors it on the note as soon as they got pen & ink
31 came home from Aunt Marys on foot the roads very bad the boys finished husking the corn good crop very wet weather
1 pulled 3 loads of turnips some rain


1 Stormy Day snow the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
2 went to Mallorytown with R. Armstrong about his road it passed the council
3 filed the crofs cut saw & hand saw for Adam & finished Rob sled {illegible}
4 Ad took 6 bushel of Buckwheat to Mcs Mill drew 2 load of wood
5 helped Rob Armstrong at the thrashing machin wind Southwest in the forenoon turned NorthEast at night very little of it fine warm sunshine most of the day
6 helped Jock to thrash fine Day
7 finished Jocks thrashing had Thompson the forenoon killed 2 pigs for sausagus
8 rain last night & this forenoon so that the snow is all gon
9 went to Lansdown with James Coks to ditch worked all the week at it fine weather
14 came home walked along the track to Mallorytown Adam met us at T. Tennents
went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach fine Day
15 Ad & Elen went to Brockville with sausagus got 7 1/2 per lb broit Jock buggy here Elen stopt at Duncan Clows all night
16 Adam went to Mallorytown with James Cox & me we took the cars to Lansdown & worked at the ditch North of the house & finished it
17 commenced another ditch 17 chains North of the first one & finished it on the 20th at noon James picked up some rails & cunks around the Barn I went & saw Mr Grame about some lumber there was heavy rain on the {illegible} at night


Dec 21 came home from Lansdown last night & to Day all well paid James Cox 7 dollars 4s.4 1/2 cost of going on the cars 3 times 10s we dug 120 rods of ditch
22 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Armstrong preach fine day hard frost
23 killed the Bull, stormy day snow & wind
24 fixed a shoe on the hind baby cold day
25 Wm Hazelwood & family here to dinner
26 went to Granpas to dinner Jonney Armstrong was married to Mifs Nea yesterday & we were all there heavy rain at night it turned to ice
27 went to Booths & got the horses shod & settled with him & paid him 14s.10 1/2 d cold day
28 went to the swamp & drew out some logs for a woodshed or building that I intend to put up in Lansdown
29 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach
snow 30 got more timber or logs out of the swamp a little snow last night
snow 5 storms this month 31 finished geting out for the building a little snow this forenoon the swamp is very good there only about 4 inches of snow altogether fine weather for the season


Heavy rain Snow nearly gone
1 John Armstrong & his wife here for dinner Rob Jones & Jennet & old Mr McIntosh likewise Elen Jennet & me went to Adams at nigth Adam went to Innises & brought his horspowr
2 went to Innises for the arms & bracesfor the horsepower Ad & Dave sawed bolts cold Day
3 worked at the bolts Do Do
4 Do Do in the forenoon Dave & little Wat went to Farmersville in the afternoon Ad & me drew some wood
5 the Revd Mr Sherlock preached in caintown
6 Ad drew up bolts to the road I went to Mallorytown to Townmeeting Buggys running no slaughing
7 worked at the bolts in the forenoon then went to Cristies & cut up part of a large ceder & cut down a large pine for joice
8 drew 9 hemlock & ash logs & I helped Rob to kill a steer in the afternoon John Innis came up at night & we set the horsepower Snowed & blew at night about an inch
9 drew 5.16 feet & 1.12 feet of pine logs
10 Do 2 15 feet ash logs I went to Mallorytown to the Annual meeting of Agriculture Socitie was put in President again heavy rain this afternoon the roads is quite mudy
11 thrashed the oats Wm H Davis helped with his horses & Mr Edglee
12 the Revd Mr Sherlock preached a mifsionary sermon in the forenoon Mr McKenzie in the afternoon
13 healped Edglie at the thrashing machin cold Cay
14 cleaned some oats this morning healped Rob to score John Purvis hewed Ad Elen Hanna & Rob went to Farmersville to Wats
15 snowed all day cleaned some oats & drew a load of wood snowed about 6 inches



snow 16 helped Rob to score John Purvis and Ad went to Brockville with wood Wide snow
snow 17 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do finished the scoring with Rob
snow 18 Ad went to Brockville with wood had 3 cord paid for his coat got 7s.6d I cleaned some of the oats little snow
snow 19 very stormy the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in the forenoon & the Revd MNr Kenedy in the afternoon
snow 20 drew 2 ash logs to Mc Mill one 12 & 1 15 feet long X 2 load of wood snow most of the day
21 went to Brockville with Rob he took me down to meet Wat so that him & Wat might make oath to my deeds with Foster got them completed Paid Sinkler for the registring of my deeds 7$.2s.6d paid Jonneys not with Recd
22 finished cleaning the oats had 105 bushel Ad drew bolts to Lyn
23 Henery Purvis began to hue the timber for building that I am {illegible} to take to Lansdowne
24 worked at timber A {illegible} helped for Rob Ad went to Lyn with a load of turnips Mr Bullock got 16 Bushel Curtis 4 bushel
snow 25 stormy day snowed about 15 or 18 inches
26 no meeting to day the roads blocked up
27 thrashed the wheat Rob & W Davis helped with there horses & Edgly cold Day
mill 10 bushel 28 cleaned 10 bushel of wheat & Ad went to Lyn Mill with it Isable & me put the rest through once & 13 of the scotch in the punchion
snow 29 drew wood snow very deep drizeling hail or snow
30 finished the hueing Rob helped fine day
11 storms this month 5 last month that is 16

1862 {probably February}

1 Worked at the fraim Adam went to Farmersville took 9 bushel of turnips which made 15 bushel took a calf skin & got 2 of last years
2 the Revd Mr Sherlock preached in caintown snow
3 Ad went to Lansdown with lumber - Henry & me worked at the fraim little snow
4 Ad took 1000 feet of boards to Adam Armstrong that I borrowed for the BArn then went to Bee of Edgley to Lyn I worked at frame
5 cleaned the wheat had 9 of chinnee 15 of Scotch & 5 of tailers
6 Ad went to Lansdown with lumber I worked at fraim snowed in the afternoon
7 Ad went to Lansdown with lumber I worked at the fraim Henary laid out the 8 posts & I mortice 4 of them
8 Ad went to Lansdown with fraim lumber I went to Colmans mill with R{illegible}today 5 bushel of tailor & 3 buckwheat
9 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
10 worked at the fraim Ad got 41. 10 inche 46. 6 inch pieces of clapboard maked 685 feet
11 James John & there Wifes here on a visit Ad went to Lansdown with fraim lumber little snow
12 Do Do I choped wood & fixed some of the fraim lumber
13 went to Lansdown with Ad went to Robert Clows to see him about rails {illegible} stopt then all night little snow
14 Ad & Jack brought 2 loads of fraim lumber to Lansdown I came home with them very stormy forenoon snow cold night
15 Ad went to John Armstrong & got Bill Shod he was graveled I got wood little snow
16 Revd Mr Armstrong spoak after S. Philips preached Mr Armstrong very unwell

1862 Feb

17 Wm Clow here on a visit Henary {illegible} finished the fraime lumber Ad & Rob B went to Lansdown with load, cold day Betsey & Mrs Hazelwood Robert Wm & James here at nigh
rain 18 Ad went to Lansdown with the last of the fraim timer old Mr & Mrs Nicol here this afternoon on A visit rain this morning fine day
snow 19 went to Mr Stuart for the Mr Morrison he preached in caintown to night at 1/2 6 oclock came home with me. snowing hard when we came out of the meeting
20 snowed about 8 inches last night & this morning Jock took Mr Morrison to James Hamilton I went to G Gardeners & got 5 bushel of {cut off} & 6 bushel of Blacksee wheat from T. Purvis Paid 3s.3d for the Peas & 5 for the wheat Elen & Tennent went with me to A. McClean on a visit roads very bad
snow 21 drew wood snow very deep a little snow
22 drew some shingle logs from the swamp had a hard job to get them the snow is so deep
23 rain 23 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown fine day a little rain
snow 24 split & hued a ceader log for a hayrack very strong wind & snow a tremendous drift in the afternoon Ad tried to take the slaugh to the school for the children got to the orchard bar had to unharness the horses leave the slaugh & come back
25 heavy wind all night there is a drift in the ra{illegible} at the Barn 6 feet deep worked at a slaugh for Jock
snow 26 worked at Jocks slaugh roads compleatly block up a little douse of snow at sundown
snow 27 worked at the slaugh Snowed most of the day
snow 28 Do Do Do Do a little


