File #31165: "William Beatty Diary, 1860-1863_41.pdf"


1862 {probably June}
1 the Revd Mr Preached in the School house
2 plowed on the East side of the path north of the first ditch I draged in the North field
3 Sowed where Ad plowed yesterday Ad plowed North of the house George White George Johnston & Humpery Younge plowed with him got a fine job done Sowed 1 bushel of Barley next the house then some wheat & a large pailfull of flaxseed next the ditch
4 plowed East of the barn & sowed some oats
5 finished plowing East of the barn sowed some wheat that I got from C & B Younge
6 finished the plowing North of the ditch west of the path & the furrowing up Humphery Younge worked 3 days plowing the first day he sowed some peas for himself
shower of rain 7 Ad went with Hump to wash there sheep we finished the sowing & draging Sowed in all 30 bushel of oats, 11 of Peas 28 of wheat 1 of barley 1 large pailfull of flaxseed the ground very dry there is no grought a sprinkle
8 the Revd Mr Gorden preached in the School house in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol in the curch in the afternoon
9 drew dung frount of the house for turnips
10 plowed for turnips & buckwheat ground dry
11 finished plowing & draged it before sowing
rain 12 plowed six furrows & scrape a ditch across the peice Sowed a large pailfull of buckwheat & a peck of hungarian seed furrowed up for the turnips a fine Shower this evening
13 Ad & billee went to the old place for the sheep & a load of lumber & raked & sowed the turnips
14 fixed some bunks Ad billie & J McIntosh brought the sheep & a load of lumber
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