Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913


Sidney Clarence Van Sickle


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




20th Century, Wentworth County, Beverly North Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


1909. Day Book. 1909.

April 1 Thursday. Doing chores. I went to James Hunts & got belt. & getting ready to cut feed in afternoon. very nice day. sold 2 veal calves. to Dyment. for $10.00. recd {received} payment.

April 2 Friday. doing chores. I went to H.W. Ros's & bot {bought} gallon. coal oil. & 50e/. package stock food. not very nice day. I posted letter to H.E.P. {diarist's girlfriend and future wife's initials} Frank away with team. to Wier. & trimming apple trees. I had head ache all day.

April 3 Saturday. snow from east. most all day. doing chores. & I making belt tighteners. Frank took grain to mill to get chopped. divided 30 eggs. my share 15. eggs. Paid B.V $5000 on last half of years' rent.

April 4 Sunday. doing chores. went to church morning & evening. very {mild?} day but very mudy {muddy} on roads. gave 30e/ towards the different collecting church

xx Frank Wilson fell through hole in barn floor at Austin Mulhollands. barn on april 3-09.

April 5 Monday. doing chores. moving Stoves at house & brought GEVs stove over here. also took James Hunt 1890 lbs hay. Ed Roung here to see about pigs.

April 6 Tuesday. doing chores. sold 7 Jugs to Amos Dyment. 1390 lbs. at 7 per lbs. with $1.00 over. total amount {Paid?}

xx had settlement with F.W.M. to date.

xx Paid Father balance of years rent {E ck?} I not very well. bad pain in Back. AEV & Mrs Vanderliy here for {word faded?} & dinner. Mother working to {A?} cloudy with some rain.

1909. Day Book. 1909.

April 7 Wednesday. in bed all day. with lame back. very strong west wind. which done a lot of damage. Frank doing chores.

April 8 Thursday. at home. with lame back not able to go about. wrote letter to H.E.P. Will & cara came up at night.

April 9 Friday. in house with lame back. will & cara here. A.E.V. took Mrs Vanderliy home west wind with snow nesty day

April 10 Saturday. in house most of day. But feeling a little better. butter made 12. lbs. recd mine 6 lbs. also divided eggs. 60. = 30. Frank went to Brantford. I went out to help him a little with chores. AE.V to Hamilton: Recd letter from H.E.P. west wind & colder. I seen Sara P. & was talking a few minutes.

April 11 Easter Sunday. very nice day. but cool wind. cara & will & A.EV here for dinner. W.&E. went to Frank Barlows for tea. I at home all day. not feeling very well. but helping to do chores.

April 12 Monday. be very nice day. doing chores & cutting feed. Will Bates went home on morning train. washing to day. Will Tourstor called to see me today. Recd letter from H.E.P. this a.m. Mrs Vester Vansickle of Galt here for tea. but Went home on evening train.

xx Geo H. Mulholland had stroke at Sheffield

{Apr}il 13 Tuesday. helping to do chores. had head ache in afternoon. raining in P.M. cara went home on 5 train. Mr Geo H. Mulholland died at 5 P.M. Sheffield. funeral on Friday at 2 P.M. April 16=09

1909 Day Book. 1909.

April 14 Wednesday. doing chores. & Father & I drawing wood. from sawing machine to wood shed. & piling some. filing circular woodsaw. & getting ready to cut wood. very nice day. A. Wing here this evening after hay.

April 15 Thursday. doing chores. took Able Wing 1730 lbs hay. @ 1200 Per ton. Went to Chas Bayles' with 2 heffers to Bull. charlie away to Dunday Dundas. cutting hard wood. with horsepower. & circular woodsaw. very nice day. Harry Mulholland. came home this morning. & 0-7-10 train.

April 16 Friday. doing chores. cutting wood. went to Geo H. Mulhollands funeral in afternoon. putting shingles on drive Barn roof. & finished up chores. Set hen in oarshard orchard on hen eggs.

April 17 Saturday. doing chores drawing wood from machine & piling some. took cow No 8. stas to C. Bayles Bull. & putting a few shingles on Barn roof. divided eggs & butter. to day. 70 eggs. & 20 lbs Butter this week. Read letter from H.E.P.

April 18 Sunday. doing chores. went to R. & had dinner & tea. & stayed all night at H.E.Ps. & had breakfast on Monday morning. mudy driving home.

April 19. Monday. came home from H.E.Ps. & doing chores. took No. 5 cow. J Black to Chas Bayles' Bull. washing buggy. & cutting up apple trees. for wood.

April 20 Tuesday. doing chores. cut up apple tree. shingling barn roof. Frank drawing wood out orchard cool wind. all day

1909. Day Book.

{Continued from previous page} Apr 20 Jean came down. & stayed for tea. Frank Paid me my share on hay A. Wing got. $5.19. Went to office & posted card to H.E.P. & to H.W. Rous's to get trace mendid.

Apr 21 Wednesday. doing chores fixing & cleaning disc-harrow. put reel on spreader. & cleaned {ovals?} on buggy & oiled some. took farm cart apart. Sam Plastow put horse in drive Barn. rainy & very mudy. A.E.V. had Mr Wallard Willard of Sheffield here for dinner.

Apr 22 Thursday. doing chores. put fence part arrived. where fence was down. took grain to Mill for chop. took sow away to carson Weallers. Paid for chopping 47e/. & gallon machine oil 35 Frand. cleaning up. seed oats. I got my arm hurt. by door pole falling on it.

April 23 {In the margin, written horizontally below the date is: 'Mother's Birth Day'} - Friday. doing chores. cutting wood with horse power. Frank splitting wood. I fixing disc-harrow. & cultivator. down st at night. & posted letter to H.E.P. got trace at H.W. Rous's. & Paid 15e/. for some. bot whip. 40e/. & bread 10e/. Mother away to Jean's to day. being her birth day. x x x

April 24 - Saturday. doing chores. fixing lame fence. Frank away for sow. at C. Weaver's. cutting feed in P.M. & fixing fence. Read letter from H.E.P. Recd $1.00 for butter sold. divided butter 10 lbs. {& or 0?} eggs. 74. = 37 my share.

April 25 = Sunday. doing chores. home all day. but went to church at night. very nice day.

April 26 - Monday. doing chores. fixing fence. nice day down st at night. & sent Laundry away. 1 shirt - 3 collars - 3 hair cuffs. H.S.J.C.

1909. Day Book.

April 27 Tuesday. doing chores. cultivating. on back field. in a.m. raining in P.M. fixing up farm cart. cool wind to-night.

April. 28 Wednesday. doing chores. & fixing fence along east lane. divided eggs to-night. 58. eggs. 29 eggs each. churned to-day. 9 lbs. Recd mine 4. lbs. I sending 12 lbs. butter & 4 doz eggs to market. with carrie. on Thursday 29.-09. S.U.V.

April 29 Thursday. Doing chores. carrie did not go to market. Strong east wind & snow storm. Posted letter to H.E.P. at night.

April 30 Friday. doing chores. shingling on Pig pen roof. gathered 34 18 eggs to-day.

May 1 Saturday. doing chores. Carrie went to market Frank away to Brantford. cara came up from Toronto. I finished some work on pig pen roof. & fixing doors. at barn down st at night. & recd card from H.E.P. got Laundry. Bread. cheese. Bananas. salmon. gathered 11 eggs. Recd Payment from carrie from Eggs. & Butter. & chicken

May 2 Sunday. doing chores. windy & stormy all day. snow. quarterly meeting sunday. at C. I went to church at night. home all day.

May 3 Monday. doing chores. getting cutting box ready to cut feed. went to woods & fixed up gaps. & patching farm roof. {Frany?} slept in barn Sunday night. & monday fore-noon. churning to-day.

May 4 Tuesday. doing chores. cleaning seed oats & barley. took jersey cow & heffers to Bull. cutting feed. & tore up rigging. & put away. Recd card from H.E.P. she at city.

1909 Daily Record.

May 5 Wednesday. doing chores. started to sow oats in back field & barley on east field as Potatoe ground. very nice day. & drying. Frank cultivating in lower field. snow in lane. {In the left margin it reads: 'sowing oats & barley'}

May 6 Thursday. doing chores. sowing barley & oats & pease in lower field. & oats in back field. Frank cultivating & harrowing rain about 6 P.M. & night. Mrs Tom Jones called here to see A.E.V. about seeder box.

May 7 Friday. doing chores. fixed up {funel?} back on sand hill. in A.M. cleaned up tree that fell across fence back of wood. & fixed fence. cultivated garden. & clearing around. set hen to-day off on 28 May. recd butter 5 lbs & eggs. 40.

May 8 Saturday. doing chores. fixing fence in lower field. cultivating in garden. & picking up rail-wood. Recd letter from H.E.P. she being at Hamilton.

May 9 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. had head-ache. rainy all day. & night.

May 10 Monday. doing chores. rainy all day. My Birthday. Recd letter from H.E.P. & tie from Mrs A.A.P. at Present. doing chores. & While washing celing of my room & painting wood work of same Cara & Mother papering room. Recd Balance on hay from James Hunt. Recd card from Jean to-day.

May 11 Tuesday. doing chores. helping to house clean. painting

May 12 Wednesday. doing chores. taking down old board {fescce? or fence?} along evergreen trees.

1909. Daily Record.

May 12 {Continued from previous page.} went to Hamilton on noon train. & got some things. called on H.E.P. & spent the after noon looking around {m?} stares. came home on 7.05 train. Jean down. for the day.

May 13 Thursday. doing chores. making garden & planting potatoes in south orchard. 36 rows. 18 to the west side is mine. very nice day ground very wet.

May 14 Friday. doing chores. cultivating. sowing oats. in back field. rainy.

May 15 15 Saturday. doing. fixing fence. harrowing in back field. & fixing up around. Painting in dining room. Cara & Jean here papering & house cleaning. F.W.M. took clu grain to mill to get chopped. &

xx broke Wagon tounge. rainy again at night. Recd Butter 5 lbs. & eggs. 10. Recd Letter from Mrs. Watskins Raimtoul

May 16 Sunday. doing chores. went to church at night. at home all day. cara & Jean. here.

May 17 Monday. doing chores. cleaning out water diches {ditches} & making some. fixing fence. Frank fixing wagon tounge. Recd card from Will Bate. cara went some on morning train. Jean here helping mother. I painting bedroom to night.

May 18 Tuesday. nice day, doing chores. fixing bars in lane. & road fence at gate. Frank cultivating. Jean went home. this evening. Recd Butter 5 lbs. & eggs. 30. Geo Horse has sore leg. Started to Write letter to H.E.P. Mr. Willard. of Sheffield here for dinner.

1909. Daily Record.

May 19. Wednesday. doing chores. fixing fence between us & John Ritchie. F.W.M. cultivating. Posted letter to H.E.P.

May 20 Thursday. doing chores. setting post & fixing fence. Sowing oats this afternoon. F.W.M. away to Raising at John Archers. Father came home from Harrisburg. & went to barn Raising.

May. 21 Friday. doing chores. harrowing. & drawing water furrows. on oat ground. sowing oats this afternoon. cloudey & look like rain. divided eggs. 52. down st at night. & bot British Army Liniment. at J carnells. 26e/.

May 22 Saturday. doing chores. harrowing oat ground. got bushel seed corn at mill & sowed peice behind farm. fixing fence. & cleaning out water furrows. in back field. down street at night & recd letter from H.E.P. & bot Bread & buiscuit. very nice day.

May 23 Sunday. doing chores. very nice morning but turned clowdy & cool with a little rain.

May 24 Monday. not feeling very well cold. doing chores. Father & Mother went to Harrisburg. I wrote letter to Aunt Luiasa {Louisa?} & cousin Bessie. & H.E.P. & posted some to night. bot loaf bread. Recd card from H.E.P. Frank want to Burg at night Set hen on duck eggs. in horse stable.

May 25 Tuesday. doing chores. sowing oats in forenoon. sick & not doing anything in P.M. Father & Mother came home from harrisburg.

1909 Daily Record.

May 26 Wednesday. not very well. sick with cold. helped milk at night. went to Dr. Gibsons & got bottle of cough medicine & tablets for cold. & paid for some & paid for bottle of medicine got in April 9.=09 $1.00 Paid Mrs Gibson.

May 27 Thursday. doing chores. very heavy rain in morning. went to store with 8 lbs butter & got groceries. & sprouting Potatoes to wet to work on land. S. Bishop paid me S.C.V. $1.00 for service of Bull 1908.

May 28 Friday.doing chores. fixing fence at garden. & started to draw out manuer {manure}.

May 29. Saturday. doing chores. drawing out manure. all day. I not feeling very well. down street at night.

May 30 Sunday. doing chores. very nice day Troy {-ening?} there church to day. I at home all day. went to church at Troy. with A.E.V. & Baukes. {Philshee?} drove my buggy.

May 31 Monday. doing chores. drawing out manure. all day. 19 loads. Started to send milk to cheese factory. very nice day.

June 1 Tuesday. doing chores. drawed out 9. loads manure. & plowing in hoe crop ground. F.W.M. getting ready to sow some pease. next to Barn yard east. Frank took grain to mill to get chopped. cooler & some rain

June 2 Wednesday. doing chores. pllwing plowing on hoe crop ground. very nice day. divided eggs to-day. 62 eggs.

1909. Daily Record.

June 3 Thursday. doing chores. plowing. rolling disc-harrowing. & draging. on hoe crop ground. very nice day. I had word with F.W.M. in horse stable. about things in general.

XXX {There is a double line above and below this marking.} Rent. taxes. house. butter making. repairing wagon. & work down on farm.

June 4 Friday. doing chores. harrowing. disk Harrowing drilling up mangel ground. took load of rails {buck? or luck?} on fence. between us & Ricchie Ritchie. down st at night. & bot 7 lbs mangel. seed. loaf Bread. & got hair cut.

June 5 Saturday. doing chores. sowed mangles. lowered wire on fence. turned young cattle in sparling ground field. took Geo to shop & got new shoes put on. started to hoe potatoes in orchard. Mother went to Toronto. I down st at night.

June 6 Sunday. doing chores. drove to Rockton & had dinner at H.E.P.s. & came home before 6 P.M. & help do chores.

june June 7. Monday. doing chores. drawed out 10 loads manure. in A.M. plowing in afternoon F.W.M. went to C. {Cyrus} Knoxs with spreader for the after-noon. nice cool day. cloudy.

June 8 Tuesday. doing chores. drawing out manure all day 21 loads. I cutting seed potatoes in forenoon. between loads.

June 9 Wednesday. doing chores. drawing out 10 loads manure. Plowing Potatos ground. in afternoon. cloudy. cool air. I sprouting potatoes. between loads in a.m.

June 10 Thursday. doing chores. sprouting Potatoes. took letter {illegible?} train to H.E.P. plowing & cultivating on potatoe ground.

1909 Daily Record.

June 10 {Continued from previous page.} Planting potatoes. & plowing this afternoon. Cyrus Knox here with planter. Ed. Vansickle & baggageman here shooting ground-hogs. planted 10 bushel. on 27 rows.

June 11 Friday. doing chores. plowing fodder corn ground. harrowing & discing.

= xx took No 6 Black cow to C. Bayles Bull.

June 12 Saturday. doing chores. discing. draging sowing. & rolling fodder corn. ground. & fixing fence. along lane. Father at Joe Plastows barn raising. nice day. got 48 lbs. seed corn at mill. Paid.

June 13 Sunday. doing chores. went to church morning & evening. walked home from church in morning. with Sara. A. Patterson. rainy in A.M.

June 14. Monday. doing chores. & hoeing potatoes in orchard. all day. A.E.V. had team to draw stuff from station.

June 15 Tuesday. drawing out manure. 19 loads. Bot harness mending out-fit $1.50

June 16 Wednesday. doing chores. & plowing all day. very nice day. Frank & Carrie went to Hamilton. to

XX Fred. Mulhollands wedding. Jean & Baby, & Eva here to-day.

June 17. Thursday. doing chores. mending harness rainy all forenoon. cleaning out calf pen & choreing around in afternoon. Frank Plowing & harrowing. turnip G. Recd card from Charlie. H.E.P. from Waterdown.

June 16 Guy Smith & miss Weaver. married.

1909. Daily Record.

June 18 Friday. doing chores. drawing out manure finished had 129 loads. manure. Posted letter to H.E.P. & sent Laundry away. bot. buiscuit. vaseline. & Postage stamps. Will Farston in town this Eve. Recd milk check to. day = $1.34 =

June 19 Saturday. doing chores. Plowing turnip ground. F.W.M. working on turnip ground.

June 20 Sunday done chores. got Alberts horese & drove to Rockton. & had dinner with hep {H.E.P.} came home early & helped do chores. Frank away to Harrisburg. & had dinner at F.C. Braithwaites.

{J}une 21 Monday. doing chores. I working on road this forenoon. very warm. Plowing this afternoon. F.W.M. sowed part of turnips. & working on turnip ground.

June 22 Tuesday. doing chores. mending harness. Plowing buck-wheat ground. Frank working on turnip ground.

June 33 23 Wednesday. Plowed head land in hoe crop field. took sow to C. Weavers Boar. & went to Rockton in afternoon to see foot Ball sport. & stayed for {coneert?} at night. Frank & Jean there also. rainy most of afternoon.

June 24 Thursday. fine & warm. fixing fence along wheat field. cleaning up orchard. & moving Lumber. field.

June 25 Friday. doing chores. cutting weeds & thistles harrowing disc harrowing buckwheat G.

June 26 Saturday. doing chores. took Geo Horse top shop & had two shoes set. hilling up Potatoes. & started to hoe corn. Fred Mulholland & Wife came here

1909. Daily Record.

June 27 Sunday. doing chores. went to Church in morning. very nice day. warm. went to R.O. to League with H.E.P. & spent the evening at H.E.P. home.