1 finished the tounge for Jock sleigh & blacked a pair of runers for self snow
2 the Revd Mr Sherlook preached in caintown Snow
3 Ad went to Lansdown with a load Jock & me worked at 2 drags one for him & one for me heavy rain
4 Snow & rain the roads so soft that we cannot draw anything finished the dow drags
5 went to Brockville & got 23 3/4 bushel of wheat 1s.6d per bushel & 38 bushel of oats 23 cents per bushel Robert brought home the oats & I brought the wheat I got it ground at Lyn all but 3 bags for seed for B{illegible}
6 Ad went to Lansdown with a load I fixed the {illegible} drag wind South with a little snow
7 went to Brockville & paid Blyth 34 dollars 20c bought a stove $22 1 box of grafs 160 lbs or rails scaper shovel dung fork & several other articles
8 Ad went to Lansdown with a load I worked at the roller & filed Adam Armstrongs saw
9 Mr Samuel Philips exorted in Mr McKenzies place
10 rained most of the day Ad went to Mill with 40 bushel of oats & 5 bushel of corn theses three months that is to the fires day in June
11 Ad & Jock went to Lansdown with loads John Younge & his Wife came here for a visit stopt all night Elen & me went with them
12 to Samuel Youngs little snow this afternoon
13 went to Sam Innises got no work done he had no coale I sent to Brockville for 6 bushel Alek McClean & his wife here on a visit little snow
14 went to Innises some got work done irons for the roller & drage teeth fixed stormy most of the day Elen wenth me to Jonneys
15 snowed all day fixed the some of Buckets
16 no meeting to day very stormy snow & wind the roads compleatly block up

1862 March

snow 17 worked at buket pails & swillpails snow & wind no persen on the roads
18 bored 94 bottoms & 56 caps fine day broke the roads in the forenoon
19 bored bottoms & caps for Jock this forenoon went to McIntoshes about the lumber & to James Hazelwoods on a visit at night
20 Ad went to Lansdown with a load I went In{cut off} got nothing done saw L. Mott & he came up & I bargained with him for a horse & am to give him a cow to butt fine Day
snow 21 very stormy wind & snow Ad did not come home till this afternoon I worked at in roller fraime
snow 22 went to Innises got the horse from Mott and got him the cow got some work done
23 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
24 went to Lansdown with a load the roads bad in Escot that we came home by Mallorytown
X 25 packing up for to move expect a number of teams to help me to morrow fine day
26 Robert Armstrong , Jock, Edgley, Ackland J. Hazelwood Wm Hazelwood Tho Davis & our own team went to Lansdown with loads
rain 27 fixed for another start tomorrow a little snow
28 Adam Armstrong, G. Torns R Hogan Samuel Philips Wm Keer & S. Young came after women all got & took a load fine day
29 fixed about the house Ad got 4 bushel of {cut off} from Rod Armstrong & took it ot Mc Mill cannot get it they have sawed nothing for M{cut off}
30 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
snow 31 snowed about 4 inches last night rain in forenoon preparing to go to Lansdown in about noon with a load the roads m{cut off} good
11 storms in March

1862 April

1 Bought a stack of hay from J Ivie gaive him 11 dollars for it Ad drew 3 loads it is a good deal damaged with the wet on the top little rain
2 Ad drew 1 load Cristie & Ben Younge son drew loads a peice that six loads in all I came home with the teem at night so as to be ready for to go to Lansdown tomorrow heavy rain to night
3 went to Lansdown with the children Wm Hazelwood took them I brought a load of other things fine day Ad went back with the horses
4 fixed round the house & stable Ad drew 65 3 by 4 scantling 11 joice & 6 bourds from McIntoshes to the house in Yonge
rain & snow 5 Ad & Elen came here about noon he come by Dulcimain the roads is bad ran & snow most of the day
6 went to Meeting heard the Revd Mr Bain New connection minister preach in the School house his text is in Zechariah XIII.7 ver first clause
7 Ad went to Yonge I gathered some sap & taped some more trees I taped 40 last friday fine day
8 went to Brokville on the cars to atend the court of Quens Bench as A grand jurer cold wind all day Wm Fitscimins chosen foreman
9 stopted at the St Laurence Hall last night Justis Richards presided we were discharged at 5 oclock this evening received $3.20 cents came up to Lyn in the cars stoped at Nelson Shipemons all night
10 went to the old place & then to Mallorytown on foot took the cars for Lansdown they are all well
11 drew some Rails to the consistine Dr Richman came he got a horse
12 put some bunks together worked in the Bushes Ad to go to Websters went to the old place for to bring up a cow
13 went to the church & heard the Revd Mr Carrol
14 drew some rails to the con line Dr Richman came here this afternoon he was out to see Mr Webster Ad came home with a cow & 2 calfs fine day


April 15 Drew rails along the road from the house field
16 finished drawing the rails they are a poor lot
17 drew dung to the field North of the ditch back of the Barn drew it with the waggon
rain 18 worked at the dung in the forenoon a little this afernoon snow going fast
X 19 worked at the dung fine Day Cabbage seed at the door & tomatoes sowed some
20 went to Cristies Younges Do Do
rain 21 worked at the dung in the forenoon rain in the afternoon
22 Ad went to Ben Younges for some carrots I worked at the old harnefs mending them rain most of the day David came up from young he is going to help me to get the fences fixed
Snow 23 began to make fences commenced at the South East corner a little snow to day
24 the ground all white this morning worked at the fence got the fence on the consesion made & the corner turnedup a pice fine day
25 worked at the fence along the Road runing North fine Day the Plow that I sent for to Brantford came to the station this morning
26 went to Yonge this morning on the cars then went to Jonney Armstrong & got a double cle{cut off} made they are well
27 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Armstrong preach fine day
28 got Thomas Williams little waggon & took old Bet & brought over to Mallorytown some currenbushes roses & other things & came up on the cars rain most of the Day
29 worked at the fence & drew some dung the {illegible}
X 9 in April 30 began to plow & plowed a ridge for the garden then plowed on the sod North of the 2nd ewnt to a raisin of Mr Johnstons


May rain 1 Plowed in the forenoon heavy rain this afternoon I set out some curren bushes in the New garden
rain 2 worked at the fence the ground is to wet to plow showery most of the Day
rain 3 Ellen went to Mallorytown on the cars for to go to the old plce a little rain this afternoon
4 no Meeting here to Day fine Day
rain 5 worked at the fence Ad drew rails of the road to mend the fence betwen the paster & the plow land showrey most of the Day
6 finished the fence up to the bars at the house Ad went for the cows
snow 7 began to plow again on the green sward beyond the ditch Ad came up with the cattle & old Bett Bittie came with him cold day a little snow
8 plowed I fixed the fence where I intend to build finished plowing sward
9 began to plow along the road betwen the ditches in the afternoon scraped the earth that was thrown out of the ditch that furthest from the house
X 10 Began to sow & sowed 5 bushel of the Gardener peas & 2 bushel of the John Young peas I met Elen at the station her & Bessay came up on the cars from Mallorytown fine day David went down on the cars to Mallorytown this morning to met his Mother
11 went to church and heard the Revd Mr Carrol preach
12 went to Gananoque on foot to the court of revition to see if they would take anything of the asesment of this place they would do nothing in it the Boys went to a raisin of a Barn at Mr Websters in the afternoon
woods begin to look green 13 heavy rain this forenoon things look green I fixed a tug for the harnefs the boys fixed some stakes
14 David plowed betwen the ditches in the forenoon began to plow from the ditch to the road in the afternoon Ad fixed fences I draged the garden
15 Sowed 2 bushel of J Younge peas draged them with old Bill I planted a few potatos in the garden


May 11 bushel in all 16 Sowed 2 bushel more of peas plowed the garden at the house & a little up at the new place
17 sowe 2 ushel of J Younges oats next the peas planted the seed carrots the longe orange up next the fence then the Altringham sowe carrots & beets in the garden at the house warm day
18 the Revd Mr Beain preached in the School house this afternoon fine Day
19 Ad went to Yonge to see if he could get a horse ours tired out sowed the rest of J Youngs oats, one bucket & 2 bushel of our own poll oats that is 5 bushel of poll oats in all I went to the funeral of Mrs Henary Johnson there was a large funeral
20 David plowed & Bill draged with Bett
21 Sowed 2 bushel of blacksea wheat Ad brought Wat
22 David finished plowing the west side of the North field & then began the East side Ad & me drew dung for the Potatos with Bill & Bett David plowed with Bell & Doll
23 Plowed the Potato ground with Bett & Bill
24 planted some Potatos & sowed 10 pails of Scotch wheat Ad went & asked for a plowing Bee for tusday ground very dry
25 the Revd Mr Irvin preached in the school house & the Revd Mr Carrol preached at the church
26 finished the draging in midle field that was plowed Dr Richman sent his Man & teem to help me Sowed 4 1/2 bushel of Blacksea in the North field West side
little rain 27 sowed oats North field E side R. Johnston draged D & B. Younge T. Bradley, W Turner J Johnson came to the bee in the afternoon the Dr Man went to after sundown
28 sowed oats in North field Ad draged David went to Farmersville
29 Ad finished the plowing of the bee ridges I draged in wheat
30 Ad plowed the head ridges of the North field I sowed grafs seed & rolled some of the North field put 1 lb of clover seed to the acre
31 sowed the head ridges & draged Sowed more grafs seed & rolled George White came & altered the Bull with tar and sulfer Ad plowed next the North ditch

