== 1909. Day Book. == {Continued from previous page} Apr 20 Jean came down. & stayed for tea. Frank Paid me my share on hay A. Wing got. $5.19. Went to office & posted card to H.E.P. & to H.W. Rous's to get trace mendid. Apr 21 Wednesday. doing chores fixing & cleaning disc-harrow. put reel on spreader. & cleaned {ovals?} on buggy & oiled some. took farm cart apart. Sam Plastow put horse in drive Barn. rainy & very mudy. A.E.V. had Mr Wallard Willard of Sheffield here for dinner. Apr 22 Thursday. doing chores. put fence part arrived. where fence was down. took grain to Mill for chop. took sow away to carson Weallers. Paid for chopping 47e/. & gallon machine oil 35 Frand. cleaning up. seed oats. I got my arm hurt. by door pole falling on it. April 23 {In the margin, written horizontally below the date is: 'Mother's Birth Day'} - Friday. doing chores. cutting wood with horse power. Frank splitting wood. I fixing disc-harrow. & cultivator. down st at night. & posted letter to H.E.P. got trace at H.W. Rous's. & Paid 15e/. for some. bot whip. 40e/. & bread 10e/. Mother away to Jean's to day. being her birth day. x x x April 24 - Saturday. doing chores. fixing lame fence. Frank away for sow. at C. Weaver's. cutting feed in P.M. & fixing fence. Read letter from H.E.P. Recd $1.00 for butter sold. divided butter 10 lbs. {& or 0?} eggs. 74. = 37 my share. April 25 = Sunday. doing chores. home all day. but went to church at night. very nice day. April 26 - Monday. doing chores. fixing fence. nice day down st at night. & sent Laundry away. 1 shirt - 3 collars - 3 hair cuffs. H.S.J.C.
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