June 28 Monday. doing chores. hoeing corn. all day.. very warm. cooler at night.

June. 29 Tuesday. doing chores. hoeing corn. fixing fence. cut grass in orchard. & along road. cultivating buckwheat ground. set part at road fate.. Frank hoeing & cultivating corn. cara came up to-day. Father away tp Sam Kivels barn raising. Barn 48 x 77. = 10 ft out side past. 34 per-live past. nice day. & moonlight night.

June 30 Wednesday. doing chores. hoeing corn. went to Cheese factory & got 31/4 lbs cheese then went to Rockton & got H.E.P.

July 1 Thursday. doing chores. helping to get yard ready for social. in am. went to starting field in afternoon. & helped in Booth. Proceeds of day $3.14.00 Proceeds. of evening $2.10.00.

July 2 Friday. doing chores cleaning up yard. & cultivating corn & mangles. took H.E.P. home at night. Recd milk check

July 3 Saturday cooler. doing chores. picking potatoes bugs. sowed buckwheat. & harrowed ground.

July 4 Sunday. very nice day. doing chores. went to church morning & evening wrote letter to H.E.P. & posted some. CharlieMorman's corpse came here on express in afternoon 4.30 Killed by train

1909. Daily Record.

July 5 Monday.doing chores. hoeing potatoes. grinding scythes. & mowe, knives. cut piece of grass. in afternoon Recd money on checks from Bank. & had settlement. With Frank to date.

July 6 Tuesday. doing chores. hoeing potatoes drawing in 33 loads hay. very nice day. Father sold some old I iron to {sheeiry?}. mother & carrie away to Ladies Aid meeting

July 7 Wednesday. doing chores. tedding hay. in forenoon. & cut piece in afternoon started to draw in hay. 2 loads. Tom Jones came here. & left 50 lbs. bindes truine @ 10.9 per lbs. Payable in October.

July 8 Thursday. doing chores. drawing in hay 2 loads. & tedding. & rakeing hay. cultivating corn. & Potatoes. washed buggy at night.

July 9 Friday. doing chores. hoeing mangles rakeing hay & drawing in hay. 4 loads wrote letter to H.E.P. & posted some. Bot stamps & Bananas.

July 10 Saturday. doing chores. thinning mangles all day. clowdy cloudy & rain at night. Frank Barlaw Paid me 25e/. on account down street at night & bot bread 109.

July 11 Sunday. done chores. drove to R. there to Tom Jones's. for dinner & tea. back to to R. then home showery at night.

July 12 Monday. doing chores. thinning mangles all day cloudy & nice breeze. rain at night.

July 13 Tuesday. doing chores. thinning turnip Light Culling up potatoes. F.W.M cultivating turnips & Potatoes.

1909 Daily Record.

{J}uly 14 Wednesday. doing chores. fixing fence at East side. getting ready to & spraying potatoes. & hoeing turnips.

July 15 Thursday. doing chores. cut piece of grass north of house. & thinning turnips. went down street at night & posted letter to H.E.P. & was talking to S.A.P.

July 16 Friday. doing chores. tedding hay. & hoeing turnips.

July 17 Saturday. doing chores. hoeing turnips drawing in 3 loads hay. paris greening Potatoes. Carrie kicked about cooling

xxx milk & had a few words. Father & Mother drove over to Langford to see Albert Ramsay. they drove F.C. Braithwaites Horse.

July 18 Sunday. doing chores. went to church morning & evening I at home the rest of day.

July 19 Monday. doing chores. sprayed Potatoes thinning turnips finished some. to day. F.W.M. cut piece of grass. A.E.V. set up buggy. or minister. I Payed carrie her half of milk check $10.47

July 20 Tuesday. doing chores. cultivating mangles drawed in 4 loads hay this afternoon. F.W.M finished cutting grass. & rakeing mother went to Jean's to night. I had headache this afternoon.

July 21 Wednesday.doing chores. went down street & seen abowt about supplies for {picme?} booth. drawed post along for fence. setting post this P.M. Mother away to Jeans.

1909: Daily Record

July 22nd: Thursday. doing chores. selling {illegible} food. rain this afternoon. I wrote letter to H.E.P also recieved me. from H.E.P sold Ed {illegible} 2 years old heffer for beef.

XXX: at $59.00 Paid. settled with F W.H for same. mother came home from James' but went {illegible} again to night.

July 23: Friday. doing chores {illegible}. with to {illegible} this afternoon. which was held in PresbyTerian church {orchard?}. cost of suppies $15.71.

July 24: Saturday. doing chores. {illegible}. drawing in hay all after noon. cool wind o cloudy. Father o Albert in Hamilton down street at night o got seed from C. Fillers'. got Bread o buns.

July 25: Sunday. doing chores. O at home all day. very fine day. went to R. in evening. R o E o mrs Heathe there.

July 26: monday. doing chores, gathering weeds o thistles {illegible}. fiscing up garden. F W.M {illegible} Township.

July 27: Tuesday. doing chores. put brace on post for wine barrel. grinding binder {illegible}. cutting wheat This after noon. very nice sSam Doherty for shoeing horse 2 shoes.

July 28: Wednesday. doing chores. sprayed Potatoes finished cutting wheat. started to plow fall wheat around. warm o dry. put new comb shear on {illegible} Plain.

July 29: Thursday. doing chores, plowing fall wheat ground. very warm. ground dry o hard in places. look like rain to-night.

July 30: Friday. doing chores. grinding sythe & cutting weeds & thistles on Road. & picking Potatoe bugs. plowing on Fall Wheel ground. in P.M. down street at night & posted letter to H.E.P.

July 31: Saturday. doing chores. {illegible}. my half of potatoes in field. started to draw in wheet. 53 loads. 7 a.m. got {illegible} from mill & plowing on fall wheat ground. in afternoon. 1 new letter from H.E.P. very nice day.

aug 1: Sunday. doing chores. Juiced juice. finished drawing in wheat. I {illegible} lovely this afternoon.

aug 3: Tuesday. doing chores, went down st in Forenaun. I met Leo Longman. as Lemon. Plowing on Fall wheaty.

aug 4 Wednesday. doing chores. blowing fall wheat ground. I blowed up to bruce boat mother went to Harrisburg. To ice jean. George Braithwaite girl

xxx : 10 year old hung herself to tree by {illegible}.

xxx :john Brow's wife died this afternoon.

Daily Record

Aug 6 Friday. doing chores. got gee have shud 2 shoes. got 40 red soll wire fwd at station to fwd on fwd. solled wire aut & tacked up on fence posts. had bath & shave & went to funeral this after noon. of John Crouss. wife. very warm & dry. Real milk chech $1951 = with 37% cheese charged. for bread 104.

Aug 7 Saturday. doing chores. picked bugs off of {lword looks like "polaroid"} in orchard. went to Woodwarths & got fence stretcher. & stretched fence. north of house. & fastened some to posts. also went to station & got 3 plows. & other repairs. For A-E-V. Mother& Albert & Muriel went to Toronto on {Illegible text, lookt like "so bam" or "so barn"}. very warm day.

Aug 8 Sunday. doing chores, drove to R. & had dinner & tea with H.E.P her cousin & Gentleman friend golt came there. Real 759 from marster. Let H.E.P Have a V. to go to Hamilton & Toronto. Frank left any 4 cows in stable all night not milloed.

{"XXX" written above the date} Aug 9 Monday. doing chores. a little rain. cultivating on fall wheat ground. this P.M. S.C.U. & F.W.M. had settlement to take. for all back accounts. & had quite a talk about going away Sundays. Milk & butter making. eggs & cream uperator

{"XXX" written above the date} Aug 10 Tuesday. Doing disc harrowing on fall wheat ground in A.M. culling rats on hill in back field in afternoon. Frank got 3 bags sharb of mill.

Daily Record

Aug 11 Wednedsday. doing chores. cultivating on fall wheat ground. culling weeds& Thistles. Frank hoeing {illegible text possibly "roughes"} in P.M. sent letter & boat tucked to moether. bat bread & corn flakes a bakery 20!

Aug 12 Thursday. Cutherp weeds & thistles in forenoon. grinding brides knives & hoeing in afternoon. doing chores

Aug 13 Friday. doing chores & getting realy to thresh, drawed in 2 loads of oats in afternoon. & getting ready to thresh went down street at night &ported tellr to H.E.P. & card to jean.

Aug 14 Saturday. doing chores. threshing wheat 43 bags. Barlet 104 bushel & oats 54 bushel. Nebor Roung threshes Real letter from H.E.P. downst at night. Cara went up to Jeans. over Sunday

Aug 15 Sunday. Doing chores. drove to Harrisburg & had dinner at Jean's & brought Cara home. & done milking. rainy and mist

Aug 16 Monday. doing chores. culling weeds, mullcup & thistles. Jean Braithwade. Jean & dot win came here for dinner & tia went to Station to see them off to night Real milk check from Henry Howard. $17.90 M. Young took picture at A.E.D. shop

Aug 18 Wednesday. doing chores. harrowing on fall wheat ground till 10 A.M. startet to cut miced grain & oats. Mother sick with cold. Wrote letter to Jean & sent ticket for Jean wien.

Aug 19 Thursday. doing chores. morning and night had sick head-ache all day. Frank finished cut oats & shucked some in back field & started to cut big field next to Rail road. very nice day.

Aug 20 Friday. doing chores went down to Geo Phries of got leather mils 20% & gallon oil 15. & 2 balls buider Turne at mill 909. cutting & shucking oats had settlement with Frank to date in full.

Aug 21 Saturday. doing chores. disc harrowing* getting in field for cours. Albert went to Niagra falls on Picnic. H. George Harrisburg, Lynda & Copetour.

Aug 22 Sunday. doing chores. not feeling very well. very nice day. hadinvitation to go to Harrisburg & Rocklir

Aug 23 Monday. doing chores. disc harrowing in fall wheat ground. F.W.M. Ploaing in south field for wheat. drawing in miced grain 3 loads & 1 load of oats. Subscribed for Hamilton Daily Herald & got Bible with some. Paid$3.50 to E. James agent.

Aug 24 Tuesday. doing chores. finished cutting oats & miced grain drawing in oats from backfield. F.W.M. Chopping at mill. A.E.V. to buy oats.

Aug 25 Wednesday. doing chores. drawed in 4 load oats. I had sick head ache. wrote letter to H.E.P. also read one from H.E.P.

Aug 26 Thursday. doing chores. Plowing inlower south field for fall wheat in A.M. drawed in 3 loads oats & finished field.

Daily Record

Aug 27 Friday. doing chores. plowing fall wheat ground A.E.V. had Gee Horse away F.W.M. at AustinMulhollands. Threshing this forenoon. Mother out for tea. very nice day & warm. Read letter from H.E.P.

Aug 28 Saturday. doing chores. starteed to roll fall wheat ground. some rain. rolling again this after noon. F.W.M. cultivating down street st night got hair cell & shane &bat Bread& benes rain.

Aug 29 Sunday. doing chores. went to R. & had dinner at H.E.Ps. came home at 6 done chores. had tea and went to church. Frank and Jean here. Drove A.U.Vs horse

Aug 30 Monday. doing chores. working on fall wheat ground. F.W.M. took 7 bus 2b lly wheat is mill. =H 8.90 & lot barel salt & paid for chopping 44.4 paid. had settlement to date for back accounts

Aug 31 Tuesday. Toronto show opened. doing chores. harrowing & drawing in miced grain F.W.M gang plowing oat stubble. nice day today. looks like rain at N

Sept 1 Wednesday. Fine & cool. doing chores.gang plowing oat field stubble.

Sept 2 Thursday. doing chores. finished plowing oat stubble. F.W.M. cut grass on hills opposit school house. Father & Jean went to Toronto. Posted letter to H.E.P. & took shears back to J.W. Kelleys. frost last night


Daily Record.

Sept 3 Friday, dong chores, harrowing oat slubble & darwed in 2 small loads {fuern?} clover. Della Ross & Hamilton today. Sept 4 Saturday. Cloudy & rainy. Frank away to Brantford, & tinkering around fixing fence washing buggy and is on. got in feed for cattle. went to office & got mail & to meat shop a bot 37.9 worth stake. Ria letter from H.E.P at night.

Sept 5 Sunday. At Home all day went to R. for H.E.P at night. She came home with me.

Sept 6 Monday. Doing chores. Went to Jersey Ville in P.M. Frank done milking at Night. Father came home from 7 o'clock.

Sept 7 Tuesday. Done chores in morning got ready & H.E.P & I went to Toronto Fair. came home at night arrived at 1 o'clock A.M.

Sept 8 Wednesday. doing chores. Harrowing Fall Wheat ground, & took H.E.P home at night.

Sept 9 Thursday. Doing chores finished sowing fall wheat & harrowing F.W.M. away to Toronto Fair. Cool wind wind. & rained at night.

Sept 10 Friday. Doing chores, finished harrowing wheat ground and draw water furrows cleaned some out. 7 Barlou borrowed 10 bushel forces. I sold apples to Q.E Caldwell of Dundas. Freeing at $35 and {afyes?}. Baldwins & Manns at $1.52 also.{Calvorts?} at $1.00 per Barrel. Reel $5.00 on account. Balance to are pair asher apples one delivered at car.

Daily Record {written at the top middle of the page}

Sept 11 Saturday. Doing chores. Fixed sucker on ram yard pump. Fixed some fence on east side of place & started to dig well. at new wire fence, east of school house. Real letter from H. E. P. Albert had my ticket & layed for same.

Sept 12 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. & wrote letter to H. E P. I went to church at night. Father & mother went to visit Tom Jones. Albert away to Branchton with F.W.M buggy.

Sept 13 Monday. Doing chores. went to C. Bayles. & Threshing all day. F.W.M cutting {corn?}.

Sept 14 Tuesday: Doing chores. Finished Threshing at C. Bayles. This 9M. Cutting corn & took in load of disced grain out of orchard. Got {fixtures?} from M. Young.

Sept 15 Wednesday, doing chores. started to pick fall apples. Some rain today & last night. Real card from H. E. P. Fordon 144 Mill st.

Sept 16 Thursday. Doing chores. Picking apples all day. F. W. M. cutting poddes, corn. Very nice day & warm.

Sept 17 Friday. Doing chores. Living off poddes, corn in heaves. rather neat job.

Sept 18 Saturday. Finished drying up corn & started to set some up in shocks. down at night.

Sept 19 Sunday. Doing chores in morning. Drove to H. E. P.s. & had dinner & tea. went to Harvest. Home services at night in church. S.J Plastow not very well.

1909. Daily Record.

Sept 20 Monday. doing chores. tieing fodder corn up in shocks. drawed in pease. nice day. dry & warm. bot 1 ball binder twine at mill 40 {cents} paid.

Sept 21 Tuesday. doing chores. pickd 1 tree fall apples. & took some ties back to spring in woods. & cleaned some out & fixed it up. F.W.M. digging potatoes in orchard. Kids here for tea.

Sept 22 Wednesday. doing chores. went to wood & filled trough with water. also went to barrell factory & got 17. barrels. then started & dug & picked up potatoes in orchard. F.W.M. to mill with grain to chop. & little rain. windy.

Sept 23 Thursday. doing chores. started to cut ear corn. rain came on. & we quit the job. I piling wood in shed.

Sept 24 Friday. doing chores. cutting corn. Packers here packing apples. Recv (Received) $9.00 for same rain at night.

Sept 25 Saturday. doing chores. cutting corn. took 9 barrels apples to station down street at night. bot meat & Bread.

Sept 26 Sunday. doing chores cloudy & cool. went to Church morning and evening. sunday school rally & Harvest Home Rote letter to Hep. & posted same.

Sept 27 Monday. finished cutting ear corn & started to pick greening apples.

Sept 28 Tuesday. doing chores. picking apples & drawed some in drive barn. Father & Mother at grape social I had head. aches. & stayed home.

Sept 29 Wednesday. doing chores picking apples fore noon. rain.

1909. Daily Record.

Sept 29 Mother went up to F. C. Braithwaite's Recv {received} letter from Hep. settled with F.W.M. {brother-in-law Frank Mulholland} to date. for chopping. fixing plow. 1 ball twine. & milk check..

Sept 30 Thursday. doing chores. picking apples in back orchard. raining part of day. got horses up & drawed apples in drive barn. F.W.M. not working. tooth ache {written in pencil}


Oct 1 Friday. doing chores. picking apples. in back orchard. F.W.M. helping today. Mother came home from Jean's.

Oct 2 Saturday. doing chores. picking apples. down st at night bot Bread & Buns.

Oct 3 Sunday. doing chores in morning. went to R{Rockton} & had dinner & tea at Hep's {Harriet Eliza Plastow}.

Oct 4 Monday. doing chores. picking apples. F.W.M. went to Jersey {the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railroad runs through Jerseyville} bills to see about selling pigs.. recv letter from Hep.

Oct 5 Tuesday. doing chores. picking apples. had headache. in after noon.

Oct 6 Wednesday. doing chores. I working at spring in woods. & fixing dam. F.W.M. away to Jersey milk with 9 jugs 2260 lbs. I took 2 jugs to Lynden 430 lbs. total weight 2690 lbs. value $212.50 Recv payment. S.C.V {Sidney Clarence Van Sickle} & F.W.M. started to pull turnips to ship. Had settlement. with F.W.M. to date.

Oct 7 Thursday. doing chores. drawing turnips to car {railroad car}. 4 loads nearly 60 bushels to load. also pulling turnips this day. fine day.

Oct 8 Friday. doing chores. pulling turnips drawed 3 loads to car. about 184. bushel.