1862 {probably June}

1 the Revd Mr Preached in the School house
2 plowed on the East side of the path north of the first ditch I draged in the North field
3 Sowed where Ad plowed yesterday Ad plowed North of the house George White George Johnston & Humpery Younge plowed with him got a fine job done Sowed 1 bushel of Barley next the house then some wheat & a large pailfull of flaxseed next the ditch
4 plowed East of the barn & sowed some oats
5 finished plowing East of the barn sowed some wheat that I got from C & B Younge
6 finished the plowing North of the ditch west of the path & the furrowing up Humphery Younge worked 3 days plowing the first day he sowed some peas for himself
shower of rain 7 Ad went with Hump to wash there sheep we finished the sowing & draging Sowed in all 30 bushel of oats, 11 of Peas 28 of wheat 1 of barley 1 large pailfull of flaxseed the ground very dry there is no grought a sprinkle
8 the Revd Mr Gorden preached in the School house in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol in the curch in the afternoon
9 drew dung frount of the house for turnips
10 plowed for turnips & buckwheat ground dry
11 finished plowing & draged it before sowing
rain 12 plowed six furrows & scrape a ditch across the peice Sowed a large pailfull of buckwheat & a peck of hungarian seed furrowed up for the turnips a fine Shower this evening
13 Ad & billee went to the old place for the sheep & a load of lumber & raked & sowed the turnips
14 fixed some bunks Ad billie & J McIntosh brought the sheep & a load of lumber


June 15 no meeting to Day
16 plowed & scraped out part of the seller
17 went to Brockville to the council for Robert Armstrong nothing done to Day went home with him
18 came to Brockville with him attended the council but they gave it against him the county council will give no deeds of roads stopt at the Revd Mr Morrisons all night a fine rain to day & night
19 went Ged{illegible} & then Factory to see Mr Lee about drawing the Barn came home on the 7 oclock train Ad plowed on the summer follow
27 Wm Hazelwood & Betsey came here on a visit
28 went home to Day Thomas Scott & wife here on a visit stopt al night Johny Younge here this afternoon
29 all went to the Schoolhouse & heard the Revd Mr Irvin preach very warm day
rain 30 fine rain last night & this morning

1862 July

1 John Yonge went home this morning Ad went down to bring up Mr Lee to draw the Barn I worked at the clearing out of it
2 hoed the corn only 4 rows it is very poor Ad & Lee came here about 4 oclock got the runners under the Barn
3 began to draw the Barn drew it 44 rods Benj Humphery Cristie Younge helped us the ground very dry & hard
4 finished the drawing by noon loaded the M{illegible} Jock Chines Ad went down with him to caintown
5 David came home on wedensday hoed the potatos I went to the funeral of Mrs Shepard at 10 oclock & John McDonald they were both buried at Robinsons school house the Revd Mr {illegible} preached at 10 & Revd Mr {illegible} at 2 oclock very large funerals
6 the Revd Mr Smart preached in the School house very warm dry day
7 worked at the underpining of the Barn in the forenoon David went to a raisin of Samuel Johnson Ad hoed at the potatos
8 worked at the Barn very dry Ad ewnt to a login bee of Mr W{illegible}
9 fine rain this morning & fine noon worked at the Barn in the afternoon
10 Do Do David dug in the seller Do Do Ad went to the old place this afternoon for a load
11 worked in the celler in the forenoon
12 went to Brockville on the cars in the morning heard the Revd Mr Wilson preach went to Gedess went to Church & partook of the sacrament In the forenoon went to the funeral of C Di{illegible} he as buried in the New cemetery stopt at D Johnson

1862 July

14 came home by the 9 oclock car worked on the Roads in the afternoon the boys was on in the morning with the horses
rain 15 worked on the Roads fine rain this afternoon
16 Do Do Do
17 went to Gananoque with 12 bushel of wheat & bought 200 lbs of indian meal 7 shillings per 100
18 the boys went to the mountain to pick berrys got very few I worked at the turnips warm Day
19 thined the turnips in the forenoon overhauled the lumber for the house Ad plowed in the sumerfallow fine day Soweed 2 rows of yellow Aberdeen turnips where the carrots missed
20 rain fine rain this morning went to the {illegible} church but Mr Carrol did not come
rain 21 Ad finished the fallow worked at the celler rain this afternoon
27 the Revd Mr Irvin preached in our Large School
rain 28 went to Marblerock for clapboards they was not ready stopt til they sawed them got 1000 but paid 10$ per 1000 gained them a ram due bill {illegible} that I got from T. Scott for $9.75 cent the rest
rain 29 the boys finished the potatos rain
30 went to Gananoque for lime had to give 8 per Bushel
31 Do Do for and a load of lime that 50 bushel I got 300 of {illegible for 6.0 per 100


{illegible line} got bill for Buggy {illegible} I consesion gave Healy his deed he paid me 30 dollars
August 1 Mr McKyee came to build the celler Thomas Scott sent him David mowed North of the North ditch fine Day
2 worked at celler David worked at the hay t
3 very sick took a portion of julup & calome
4 worked at the celler, David at the hay
5 Do Do Do
6 Do Do Ad drew stones Do
7 Do Do Do Do
rain 8 rain last night heavy thunder & lightning worked at the celler David at the hay
rain 9 Do Do heavy rain at noon Ad & David went to the old place for a load this afternoon
10 the Revd Mr Smart preached at our School house fine Day
11 Mr McKeye & his son came to work at the celler finished it all but beemfilling fine day
12 worked at the hay very poor
13 Do Do Do
rain 14 Do Do heavy rain this afternoon
15 worked at the hay fine day
16 finished the hay all but the corners of the fence fine day
17 the Revd Mr Craford preached in our School house in forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol in the afternoon in the church
18 Ad draged in the summer fallow I worked at the frame
19 finished the draging Edward Purvis came to joint the boards for the house this afternoon fine day Ad went to A mowing bee of H. Webster


August 20 worked at the frame making joice & braces
rain 21 Do Do little rain Do Do
rain 22 raised the house this afternoon little rain this forenoon
23 Ad went to Yonge for lumber very cold night a light frost this morning
24 the Revd Mr Irvin preached this forenoon
25 worked at building Ad helped Hump Young at his harvest
rain 26 worked at the building Ad helped Youngs a little this afternoon
rain 27 Ed Purvis finished his job paid him five dollars & a quarter for the work worked at the building showry
28 Mr McKeyee came & beemfilled the cellar & pointed all we could do
29 began to hook the peas Hump Young helped I worked at the house
30 worked at the peas
31 the Revd Mr Brown preached in the School house in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol at the church in the afternoon


1 heavy rain this morning worked at the peas
2 finished hooking John Young peas in the forenoon & 2 ridges of the Gardener peas began to cut the black see cut 20 stook a peace of John Youngs poll oats
3 drew in some of the peas cut some of the scotch wheat next the road very poor with the weavel
4 drew in the rest of Young peas & a stack of oats heavy South windtoday this is Ryans observation day
5 finished cuting the Scotch wheat that is ready
6 drew in the Blacksee wheat that was cut
it rained according to Ryan 24 day of the month & 17 of the moon maked 41 {illegible} days
8 worked at the peas
9 worked at the house
Ad helped B Younge
12 went to Gananoque bougth 100 of flour paid 12s {illegible} Ben Young went with me rainy
13 worked at the oats good day
14 the Revd Mr Smart preached in the schooll house


Sowed grass seed on about 3 acres next the road north of the first ditch

Sept rain 15 worked at the wheat in the forenoon {illegible} in the afternoon Robert Armstrong came to help us at the wheat he brought Jocks Jonney with him
16 worked at the wheat & drew in acre of the peas fine day
rain 17 cut some of the Poll oats little rain
18 finished the Blacksee wehat fine day
19 worekd at the oats drew in peas
20 finished cuting the oats north of the ditch Rob went home this afternoon
21 21 the Revd Mr Carrol preached at the church
22 drew in oats from the North field
23 drew in black see wheat fin wheather
24 worked at the roof of the house
25 cut some of the oats east of the old stable
26 worked at the oats & cut the puss{illegible} grafs heavy crop
27 worked at the oats Mr Webster helped Ad went with the team to help him to draw hay from his back place
28 the revd Mr Irvin preached in the School house
rain 29 rain to day worked in the Barn at stuff for the house
30 worked at the oats
4 wet days this mounth


1 Worked at the wheat in the forenoon on the rain drew stones the field south of the house for the orchard very dull wheather
2 rain this morning went to Gananoque to the agriculture Show fine afternoon
3 {illegible} drew stones {illegible} for a well is to got went to Mallorytown to an agriculture meeting very high winds showery
4 went to the schollhouse & heard the Revd Mr Smart he had the sacrament
5 Ad went to Caintown with Elen & Wat Wife
6 worked at the wheat Humpry Younge helped me Ad came home with a load of lumber & other things drew in a load of oats that is the last of them
7 rain last night a little to day worked at the wheat finished drawing stones of the ground
8 worked at the wheat fine day
9 finished cuting the wheat very poor crop it is green yet this forenoon began to plow north of the north ditch
10 plowed south of the New house for the orchard next the road
rain 11 finished the mowing in the wheat little rain last night
12 the Revd Mr Craford preached in the school house & the Revd Mr Carrol in the church in the afternoon fin day
13 began to shingle the house N. Tackaberry helped me Ad plowed in the forenoon went to help A Turner at the machin
14 Ad drew stones for Grand Trunk 1/2 day went to a dung be of George Jonston in the afternoon I helped Turner at thrashing machin


oct 15 Ad drew stones for Gr T. I worked at the house
16 Do Do Do Do Do
17 1/2 day Do Do I worked at the house part of the time art in roads at the ste{cut off}
5000 1/2 3000 1/4 18 Ad went to Younge for Shingles last night came home today with 40000 1/2 2000 of them was from Willard Weeks the rest from A Farquson that makes 5000 & 1/2 from Farquaon & 3000 1/4 from Weeks
19 no preaching to day I went to Cristes Youngs heavy rain most of the day
20 Ad drew dung Humphry young helped I worked at the house
21 went to Mallorytown to the Show there was a great many people there I took the 2 on a Ram lamb a little more rain in the afternoon Ad went & got Cristies team to draw stones for the grand T R
22 drew one load of stones & then drew dung H Young helped little in the afternoon I worked at the house
23 Ad finished the plowing of the Pice for the orchard & then draged it began to plow the sumer fallow Christie younge helped me to shingle
24 went to Gananoque gave J.C. Foster 25 dollars that I got from J. McNeil man order of Sniders for J. Ackland
25 Ad plowed in the sumer follow C Young & me shingled
26 snow the Revd Mr Crawford held a quartley meeting in the Schoolhouse very stormy day Snow
27 snowed most of the night & this forenoon the snow is a foot deep fine afternoon it is the first the season


Nov 1 Finished pulling the turnips Ad plowed in the sumer follow I worked at the house fine day
2 no meeting in our Schoolhouse to day
3 went to Younge with ad for the Apple trees got dinner at Betseys Wm went with us & helped to dig the trees, Jock helped to
4 Stoped at Granpa worked at the trees this forenoon loaded Ad up & sent him home I went to Lyn with Rob Armstrong saw Wm Clow came up with G. Torns to Adam Armstrong went Daniel Nowland he is to give me seven Sheep he says that he only got six & I think he got 8
5 Adam brought me to Mallorytown & I took the cars got home about noon
6 Sowed about 2 bushel of the Mulicolic Rye in the sumerfollow on the 7 ridges next the East line & 1 ridge of Rye that I got of Benj Younge the ground is frosen a little
7 Ad plowed in the sumer follow I worked at the house
snow 8 snowed about 2 inches very cold Killed a yearling Steer afraid we will be scarcce of foder
9 9 the Revd Mr Craford preached i nthe School house
10 worked at the house Ad hunted for the sheep in the forenoon made a fence about the New house so as to keep the cattle from the garden fine day
11 worked at the house Nathenal Tackabury helped Ad & the boys drew ties out of the pit
12 worked at the house Tackabury helped Ad plowed in the sumerfollow fine day
13 worked at the house Tackabury helped Ad plowed
14 finished the Clapboarding Tackaberry helped that makes 4 days that Tackabury worked Ad plowed fine day


Nov 15 Hard frost last night banked the New house with scraper it is hard job to plow for the scraper
16 the Revd Mr Gorden preached at the school house
17 put the windows in the lower part of the house Ad tharshed the peas heavy rain David came home on Saturday he banked the house
18 went to Brockville with the 3 oclock train got to Lyn at 6 oclock went to Wm Clows & got 400$ from him got back to Lyn in time for the 1/2 9 train for Brockville met John Armstrong got forty five dollars from him paid Mr Scinkler 400 dollars on the morgage & 45 dollars of interest come on the Exprefs to Mallorytown went & saw Vandusen he is to bring me 30 dollars next week got home with the 7 oclock train all well fine day
rain 19 worked at the house heavy rain all day
20 Elen was put to bed of a daughter about 10 oclock rained most of the day worked at the house
21 Ad plowed in the afternoon I worked at the house David went to Mallorytown got a shirt & is to get a great coat from G Tennent fine day
22 drew in potatos & beets to the new house I helped B. Younge to kill a cow
23 snow the Revd Mr Carrol preached in the church little snow
snow 24 Ad helped B Younge to kill hogs I laid the stones for the foundation of the stable little snow David and Robert Beatty went to Gananoque & got 4 sheep for Jock & 3 from me
snow 25 killed the hoges H. Younge helped little snow
26 Thomas Scott built the chimnee through the roof of the house the boys took the stable down & drew it up to the Barn
27 raised the stable at the Barn B. C. & H. Young helped fine Day
snow 28 Ad went to Mallorytown with David he is going to Elgin to teach school Jack Vandousen came here & gave me 30 dollars snow
29 went to Gananoque bought 500 of flour paid 11s.6d per cwt brought 8 bags for B. Younge he went with me
30 snow went to Youngs School house & heard Mr Farres preach snow most of the day


Jan 1 No work done to Day it being New Years day a fine day Ad went to Gananoque with Humphry Younge to the Dockter he has a lame sholder
2 drew chipdung right to the place for the orchard
3 worked at the dung fine warm day
4 the Revd Mr Crafford preached in the school house in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Gordon at night fine day heavy wind to night Wat & McGlachlon here all night
5 Ad came home from caintown he went down with little Wat he came from Packinham by Rail Ad got the horses shod at Tennents I went the town meeting & voted for Wm Thomspon, Samuel Johnston resigned
6 Ad thrashed oats I mended the childrens shoes little rain this forenoon fine day
7 worked at the shoes fine day Ad thrashed showry little snow last night
8 Ad went to Cristies Youngs & drew cordwood out of the woods & pilled up in field
9 drew wood to the house & some to the wood shed fine day hard frost
10 drew wood this forenoon snowed & stormed this afternoon rained at dark
11 went to the Robinsons School house & heard the Revd Mr Carrol a funeral sermon
12 helped Cristie Younge at the thrashing machin with the horses & Ad
13 finished at Cristies this morning they cam & thrashed for me in the afternoon it is Henery Johnstons & Wm Erels machin B. & H Younge P. Moor helped in McMillans place
14 went to the School meeting was chosen trustee Now last night heavy rain this afternoon Aunt Jennet & Jock Young People came hear the Snow all gone


15 Helped Henry Webster to thrash with the horses
Aunt Jennet & Jock young people went home with our waggon the roads is quite bare snowed a little at night
made a door for the house stormy most of the day
Ad began to draw wood from Cristies I thrashed oats hard frost
ewnt to the School house & heard the Revd Mr Brown in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol iat the church in the afternoon
19 Ad drew wood I thrashed oats
20 Do Do Do Do
21 Do Do I fixed a boot of Isables
22 Do Do I cobbled shoes rain I scent five dollars to Johns Younge for him to buy soleleather for me
23 Ad drew 2 loads of wood from Cristies I fixed a chain & made staples & hooks for the doore
24 Ad drew some wood at home I went to Wm Johnstons & got shoes on Wat cutter & gave him two dollar he charged 8s.9d for it Ad, Elen, & Isable went to Yonges Wat & his wife went away this afternoon fin day
25 no meeting to day Georg Tennent & McGlacklin came here in a Buggy fine day warm
26 hughed out a slaugh cruck Ad & Elen came this afternoon & brought seven sheep from Samuel Nowlands he had on shares owes 9 more I think warm with a little rain
27 worked at the slough snowed in the forenoon Ad drew one load of wood
28 Do Do Ad worked at the wood poor slaughing went to a tea meeting in our school house it is for Missionary purpos the Revd Mr Gearden Willson Mart a reformed Roman Cathloc spoke
29 stormed most of the day worked at the slough
30 stormed most of the day Do Do Do
31 Ad went to caintown & got Robs bobs to draw rails {illegible} came home from Godrich, David & Jock s Wat here to