1909. Daily Record.

Oct 9 Saturday. doing chores. pulling turnips & took some to car. sold to Ray Thompson F.W.M. away to Brantford & bot 8 young pig & got cider made. Father away to city Hamilton. Recv letter from Hep.

Oct 10 Sunday doing chores. F.W.M. away. I home all day. Father and Mother to church at night.

Oct 11 Monday. doing chores. pulling & drawed to car 2 loads cloudy with a little rain rain at night. Mrs McIntyre died at noon.

Oct 12 Tuesday. doing chores. went to cheese factory & got 4 1/2 lbs cheese. cleaning out cellars. rainy day. cold wind.

Oct 13 Wednesday. show day at R. doing chores. & picking apples. & went to show & had dinner at Hep's also tea & spent the eve.

Oct 14 Thursday. picking apples all day.

Oct 15 Friday. picking apples. & went to C Boyles. & helped to dig potatoes..

Oct 16 Saturday. doing chores. & digging potatoes with R Kitchen's digger. Geo Howe & John Kivell. also C. Boyle's man here picking up potatoes. payed for some down st at night. & recv letter from Hep. & bot buns at Bakery. 10 {cents?}

Oct 17 Sunday. doing chores. damp, & cool. cloudy. at home all day. Father & Mother to church at night Albert away to Jones's.

Oct 18 Monday. doing chores. cleaning out hen house. & putting up furnace pipes in forenoon. went to Copetown with A.E.V. {Albert VanSickle} in afternoon. & started to put up litter carriers in barn.

{1}909 Daily Record

Oct 19 Tuesday. doing chores. picking apples F.W.M. away to Austin Mulhollands threshing. cold & frosty at night.

Oct 20 Wednesday. doing chores. picking apples in a. m. pulling mangels {mangelwurzels} in after-noon. F.W.M. at Austin Mulhollands this forenoon. to finish threshing.

Oct 21 Thursday. doing chores. wet & mudy. bot wood buried this afternoon. Father & Frank to funeral. I picking apples. rain. hail & windy. about 67

Oct 22 Friday. doing chores. finished picking apples. pulling mangels & drawed in two loads. rainy. FWM. plowing in lower east field.

Oct 23 Saturday. doing chores. pulling mangels & drawed in two loads. FWM plowing in the fore noon. AEW. away to John Smith's south of Jerseyville. had my horse & waggon. Will & Cara came up this after noon. I had head ache.

Oct 24 Sunday. doing chores in morning went to R. & had dinner & tea at Heps. & spent the evening. very cool & frosty at night. The folks of F.W.M. to H {Hamilton}.

Oct 25 Monday. Thanksgiving day. Father, Mother & Will & Clara went to Jeans & had dinner. Will went home. I down shed in a.m. & got mail. also Bread & Butter. pulling mangles. & drawed in two loads. F.W.M. sold duck to Mrs Robins.

Oct 26 Tuesday. doing chores. pulling & taking in mangles. finished pulling. got beets Bread & buns. & milk check.

1909. Daily Record

Oct 27 Wednesday. doing chores. finished drawing in mangels. & plowing in fore noon. threshing in afternoon. rain at night. F.W.M. boarded 2 men for dinner & 6 men for supper. total 8 meals.

Oct 28 Thursday. finished threshing. Frank had 2 men for breakfast. got in load of corn & started to work at turnips.

Oct 29 Friday. doing chores. drawing in turnips. F.W.M. pulling turnips.

Oct 30 Saturday. plowing in a.m. working at turnips in afternoon.

Oct 30 Sunday. doing chores. went to see Hep. & had dinner. come home & done chores & had tea. Drove F. Braithwaites horse. & she got scared of auto & ran down side road.

Nov 1 Monday. doing chores. plowing in a.m. pulling turnips in afternoon.

Nov 2 Tuesday. doing chores. went to barrell factory & got 22 barrels. apples packers here. Frank boarding men dinner 3 meals. supper 3 meals. Father & Mother away with F.Bs. {Braithwaite’s} horse.

Nov 3 Tuesday Wednesday. doing chores. I helping apple packers. finished packing apples 25 barrels. F.W.M. drawing in turnips Mr A. Arnold here for dinner.

Nov 4 Thursday. doing chores. & plowing

Nov 5 Friday doing chores. & plowing. in lower fields. I took 2 barrels of apples to station & shipped to Mr W. J. Bate.

Nov 6 Saturday. doing chores. finished plowing in lower fields. & started

1909. Daily Record.

Nov 6 to plow in small field next to barn. Father & Mother went to Ancaster I sold pair ducks to apple packers. down st. at night & got mail. Bread & can of fish. I had some words with F.W.M. about plowing in {XXX marked in margin} lower field.

Nov 7 Sunday. doing chores. very nice day. drove over to Rockton at night. I came home in rain. & very dark.

Nov 8 Monday. doing chores. went to Hamilton on to train returned on 4-15. train Father & Mother came home from Ancaster. rain this forenoon.

Nov 9 Tuesday. doing chores. I plowing all day. F.W.M. pulling turnips in afternoon. down street at night & posted letter to Hep. & bot 7 lbs meat. @ 10 {cents} = 70 (cents)

Nov 10 Wednesday. doing chores. plowing & drawing water furrows. & got in some corn & cattle. F.W.M. pulling turnips & drawed in load. I sold 2 bushel apples. to Heindas men. $1.00

Nov 11 Thursday. doing chores. cleaning out water furrows. plowing {word scribbled out} crop ground. F.W.M. at F Barlows. This afternoon. helping to pull turnips. I sold 6 pair ducks. @ 1.00 per pair total $6.00 Recv payment.

Nov 12 Friday. doing chores. plowing hoe crops ground. I took 5 empty barrels to R.A. Thompsons. Mother settled with Carrie for 7 1/2 pair of ducks. Sidney.

1909. Daily Record.

Nov 13 Saturday. doing chores. plowing {hoe?} crop ground. east wind. Father came home from Jeans

Nov 14 Sunday. doing chores. very fair day. went to church morning & evening. F.W.M. & family away with rig.

Nov 15 Monday. doing chores. plowing hoe crop ground. I drawed in two loads fodder corn. & cleaning out water ditches.

Nov 16 Tuesday. doing chores. cleaning out water furrows. sorting over cull apples. & took 25 barrels apples to car. as A.C. Caldwell recd payment $36.30. I bot leather mits & gallon coal oil at Piries.

Nov 17 Wednesday. doing chores. posted letter to Hep. rather stormy. went down to see John Jone's house. this P.M. F.W.M. away to sale. Lees.

Nov 18 Thursday. doing chores. taking wood in cellar to furnace. took 8 bags grain to mill & got it chopped. payed 37 {cents} got in load corn. went to woods & got water trough. & got load of dirt to put around well in yard. F.W.M. away to Sale. coles. sale.

Nov 19 Friday. doing chores. went to office & got mail & Bread at Bakery. drawing dirt. to fill in around. barn & yard. F.W.M. drawing manure in garden.

Nov 20 Saturday. doing chores. drawing dirt to fill in barn yard. F.W.M. drawing out manure. on orchard & plowing same.

1909 Daily Record.

Nov 21 Sunday. doing chores. I went to R. & had Dinner & tea at H.E.Ps.

Nov 22 Monday. doing chores. strong east wind & rain. all day. wrote letter to Hep. &.

Nov 23 Tuesday. doing chores. went down street & posted letter to H.E.P. got mail & large loaf Bread. helping Frank Barlow pull turnips this P.M.

Nov 24 Wednesday. doing chores. getting wood in cellar for furnace. & in shed for cook stove. Jean came down today cold wind. & freezing.

Nov 25 Thursday. doing chores. I taking wood in cellar to furnace. Killed 2 ducks & helped Mother pick them. cleaning up in pig pen. Father away to St. George. with horse & buggy.

Nov 26 Friday. doing chores. drawing in fodder. & ear corn. Father & A.E.V. away to St. George & putting in foundat-ion & bace for monument {word partially illegible}. at grave plot. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Nov 27 Saturday. doing chores. I husking corn. F.W.M. drawing out manure. in orchard. very nice. day. I wrote letter to H.E.P. & card to Minnie Hunt. & posted same. sold 3 pair ducks. = $3.00.

Nov 28 Sunday. doing chores. in forenoon went to H.E.Ps & had dinner. then HEP. & I drove to Geo Hunts. & had tea. & went to christie church at night moon light night.

1909 Daily Record.

Nov 29 Monday. doing chores. & helping Mother wash. I running machine. court day in Lynden. Mrs Solomon Woods sale. farm sold for $5200 = 80 acres.

Nov 30 Tuesday. doing chores. husking corn Frank plowing in orchard..

Dec 1 Wednesday. doing chores. husking corn drawing in ear corn. in afternoon. very fine day. Mother came home from Jean's. I wrote letter to H.E.P.

Dec 2 Thursday. doing chores. & working at {Dam?} in woods. husking corn in P.M. posted letter to H.E.P. F.W.M. plowing in orchard.

Dec 3 Friday. doing chores. drawing in fodder corn. & husking corn. Mother picking ducks 1 pair for market. east wind. & looks like storm from east.

Dec 4 Saturday. doing chores. husking corn & washed buggy. Mother away to Market with ducks & butter. F.W.M. cutting up wood. fine day.

Dec 5 Sunday. doing chores. to church morning. and evening. came home with S.A. Patterson to R.A. Thompson rain at night.

Dec 6 Monday. doing chores. husking corn

Dec 7 Tuesday. doing chores. husking corn & taking wood in shed. & cellar. wrote letter to H.E.P. at night.

Dec 8 Wednesday. doing chores. & took wood in shed. & splitting wood. went to office & posted letter to H.E.P. very cold.

1909 Daily Record.

Dec 9 Thursday. doing chores. took Geo horse to shop & had 2 front shoes set & two new shoes put on behind. paid 95 {cents}. S. Doherty shoes. blacksmith. bot Bread. at Robins Bakery 15 {cents}. cold west wind. I putting wood in shed & cellar.

Dec 10 Friday. doing chores. went to office & got mail. splitting wood. & fixing around barn. took some corn from barn floor. to Hog pen. milder to night. Joe Plastow called. & wanted to get some straw. F.W.M. took grain to mill to get chopped.

Dec 11 Saturday. doing chores. I drawing in fodder corn. down st at Night & went for walk to South Lynden with Miss S.A. Patterson. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Dec 12 Sunday. doing chores in A.M. went to Rockton & had dinner & tea at H.E.Ps. Mis S.A.P. {Patterson} went home with me. & returned at night. snow. & rain. at night.

Dec 13 Monday. doing chores. rainy and very wet. F.W.M. husking corn.

Dec 14 Tuesday. doing chores. splitting wood. in shed. C. Boyle came after chopper. F.W.M. husking corn snow on ground. cutters & sleighs {written in margin: XXX } {there on?}. very good sleighing.

Dec 15 Wednesday. doing chores. Father to Harrisburg. I went to H.W. Rowes to get oil & boots mended.

1909. Daily Record.

Dec 16 Thursday. doing chores. helping Mother wash. clothes. & I put storm door on house. snow at night.

Dec 17 Friday. doing chores. sorting over some apples. went down to mill & had a talk with Charlie Rowing. colder with some snow. very good sleighing

Dec 18 Saturday. doing chores. went to train & posted letters. & got some groceries from Backery. & mail from office. also went to C. Boyles. to chop grain. nasty day. & did not chop. F.W.M. away to city. I received milk check. $17.71. cheese. 20 1/4 lbs $2.33

Dec 19 Sunday. doing chores. at home all day. but went to church at night. cold west wind.

Dec 20 Monday. doing chores. I went to C. Boyles. & done some chopping. came home about 2 o clock. took some Laundry. down to Barber shop. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Dec 21 Tuesday. doing chores. splitting wood. went to Bank & got check cashed. & to station. Mrs Arthur Misner put horse in here. while she went to town. milder to day. F.W.M. took grain to mill to get chopped. & sold wheat at mill.

Dec 22 Wednesday. doing chores. went to office & poster letter to H.E.P. got Bread. at Bakery. drawing in corn. finished same. Jean here to day

{1}909. Daily Record.

Dec 23 Thursday. doing chores. cleaning up wheat. helping Mother to pick 3 ducks A.E.V. away to Hamilton. sent card to Beat. & Harriet.

Dec 24 Friday. doing chores. cleaning up wheat. Father & Mother went to Tom Knors funeral. Mrs & Mr Vansickle of Galt here for tea. Tam. Eliza. & Vera Plastow. over to funeral & called in here.

Dec 25 Xmas. Saturday. doing chores. at home all day. stormy.

Dec 26 Sunday. doing chores. went to Plastows. & had Xmas dinner & tea. Miss S.A. Patterson & Farston there Mother had Xmas dinner here Frank & Jean & baby down.

Dec 27. Monday. doing chores. went to station & expressed a parcel to Beat Plastow. 144 Mill st. Lynden. paid 30 {cents}. very nice day.

Dec 28 Tuesday. doing chores. fixing up horse power. settled up balance of wheat. {fill} also settled. all back accounts. to date. except. leather on pump {written in margin: XXX} sucker. had some words with F.W.M. about milk chick & cheese. & soon.

Dec 29 Wednesday. doing chores. I had headache. F.W.M. away with team. Recv payment. in settlement for last 3 pair ducks. $1.87.

Dec 30 Thursday. doing chores. & fixing up . cutting box. & horse.

Dec 31 Friday. doing chores. getting things ready to cut feed. cutting this P.M. fine & cool.

1910 Daily Record. 1910

Jan 1 Saturday. doing chores. FWM. & I went to 6th consession for gravel got two loads. Father & Mother went to Jean's for dinner. A.E.V. away to Hamilton. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Jan 2 Sunday. doing chores. weather milder. at home all day. I went to church at Night. Moyer preached on the commandment. Thou shalt not commit adultry.

Jan 3 Monday. doing chores. F.W.M. away for fence post. windy & cold. polling day. in township. also voting on By law. about Library. 50 for. 25 against. By law.

Jan 4 Tuesday. doing. very cold. splitting wood.

Jan 5 Wednesday. doing chores. not a very nice day. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Jan 6 Wednesday Thursday. doing chores. drawing gravel. 2 loads.

Jan 7 Friday. doing chores. drawed 1 load gravel, Jean down for the day. west wind & stormey.

Jan 8 Saturday. doing chores. drawed one load gravell. from Rumples. pit. cold west wind. Recv letter from H.E.P. went to store & got groceries for mother. 61 {cents} Paid. Father away to Brantford. good sleighing

Jan 9 Sunday. doing chores. went to Rockton. & had dinner & tea at H.E.P. home. cold wind. good sleighing

19 {1 written over 0} 0 Daily Record. 1910

Jan 10 Monday. very nice day. doing chores. & fixing up horse power. Father loaned $15.00 from me. S.C. Vansickle.

Jan 11 Tuesday. doing chores. we went to Rumples gravel pit & got 2 loads.

Jan 12 Wednesday. doing chores. away to gravel pit and got 2 loads gravel. Recv letter from H.E.P. & card from Tom. Jones. very nice day. milder.

Jan 13 Thursday. doing chores. getting ready to cut feed. & cutting feed. this afternoon. F.W.M. getting up some wood. I wrote letter to H.E.P. & card to Jean

Jan 14 Friday. very stormy from east. doing chores. & shoveling snow.

Jan 15 Saturday. doing chores. shoveling snow. got ready & went to city & bot some goods. Miss H.E.P. came up on evening train. very nice day after storm.

Jan 16 Sunday. doing chores. H.E.P. went to church in a.m. with Mother & Albert. H.E.P. & I went to Presbyterian church. after noon & Mother did at night.

Jan 17 Monday. doing chores. helping to collect provisions for tea meeting Jean came down. & went to tea meeting with H.E.P. & I. sleet & rain at night.

Jan 18 Tuesday. doing chores. very soft & raining. drawed some furnace wood. from woods.

Jan 19 Wednesday. doing chores. drawing logs to Rouses Mill.

1910 Daily Record.

Jan {19 written over 20} Wednesday. H.E.P. went home. from here.

Jan 20 Thursday. doing chores. drawing logs to Rouses Mill. & got up. load of wood. Paid Nelson my half. of threshing $7.20.

Jan 21 Friday. doing chores. sorting over apples & brot some to house. wet rain & sleet.

Jan 22 Saturday. doing chores. splitting wood. & tinkering around barn. tightened up shoes on Geo horse. went to Robins & got Bread & Biscuit. snow storm all day. drilling

Jan 23 Sunday. doing chores. stormy all day. at home all day. & wrote letter to H.E.P.

Jan 24 Monday. doing chores. drawing up wood. this afternoon. F.W.M. away to weir drawing logs. fi very nice day. mild.

Jan 25 Tuesday. doing chores. fixing up cutting box. & sharpening knives. {B?}V. & I went to wood & cut some pine logs. I hired Geo. Horse to. Hydro Electric man. Recv Payment for some. $1.50 {written above previous word}

Jan 26 Wednesday. doing chores. cutting feed. drawing logs. from woods. to Rouses. Mill. Recv letter from H.E.P. {written in margin: XXX} NO 9. cow red. calved. after 6. P. M.

Jan 27 Thursday. doing chores. drawed load logs to Rouses Mill. .Hydro man got horse. I drove to Rockton in car & went to Mens social with H.E.P. NO 8 cow calved. in morning.

Jan 28 Friday. doing chores. drawing up wood. very nice day.

1910. Daily Record.

Jan 29 Saturday. doing chores. went to office & posted letter & card to H.E.P. Recv car letter from H.E.P. I fixing up rack to draw post on. Father & Mother went away to Hamilton also to Ancaster. A.E.V away to city. I down street at night. & bot. sausage. Bread. buns. & corn cakes.