1863 Feb

1 Went to the school house & heard the Revd Mr Crofford preach in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol in the afternoon
2 heavy rain & wind last night roads nearly bear did a little at the slough was appointed road survaour by the council
3 Ad went with Tackaberry for a load of rails brouht home 19 the roads is almost bare & worked at slaugh
4 Ad went out to Trusdales & drew rails out of the woods very cold day
snow 5 went to a Mifsionary meeting of the church of England at the church heard a Mr Jones & the Revd Dr Boswell from Carelton place heavy snow this afternoon from the Northeast
snow 6 snowed all night most of the day Alexander Stewart came here he is stormedsted
7 fine day but there is very litte travel on the roads they are so heavy Stewart went home this afternoon I thrashed some oats
8 went to Robinson curch & heard the Revd Mr Roy preach roads not brock much
9 Ad went for a load of rails snowed & stormed so that he did not go back I thrashed oats
10 heavy wind & rain last night Ad drw 2 loads of rails I thrashed oats
11 Ad went to Younge with Elen & Jonney they are going to Watt the last of the week Elizbeth Younge went with them fine day
12 Ad drew 1 load of rails I thrashed oats
13 Ad Do 2 loads of rails I thrashed oats
14 Ad Do 1 Do Do in the forenoon went to help Ben Younge to draw wood in the afternoon cleaned 10 bushel of the Poll oats put them up chambers I received sixty one dollars from Mr J. Simpson on a note of his signed by him & J Davis heavy wind & rain & hail wind south


15 the Revd Brown preached in the schoolhouse
16 Ad drew rails with Tackabury & Billie & me cleaned the little oats put 14 bushel up chamber that is 23 of them that cold day
17 cleaned the Blacksee had about 12 bushel cleaned the scotch wheat had about 3 bushel & about 3 bushel of tailingsof all Ad drew rails
18 went to Gananoque bought 500 lbs flour 11s.10d per 100 & 700 indian meal 6s.3d per 100 brought 600 from B Younge he went with me fine day
19 heavy rain all day tinkered in the blacksmith shop Ad thrashed some oats
20 went round the lower end of the School section to tell people there School Bill & to collect got no money rained & snow & snowed all the forenoon Ad finished the oats
21 Ad drew a load of rails from Tackaburys I put away the flour & meal drew some wood fine day
22 no Meeting to Day very cold
23 Ad went for a load of rails I went to Younge on businefs took dinner at S Youngs went & saw Jock he will pay nothing but he will give me the thrashing machin & quit all
24 settled with J. J McIntosh gave him 15$ & 2 notes for 15 dollars & 1 shilling
25 put shoes on the woodshed slough at Robs hauled up ceaders for Ads load
26 went out to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach
27 Adam Armstrong brought me to Mallorytown in the cutter little rain this morning came up on the cares
28 drew some wood fine Day


March snow 1 Heard the Revd Mr Hamilton at our School house Stormy day snowed about 4 inches
snow 2 snow this morning Ad drew wood to the station fine afternoon
3 Ad drew wood to the Station
4 I thrashed the Barley
5 the wind early this morning south west it then turned south & was south all day fine clear day Rob Beatty brought Jonney Wat Elen & Aunt Jane here
first storm of the quarter 6 snowed & blowed most of the day so that the road is brock through our fields
snow 7 A little snow with cold day Ad went to young with Jane & his Mother & Jesse he intends draw the logs that Jacob Hogabome owes James Clows young people here for dinner
8 snow 8 stormy this forenoon snowed about 4 inches no meeting today David & Isable went home
snow 9 Jonney & wat began to work at the house I helped heavy wind & a little snow heavy drift
10 worked at the house cold day Ad came home from Yonge with a load of sh{illegible} that was left there last winter he could not draw any logs from J Hogabom the swamp is bad
11 Ad drew wood we worked at the house
12 I went to Gananoque got 28.33 bushel of corn & 600 of flour from Wm Brough gave my note for $28.65 cents in eight month
snow 13 little snow Ad went to Websters mill with 2 basswood logs & brought home a load of bunks
snow 14 Ad took 2 logs more to Mill & brought another load of Ceader we worked at the house little snow
15 the Revd Mr Hamilton preached in the School house & the Revd Mr Carrol in the church fine day

1863 March

16 Ad took 2 basswood logs to Websters mill & brought a load of ceader from Cilimbee gave him 100 of pork for 100 set of bunks the logs is for both
17 Ad drew wood from Fred Moors we worked at house
snow 18 Do Do Do Elen & Me went to C Youngs on a visit little snow
19 Ad drew wood work at the house very hard frost cold {illegible} weather
20 Ad drew wood worked at the house
snow 21 drew in wood forenoon went to Mallorytown to an Agriculture meeting it was yesterday Elen went to John Purvis on a visit snow at night
22 no meeting I went to B Youngs
23 overhauled some sapbuckets Ad began to go to school to Mr Roberts Ad Elen & Jonney went to Granpas after school fine day
rain 24 finished the buckets taped 18 trees heavy rain this afternoon Watt came about 10 oclock
rain 25 heavy rain all day mended boots
snow 26 went to caintown on foot with Ben Young to Mrs J Gurnsey Funeral very large funeral the Revd Mr Armstrong preached snow at night Jonney went to Marblerock for 4000 lath
27 Jonney worked at the house I fixed the boring machin
snow 28 worked on Sugar bush taped more trees 73 in all that is taped Ad drew wood for B Younge in the forenoon then for us in the afternoon Snow in the afternoon
29 snow stormed all day no Meeting snow
30 worked in the Sugarbush fine day
31 went to Marble Rock 15 bushel of pusse grass & 2 of buckwheat & 3 of tailers good slaughing snow in the afternoon Ad went to Gananoque with Brigade Major Jackson

1863 April

snow 1 Snowing this morning mended Jonneys boots very cold south wind storming at night
snow 2 worked at the house heavy south wind this morning with snow fine midle of the day storming at night
3 worked in the Sugarbush fine day
4 drew wood cold fine day
5 no meeting to day rain & snow most of the day the largest flakes of snow fell that I ever saw
snow 6 the snow is 4 inches deep the trees are loaded with it went to the funeral of Thomas Webster he was struck with a tree that he was choping & thrown 32 feet from the stump last monday The Revd Mr Carrol preached there was 62 slaughs & cutters snow this afternoon
7 heavy North East wind with light snow & drift went to Benj Youngs he began to use Cosgroves medicine on his horse
snow 8 driseling snow most of the day cut brouse for the cattle & worked a little at the house
9 worked in the sugarbush cold day
rain 10 Do Do Do the snow is going fast
11 worked in the sugarbush Ad drew a few loads of dung to the place for the orchard warm day
12 went to the school house very few there the Revd Mr Brown prayed the roads very bad
13 worked in the sugarbush hard frost last night
14 Ad went to Wm Armstrongs & got 800 of hay one dollar per 100 I worked in the sugar bush
15 drew some dung worked in the bush I helped C. Younge to owrk at a churn
rain 16 Criste at his churn Ad & Billie bored 25 set of bunks some rain to day


April 17 the Bill horse got loose last night & has kicked Doll very bad choped some brouse and fixed doll little rain
18 worked at the house fine day Ad bored bunks
19 no meeting to day went to Cristie Young he cut his foot yesterday he is doing well
20 Jonney started for Goderidge from he station Ad went to Wm Fergusonto see he could get his horses to work he gave them to him
21 began to make the fence for the orchard find day I fixed a barrel & look at the potatos in the seller so far there is very few frozen
22 worked at the fence & some of the potatos
23 Ad began to plow in the old medow this afternoon fine day I worked at the fence
24 worked at the fence & finished it Ad plowed
25 Ad finished plowing that pice & bgan this side of the summer follow Humphery Young helped him he had our Bill & Cristies Gin
26 the Revd Mr Craford preached in our schoolhouse & the Revd Mr Carrol in the curch
27 choped some old logs where Ad is plowing planted some seed turnips fine day
28 began to sow & sowed 10 1/2 bushel of Poll oats on sward where it was plowed last fall & this spring the ground is in very good order
29 Ad plowed for Hum Younge on our own land he has taken part of the North field on shares east corner
30 plowed in the North field next to where it was seeded last spring
{?} storms this month

1863 The Trees begin to look red

May 1 sowed 3 1/4 bushel of Scotch wheat 2 ridges was plowed this spring the rest was plowed last fall sowed nearly 2 bushel of black see next the Scotch one ridge of it was plowed this spring
2 drew dung for the orchard in the afternoon scraped up ditch across the place & am going put the orchard
3 the Revd Mr Cillough preached in our school house he is belonging to Free Church
4 drew dung for the orchard it nearly all the dung we made last winter dug day with NorthE wind
5 began to plow in the orchard & spread dung for it very high wind North East
6 Sowed 4 1/2 bushel of John Youngs peas & 1 1/2 of the Gardner pea & better than a bushel of Rye on the place where we sowed rye last fall ground dry
started potatos 7 sowed 1 1/2 bushel of black see on the summer follow it was plowed last fall the plowed where the peas was I began to plant Apple trees
X 8 sowed 1 1/2 bushel of black see where peas was last year went & heard the Bishop of Ontario confirm a number of young people at the church planted some scotch early
woods begin to look green 9 planted Apple trees Ben Younge helped the ground very dry Wm Ferguson sent for his horses woods begin to look green
10 10 the Revd Mr Carrol preached at the church little raw
rain 11 fine rain this morning sowed grafsseed on where it was plowed last fall & where I sowed wheat Ad went to caintown to look for a horse Doll is not fit to work yet I helped B. Younge to plant some Apple trees in the afternoon
12 rained most of the day fixed stakes
rain 13 Ad came home this morning he was at Youngs the night he got no horse he plowed with Bill & Bell little rain


rain 14 Sowed 3 bushel of Black see in the North field where the peas was last year heavy rain in the afternoon bored caps & shaved stakes
15 plowed green sward the ground wet
16 finished plowing the orchard had Cristies Jin Elen went to Gananoque with Wats horse
17 {line stroked through}no meeting
rain 18 plowed sward heavy rain
X 6 peas 19 John Younge came to healp me with his teem
20 Sowed 6 bushel of Peas on the sward
21 Do 4 1/2 Do of the little oats one team plowed fine weather
16 Bushel of wheat in all 22 Sowed 4 1/2 bushel of Black see on the summer follow I finished planting Apple Trees
23 John Younge went home this morning he worked with his teem since tusday Ad furrowed up & drewed of some rails to the line fence planted some potatos
24 the Revd Mr Craford preached in the schoolhouse & the Revd Mr Carrol in the church in the afternoon
25 began to plow for the Barley wheare the potatos was last year Rob Armstrong & Rob Beatty came here at noon with there teems & plows to help Sowed 4 bushel of Barley fine day
26 plowed East of the old Barnsted Samuel Johnston healped Sowed 4 1/2 bushel peas & oats finished planting the potatos planted over 20 bushels
27 plowed the some Do Do Criste Young helped I went to Delta as delagate for our S. S. J.F. Jones was nominated by acclamation
28 Sowed 3 1/2 bushel of oats North of first ditch 3 1/2 North second ditch then Robs went home this morning Robert Johnston help
29 Plowed N of the house Wm J. Turner & James {illegible} helped Sowed 5 bushel of oats
30 sowed south of N with James {illegible} 6 bushel of oats washed the sheap at {illegible}
31 Revd Mr Smart preach in school house


June little rain 1 Sowed about 1/2 bushel of flax seed at Ben Youngs & about the same at home North of first ditch fixed carrot ground sowed 6 rows end of the house watered them the ground is very dry
2 Sowed 2 rows more of carrots & 6 of Sugar Beets & long mangle Ad finished the the draging & furrowing out
3 rolled the Barley & part of the wheat on the sumerfollow fine shower
4 fixed the fence North of the Barn the wind is South rather cold
5 plowed a peice for Buckwheat & sowed it North of the Barn I sheered part of the sheep fine day
6 finished the sheep this afernoon 4 storm this quarter
7 no meeting to Day
8 cleaned some grass seed Ad draged & fured the ground for turnips
9 sowed part of the turnips they are East of the house & around the old barnyard fine day
10 I went to the nomenation with Samuel Johnston in his buggy to Delta A. Rich{cut off} D.F. Jones were nominated there was A very long meeting
11 worked on the Roads
12 Do Do Do
13 Do half the Day went to Fulcimain Schoolhouse to hear Richards & Jones on the Election the S. house was full
14 the Revd Mr Hubard preached in our S house
15 worked on the Roads half the day we all worked an extra day Ad took S Everys buggy home


16 I fixed bunks Ad went through the potatos & hoed the Early
17 went to Robinsons School house to the Election & voted for D.F. Johns Esq
18 went to Mallorytown to the Election there
rain 19 worked at the fence on the road North end rain this afternoon
rain 20 finished the fence with bunks up to the shorts rails some rain
21 rain the Revd Mr Carrol preached at the church heavy rain in the night
22 fixed around the new house & cleaned the woodshed ready to draw gravel
rain 23 Ad went through the potatos with the diel I fixed bunks for the line fence rain this afternoon
24 fixed around the house & leveled the ground
25 went ot the Tresurer with Wm Thompson to see about our School money in the forenoon went to the Widow Turners as an arbitator betwen her & J.A. McMullins S. Johnson was the other J. Darlin chosen as third
26 Ad healped H. Younge at his potatos I pointed stakes they were round
27 drew sand & gravel for the grout in the house had John Johnstons horse Hump Young helped very warm day
28 the Revd Mr Willson of Kingston preached
29 went to Turners & met Mr Darlin & Samuel Johnston stopted all day & did nothing
30 put some grout in the house fine day


July 1 Worked at the grout this forenoon went to Turners at noon met Mr Darlin & S. Johnson ajourned till Saturday a little rain morning
2 Ad went to James Austins for his horse work for a little
3 went to Gananoque with wool got 1s.9d per lb got 400 lbs flour 11.10 1/2 & 400 7.6 of meal gave Mr Brough my Note
4 met Mr Darlin & Johnston at Turners we agreed on an award & gave it to them in writing fine day
5 the Revd Mr Brown preached in the school house & the Revd Mr Carrol preach in the curch
6 worked at the potatos fine day Ad went to Pitsburg for lime got 30 bushel 7 1/2
11 finished the potatos worked at the house & potatos all this week
12 the Revd Mr Roy preached to the orangemen in J.McNells woods in the forenoon the Revd Mr Hubbert preached in the same place in the afternoon fine day
13 worked at the house Ad went to the mountain
14 drew gravel for the house ten load
15 Do Do Do Do had Mr Armstrong horse fine showr last night
16 worke at the house fine day
17 began to mow & cut the thistles & grafs
worked at the house this afternoon worked at the grafs & thistles of the follow in the forenoon fixed some grout in after David came home to see us from the Selleys Bay
the Revd Mr Doxtator preached in the school in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol in the church in the afternoon


July rain 20 Mowed in the north midle field west side little rain
21 mowed in the North field midle of it
22 drew in 4 loads of hay put in N.W. corner of the barn
23 mowed in the morning at the house dew in 3 load put them over the horsestable mowed in the North field fine Day
24 Drew in 2 loads & put them in south mow
25 Ad is sick the rest went to the mountain with the Youngs for huckelberrys I mowed little rain this evening
26 the Revd Mr Hubbard preached in the School house Ad went to Beverly for Isable to Wats
27 I mowed in the North field Ad came home with Isable
28 drew in 4 load from the North field put them in the North east corner of the Barn very warm day
29 mowed frount of the house Ad went to a Bee of Adam Turners to mow
30 worked at the hay fine day
31 went to the School examination heard there that Robert Turner was killed with a horse came home went over to Turners, he was leading one horse with the halter on his arm & driving another the one that he was leading took fright & ran away with him across ther own farm & part of Boans tearing of all his clothing he must have been killed instantly helped to put him in a tin case

1863 August

1 finished the hayin on our own place
2 2 went to Robert Turners funeral there was over 100 Waggons & Buggys the Rev Mr Warner preached the funeral sermon at the house he was buried at Robinson
3 worked at the grout finshed all below
4 helped Cristie Young at his haying fine day
5 Ad & the girles went to the Mountain for berries brought word that Jock is very sick
6 I went to Young to see Jock he is very sick with the Erecipliss in his leg Doctor Adison atending him I went for him met him coming at Barringtons he put cranberry poltice on with yeast stopt all night cut some hay on Armstrongs place
7 went to James Austins for cranberries got 2 or 3 quarts off dry ones on the bushes came home
8 worked at house Ad drew the hay from Armstrongs had 2 small loads I went to Yonge with the berrys Rob. Ad. & I cam up Jock is no better
9 stopt with Jock all day the doctor came about 5 oclock he says the leg is doing well came home
10 David helped me to grout Ad helped Humph Younge to cradle fine day
rain 11 craped in the gravel pit for water for the cattle the pit is all dryed up Began to cut the peas
12 Finished John Younges peas the straw is very short but well loaded little rain
13 began to cut the Scotch wehat there is no wheat in it we mowed it down Ad & David began a pea stack put the wheat on
14 finished the stack Humph helped
15 Ad worked at Youngs I went to Yonge to see Jock little Elen went with me I took the waggon to J. Armstrongs to get the tire set Jock is very bad mortification is set in his leg he Died at half past eleven this evening