Jan 30 Sunday. doing chores. snowing I drove to Troy Church. at night. then drove HE.P home. after church snowing. Anniversary services. Rev Mr Archer preached.

Jan 31 Monday. doing chores. splitting wood. went down street & got mail. coal oil. & lantern globe. Father & Mother. & Albert all came home to day. Tea meeting at Troy to night. very good sleighing. {written in margin: XXX} HEP. has cold. & not feeling very well.

Feb 1 Tuesday. doing chores. sorting apples. in afternoon. wrote letter to Bessie.

Feb 2 Wednesday. doing chores. went to Rockton & got 100 post. at Pete Newtons. @ 13 {cents} each. called at H.E.P.s. wrote letter to H.E.P. at night & posted same.

Feb 3 Thursday. doing chores. very stormy all day. shoveling snow. sorting A.

Feb 4 Friday. doing chores. doing chores. went to Rouses mill & put logs on. scids. & drawed home two loads pine lumber.

1910 Daily Record.

Feb 5 Saturday. doing chores. drawing lumber from A. Rouses Mill. cold west wind. Geo. Egglestone. came here. F.W.M. away. to Brantford. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Feb 6 Sunday. doing chores. very cold. west wind. A.E.V. Geo. Egglestone & I went to church at night.

Feb 7 Monday. doing chores. getting ready to cut field. Father & Mother away to Jim Howards funeral. Died Feb 4.10

Feb 8 Tuesday. doing chores. cutting feed. in forenoon. cutting wood for furnace in afternoon. sold 4 calves to John Hanley. for Amos Dyment. for $40.00. received payment. of $32.00. balance of $8.00 due me.

Feb 9 Wednesday. doing chores. cutting wood. & took some in cellar. sent letter to HEP. .Payed Henry Howard. for cheese factory $1.27. which was an over paid amount. snow storm this afternoon.

Feb 10 Thursday. doing chores. splitting wood in shed. help load 2 sticks timber. & to get Frank Barlows sleigh & box. Dad getting ready to go to city.

Feb 11 Friday. doing chores. down street & got mail Geo Eggleston here. Father away to Hamilton with team & got chimney pole. wrote letter to H.E.P. cold & frosty.

Feb 12 (7 written above date) Saturday. doing chores. went to Rouses Mill & got timber. recv letter from H.E.P. down street at night. & got mail & corn flakes. Mother went to Jeans.

1910 Daily Record.

Feb 13 Sunday. doing chores. nice day but cool west wind. quarterly. meeting in Methodist church. at home all day. Wrote letter to H.E.P.

Feb 14 Monday. doing chores. splitting wood down street this AM & posted letter. Mother came home. from Jeans.

Feb 15 Tuesday. doing chores. splitting wood. fixing harness. stormy snow & sleet.

Feb 16 Wednesday. doing chores. & working around in general.

Feb 17 Thursday. doing chores. sorting apples splitting wood. wrote letter to H.E.P

Feb 18 Friday. doing chores. splitting wood. went down to store & got groceries for Mother. 91 {cents}. Paid for same. posted letter to H.E.P. at night. Recv Payment in full for calves. from Amos Dyment. $8.00.

Feb 19 Saturday. doing chores. went to office & got mail. settled with F.W.M. to date for all back payments.

Feb 20 Sunday. doing chores. went to M.E. {Methodist Episcopal} church in morning. & to Presbyterian at night. Mr James Vansickle & daughter came here & went to church at night. Presbyterian anniversary.

Feb 21 Monday. doing chores. grinding cutting box knives. & getting ready to cut feed. Mother away to tea meeting.

Feb 22 Tuesday. doing chores. went down for mail. helping to clean house this afternoon. Mrs Rumple. called.

1910 Daily Record.

Feb 22 for hay. for 10 loads. gravel at 25 {cents} a load. $2.50. went down street at night & got mail. Bread. & oat Meal.

Feb 23 Wednesday. doing chores. cold west wind. I had head-ache. Recv card from Jennine. Stewart. fine moon light night

Feb 24 Thursday. doing chores. went to office & got mail in fore noon. also went to see John. A. Jones's house. in village nice day. but cold west wind. Carrie went to Burg. & left kids here. wrote & posted letter to H.E.P.

Feb 25 Friday. doing chores. getting ready to cut feed. cutting feed this afternoon. {Cope Doddy. wier corner?}. had team billed yesterday by G.T.R. {Grand Trunk Railroad} Toronto Exp. on crossing at wier.

Feb 26 Saturday. doing chores. went to office & got mail. Father & I an went to Toronto. Milder to day softer at night. Recv letter from H.E.P/ down street at night & bought Bread & sausage

Feb 27 Sunday. doing chores. went to church at night. soft. & rainy all & through the night.

Feb 28 Monday. doing chores. helping Mother to wash. soft & thawing all day. Rev Mr Moyer called here.

Mar 1 Tuesday. doing chores. had sick head.ache. F.W.M. done milking at night. sold 4 pigs to Lory Dyment. 630 lbs. at 8.65 per 100 = $54.40

1910 Daily Record.

Mar 2 Wednesday. doing chores. helping Mother to wash her clothes. I went to church at night. Rev Mr Danels preached & helped Mr Moyer.

Mar 3 Thursday. doing chores. Jean came down. very nice day. thawing.

Mar 4 Friday. doing chores. drawing up wood. very nice day. thawing.

Mar 5 Saturday. doing chores. went to office & got mail. & posted letter to H.E.P. helping Father move stone for doors & windows also lumber. from farm to village lot. John Rous here fixing barn yard pump. new valve {written in margin: XXX} & sucker

Mar 6 Sunday. doing chores. at home all day. not feeling very well.

Mar 7 Monday. doing chores. went to A. Rouses Mill & moved pile of joice {joist} to get sized. 9 in brought 2 loads ruff stuff home. R. Knoles. & Amos Dyment here to buy calves.

Mar 8 Tuesday. doing chores. splitting wood went to store with butter 3 lbs. & eggs 1 dozen. 25 {cents}. a lb. & 30 {cents}. a dozen. bot sugar. 25 {cents}. biscuit 10 {cents}. oil. 15 {cents}. due me 55 {cents}.

Mar 9 Wednesday. doing chores. filed saw got Geo Horse shoe all sound. 1 new shoe on behind. down st at night & got mail. went to library show.

Mar 10 Thursday. doing chores. started to trim apple trees. Father went out to Mill with team. F.W.M. away. very nice day.

1910 Daily Record.

Mar 11 Friday. doing chores. helping Father draw some joice {joist} from A. Rouses Mill. & trimming trees. Mother away to Jeans & to St George.

Mar 12 Saturday. doing chores. trimming trees. Jean came down to stay over Sunday. down st at night & got mail. also bread & sausage. recv letter from H.E.P. 53 years ago. year 1857. train went {written in margin: XX} through bridge at Hamilton. Desjardins Canal. 59 killed & 19 injured.

Mar 13 Sunday. doing chores. went to church morning & evening. Jean here. the folks all over to Carries for tea.

Mar 14 Monday. doing chores. & working around in general.

Mar 15 Tuesday. doing chores. cleaning up some brush in orchard.

Mar 16 Wednesday. doing chores. cleaning up brush in orchard. & cleaning up cellar wrote letter to H.E.P. at night. very nice day. Mother house cleaning Maurice staying here at present. Jean went home last night. {written in margin: XXX} Live hogs selling at 9.25 per 100

Mar 17 Thursday. doing chores. splitting wood. & fixing around in general. down street this A.M. & got mail & groceries. posted letter to H.E.P.

Mar 18 Friday. doing chores. went to Dick Vansickle's sale this afternoon. very nice day. but cool wind.

Mar 19 Saturday. doing chores. helping Father to move some lumber. & started to tear down old house on village lot.

1910 Daily Record.

Mar 20 Sunday. doing chores. went to church morning & evening. very nice day.

Mar 21 Monday. doing chores. helping to wash. clothes. & also helping to tear down old houses on village lot.

Mar 22 Tuesday. doing chores. taking down and cleaning up around old house. & burning brush. very nice day.

Mar 23 Wednesday. doing chores. went to station to see Electric weld wire fence helping Dad to move brick out of old kiln. Marshel Nisbet called to see about house. cool east wind.

Mar 24 Thursday. doing chores. helping Father move brick. very nice day Will & Cara. came up this P.M. wrote letter to H.E.P. & sent some Easter cards away.

Mar 25 Friday. doing chores. helping to dig out apple tree on lot. & trimming up some. Will Bate here. Mother away to Jean's. west wind.

Mar 26 Saturday. doing chores. helping father to move brick. & staking out ground for house. & plowed some. got chop from mill. & paid for same. 57 {cents}. S.C.V. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Mar 27 Sunday. doing chores. went to C. morning and evening. Cara & Will here. also Frank & Carrie for dinner

Mar 28 Monday. doing chores. in A.M. helping Father to dig out cellar for house. on village lot. Frank Paulton. & F.W.M. helping also

1910 Daily Record.

Mar 29 Tuesday. doing chores. helping Father to dig out cellar for house. very nice day. Had some words with F.W.M. {written in left margin XX} about selling calves. & pigs. he also {written in margin: XX} called me a liar. & many other things

Mar 30 Wednesday. doing chores. I helping Father finish digging out cellar. F.W.M. plowing last years corn grow Mother & I went to Lecture. at church Rev Mr Patterson. Brantford. Lectured on Jean Val Jean.

Mar 31 Thursday. doing chores. plowing corn ground. F.W.M. started to {written in margin: XXX} cultivate in lower field. near bridge. west wind. cooler. Frank Barlow lost cow. chocked.

1910 = Daily Record. = 1910


April 1 Friday. doing chores. cultivating in lower field. F.W.M. cultivating & sowing mixed grain. very nice day.

April 2 Saturday. doing chores. disc harrowing & dragging. F.W.M. sowing mixed grain. very nice day.

April 3 Sunday. doing chores. at home all day. a little rain at night.

April 4 Monday. doing chores. went to woods & got some poles to put on fence. harrowing. cleaned out water furrows. & disc-harrowing in lower north field. nice day warm. F.W.M. took grain to mill for chop.

April 5 Tuesday. doing chores. cultivating in lower field. & in next field west. F.W.M. cultivating & sowing barley.

April 6 Wednesday. doing chores. harrowing in lower field. cultivating for oats. cool west wind. a little rain.

April 7 Thursday. doing chores. & harrowing on oat field. F.W.M. sowing oats. down street at night. & sold Butter & eggs. F. Clement & wife came here. got Bread tickets 14.

April 8 Friday. doing chores. cultivating & harrowing. oat field. finished field very nice day. F.W.M. sowing & cultivating.

April 9 Saturday. doing chores. furrowed out oat field. & helping Father to put stone in house cellar. for wall.

1910. Daily Record.

April 10 Sunday. doing chores. were at home all day. not feeling very well. very nice day.

April 11 Monday. doing chores. cleaned out water furrows. in oat field. Sold 3 pigs to Nisbet. & Rowing. 540 lbs. @ 9.35 = $50.49 also sold 2 steers to Ed Rowing. for $72.00 Killed 1 pig. sold my half to F.W.M. for {written in margin: XXX} Mrs Merriet Hunt buried to day. A.E V. Father & Mother were there.

April 12 Tuesday. doing chores. disc Harrowing gang plowed small piece near back orchard. drawed load brick for dad. went to Mill & got 55 lbs. Timothy seed. paid $4.00 for same. H.C. Morrison. went to field & set up stakes. to sow grass seed.

April 13 Wednesday. doing chores. sowing grass seed. finished. sowing grain. harrowing rolling plowed garden. I wrote letter to H.E.P. & posted same. Very nice day. Jean down to-day with baby.

April 14 Thursday. doing chores. finished sowing field with grass seed. drawed water furrows in field next to barn. & started to tear down fence near railroad. dad using team this P.M. F.W.M. sold potatoes. & rolling in lower field. very nice day. Russell Jones here to-night. talking furnace. Ed. Rowing killed steer here to-day. & payed me balance on same $22.00.

April 15 Friday. doing chores. rolling spring grain started to Rain this after-noon.

1910 Daily Record.

April 15 Father started. masons to lay foundation of house. Tom Hull & gang. Johnston & Dunkan. F.W.M. not feeling well.

April 16 Saturday. doing chores. not feeling very well. F.W.M. sick. not working H.E.P. went to Hamilton. on visit.

April 17 Sunday. doing chores. I went to R. & had dinner at Plastows. Father & Mother went to Mr. Geo Hunt's. for dinner. cloudy & rainy most of day

April 18 Monday. doing chores. helping Mother wash. & fixing around. washed buggy. Father had team all day drawing stone. to cellar. Joe came.. & A.E.V. helping. I had some words with {written in margin: XXX} F.W.M. about settling up. accounts. & things in general around the farm.

April 19 Tuesday. doing chores. went to office with letter. for H.EP. Hamilton man from Brantford. to see about slating roof of new house. $2.10 he ask for the job. to find material & do work of putting it on. wet & rainy most of day. I splitting some wood.

April 20 Wednesday. doing chores. cleaning gravel out of ditch on road. helping over at house. & fixing wire fence. some rain. cool east wind.

April 21 Thursday. doing chores. helping at new house. cleaned up some old fence. down st at night & got shaved. 10 {cents}.

April 22 Friday. doing chores. helping at new house in morning then went to city & had dinner & tea at R. Stewarts.

1910 Daily Record.


Apr 22 at Hamilton met H.E.P. at Stewarts. & was out to Park. & called on H.E.Ps aunt. H.E.P. not feeling very well. & rather out of sorts about things general.

Apr 23 Saturday. doing chores. cultivating garden & helping father to level up gravel around new house. very nice day. A.E.V. & Carrie away to city.

Apr 24 Sunday. doing chores. at home all day. not feeling very well. headache. cloudy & rainy. AE.V. away. over Sunday.

Apr 25 Monday. doing chores. cleaning up pig yard. harrowing garden. & planted 3 rows potatoes on North side of garden.

Apr 26 Tuesday. doing chores. setting out apple trees. & cleaning up around. sold 6 pigs to Amos Dyment. 1030 lbs @ 9.00 $92.70 FWM. away to St George. for load of planks. Mother away to Jeans. rainy to-day. settled with F.W.M. for all back accounts.

Apr 27 Wednesday. doing chores. fixing fence around woods. went to Austin Mul-hollands & got his wire clamps. fixing wire fence in P.M. went out to church at night. Miss Anna. Snider. gave an intertainment. cool at night.

Apr 28 Thursday. doing chores. helped Father put timbers on wall. & moved joice.{joist} on wagon. we started to draw out manure 18 loads.

Apr 29 Friday. doing chores. cutting a little wood in shed. went to Bakery for bread. & settle with Mrs Robins. $1.00 cash & bread tickets. 50 {cents}. rainy day

1910 Daily Record.


April 30 Saturday doing chores. fixing wire fence sowing small piece of ground near orchard with oat & pease. for cattle F.W.M. away with horse & cart. Will & Cara here will went to Paris & Brantford to inspect some wiring,

Sunday doing chores. Turned 5 young cattle in woods showery. Will & Cara here. quartely meeting day. Wrote letter to H.E.P Hamilton. 107 mc 1 vab .

monday doing chores started to draw out manure 2 loads very wet & rainy. helped Father put in bridge at side walk. cut young pigs. Will & Cara went home. She bot 2 lbs butter & 1 1/2 dozen eggs & paid one 80% for some new $ 1.00 = 20% due mrs W.I. Bate.

Tuesday doing chores not feeling very well. & in house most of day ground to wet to work. Father unloading brick.

Wednesday doing chores helping mother wash greasing harness. Taking down old picket fence. east of B. Yard F.W.M & Father away to Brantford.

Thursday doing chores drawing out manure 18 loads very nice day.

Friday doing chores drawing out manure 19 loads very nice day Father unloading brick. King Edward VII died.

Saturday doing chores Plowing hoe crop ground & cultivated garden. very nice day. warmer.

Daily Record

Sunday doing chores some rain. I drove over to Rocktor & had dinner & tea at mrs Plastows. H.E.P feeling rather out at me. I had talk with her. She gave me umbrela as present. Frank Broithwait & wife here.

monday doing chores plowing in hoe crop ground. F.W.M plowing & rolling.

Tuesday doing chores plowing hoe crop ground F.W.M working in orchard & garden mother sold butter and eggs at Pircis.

Wednesday doing chores plowing hoe crop ground.

Thursday doing chores had a talk with A.E.V about H.E.P disc Harrowing the rest of day cool wind fine.

Friday doing chores plowing for foder corn sprouting potatoes in cellar in P.M. Sam I Plastow called here.

Saturday doing chores took Jorne Horse to shop & had shoes taken off & feet trimmed no change I taking down old picket fence near yard drawing out manure this P.M. F.W.M away with team in A.M. father & A.E.P away to city. Read letter from H.E.P. I took butter to Geo Archers and got groceries & due bill for $ 1.39.

sunday doing chores went to church morning & evening went for walk up to function cut on {S.J.R?} set hen in east end of Hall in stable.

Daily Record

monday doing chores drawing out 19 loads manure finished same.

Tuesday doing chores . Father had Team to Roues mill & sprouting potatoes. also plowing hoe crop ground rest of day. west wind sold 4 pigs to amos dyment 775 lb @ 9.35 = $72.46. Read Payment. went out to church at night. heavy rain come home.

Wednesday doing chores sprouting potatoes in cellar windy & damp after the rain wrote letter to H.E.P. Read balance on pigs $4.22 & settled with F.W.M for chopping 44c.

Thursday doing chores went to mill & got 2 1/2 bushel seed corn. F.W.M took oats to get chopped. Cultivating on hoe crop ground.