1863 August

16 Went to Brockville to see the Revd Mr Morrison about coming to preach Jocks funeral sermon came home by the graveyard met Adam Armstrong about digging the grave it is to be dug East of Mothers
17 the funeral left the house at ten oclock for the church the Revd Mr Morrison preached from Pslms X4III vrs 5 he was asisted by the Revd Messers Morton & Ferguson W.M. there was betwen 70 & 80 waggons & Buggys besides a large at the church John, Samuel. Benjimine & Cristopher Younge carried the coffin fine cool day
18 I helped Rob to draw in wheat we drew in 15 loads
19 Do Do drew in 10 loads got all that was fit
20 fine rain this forenoon came home found all well
21 cut part of the B See on summer follow very poor in the forenoon & part of the North field in the afternoon
22 finished the wehat in the North field & began to cut the Peas & oats west of the house
23 the Revd Mr Hubert preached in the schoolhouse
rain 24 drew in wheat in 3 loads & 2 loads of Barley Ad cut the Barley when I was at Younge heavy rain & wind this afternoon very windy all Day
rain 25 heavy rain in the the night finished the Peas & oats & cut part of the oats North of first ditch cold day
26 cut the ditches & the oats in the orchard & raked part of peas & oats Ad helped Webster Elen & young Watt came up by the express
27 drew in the peas & oats & the oats next the north ditch & cut the oats next the house & part of the oats North of the 2 ditch Mr Webster B & H Younge helped James Hall came here
28 drew in the oats next the house some from the North field fine Day
rain 29 heavy rain most of the day Ad went to Websters for slabs got only 8
30 the Revd Mr Brown preached in the school house the Revd Mr Carrol preached in the church in the afternoon
31 there is quite a frost this morning cut part of wheat on the sumer follow drew in 2 loads of oats


Sept 1 Cut the part of the oats near the sumer follow & finished the wheat on the follow Benjimine younge helped helped all day Humph in this afternoon
2 finished cuting the peas & oats near of the follow & drew them in put 2 loads of them over the stable the rest in the Barn drew in the wheat of the sumer follow B & H Younge helped hooked Peas
X 3 heavy rain most of the day the wind North
4 H & Ad cut the poll oats North field East line H & Ad Ben & me hooked peas fine day
5 Ben & me hooked peas in the forenoon Ad cut oats drew raked & drew in the poll oats C. H. Younge helped fine day
6 rain the Revd Mr Hubard preached in the School house this forenoon a fine shower this morning
29 storms this quarter 7 finished hooking the peas & drew in 4 loads that cleared off the filed all but the buckwheat
8 cut the Buckwheat this morning & prepared for grouting fine day
9 grouted some went with Wm Thompson to the treasurer & got 25 dollars & 57 cents of Clergy reserve money I borred 20$ off it at seven per cent intrest for six months
10 went to Gananoque bougth 300 of flour at 11s.6d per cwt bought 9 cultivator teeth 8s.9d
rain 11 worked at the house Rob, B & Robinson came up from Young little rain
12 worke a little at the house & thrashed the Buckwheat it is so green that it would not thrashe clean
13 the Revd Mr Craford Brown preached in our shool house fine day
14 worked at the grouting had to draw draw water for it


Sept 15 Worked at gouting Ad helped Cristie & B Young to fight fine very dry time
16 worked at the house
rain 17 Do Do Ad helped C. & B at fire
18 finished the grouting & lathed a little fine rain last night that put out the fires
X 19 the Revd Mr Smart preached at the School house in the forenoon I went to Ballar canoe on foot
20 rain went to caintown heard A Stranger preach in the forenoon went to Lyn in the afternoon & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach
21 stopt at Granpa at night rain this morn I intended to go to Farmersville but it is to wet went Betseys & then to Adams
22 went to Brockville paid Dr Edmonson six dollars for his visit got a receipt from Dr Gordon for it Edmonson was not at home gave Jocks Will to David Jones to be put on record paid him three dollars & got sixty one dollars & a half from Colman & Co for Margret
23 came home this morning on foot went to Wm J Turners to help him at thrashing machin
24 went to Kingston to the fair on the cars heavy rain in the afternoon saw flax machin going there was some fine stock & grapes the whole is nothing to what it was the first time
25 helped Wm J Turner to thrash


Oct 1 Thrashed peas for the hogs fine day
2 Do Do Mrs Dickson came here on a visit a visit rain this afternoon
3 cleaned the peas, Buckwheat had 2 bushels cleaned the flaxseed showry most of the day
4 the Revd Mr Hubard preached in the school house fine day
5 thrashed some Barley for the show & cleaned it heavy rain in the afternoon
6 thrashed some oats & dug some potatos for the show little rain to day
7 rain this morning & most of the day
8 went to Gananoque to the show was appointed Judge on cattle there was a good show took diner with the members took a preamum on flax seed & full cloth heavy rain in the afternoon
9 worke at the house the boy dug some po{cut off}
10 Do Do Do
11 the Revd Mr Carrol preached in the church
12 worked at the house lathing Ad plowed north of the house
13 Do Do I worked at the house
14 began to plow in the north field
15 drew sand for the plaster
16 mixed mortar for plastr


Oct rain 17 Ad Went to the Show to Mallorytown I was not able to go very sick heavy rain
18 the Revd Mr Maaky preached in the school house
19 worked at the house Henry Younge helped Ad went to Marblerock with a half a barrel of pork to J. Griffin got 250 feet of lumber
20 Ad went to Gananoque got 200 of flour 100 of meal 11s.3 & 6s 6d per cwt went for J Scoot
rain 21 brought Scot with him this morning to plaster worked at the house Ad helped B Younge the team & the boys to thrash, young lathed
22 all hands at the house plastering H & H {illegible}
rain 23 worked at the house rain all day
24 Do Do Ad went to Beverly with Lizie Scott home at noon
25 the Revd Mr Carrol preached
26 very hard frost last night could not dig potatos till ten oclock then a fine day
27 hard frost last night dug potatos Ad came home from Beverly brought ten bushels of lime
28 dug potatos Ad & Elen helped Ad went for Scott
29 Ad & Scott cam home this morning worked at the house
rain 30 worked at the house very heavy rain this morning & till noon Elen dug potatos fine day
31 worked at the house fine day the ground is all in a swim with water

Butter Sold 1861

June 12 lb. 4 1/2 25.6 lb Brockville

August 7 lb 13 lb 3 1/2 Mr Davison

Sept 6 1/2 lb . 4 lb.5 lb. 7 the 5 th

1861 Thomas Scott got one plug of tobace 3d & 1/2 lb 2 1/2 lbs

{illegible} times

23 lb mutton 2 1/4 lb of rolls 20 lbs of nails


1861 Kincaid got 1 barrel of crast

1862 Tom 15 bushel of turnips


182 1 Bull hide 1 calf skin

Thomas Robbs Asistant Super intendent of the Southern District of the Glasgow

1863 Nov

1 Revd Mr Macky preached in the School house
2 worked at the house T. Scott came at noon to plaster went in the afternoon & laid out land for a plowing mach on the farm of John Johnston with {illegible} Green Stacy
3 worked at the house plastering I acted as Judge with Messers Green & Stacy fine day ground very wet
rain 4 worked at the house the ground so wet cannot plow heavy rain most of the night Ad cleaned the old Barnyard
5 worked at the house acted as fenceviews with C Young & J. Bradly betwen E Keating & P Sullavan {illegible 10 6
6 worked at the house Scott went home coudl do no more till the walls dry acted as fenceview again betwen E. Keating & P. Sullivan no damage 7.6 expense
rain 7 Ad went & got Bushel of lime from Mr Armstrong heavy rain put on the weather boards
8 Revd Mr Carrol preached in Caintown
9 worked at the house in the forenoon went to Yonge in the afternoon stopt at Betsys
10 all night went to Margrets & Granpa dug a dozen apple trees & some difrent kinds of roots Rob brought them & me to {illegible}
11 stopt at S. Youngs all night Wm James Hazelwood brought me & the trees home in the Buggy he had to come for {illegible} his time of teaching is up J Scott came here tonight
12 worked at the house put on the last coat
13 Do Do finished the room below
rain 14 Do Do in the forenoon it is to wet Scott went home I planted five Grapevines East of the house East of the house 1 black cluster 2 Clinton 2 Kin{cut off} rain at night
15 rain The Rev Mr Gray of Kinston preached in Scholl house heavy rain most of the {cut off}