Friday King Edward VII buried rain this afternoon, Working on hoe crop ground in forenoon. F.W.M. sowed ear corn on east side of field. Father had team away to Roues mill. To get frames for house.

Saturday doing chores took down old picket fence & took out post F.W.M working in garden & orchard sent letter to H.E.P. very warm.

Sunday doing chores went to church in morning with mother cloudy & east wind went up to Function in a.m. & took picture. also went to church at night. Rev mr. Fisher preached memoral sermon.

Daily Record

monday doing chores started to draw milk to factory 182 lbs. drilling up mangle & Turnip ground. F.W.M drewing o and for father in a.m. Working in orchard this P.M. showing & cloudy west wind.

Tuesday doing chores. Took milk to factory 181 lbs sowed mangle seed & some early turnips & feed Fodder corn. Jean came down & stayed over night.

Wednesday doing chores. I took milk to factory 188 lbs. Cultivating & harrowing drilling up potatoe ground. F.W.M sowing corn. Jean away to city but went home at night.

Thursday doing chores went to factory with milk 177 lbs. cutting & planting potatoes. Masons started brick work on new house. House on Effert Durhams farm. burned this afternoon.

Friday doing chores took milk to factory 178 lbs. Posted letter to H.E.P Finished planting potatoes 24 rows. helping over at home. very nice day.

Saturday doing chores went to Factory with 191 lbs milk & helping at house father away to city. very nice day. Down st at night. Read letter from H.E.P.

Sunday doing chores went to church morning & evening rain about 6 P.M. & after church at night.

Daily Record

monday doing chores fixing fence helped mother wash cut some wood. Wrote letter to H.E.P. went down for mail at night. rainy.

Tuesday doing chores cut some wood in shed not doing much. This P.M. posted letter to H.E.P. had head ache. showery this afternoon.

Wednesday doing chores cutting some wood in shed. & helping some at house. masons finished first story of new house to day. rainy this A.M. sold 1 weal caff $13.50. & bot 1 calf $1.50 Ed.Raing. F.W.M.

Thursday doing chores helping father at house putting up studding & {foice?}. rain at night.

Friday doing chores took 2 cows to Bull. NO 6 Black & No 9 Red. Fixing fence along evergreen & helping at new house in afternoon. Roy G. Vansickle & wife called here & had tea & took some pictures.

Saturday doing chores hoeing in garden took Geo Horse to shop & got {shud?} down street at night & got mail & met miss S.A. Patterson.

Sunday doing chores rainy day I went to Rocktor in evening & called at H.E.Ps & spent the eve. rain & showery.

monday doing chores. & tinkering around. Helped father to get out logs.

Daily Record

monday rainy this afternoon. We took cows No 1 & 3 to C Bayles bull.

Tuesday doing chores took milk 2 60 lbs to factory got wagon ready & started to draw logs to rouses mill for Father Paid Sam Doherty for shoeing Geo Horse all round. 50 c. very nice day.

Wednesday doing chores took milk to factory 188 lbs. drawed two loads of logs to mill & me load of lumber home. sent letter to H.e.P at night. masons finished second story of house to-day. & started carmells house

Thursday took milk to Factory. Then went to Rouses Mill & got load of lumber cultivating & sowed Fodder corn next to barn cultivating in hoe crop ground.

Friday doing chores took milk to factory cultivating & harrowing Read letter from H.E.P.

Saturday took milk to factory. got ready & went to Hamillon on 9-50 train & got good. $14.10 met H.E.P. very wet day called at mr Stewarts S.A. Plastow also down with rig.

Sunday doing chores went to Church at night. home all day met S.A.P at night & went for walk.

monday doing chores working at new house . Father away with Team to Froy for line & to {Bapetowne?} with house to see carpenters.

Tuesday doing chores doing was work. & drawed 1 load stone from

Daily Record

Wm. Irelands Roctor very warm. Read letter from H.E.P.

Wednesday doing chores cultivating corn & potatoes & hoeing turnips very warm day.

Thursday doing chores and thining early turnips in orchard. very nice day had little head ache.

Friday doing chores & thining turnips in orchard very warm, cloudy.

Saturday doing chores hoeing Turnips in orchard & cutting grass around trees. Read letter from H.E.P.

Sunday doing chores drove to R. & had D with H.E.P. mr & mrs Stewat there also. miss S.A.P went over with me. I over at Frank Barlow Talking with S.A.P & mrs Barlow also went for walk with S.A.P very warm,

monday doing chores took milk to factory. 240 lbs. cultivating Turnips & mangles very warm got first milk check from F.W.M. $14.01 = cheese 29c.

Tuesday doing chores took milk to factory 235 lbs. started to thin mangles very warm. settled with F.W.M. for barley chopping. milk check & balance due me on Turnipseed. $8.31 = paid him $7.00 each $ 1.31 due him.

Wednesday doing chores took milk to factory & thining Turnips all day. Had words with F.W.M. about settle ment & Things in general. very warm.

Thursday doing chores took milk to factory & hoeing mangles & potatoes.

Daily Record

Friday doing chores took milk to factory & hoeing potatoes & corn. cultivating got hair cut. Bot bread.

Saturday doing chores took milk to factory & hoeing corn. new letter from H.E.P. very nice day warm. H.E.P. to Guelph.

Sunday doing chores at home all day. Frank & Jean came down & mr. Young took Picture of family. nice day.

monday doing chores hoeing corn & put barb wire on fence in lane. Read card from Bersie.

Tuesday doing chores hoeing corn.

Wednesday finished hoeing corn & started to cultivate mangels.

Thursday doing chores cultivating mangels & potatoes went to Hamilton at noon Train & to Rockton at night & set up with H.E.P she being sick.

Friday doing chores helping to get ready for social went to Park in afternoon & helped in Booth.

Saturday doing chores Thining Turnips down st at night & got laundry. 12c.

Sunday doing chores. Home all day but went to R. to see H.E.P. at night she being in bed sick.

monday doing chores Thining Turnips cutting weeds & Thisltes sharpening mover? knife cultivating corn. settled up with F.W.M. to date for milk check. $13.73.

Daily Record

Tuesday doing chores took milk to Factory cutting weeds & Thistles & cultivating corn. very nice day & warm cut piece of hay yesterday & F.W.M. tedding it To-Day.

Wednesday doing chores took milk to factory cultivating corn. hoeing turnips cocking hay This P.M. Black clouds in west to night. windy Posted letter to H.E.P. Sterling able & miss Jessie Ruas were married.

Thursday doing chores. Took milk to Factory hoeing potatoes cutting Thistle & took No. 4 cow Lilly to C. Bayles Bull.

Friday doing chores took milk to Factory turned out some hay cocks . had head ache & done nothing in P.M.

Saturday took milk to factory. Turned out Hay Cocks. Paris Greened Potatoes & hoeing turnips cut some wood in shed.

Sunday doing chores F.W.M. took cow NO 5 Black to C. Bayles Bull.

monday doing chores hoeing turnips cut piece of grass.

Tuesday doing chores hoeing turnips cutting wood in shed rain. Read $10.00 from ed. rawig on cattle & calf.

Wednesday doing chores. Tedding hay hoeing mangels. very nice day. cleaned up barn floor.

Thursday doing chores hoeing mangels nakeing hay. & drawed in 4 loads jean drove for the day fine day. Had some wards with F.W.M. about hoe crops 7 Hay getting wet.

Daily Record

Friday doing chores cultivating potatoes paris greening potatoes. rakeing hay. & drawing in some 5 loads very warm took 5 dozen eggs to Mr. Robins 20c dry ED Rowng got calf & payed $ 10.00 $5.00 due me on cattle.

Saturday doing chores helled up potatoes hoeing mangels. Cool east wind some rain in P.M. F.W.M bot 4 bus Barley $ 2.60 & chopping 40% at mill. Settled all Back accounts & Third milk check $ 21.96 cheese 2 = 24% .S.W.

Sunday doing chores albert Ramsey & wife & son Geo were here. I drove to R. at night nice day & moon light.

monday doiing chores took milk to factory. Rowing bus. Took 2 caus away no 1 & 7 & paid balance. $ 50.00. hoeing mangels & powing. F.W.M. cut piece of grass & hoeing mangels.

Tuesday doing chores took milk to factory. Plowing & hoeing mangels. Drewed in & load hay had words with F.W.M about hay. Frank Breathwaite come here with home & left some & he took 5 train.

Wednesday doing chores. took milk to factory 180 lbs. hoeing mangels. drawing in hay 6 loads nice day Grocers picnic to falls to day. They went on F.H & B as there was a strik on J.T.R.

Thursday doing chores took milk to factory160 lbs rain showery through the day. cutting weeds in lane.

Daily Record

cutting some wood in shed. Father and mother away to Jerryville with FC.Bs home.

Friday doing chores. Took milk to factory. 174 lbs drawed in two loads hay. miss H.E.P. here for dinner. Read letter from H.E.P.

Saturday doing chores helping father to unload load of flooring for new house. hoeing mangels paris greeining potatoes drawed in 2 loads hay & finished some down st at night.

Sunday doing chores west wind but very warm air. F.W.M. away to harrisburg very heavy rain & wind between 4 & 6 oclock. The corn & oats knocked down very bad. & some trees turned over. I had to do all the milking at N.

monday doing chores fixing binder & getting ready to cut grrain. mother away to Jeans this P.M. John Bishop here looking at young cattle. F.W.M. drawing milk.

Tuesday doing chores cutting wheat all day. milk amy team. F.W.M took milk to factory & shocking up wheat very nice day wheat very good.

Wednesday doing chores finished cutting wheat in forenoon. sharpen ed binder knife. & started to cut barley. rain came on fixing binder canwases.

Thursday doing chores fixing binder cutting barley nice day.

Daily Record

Friday doing chores cutting weeds & thistles around oat field fence. & drawing in 5 loads wheat. started to rain in afternoon settled with F.W.M. on 4 th milk check. $ 21.56 & 7 1/4 lbs. cheese 77c.

Saturday doing chores fixing binder canvasas. cutting weed & Thistles along fence in east field. Father & I drawed in 1 load of wheat F.W.M. away to city he took milk to factory.

Saturday doing chores went to Rockton & had dinner at H.E.Ps & came home in afternoon. H.E.P. came with me. done chores at night.

monday doing chores got ready & went to falls. & spend the day H.E.P. was with me 23 years since I were there before.

Tuesday doing chores helped F. Barlow Thresh Barley. hoing . cutting weeds. & drawed in 2 loads wheat drove H.E.P. home at night & had few words about a few things,

Wednesday doing chores took milk to factory. fixing fence back at woods. drawing in wheat & barley. rain at night.

Thursday doing chores took milk to factory got in corn & got plow ready. & plowing this P.M. cool wind.

Daily Record

Friday doing chores took milk to factory cutting wood & thistle along fence plowing & started to draw in barley & wheat finished some cool west wind all day r Jones here for dinner.

Saturday doing chores took milk to factory & got in corn for cows started to cut oats. I shocking oats. read letter from H.E.P. father away to city & had my ticket. I bought 40 3/4 lbs cheese from factory for Geo Pirce.

Sunday doing chores drove up to jeans then Frank & I went to St. George & to cementary to see monument & the place in ground called at {saras?} & frank got bread.

monday doing chores plowing for fall wheat in lower north field. cutting & shocking oats in P.M. down st at night & posted letter card to H.E.P. & got paper.

Tuesday doing chores plowing cutting & shocking oats in P.M. started to rain & little after 6 P.M.

Wednesday doing chores plowing in a.m. cutting & shocking oats rain in P.M. cutting wood in shed F.W.M. started to plow.

Thursday doing chores plowing in a.m. Finished cutting oats in big field drawed in 1 1/2 loads oats & threshing part of P.M. oats & wheat. 4 men here for tea.

Daily Record

Friday doing chores Threshing wheat & barley in forenoon cutting & shocking oats in afternoon. 400 bushel grain threshed.

Saturday doing chores cutting & shocking oats finished lower field. Father away to city he had my ticket.

Sunday doing chores drove to R & had dinner & tea at H.E.P. place. home at night and done chores. Frank & Jean drove down at N.

mmday doing chores took milk to factory 293 lbs finished cutting oats. {mrs wm j?} Bate came here. rain early in evening.

Tuesday doing chores. Took milk to factory 132 lbs we took wheat off of barn floor to upper granery Then plowing the rest of day. Sold 3 young cattle to alf Harley for $ 150 new $ 10.00 an some balance when cattle go away Thursday.

Wednesday doing chores I took milk to factory 151 lbs brought 1/2 cheese to Geo pirie plowing for fall wheat. Jean & baby came down for dinner & tea & stayed over at night. Cara went home & mother went with her got check from factory. $20.30 & 4 1/2 lbs cheese 50%. got 2 1/2 lbs cheese for myself.

Thursday doing chores got young cattle up from woods & plowing fall wheat ground. cattle went away read payment in fall.

1910 Daily Record.

Aug 19 Friday. doing chores. took milk to factory. 1{62 or 192} lbs. finished plowing field. got some groceries at store. & mail.

Aug 20 Saturday. doing chores. took milk to factory. harrowing fall wheat ground. F.W.M. working at Lucers clover. Recv L. from H.E.P.

Aug 21 Sunday. doing chores. Mother & I to church in morning. I out at night wrote letter to H.E.P.

Aug 22 Monday. doing chores. started to draw in oats. 1 load. raining. cut some wood in shed. went to Rouss mill & got wagon with rack on. helping father put top on cispool {cesspool}. Posted letter to H.E.P.

Aug 23 Tuesday. doing chores. harrowing on fall wheat ground. also cultivating F.W.M. to Austin Mulhollands. threshing. very warm.

Aug 24 Wednesday. doing chores. cultivating fall wheat ground. turning out oats in field. drawed in 3 load hay. & 1 load oats.

Aug 25 Thursday. doing chores. drawing in oats & turning out shocks. Ed. Robinson helping us. all day. AEV. helping in afternoon.

Aug 26 Friday. doing chores. cultivating on fall wheat ground. turning out oats. & drawing in same. Ed. Robinson here in afternoon.

Aug 27 Saturday. doing chores. drawing in oats & finished same. Ed. Robinson here all day.

1910 Daily Record

Aug 28 Sunday. doing chores. went to Rockton & had dinner at H.E.Ps. came home & done chores in evening.

Aug 29 Monday. doing chores. cultivating on fall wheat ground. & getting in corn for cows.

Aug 30 Tuesday. doing chores. disc harrowing all day. took milk to factory. went to station & got catalogue & sent same to S. G. McCormick. Rockton. postage 9 {cents}. also posted letter to H.E.P.

Aug 31 Wednesday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. raining in forenoon. cut some wood in shed. disc harrowing in p.m. wrote letter to Roy Vansickle.

Sept 1 Thursday. took milk 152 lbs to factory. fixed disc harrow tongue. & cultivating on fall wheat ground. also dragging.

Sept 2 Friday. doing chores. took milk to factory. rolling and harrowing on fall wheat ground. got in load of corn for cows. sold 149 bushels turnip. @ 13 {cents} $2533. Recv payment. & settled with F.W.M. for all back accounts. Sunday school picnic at Park.

Sept 3 Saturday. doing chores. took milk to factory dressed & went to Hamilton Will & Cara came up on 2-30 train

Sept 4 Sunday. doing chores. at home all day. rain in evening so did not go to R{Rockton}.

Daily Record

Sept 5 Monday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. helping Mrs Young to crate good. got in corn for cows. & picked up load of old finer rails. for wood. Labor day. sports at Rockton. rain at night so did not go. to R{ockton}..

Sept 6 Tuesday. doing chores. F.W.M. & I put Mrs. M. Youngs house hold good on car. Moving to Red Deer. Alberta. pulling turnips & put load on car.

Sept 7 Wednesday. doing chores. cultivating on fall wheat ground. had headache

Sept 8 Thursday. doing chores. & cultivating on fall wheat ground. F.W.M. put turnips on car. & plowing.

Sept 9 Friday. doing chores. finished cultivating field. cleaning up seed wheat. & sowing same. Settled with F.W.M. far sow to boar. $1.00 & turnips {written in margin: XXX} 146 bushel. $ 21.95.

Sept 10 Saturday. doing chores. sowing wheat Finished field of 12 acres. sowed about 10 1/2 bags. got in load corn {written in margin: sowed wheat} for cows. the folks had corn roast in woods.

Sept 11 Sunday. doing chores. drove to R{Rockton}. & had dinner & tea at Plastow's. very nice day. Will and Cara drove to Jean's & had dinner. also Mother went with them.

Sept 12 Sunday Monday. doing chores. I took milk to Factory 314. lbs. drawed water furrows in wheat field & cleaned out same. got in load corn for cows. F.W.M. started to cut corn.

1910 Daily Record.

Sept 13 Tuesday. doing chores. took milk to F{factory}. plowing. the rest of day. had cold in head. & not feeling well.

Sept 14 Wednesday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. finished plowing field. & got in load corn for cows. & cutting corn in field. Baby girl arrived. {written in margin: XXX} to Mr & Mrs F. W. Mulholland.

Sept 15 Thursday. doing chores. cutting corn & took milk to Factory. Father had team away to Harrisburg for brick.

Sept 16 Friday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. cutting corn. & helping Frank Barlow finish threshing. Father away to Longford. to see Ramsey's & to get Honey. bought 1/2 cheese from Factory for Geo Archer. very nice day.

Sept 17 Saturday. doing chores. took milk to factory. got in load corn for cows. cutting corn. the rest of day.

Sept 18 Sunday. doing chores. Harvest Home services in church. damp & cloudy. I to church morning & evening Rev Mr Shepperd preached at both services.

Sept 19 Monday. doing chores. cutting fodder corn. & tieing up same.

Sept 20 Tuesday. doing chores. tieing up corn in forenoon. not very well in P.M. Jean & baby down. & had dinner & tea went home at night.

Sept 21 Wednesday. doing chores. & cutting corn

Sept 22 Thursday. doing chores. & working at co{rn}

1910 Daily chores Record

Sept 23 Friday. doing chores. tieing up corn. in A.M. F.W.M. away with team. rain. got Geo horse shod. & had a look through. Cornells. & Morrisons houses. F.W.M. cleaning up wheat. 15 {and a half or a ninth}. bags.

Sept 24 Saturday. doing chores. cleaning wheat. cutting wood in shed. rainy most of day. FWM away to Hamilton.

Sept 25 Sunday. doing chores. went to R. & had dinner & tea at H.E.P.s.

Sept 26 Monday. doing chores. took milk to factory. cleaning out potatoe cellar & sweeping dirt out of stables. tieing up corn this P.M. F.W.M. away. drawing wood. the A.M.

Sept 27 Tuesday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. cleaning out root cellar. took 54 bus 15 lbs. wheat to mill. cutting some wood in shed. plowing corn ground next to yard. F.W.M. away putting wood on car.

Sept 28 Wednesday. doing chores. & cutting ear corn finished same. down st at night. wrote letter to H.E.P.

Sept 29 Thursday. doing chores. took milk to factory. then went to office & posted letters. & got mail. setting up & tieing fodder corn finished same. Recv letter from H.E.P.

Sept 30 Friday. doing chores. took milk to factory. & started to dig potatoes.

1910. Daily Record.

Oct 1 Saturday. doing chores. took milk to factory. & digging potatoes. 28 bushel.

Oct 2 Sunday. doing chores. I drove to Longford. & had dinner & tea at Albert Ramseys. very nice day.

Oct 3 Monday. doing chores. & digging Potatoes all day. very nice day. 26 bushel.

Oct 4 Tuesday. doing chores. finished digging potatoes. pulled beans. & cut ever-green corn. plowing beans ground. rain at night. Mother away to Jeans. I wrote letter to H.E.P.

Oct 5 Wednesday. doing chores. cutting some wood in shed. rainy day. Father away to City. Mother came home from Harrisburg.

Oct 6 Thursday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. went to store & got oil & mail at office. rainy all day.

Oct 7 Friday. doing chores. fall plowing all day. very nice day. Father away to Brantford.

Oct 8 Saturday. doing chores. plowing fall ground. in lower field. had head ache. Miss H.E.P. called here. nice day Settled with Frank on mill check 42 & 3 lots chopping 149. $1.76

Oct 9 Sunday. doing chores. at Home all day wrote letter to H.E.P. very cool day.

Oct 10 Monday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. 272 lbs. plowing in lower field. Frank away drawing wood.

Oct 11 Tuesday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. 131 lbs. plowing. F.W.M. pulling turnips. & took away 1 load.

Daily Record.

Oct 12 Wednesday. doing chores. went to Rockton Show. & had dinner & tea at Plastows. Mr & Mrs Stewart there also Miss Pettit. cool wind. fine day.

Oct 13 Thursday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. sold 13 pigs to Amos Dyment. F.W.M. away drawing wood in A.M.

Oct 14 Friday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. & pulling mangles.

Oct 15 Saturday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. pulling mangles.

Oct 16 Sunday. doing chores. drove to R{Rockton}. & had dinner at H.E.Ps. home at 6-30 & done chores.

Oct 17 Monday. doing chores. pulling mangles. drawed in 3 loads. {word scribbled out} very nice day. warm.

Oct 18 Tuesday. doing chores. picking sweet apples. in forenoon. pulling mangles in P.M. very nice day.

Oct 19 Wednesday. doing chores. pulling mangles. & drawed in 2 loads. {word scribbled out} very nice day.

Oct 20 Thursday. doing chores. pickings snow apples. pulling mangles. & drawed in 3 loads. finished mangles. east wind. looks like storm.

Oct 21 Friday. doing chores. Picking apples in A.M. went to C. Boyles to thresh in P.M.

Oct 22 Saturday. doing chores. went to C. Boyles & helped to finish threshing Father to Hamilton. Mother to Jeans. F.W.M. away to Brantford.

1910 Daily Record.

Oct 23 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. went out to church at Night.

Oct 24 Monday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. 236 lbs. picked up 4 bags potatoes for Bates. & picking apples. WM Smith left tax bill here $68.32

Oct 25 Tuesday. doing chores. picking apples. & finished same to day. sent 4 bags potatoes to W.I. Bate. Toronto. sold 1 barrel apples to Alex Misner. also 3 barrels to Jim Hodgins.

Oct 26 Wednesday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. pulling turnips.

Oct 27 Thursday. doing chores. went to Harrisburg. & bot goods. & brought Frank's horse. home. pulling turnips. took apples to station. & took cow to Bull.

Oct 28 Friday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. & pulling turnips in A.M. took load of turnips to car in P.M. Father & Mother went to Toronto.

Oct 29 Saturday. doing chores. took milk to Factory. pulling turnips. in A.M. & took load to car in P.M. recv payment for turnips. 148 bushel. @ 11 {cents}. $16.28. Frank away all day.

Oct 30 Sunday. doing chores. went to R {Rockton}. & had dinner at H.E.Ps.

Oct 31 Monday. doing chores & working around barn & house in A.M. pulling turnips in afternoon. Albert came home & had tea here.

Daily Record.

Nov 1 Tuesday. doing chores. put load turnips on wagon. & plowing in A.M. took load turnips to car. & pulling turnips in P.M. Frank had words to say about turnips {written in margin: XX} & potatoes. & forbid me taking X turnips from field. Father & Mother came home from Toronto.

Nov 2 Wednesday. doing chores. & plowing.

Nov 3 Thursday. doing chores. & plowing

Nov 4 Friday. doing chores. took barrel of apples to Able Wing. & got some furniture at station for Father. & plowing the rest of day.

Nov 5 Saturday. doing chores. sorting apples. & took 2 barrels to Jim H. bot 5 lengths. of stove pipe. & 1 Elbow at Geo Archers. Paid 80 {cents}.

Nov 6 Sunday. snow in forenoon. doing chores. drove to R {Rockton}. & had dinner at H.E.Ps. Mother away to Harrisburg.

Nov 7 Monday. doing chores. splitting wood. & sorting apples. Had words with {written in margin: XX} Frank about apples. turnips & many other things on farm.

Nov 8 Tuesday. doing chores. took 2 bags apples to station for brakeman cutting cabbage. to make crout.{sauerkraut} & threshing beans. F.W.M. away all the forenoon.

Nov 9 Wednesday. doing chores. took milk to factory. & finished plowing in the crop field.

1910 Daily Record.


Nov 10 Thursday. doing chores. rainy wet day went to Hamilton on. 10 train H.E.P. came up with me. & stayed for tea. & I drove her home at night.

Nov 11 Friday. doing chores. cleaning out water furrows. & tinkering around. down street at night & bot good at Pirie’s sale. took milk to Factory.

Nov 12 Saturday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. put storm doors on house. & fixing around. barn. & shed. got Bread. & gal coal oil.

Nov 13 Sunday. doing chores. went to church morning & evening.

Nov 14 Monday. doing chores.

Nov 15 Tuesday. doing chores. barreled up 5 barrels apples for Tim Hull. & took same to shop. drawing in corn.

Nov 16 Wednesday. doing chores. plowing corn ground. F.W.M. getting up wood in A.M. & away in P.M. Wm Vansickle & wife here.

Nov 17 Thursday. doing chores. cleaning up garden. cutting wood. went over to village lot. & set up W.C. {water closet} & cleaned away old trees from front yard.

Nov 18 Friday. doing chores. cleaning out Hen House & put some on garden. went to Harrisburg. & took F.B. horse home. recd. 2 letters. from H.E.P. Jean. Parry.

Nov 19 Saturday. doing chores. husking corn. F.W.M. away to city all day.

1910 Daily Record.


Nov 20 Sunday. doing chores. at Barlows to see S.A.P. {Patterson} drove to R {Rockton}. at night. & went to League meeting in church. Miss S.A.P. went home with me to R {Rockton}. Mr WM Vansickle & wife left here.

Nov 21 Monday. doing chores. & husking corn. went to station & helped S.J. Plastow. get stove. & bran at mill. also at Piries Store & bot groceries.

Nov 22 Tuesday. doing chores. husking corn.

" 23 Wednesday. doing chores. husking corn & went to woods & got 2 loads threshing wood. F.W.M. away with team.

Nov 24 Thursday. doing chores. husking corn.

" 25 Friday. doing chores. husking corn. cutting wood in shed. cleaning up drive barn floor. Jean & children here to-day. north wind to night. sent letter to H.E.P.

Nov 26 Saturday. doing chores. getting ready to thresh in AM. threshing in P.M. 386 bushel. mixed grain.

Nov 27 Sunday. doing chores. had head ache. & home all day. Jean. here. Albert. & girl here for dinner.

Nov 28. Monday. doing chores. & finished threshing. 549 bushel. total 935.B.

Nov 29. Tuesday. doing chores. took oats 4.8 lbs to Frank Barlow's. then to Firman Clements. 12 1/2 bushel. working around. barn. & cutting some wood in shed. went to Frank. Barlow's sale. cold west wind. things did not sell very well. except cattle which sold good.

1910 Daily Record.


Nov 30 Wednesday. doing chores. took 8 bags grain to mill to get chopped. Paid 40 {cents}. cutting wood in shed. & fixing around hen house. F.W.M. away all forenoon. Recv Last Milk check. $42.19 cheese $4.77

Dec 1 Thursday. doing chores. tieing up seed corn & hung some in oat granuary {granary}. down street this P.M. & got milk check cashed. & bot lantern globe at Archer's. filed saw. & cut some wood in shed Frank Barlow got load of Tanning mill F.W.M. away all A.M. colder. N.W.

Dec 2 Friday. doing chores. went to C. Boyles & helped to cut feed. Recv letter{fr?}. H.E.P. she being into city.

Dec 3 Saturday. doing chores. cutting some wood in shed. took grain to mill to get chopped. Paid 27 {cents}

Dec 4 Sunday. doing chores. went to R- {Rockton} & had dinner at H.E.P. home in evening & done chores.

Dec 5 Monday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. & fixing around stable.

Dec 6 Tuesday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. went to office & got mail & coal oil.

Dec 7 Wednesday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. down street to office. took No 2 cow. to C Boyles. bull.

Dec 8 Thursday. doing chores. cutting some wood. helping a little over at house. {written in margin: XXX} Frank & I had talk about several things on farm. turnips, apples, eggs. & work in general.

1910 Daily Record.


Dec 9 Friday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. had head-ache. & cold.

Dec 10 Saturday. doing chores. cutting wood. fixing around granery {granary}. Mrs Bates came here. & A.E.V also returned.

Dec 11 Sunday. doing chores. north west wind. with snow. went out to church at night.

Dec 12 Monday. doing chores. cutting wood & took some in cellar.

Dec 13 Tuesday. doing chores. went to woods & cut wood in afternoon. F.W.M. away with team. Father away to Brantford. & Harrisburg

Dec 14 Wednesday. doing chores. drawing up wood for Father. 5 loads. cold west wind.

Dec 15 Thursday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. stormy day.

Dec 16 Friday. doing chores. got Horses shod. & Paid for same $1.00 drawing up wood from woods. {written in margin: XXX} Frank & I had words about settling up milk check. threshing. chopping & taxes. also apples & turnips.

Dec 17 Saturday. doing chores. he went to office & got mail & 1 gal coal oil. had head ache. Paid F.W.M. $19.53 on {?} milk check. threshing & chopping. we had {written in margin: XXX} word about taxes & settlement of account.

Dec 18 Sunday. doing chores. drove to R{Rockton} & had dinner & tea at Plastow's. XXX F.W.M. shot off his mouth about Plastow's & other things.

1910 Daily Record.


Dec 19 20 Monday. doing chores. cutting some wood in shed. helped to take tank to attic.

Dec 20 Tuesday. doing chores. went to Hamilton Mrs Jane Heath & Miss H.E.P. also went along. came home on. 4-20 train

Dec 21 Wednesday. doing chores. drawing in fodder corn. & cutting feed. 2 1/2 hours.

Dec 22 Thursday. doing chores. drawing up wood from woods. & cutting some furnace wood.

Dec 23 Friday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. went to Robins & sold basket onions & bot 3 loves bread. & candy. W.I. Bate come here to-day.

Dec 24 Saturday. doing chores. stormy. cutting wood in shed. F.W.M. away to city.

Dec 25 Sunday. Xmas day. doing chores. Frank & Jean. & children here. also Will & Cora. also Albert & Carrie & family. & F.W.M. I drove to R {Rockton}. in evening & went to League with H.E.P.

Dec 26 Monday. doing chores. cutting some wood in shed. more snow!

Dec 27 Tuesday. doing chores. cutting wood & Jean & I putting up blinds in new house. R. Jones. leading tank D Will & Cora went home on early train 7-15 AM.

Dec 28 Wednesday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. snow storm.

Dec 29 Thursday. doing chores. cutting some wood in shed

Dec 30 Friday. doing chores. & working around in general.

1910 Daily Record.

Dec 31 Saturday. doing chores. got load of coal 2200 lbs for Father. & drawing up some wood. for him & cutting wood. for furnace.


Jan 1 Sunday. doing chores. Albert's horse to Rockton & had dinner & tea at Plastow's. milder with rain.

Jan 2 Monday. doing chores. helping Mother wash. bot cards & sent same to H.E.P. Polling day Voting on Local Options. 654 for 218 against also Reeve & Deputy Reeve. {written in the margin: X} Jones. & Burgess. X Humphery & sparks.

Jan 3 Tuesday. doing chores. cutting wood & took same into cellar.

Jan 4 Wednesday. doing chores. cutting wood & taking same in cellar.

Jan 5 Thursday. doing chores. had head ache. & not doing much.

Jan 6 Friday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. & working around in general.

Jan 7 Saturday. doing chores. posted letter to H.E.P. & also recv one. drawed load stone for F. Clement in afternoon. down st at night.

Jan 8 Sunday. doing chores. soft & mild went to church in A.M. Albert away. over Sunday.

Jan 9 Monday. doing chores. cutting wood in shed. cleaned out furnace pipes

Daily record

Tuesday doing chores. cutting wood & taking some in cellar. helped Father move wardrobe over to new house.

Wednesday doing chores. went to woods & cut some dead pine for summer wood in forenoon. rainy & soft under foot cutting wood in shed in afternoon.

Thursday doing chores took 5 bags grain to mill to get chopped S.F.V. for pigs. also drewed up 2 loads pine wood for summer.

Friday doing chores sold 2 young cattle to Alf Hanley. ancaster. for $100.00 read $10.00 as { past?} payment.

Saturday doing chores oiling harness went to Dr Gibsons in evening & got bottle medicine & payed 50c for some Father & albert away to city very icy & slippery.

Sunday doing chores home all day went to church at night cold west wind.

Monday doing chores oiling harness drove mother out to church in afternoon cold. Tea meeting.

Tuesday doing chores oiling harness Alf Hanley took away 2 young cattle Recv check for $90.00 on molson bank Hamilton.

Wednesday doing chores helping mother wash clothes. splitting wood in shed & oiling harness. F.W.M. drawing in fodder corn.

Daily record

Thursday doing chores went to Hamilton & bot goods & got check cashed. missed 3.50 train & came up on 7-05 in evening.

Friday doing chores oiling & fixing harness F.W.M. shot off his mother afout apples Turnips taxes & many other thing about the family Paid hime $50.00 his share on cattle sold.

Saturday doing chores cutting wood in shed& oiling harness. mother went to jeans in evening.

Sunday doing chores drove over to H.E.P.s & had dinner & Tea & spent the evening there.Father & mother at Jeans over I.

Monday doing chores & laying around house. not feeling well.

Tuesday doing chores went up to function & see new tower office cutting wood in shed.

Wednesday doing chores cutting wood in shed fixing harness & drawing out manure in afternoon 4 loads down to lower south field. F.W.M. got chop for pigs 5 bags.

Thursday doing chores cutting wood in shed & helping father cut some limbs off of apple trees.

Friday doing chores very mild & fogy. Posted letter to H.E.P & me to m.young Red deer alta milk Rause came home this afternoon.

Daily Record

Saturday doing chores splitting wood in shed went up to see things at junction cut in afternoon.

Sunday doing chores cloudy & looks like storm drove over to Plastows & went to C.E & had tea after turned colder. & strong west wind.

monday doing chores cold west wind.

Tuesday doing chores & talking to A.E.V in P.M. mother fell in lane & broke her left arm above rist.

Wednesday doing chores & working around in general baged up 5 bags oats & 1 bag potatoes.

Thursday doing chores took potatoes to Robins & chop to mill & cutting wood chop for horses & pigs. Dr here This morning & changed bandage on mothers arm. at amos Dymonds at night & gave him present of 2 chairs & cloth.

Friday doing chores cutting stove & furnace wood sold 2 bags potatoes to aunt Bell d. recv payment in full also payment from mrs Robins.

Saturday doing chores cutting some wood in shed went up to shack to see things around.

Sunday doing chores went to R{ockton}. & had dinner & Tea at Plastows nice day. but frosty. got home soon after 7 p.m. & done up chores

Daily Record

monday doing chores very stormy all day. strong wind & snow drift {ing?}.

Tuesday doing chores had head ache. & not feeling well.

Wednesday doing chores cutting wood in shed sent letter to H.E.P. Had talk to Father about Renling farm.

Thursday doing chores helping father to move into new house very nice day.

Friday doing chores had headache miss H.E.P. called today & had short talk colder with west wind.