Nov rain 16 Worked at the house casing the plates & the windos Ad plowed for a ditch from the orchard through the paster the ground is all in a swim
rain 17 worked at the house in the forenoon moved some of the currenbushes in the afternoon Ad thrashed peas the ground is so wet cannot plow heavy rain
18 heavy rain all night Thomas Scott finished the plastering this forenoon mended Ads Boot Ad went to Gananoque with a tub of Butter got 9d per lb bought {illegible} of flour & 100 of meal heavy rain in the forenoon
19 fixed around the house & went to the Sale of the widow Turner fine day
20 worked at the house fine day Ad got the waggon tine set by W. Johnston viewed fence for B.Y & J.J.
21 moved into the new house I went to A Bee on the hill at the corner off the place rain at night
22 the Revd Mr Brown preached in our School house little frost last night
23 worked at the house & moved some of the currenbushes the frost all gone
rain 24 Kille the 4 Hogs it is a very stormy day rain & sleet worked at the hogs in the woodshed
25 went to examine a Road on lot No 15 in the concesion Ad scraped a ditch in the paster so as to take the water from the orchard
26 fixed a cross saw for G young & he cut up the hogs Ad drew brush to the boiling place
27 worked in Blacksmith shop made hooks & things for the house & planted curnbushes & 9 apple trees
rain 28 went to the school house with Thompson & cleaned & fixed the stovepipes & then fixed around the house rain most of the day
29 the Revd Mr Mackey preached in the school house
30 made shelves for Blacksmith Shop fine day hard frost


Dec snow 1 First snow very stormy day put the {torn off} in the Blacksmith Shop Henry & H Young & Nat Tackabury helped
2 worked in the shop at hinges for the woodshed heavy winds last night snow all gone
X 3 worked in the shop at the hinge & shoes for the horses fine day wind & N.E.
4 shod the horses & fixed for the shed door
5 made the North woodshed door very cold day heavy North wind Ad went to see rails at Lonies that he wanted to let me have
6 the Revd Mr Doxtator preached in the school house hard frost fine day
7 went to Mallorytown to see J. Vandusen about money he was not at home the Wife says he will be back
8 drew chipdung the garden front of the house fine day
first rain in this quarter 9 rain this morning drew wood I mended shoes
10 Ad & Bille helped J Johnston at the thrashing machin I mended shoes Elen is very sick hard frost
11 Ad went to Lonnies to underbrush for wood I went to the council about our School Snowed about 2 inches this afternoon
rain 12 went to Cristies for the Bookcase & then to council about our School
13 the Revd Mr Mackey preached rain
14 Ad thrashed peas rain & snow I ground paint at Latimers very cold
15 went to the Wiltses Creek to give out a job of repairing the bridge J Blair there & put cap in the midle bent 30 {illegible} & railing on each side of the bridge for {torn off} with other lumber then {illegible} road took dinner at {torn off}


stoped at J. Blairs last night he went with me this morning & we finished the laing out the road this forenoon very stormy day helped Cristie young to thrash Ad went there yesterday
18 went to Brockville in the cars paid Mr Sinkler 25 dollars of intrest bought a side of leather 5 dollar cwt to J Young with H & C iron for a slaugh & drag & other things came to Lyn paid Wm Clow 40 dollars of intrest
19 stopt all night at Clows came home on the cars
20 the Revd Mr Brown preached & the Revd Mr Ca{illegible}
21 cleaned the Barley had 14 1/2 bushel in all
22 worked in the blacksmith shop at the slaugh
23 Do Do fine weathe
24 Do Do Do
25 finished the slaugh this forenoon went to the church in the afternoon & heard the Revd mr Carrol preach B. & C. Youngs was hear for dinner & tea Ad Isable & Jennet went to Yonge this afternoon fine weathe
26 went to Mr Heslaps to asist him to try a complaint for selling horses without licence he dismissed the case {illegible} I got there took dinner with him came home
27 the Revd Mr Mackey preached in the schoolhouse
28 went to J. Burns for 5 sheep that was lost brought them home he had marked the lambs thrashed some oats in the afternoon drifting snow the afternoon
29 thrashed oats Ad came home from Young they are all well
30 thashed oats went to a tea meeting of the Presbitarians in the New curch at Robsons
31 finished with the machin the wheat & Poll oats they charged {illegible} paid {illegible} Johnston & {illegible}

Landsdown No 20 1863

To the Township Clerk of the Township of Leeds Lansdown frount the ward of the undersigned fenceviewers betwen JJ on the one part & B.Y on the part J.J is making a fence in repair that part of the divission line from commencing at the South West corner of B.Y. farm and runing across parts of lots No 19 & 20 to the now traveled road B.Y. is to make & keep in repair that part of the divission line fence commencing at the south west corner of his farm & runing along the division line on lot No 19 as fars as J.J. land Now goes

Lansdowne Oct 22nd 1862

Work done by Wm Beatty for the well at Lansown Station

Oct 2nd 2 day man & team

2 men & team 1 day

14 2 Do Do 1/2

15 2 Do Do 1

16 2 Do Do 1/2

17 2 Do Do 1

21 2 Do Do 1

{upside down on page} This copy is provided for the purpose of individual research only. All responsible regarding copyright arising from the use of this copy is assumed by the recipient. Further reproduction or deposit in any other institution cannot be made without the written consent of the University Archivist.

The Blank for Entry to be filled up by Members intending to Compete for Premiums at the Exhibition of the Brockville & Elizabethtown Electoral Division Agricultural Society to be held at Brockville on the 18th and 19th September 1862 and to be returned to the Secretary on or before Saturday the 13th September 1862


All Livestock must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor and all other articles must be produced or manufactured by the Exhibitor, as the case may be. Persons entering goods not corresponding to this Regulation will forfeit all prizes that may be awarded them, as well as their subscription money; their names will be struck from the Member's List and they will thereby lose all the privilege of Membership

I certify that the above mentioned Animals or Articles as the case may be are entered in conformity with the above Regulation, and I hereby agree to abide by said Regulation in every particular Date___________________day of ___________________1862 Name ......................................................... and Post Office Address of Exhibitor......................................................

Transcription Progress



William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_01.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_02.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_03.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_04.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_05.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_06.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_07.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_08.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_09.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_10.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_11.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_12.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_13.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_14.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_15.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_16.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_17.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_18.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_19.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_20.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_21.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_22.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_23.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_24.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_25.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_26.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_27.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_28.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_29.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_30.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_31.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_32.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_33.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_34.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_35.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_36.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_37.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_38.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_39.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_40.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_41.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_42.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_43.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_44.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_45.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_46.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_47.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_48.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_49.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_50.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_51.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_52.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_53.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_54.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_55.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_56.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_57.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_58.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_59.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_60.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_61.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_62.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_63.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_64.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_65.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_66.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_67.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_68.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_69.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_70.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_71.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_72.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_73.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_74.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_75.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_76.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_77.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_78.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_79.pdf


William Beatty, “William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/399.

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  1. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_01.pdf
  2. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_02.pdf
  3. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_03.pdf
  4. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_04.pdf
  5. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_05.pdf
  6. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_06.pdf
  7. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_07.pdf
  8. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_08.pdf
  9. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_09.pdf
  10. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_10.pdf
  11. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_11.pdf
  12. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_12.pdf
  13. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_13.pdf
  14. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_14.pdf
  15. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_15.pdf
  16. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_16.pdf
  17. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_17.pdf
  18. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_18.pdf
  19. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_19.pdf
  20. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_20.pdf
  21. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_21.pdf
  22. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_22.pdf
  23. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_23.pdf
  24. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_24.pdf
  25. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_25.pdf
  26. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_26.pdf
  27. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_27.pdf
  28. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_28.pdf
  29. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_29.pdf
  30. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_30.pdf
  31. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_31.pdf
  32. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_32.pdf
  33. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_33.pdf
  34. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_34.pdf
  35. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_35.pdf
  36. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_36.pdf
  37. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_37.pdf
  38. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_38.pdf
  39. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_39.pdf
  40. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_40.pdf
  41. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_41.pdf
  42. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_42.pdf
  43. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_43.pdf
  44. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_44.pdf
  45. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_45.pdf
  46. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_46.pdf
  47. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_47.pdf
  48. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_48.pdf
  49. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_49.pdf
  50. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_50.pdf
  51. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_51.pdf
  52. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_52.pdf
  53. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_53.pdf
  54. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_54.pdf
  55. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_55.pdf
  56. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_56.pdf
  57. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_57.pdf
  58. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_58.pdf
  59. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_59.pdf
  60. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_60.pdf
  61. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_61.pdf
  62. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_62.pdf
  63. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_63.pdf
  64. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_64.pdf
  65. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_65.pdf
  66. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_66.pdf
  67. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_67.pdf
  68. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_68.pdf
  69. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_69.pdf
  70. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_70.pdf
  71. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_71.pdf
  72. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_72.pdf
  73. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_73.pdf
  74. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_74.pdf
  75. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_75.pdf
  76. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_76.pdf
  77. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_77.pdf
  78. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_78.pdf
  79. William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_79.pdf
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