Saturday doing chor{es?} splitting wood & fixing & cleaning around house.

Sunday doing chores went to R. & had dinner and Tea at H.E.Ps & went to cough at night.

monday doing chores splitting wood got load of coal for B Van mother very sick. Plurcy drove to R. at night & went to Tea meeting East wind & stormy all night.

Tuesday doing chores very stormy east wind had dinner at new house Cara & Jean there mother sick.

Wednesday doing chores & washing around shoveling snow & so on.

Thursday doing chores cutting wood in shed went to store & bot goods Bought Binder Frost & wood make also cultivator 16 took with grain box. attached gave notes for $ 160.00

Daily Record

Friday doing chores & housework took 3 bags potatoes to mrs Bell Vansickle also load of machining to John thompson for A.E.V. Read Payment for potatoes father got some eggs & butter & some sausage.

Saturday doing chores Father & I fixing pig pen roof. Frank & A.E.V away to city H. sent letter to H.E.P. also recieved one at night.

Sunday doing chores colder Presby terian anniversary to-day. went to church at night.

monday doing chores went to tea m. at night & had good supper. P{ronda?} $ 160.00

Tuesday doing chores splitting wood & took furniture over to new house had dinner there. mr Woodworth & bro here talking about renting farm.

Wednesday doing chores was over to new house for dinner & talking about renting farm.

Thursday doing chores cutting some wood. & working around.

Friday doing chores. shoveling snow & drewing in corn. mild day.

Saturday doing chores cutting wood & cleaning up house in afternoon.

Sunday doing chores rainy; Bates & I went up to see new swiches had dinner at new house.

monday doing chores cutting wood in shed.

Daily Record

Tuesday doing chores austin mulholland & I went to {vector?} Hunters safe. cold west wind.

Wednesday doing chores had head ache. cold west wind mrs henry murray buried this P.M.

Thursday doing chores cutting wood drove to R. at night & spent evening at H.E.P.s she not very well.

Friday doing chores cutting wood in shed took bag potatoes to mrs Robins & got 100 Granulated sugar at $4.76 per hundred. got grain box from station. was taking to woodworks about hunting farm.

Saturday doing chores went to R. & had dinner at Plastows

monday doing chores cutting wood.

tuesday doing chores drove to C. bayles in am.

Wednesday doing chores moving over to new house.

Thursday doing chores moving and cleaning out {garred?}.

Friday doing chores moving.

Saturday doing chores moving wood over to new house. and soed mrs Robins 10 bus oats at 35 c. $3.50

Sunday doing chores rainy & cloudy.

Daily Record

monday doing chores moving & cleaning out house.

Tuesday doing chores cleaning out woodwork cellar.

Wednesday doing chores Father & I tore up hoese flower & Frank brought some over with team. Frank took 35 bags on 75 bus 50 lb wheat to mill @ 78 c hen bus.

Thursday doing chores bind {Juke?} hole in floor & cleaning up wheat.

Friday doing chores cleaning up wheat & took 53 - 05 lbs to mill @ 76 % hen bus. $ 40.34. paid for chopping 25% Picked up 7 bags potatoes in cellar also took 135 lbs old wheat to mill @ 76 c hen bus $1.71

saturday doing chores fixing cistern{ summer?} at bricks house on farm cleaning out tool house. F.W.M away to city with oats & potatoes & got sale bill. No 1 cow calved.

Sunday doing chores went for walk up the railway damp wind.

monday doing chores cleaning out tool house o big farm.

Tuesday doing chores cleaning out pig pen & sold 10 fat pigs weight 2050 lbs @ 6.75 =$130.40 had settlement for apples, turnips wheat, pigs & meals. Paid him $66.25.

Daily Record

Wednesday doing chores cleaning out pig pen west wind & colder to-night.

Thursday doing chores fixing up hen house & cleaning up small wood from pig pen & got wire from field mean pond. very cold west wind.

Friday doing chores went to city on 10 train & bot goods $ 5.45 returned on 2:30 train & done chores & fixing around hen house.

Saturday doing chores delivered 5 bags potatoes & 5-6 bushel oats had headache & sick at stomach father & mother went to Harrisburg on evening train.

Sunday doing chores drove to rockton & had dinner at h.E.Ps rain at night father & mother away over sunday at jeans.

monday doing chores baging up some grain & potatoes.

Tuesday doing chores got A.E.V horse {Shod?} took grain to mill & got chopper delivered bag potatoes to & bag grain to Chas Griller Read $1.50 = 35% due paid me mr geo Egg leston here. & helping me. We caught 22 hens & 1 rooster at night & brought some away from farm.

Wednesday doing chores getting things ready to sell at sale.

Thursday doing chores getting ready for sale & had sale in afternoon good crowd here.

1911 Daily Record.


Mar 31 Friday. doing chores. & helping to get things away. after sale. Mr Geo Eggleston went home to city. M {written in left margin}

April 1 Saturday. doing chores. & helping. Purdy get out load of mangles. also Ray Humphrey. to get corn stalks. Pursey Rouse paid me $2.75 for F.W.Ms cutter. F.W.M. away to Brantford. Recv $1.75 from Jim Hodgins for 5 bus {bushel}. oats. also $3.40 from Mrs Robins for 4 bus {bushel} potatoes.

Apr 2 Sunday. cold wind. at home all day. & wrote letter to H.E.P.

Apr 3 Monday doing chores. drawing timber to mill. & helping to get hay. roots. & grain away. Joe Archer to 1/2 ton mixed grain. Paid cash $10.62. Geo Barlow to 1/2 ton mixed grain. gave note for $11.00.

Apr 4 Tuesday. doing chores. Father & I cleaning out Drive barn. F.W.M. away to Hamilton with team. sold. Ray Humphrey here for corn & settled acc. Mr Geo Hendry & Mr Max from Sheffield here for 100 bus {bushel} oats & 10 bus {bushel} potatoes. also John Riddle here for oats. Recv $ 2.77 from Humphrey rainy all afternoon.

April 5 Wednesday. doing chores. drawing timber to mill. fixing up stable to put horses in. down st at night & Recv $7.25 from {Won?} Cornell.

1911 Daily Record.

April 6 Thursday. doing chores. drawing timber to mill. & getting things moved to stable. at new house. put horses in stable. for the night. first time.

April 7 Friday doing chores. brought 16 bags mixed grain from farm barn. sold 2 bags potatoes to Bell Vansickle $1.60 Paid. Woodworth here cutting wood. 4 1/2 hours {written above previous "wood"}. Father using team drawing logs & timber. C. Boyle settled his account. John Archer got hay & paid $11.30 for same.

April 8 Saturday. doing chores. drawing logs from woods to Rouses mill. 5 trips. Recv letter from H.E.P. with a V. enclosed.

April 9 Sunday. attended to horses & chickens went up to junction to see new. switch house. also went to church at night.

April 10 Monday. doing chores. drawing logs & cut down pine tree. helped mother wash clothes. very nice day.

April 11 Tuesday. doing chores. drawing timber from Rouses mill. put load of hay in wagon. helped John Riddle get balance of oats.

April 12 Wednesday. doing chores. got hay weighed 2310 lbs at 9.50. rainy most of day. tinkering around. sold Geo Archer 38 bushel oats at 36 {cents}. Recv Payment $13.65. Father away to Carson Weabers sale.

April 13 Thursday doing chores & fixing up around barn. got straw from bay. F.W.M. & Father got out load hay for Mrs Robins. 8.50

1911 Daily Record.


April 14 Friday. doing chores. at F.W.M. after noon & evening settling up sale acc.{account} & Recv {received} cash or check for $208.47 due me amount on Notes. $187.88 due me " not settled. 16.05 due me on Harness. 6.35 due me on milk can & mangles .87.

April 15 Saturday. doing chores went to Bank & got check cashed. & left 200.00 in bank on deposit. fixing up granery {granary}. & cleaning out barn. on farm. billed chicken. for mother. down street at night.

April 16 Sunday. cold north-west wind. Easter Sunday. home all day. but went to church at night.

Apr 17 Monday. doing chores. fixing hen pen. helping to wash clothes. sold load hay to John Mulholland. Recv $5.00 on same. $2.00 due. us.

April 18 Tuesday. drawing logs to mill & lumber & timber home. F.W.M. left for the west. Recv from F.W.M. $19.00 on sale account, due me.

April 19 Wednesday. doing chores. went to bank. to see about notes. & put on deposit $50.00. cleaning up yard around house. had head ache. wrote letter to H.E.P.

Apr 20 Thursday. doing chores. drawing lumber. & cleaning up yard. trimming apple trees in orchard posted letter to H.E.P.

Apr 21 Friday. doing chores. trimming trees washing buggy. down street at

1911. Daily Record.

April 21 night & bot loaf Bread. & Recv Payment for 50 bushel oats. from Mrs Robins. $17.50. to date. S.C. Vansickle.

April 22 Saturday. doing chores. trimming trees cleaning up brush. drawing out manure. fixing side of barn. Recv letter from H.E.P. down st at night. & settled with A.E. Vansickle for oats & Peter Vansickles account. $15.00

" 23 Sunday. doing chores. went for walk with cashier at Bank. in forenoon. at home after noon.

" 24 Monday. doing chores. took line house over to farm. got home new wagon from station. started to take down barn's in afternoon. Set two hens on hen eggs. 14 each.

" 25 Tuesday. doing chores. plowed John Manx's garden. & had team on scraper. moving dirt at barn. Rev Mr {?} here for dinner also he was selling stock in X {written in left margin} Marconi wireless. telegraph at $5.00 X {written in left margin} per share. Mother took 3 shares. & paid cash $15.00 for same.

April 26 Wednesday. doing chores. digging out cellar. under-bank. drawing out dirt with team. Ruben {Ginley?} helping. finished writing letter to H.E.P.

April 27. Thursday. cultivating & harrowing ground for day. go. cleaning up. yard. sold 4 bags potatoes. & one bag mixed grain. also 8 doz {dozen} eggs to Mrs Robins.

1911 Daily Record.



Apr 28 Friday. not very well. doing chores. & drawing sand. cleaning up yard at new house

Apr 29 Saturday. doing chores.. cleaning yard moved snow poles from barn. trimming trees. Recv letter H.E.P.

Apr 30 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. showery. went to church at Night. & walked up to Lindy Rouses after church. with the 2 miss Boyles. Mia & Ida. also Mrs L. Rous.


May 1 Monday. doing chores. cleaning beans. helping mother to wash. Father working at barn & away with horse. showery all day. rain at night. Agent for Galt metal Roofing here this P.M. & had tea.

May 2 Tuesday. doing chores. helping around barn & not very well.

May 3 Wednesday. done chores. not very well.

" 4 Thursday. helping at barn.

" 5 Friday. plowing in orchard. & digging around trees.

" 6 Saturday. doing chores. cleaning up around barn. carpenters took barn down.

" 7 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. Frank & Jean came down. & spent the afternoon. very nice day.

" 8 Monday. doing chores working at barn takeing down store walks.

" 9 Tuesday. doing chores. burning brush. & helping around barn cleaning up.

1911 Daily Record.

May 9. Drove to Rockton in evening. & called Plastow's. Mrs Plastow. sick. Mrs Stewart. & son there.

May 9 Frank Braithwaite & daughter here in evening & got bag potatoes.

May 10 Wednesday. doing chores.. drawing stone for barn. got metal roofing from station. rain in P.M. cleaning up yard. & spaded up plot for garden along north fence. masons started work on foundation.

May 11 Thursday. doing chores. drawing stone for barn. & helping around. started to write letter to H.E.P.

May 12 Friday. working in orchard with team cultivating & drawing water for masons.

May 13 Saturday. working in orchard all forenoon. with team. got ready & went to city on noon train. Mother went to Jean. at night.

May 14 Sunday. doing chores. very nice day. went out to church at night.

May 15 Monday. doing chores. working at barn helping masons. in A.M. started to dig out trench for cement walk at new house.

May 16 Tuesday. doing chores. putting broken brick in trench. for walk. rainy in P.M. moving straw. in barn. & makeing pattern for step on cement walk.

May 17 Wednesday. doing chores. got load water for masons. filling up trench with broken brick. & digging trench.

1911. Daily Record.


May 17 Jan Plastow. at Lynden for metal shingles for Wm. wood. Jr. I helped him get same. Carpenters here putting joice {joist} on barn.

May 18 Thursday. doing chores. & helping to put down cement walks at new house.

May 19 Friday. doing chores. helping to put down cement walk. drawing stone. & work in orchard cultivating. sent letter to H.E.P. shipped wire fence stretcher to Banwell Hoxie Company. Hamilton. & payed. the freight 50 {cents}.

May 20 Saturday. doing chores. planting potatoes. had head ache. in after. noon.

May 21 Sunday. drove to Harrisburg. & had dinner & tea at Jean's. also drove to St George Presbyterian Church. at N {night}.

May 22 Monday. doing chores. plowing & cultivating hoe crop. ground. wrote L {letter}. May {written in left margin} to H.E.P.

May 23 Tuesday. drilling up ground for. corn potatoes. & mangles. sowed corn & planting Potatoes. Bot 1/2 bus {bushel} corn at mill. Paid 50 {cents}. to H.C. Morrison. Posted Letter to H.E.P.

May 24 Wednesday. doing chores. borrowed W.M. Cornells turnip drill. & sowed mangels. marking out potatoe ground. & planting potatoes. drove to Rockton at night. & spent the evening at H.E.Ps. returned H.E.P.s watch.

May 25 Thursday. doing chores. helping carpenters to raise barn with horse. very nice day.

1911 Daily Record.


May 26 Friday. doing chores. went to mill for lumber. & took 3 piece of joice {joist}. W Woodworths. women's missionary he at Lynden Methodist Church.

May 27 Saturday. doing chores. harrowing hoe crop ground. Dad drawing lumber & cleaning up yard. down st at night.

May 28 Sunday. doing chores. very warm went to church in A.M. & also to J.O.O.F. meeting held in Methodist church. home in evening. cooler at night.

May 29 Monday. doing chores. helping Mother wash in A.M. & fixing screen doors around house. plowing & scraping around house. fixing up yard.

May 30 Tuesday. doing chores. working in yard. at new house. also took load of lumber to mill & got some riped.

May 31 Wednesday. drove down below Copetown. to see binder. & called on Mr Ralph. & Mr Hope. I found binder in very poor shape. rain about noon got selling eggs. from Joe Archer. XXX {written in left margin} & set hen. posted letter to H.E.P.

1911. Daily Record.


June 1 Thursday. doing chores. cleaning out garden. & helping carpenters to hoist rafters on barn. & cleaning up yard in front of. barn.

June 2 Friday. doing chores. cleaning up at barn. rainy this afternoon.

June 3 Saturday. doing chores. making box for oat-bin. got up team. & harrowed lawn & Father sowed grass seed. Recv letter from H.E.P.

June 4 Sunday. doing chores. went to church. in A.M. Rev Mr Bell preached. no service at night. rainy. at night. home all day.

June 5 Monday. brought some oats from granery {granary} on farm. got some grain chopped. at mill. Paid 36 {cents}. also got some started plates. for roofing on new barn. plowing & scraping & filling in new barn.

June 6 Tuesday. doing chores. filling in drive way. at barn. wrote letter to H.E.P.

June 7 Wednesday. doing chores. filling in drive way at barn.

June 8 Thursday. doing chores. hoeing mangels. drove to R {Rockton}. & had talk with H.E.P.

June 9 Friday. doing chores. drawing lumber. from Rouses mill. rainy in P.M.

June 10 Saturday. doing chores. drawing lumber to Rouses mill. & home again. cultivating. in orchard. down St. at night.

June 11 Sunday. doing chores. went to church in morning Miss S.A.P {Patterson} in town. went to church at night. & for walk with S. A. Patterson. after church.

1911 Daily Record.

June 12 Monday. doing chores. & drawing lumber from mill. cleaning up stone from yard. took 2 bags mixed grain to mill. & got 75 {cents}. worth corn. & chopped some. paid 90{cents}. Mr Lovegrove of Troy. died. at 10 A.M. also Mr Charlie {Rawing?}. governors road. died at 11 A.M. Monday June 12.-1911.

June 13 Tuesday. doing chores. hoeing in orchard. & working around barn.

June 14 Wednesday. doing chores. went to Funeral of Charles {Rawing?}. & hoeing in orchard drove to R{ockton} after tea & had talk with H.E.P.

June 15 Thursday. doing chores. fixing up wire & setting post. to protect lawn & piling wood. hoeing in P.M. mangles & corn.

June 16 Friday. doing chores. hoeing in orchard. thinning mangels. & cultiv{ating}.

June 17 Saturday. doing chores. & went to Brantford & to picnic at Park. Father away to Greenville for lumber. mother at Toronto.

June 18 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. but went to church at night.

June 19 Monday. doing chores. hoeing in orchard. very warm. in forenoon. sent letter to H.E.P. Recv Payment for 1 bag potatoes. from F.C. Braithwaite.

June 20 Tuesday. doing chores. cleaning up around barn & moving flooring. took 2 sticks timber to mill. & seen S.A.P{atterson}. cultivating in orchard.

Daily Record

Wednesday doing chores cultivating on orchard & mrs James potatoes fixing screens at house & piling lumber lumber also took setting of eggs to H.E.P from London.

Thursday went to Harrisburg & St George Old Boys Reunion.

Friday doing chores plowing in village lot & took 38 pieces of boards to Rouses mill for mrs James.

Saturday doing chores fixing bridge at gate & handling store at barn in a.m. got ready & went to hamilton at noon.

Sunday doing chores home all day drove to Wm Barids & had tea then to Rockton miss S.A paterson went with me we all went to league spent the evening at H.E.Ps.

monday doing chores cleaning up ground floor of barn & leveling some

Tuesday doing chores harrowing & plowing at village lot got lumber for mrs James at Rouses mill. Cleaning up load of old lumber at barn cultivating & making window screens for cellar of new house rain part of afternoon.

Wednesday working at barn leveling ground floor & drawing gravel.

Thursday hoeing mangels & berries drawing gravel & sand.

Friday doing chores harrowing lot in village & sowed buckwheat on ground. drawing gravel paris greeining potatoes all afternoon. helped put up Tents at night on Sparkling grounds.

Daily Record

Saturday doing chores collecting provisions in a.m. went to park in afternoon. & to social at night.

Sunday doing chores home all day went to church at night with Jean.

monday cleaning up yard after social. paris greening potatoes. cleaning lumber of off barn floor. mr fred Mullerland called 171 Queen south Hamilton.

Tuesday posted letter to H.E.P cutting grass in orchard & cleaned up the some paris greened carries potatoes. & cleaning up around barn. bot 1 lb paris green.

Wednesday fitting in driveway at barn & working around in general.

Thursday working in garden cultivating also drove to R. & called at H.E.Ps dry & dusty moonlight.

Friday cultivating in garden & paris greening potatoes.

Saturday paris greening potatoes in forenoon hoeing in afternoon mending grain bags doing chores.

Sunday warm & dry at church in forenoon home the rest of day.

monday boging up oats took grain to mill to get chopped.

Tuesday went away for binder down near station got home after P.M rain in afternoon.

Daily Record

Wednesday doing chores bag took binder of off wagon got load of water frozen pond father went to Tory for line but did not get any but bot hay from Nichol we turned some out. I also paris greening potatoes.

Thursday dressed & took 7-10 train for Hamilton then took Radial can for Beach then boat for Toronto. returned to beach at night.

friday left beach for hamiltion then came home on 8-40 train helped got load of water & helping around barn masons putting in basement floor.

saturday working at barn in a.m drawing gravel.

Sunday at home all day.

monday working at barn

Tuesday drawing gravel went to Rauses mill for lumber got load of hay from david woodworth.

Wednesday moving back hay Father bot load hay cultivating potatoes

thursday paris greening potatoes working berries drawed 3 loads wood for {I inh?} hadgins 7 brought load groceries from station for {Pirei?} also went to mill Fixing pump at day-90 lot.

Friday doing chores cleaning up around barn painting farm doors in afternoon.

Saturday painting barn doors in a.m. doing odd jobs in P.M mother went to Jeans on 4 -15 train.

Daily Record

Paid David woodworth for 1 load hay $ 5.00 at Geo Archers Store.

Sunday went to church in morning and drove to Rockton in evening mr & mrs Steward there & all went to league

monday doing chores drawing timber planning barn picking berries bot 10 boxes black amounts for H.E.P. & toook berries & {curants?} to H.E.P at night.

Tuesday doing chores not very well so not working much mother away to jeans.

Wednesday doing chores & working around barn mother came home at night.

Thursday working around in general took wagon to Tom Hulls & loaded same with Lumber.

Friday doing chores took load of lumber to St George for tom H. also digging out ditch & put in tile drain from horse stable.

saturday doing chores piling wood & building roof over same.

Sunday drove to rockton & had tea at H.E.P.

monday doing chores helping mother wash picking berries cultivating & hilled up potatoes for mrs James. also cultivating Potatoes in orchard.

Daily Record

Tuesday doing chores & helping at barn putting down cement floors.

Wednesday helping at barn.

Thursday working at barn.

Friday cleaning up around barn & doing odd jobs.

Saturday fixing gate & wheelbarrow getting in care Went out to see drilling machine & Rones mill. Read letter from H.E.P.

Sunday doing chores very nice day warm & dry at home all day.

monday working around in general.

Tuesday took load lumber to St George for Tom Hull also drove to harrisburg & called on Jean.

Wednesday helping wash in a.m drowing dirt in p.m.

Thursday doing chores cultivating on south side of lawn took out 2 posts in yard sold Geo Archer 25 lbs 7 30 Lbs oats @ 40% $10.35. drawed out load & manure & got in corn for horses sent letters to H.E.P and fred mulholland 171 Queen St S. Hamilton.

Friday doing chores & getting things in shops to go away to city.

Saturday doing chores fixing fence. & working on barn {reseiding?} same got dressed & took noon train for city & went to Fred Mulhollands 171 Queen S. Fred F.F around the city in afternoon & to mountain theater at night.

Daily Record

Sunday went to methodist church in morning to beach in P.M & called on has Jones 7 wife came home & had tea & went to {caitral ?} presbyterain church at night.

monday doing chopping & looking around the city sent present to mr & mrs Fred Mulholland

Tuesday wet in a.m. went down town about 10 a.m. & done some shopping had dinner & went to temple Theather in afternoon came home at night on mail train.

Wednesday doing chores & fixing up around father away to city. rainy most of day. got mail & small loaf bread.

Thursday doing chores to do queen to mill and got same chopped and sold ms {gfiller?} 1 bag grain & 50 Lbs chop getting ready to go after ceder.

Friday doing chores went to 8th consession for ceder plants got some & sat now up on South side of house. sold John mangle 75 lbs chop 95@.

Saturday doing chores plowing and working up ground in lot 7 doing odd jobs around.

Sunday doing chores home all day. but drove to R. at night & met Mrs Henry Plastow & daughter.

Daily Record

monday doing chores drawing wood for Jim Hodgins & groceries Pirce. Sold mrs Jim hodgins 1/2 bus potatoes.

Tuesday doing chores working at barn getting lumber for carpenters.

Wednesday doing chores working at barn Sunday School picnic at mohawk Pavb Brantford nice day.

Thusrday doing chores & working at barn miss H.E.P & Beat.P called & had a short talk.

Friday doing chores painting window sash & barn door. F.W.M went to North West.

Saturday doing chores & working at barn. Carpenters finished up job & took tools away. Read letter from H.E.P mother went to Harrisburg.

Sunday doing chores went to church on in a.m. home the rest of day. father drove to Jean & brought mother home very nice day.

monday doing chores cleaning up at barn dug some potatoes & fixed door in roof cellar inter steps. father painting window sash.

Tuesday doing chores drawed out load manure got in corn & mangels went to Tom Hulls & got screen & trowel. screening gravel & took some to barn. fixing cement bottoms in {wangess?}. Pirce payed ms 25 P for drawing goods from station.

Wednesday doing chores painting barn doors picking Pears. & fixing windows.

Daily Record

Thursday doing chores fixing horse stable. putting glass in sash but window in barn stable & fixing around barn.

Friday doing chores cleaning up around barn David Woodworth objected to BV takeing plank & lumber away from farm.

Saturday doing chores & doing odd jobs around rain a little read letter from H.E.P.

Sunday doing chores drove to R. in afternoon & had tea at H.E.Ps.

monday doing chores helping to wash & doing odd jobs around Read letter from S.A. Patterson

Tuesday took grain to mill & got some chopped. sold mrs Hodgins 1 bushel potatoes $1.00 helping R.Q Thompson to bag up Turnip 1/2 day.

Wednesday went to Toronto & at fair. miss H.E.P went with me & met S.A.P at {catons?} store.

Thursday doing chores helped R.Q Thompson to bag up turnip Read cash $ 2.25.

Friday doing chores drawing up wood from woods.

Saturday doing chores while washing stable & hen house. started to help R.Q Thompson to bag Turnip. 11 o clock a.m. & worked till six. 6 hours at 15-90.

Daily Record

Sunday doing chores drove to R. at night & called at Plastows.

monday doing chores helping R.A Thompson baging Turnip at car all day. 199 bags.

Tuesday doing chores helping R.A.T. load turnip 142 bags.

Wednesday doing chores & helping R.A. thompson to bag up turnips 243

Thursday doing chores & helping R.A.T load Turnips 1/2 day. cutting corn & working around rainy all night. went to harrisburg at night & stayed at Jeans & got Franks suit case.

Friday doing chores fixing at barn. digging post holes in P.M. down street at night & bot groceries.

Saturday took 8-40 Train & went to Port Huron & visited at Stewarts went down town at & To moving picture show Will & Babe along.

Sunday am Will Stewart & I out for walk along river to water works 7 through river side park in P.M. Babe stewart.{ Elmer?} Parent . ms Pirce & I went for walk through cementry to canal & take side Beach.

monday called at alex stewarts drug store & took a look around town also called on David Stewart & saw Tom Stewart.

Tuesday wrote cards & letter done some fixing at house went for walk last block - S. shops & to light H.

Daily Record

went to alex Stewarts store & had talk & smoke after Tea Will & I went out for walk & went to see auto factory.

Wednesday went for walk down to freight sheds. & seen Elnes Pareut at office at alex Stewarts drug S. down town & to moveing {piclore?} S.

Thursday rainy day fixing at house & to alex stewarts drug store Will & I went down town at night & to majestic Theater & saw checkers play.

Friday getting ready to go to Detroit sent Laundry away went to D. in P.M. on electric car. & had tea at uncle Tom Vansickles.Harry & I went to see ray G. Vansickle & wife at 240 Helen Ave. I stayed there over night.

Saturday took Breakfast at R.G vansickles & dinner at uncle Toms. mr Topic & wife R.G vansickle & wife & I took Pontiac car. & went to see Matthew Vansickle at Orchard lake got off at edge water road.

Sunday at matthew Vansickle all day & looking around fruit farm also had an auto Rid with mr & mrs Egglestone of orchard lake.

monday at matther Vansickles & helping to pick peaches took 6 car & come into Detroit & stayed at uncle Toms over night.

Daily Record

Tuesday had breakfast at aunt marys. went to Roys and had dinner. Roy & wife went to Belle Jole Park in P.M. at Roys for tea we all went to 10% Theater at night{ sat?} Roys over night.

Wednesday raining very hard in morning had breakfast at roys and dinner at uncle toms aunt mary & I went to see cousin Will & wife & had tea at mrs {Brdous?} come back & stayed at lunch Toms all night.

Thursday cousin Tom & I out for walk down to river on woodward & took in moving picture show & home for dinner I down street in p.M. & went to Roys for Tea & we all went to Temple Theater at night then I returned to uncle Toms for N. heavy rain.

Friday Harry Tom & I went to east side market wrote H.E.P Will Vansickle called with Auto and took me for ride. I at Will Vansickle for dinner in P.M. will took me around city & to Hants on wood-word ave. to state fair grounds & log cabin Park also seen Packard auto works a Ford auto works & Boulvered went to Rays at tea time & spent the evening Harry called & I went to home with him.

saturday left uncle toms & took limited car at 9-15 for Port Huron & had dinner at Stewarts 2701 {Gratiot?} ave. down town in P.M.

Daily Record

Wed day & cloudy at Stewarts had head ache wrote letter to H.E.P.

left Port Huron on P A.M train arrived in London at 12 noon met Beat Plastow & had dinner also walked around city. met Florss P. & she showed us through {adioat?} printing companys building also met miss evaus & friend of Beats. left London at 2:05 P.M & arrived home at 5 oclock all safe. October 2 nd 1911. S.E.V

Tuesday doing chores diving doors at hoouse & helping father over at lot in village also took grain to mill & got some chopped paid 10 c drawed out manure & got in corn.

Wednesday doing chores & helping R.A. Thompson bag up turnip very windy all day. lem Wilson was helping at car.

Thursday posted letter & cards started to dig potatoes & sold Jim hodgins one bushel potatoes also put 12 bushel potatoes in cellar.

Friday doing chores digging potatoes in a.m. Rain all the afternoon picked up potatoes in evening

Saturday doing chores banking up around house at Day{ gos?} & picking up apples & potatoes in a.m. afternoon digging potatoes & picking up same through 15 1/2 bushel into cellar.

Daily Record

Sunday doing chores home in A.m drove to Roctor and had tea at H.E.P mr.Heath of hamilton wife and daughter there also & spent the day. mrs Jone heath there visiting.

monday doing chores digging potatoes 17 bushel & picking apples 5 bushel {spies?}. Went to Traders bank Lynden & paid First note of $34 00 on Binder

Tuesday doing chores setting fence posts patching roof rain at night Removed my subscription to Hearld Paper. Hamilton send postal note for $2.00 mother went to Toronto on 7-15 train Via Boat.

Wednesday doing chores in A.M got ready & went to rocktor show in afternoon & had tea at Plastows took over 1 bushel potatoes.

Thursday doing chores picking apples & pulling mangels drawed 3 wads then ties for Julia Mangie.

Friday doing chores making {bit?} for mangels & pulling mangels finished some.

Saturday doing chores drawed bad man Tie for Julia Mangie went to Rouses mill & got door frame & Veranda letters work harrowing orchard. sold mangie 1 log chop.

Sunday doing chores went to harrisburg & had dinner at Jeans.

Daily Record

monday doing chores helping R.A Thompson to bag car Turnips W. Jones & Jim Ross also there.

Tuesday doing chores started to draw out manuer rainy nearly all day. at car bagging on up Turnips 3 1/2 hours in afternoon Walter James. Frank Vansickle & I were at the job.

Wednesday doing chores drawing manure & spreading same in orchard. fixing fence in P.M.

Thursday doing chores Plowing in orchard helping to put barb wire on fence. very nice day. mother came home from Toronto. John morjie paid me 4.40 cash on account in full to date.

Friday doing chores & plowing in forenoon working for R.A Thompson in afternoon.

Saturday doing chores & helping R.A Thompson loading turnips & sold Jim Hodgius 1 bushel potatoes.

Sunday doing chores home all day had head ache cloudy & Rainy.

monday doing chores & helping R.A. Thompson to bag & load Turnips cloudy some rain & heavy wind at night.

Tuesday at R.A Thompsons baging and loading Turnips also went to Branchton to load Turnips.

Wednesday working for R.A Thompson loading Turnips.

Daily Record

Thursday doing chores baged up 5 bags grain & took to mill & got chop. Plowing in Orchard in forenoon Working for R.A. Thompson all afternoon Loading Turnips.

Friday doing chores & working for R.A thompson loading Turnips & bagging Turnips.

Saturday doing chores & working for R.A Thompson loading Turnips.

Sunday doing chores home all day went to church at night.

monday Thanksgiven day doing chores fixing around Veranda cut some wood got galon oil sold geo Pirie 1 bag snow apples also 1 bushel mangels to John manzil. Recieved payment from R.A Thompson for 132 days work $ 50.25 mr Vester Van-sickle & wife here for dinner Berlin twin city Fred mulhollan & wife 22 Tucket ave Hamilton were in village & took 4-50 train home.

Tuesday doing chores working for R.A Thompson building platform for new chop shed. rainy.

Wednesday doing chores working for R.A Thompson.

Thursday doing chores working for R.A thompson

Friday helping to build chop shed for R.A Thompson.

Daily Record

Saturday doing chores drawed out & loads manure on garden & plowed Geo Piries lot x Stewart carnell was shot x

Sunday doing chores went to church in morning drove to Rocktor in afternoon & had tea at Plastows & went to league at night.

monday doing chores helping R.E. Jones fix furnace at R.A thompson house in forenoon went to funeral of Stewart Carnell in afternoon rain all day.

Tuesday doing chores home working fixing up old shed & putting away machinery

Wednesday doing chores went over to village lot & took away old fence also fixing roof at brick house on farm.

Thursday doing chores & fixing stable door at house barn. very nice day.

Friday doing chores fixing & cleaning out chicken pen & cut some wood had head ache.

Saturday doing chores got load of wood from woods in a.m. opened mangel pit & brought some mangels to barn. also working for R.A Thompson 3 hours bagging Turnips.

Sunday doing chores very stormy rain &{ led?} from west. Turning cold & freezing at night.

monday doing chores working for R.A.T very cold all day west wind.

Daily Record

Tuesday doing chores & fixing barn in forenoon. working at Chas Zillers in afternoon leaving down barn. Jim Ross also helping with barn.

Wednesday doing chores fixing chicken house & fileing saws & cut some wood also grinding plaine blades sold mrs Robins 2 1é2 dozen eggs at 305 = 75% bot butter 27 & bread 10. cash 39%

Thursday doing chores cutting wood & cleaning up cellar in furnace room. Presentmont party at Dr. Gibsons.

Friday doing chores cleaning up cellar in fruit room & sorting apples. stormy & east wind.

Saturday doing chores sorting apples & fixing around Read payment from R.A Thompson $7.50 for 5 day word. also $ 200 from H.E.P for 2 bags potatoes & 90% from John Manzie for apples & mangels west wind & turning colder.

Sunday doing chores home all day. went to church at night.

monday doing chores fixing new door on North side of house. 7 working at hen house.

Tuesday doing chores fixing up roost in hen house getting ready to raise up shed at old store & working at same.

Wednesday doing chores drawed out two loads manure & put around house on lawn also helping to move old shed from village lot. Read from pale notes $ 154.88 & paid 75% for collection Dep in B. $100.00.

Daily Record

Thursday doing chores drawing wood shed in off of road & Turned same around rain in afternoon.

Friday doing choresworking at shed & started to fix roof.

Saturday doing chores shingling roof on shed cold west wind. Jean came down & stayed for dinner went to carries for tea.

Sunday at home all had head ache milder weather.

monday doing chores shingling wood shed roof & put doors on, very nice day.

Tuesday doing chores cutting wood in cellar & fixing up coal bins went to Rockton at night & called at H.E.P. rainy most of day colder at night.

Wednesday doing chores fixing coal bins in cellar. hooked up {team?} & went to village lot & got load of old lumber

Thursday doing chores drawing coal 2 loads. 1150 wagon 4270 first load 4220 second load also drawed 2 loads wood for A.E.V bot 1 bushel wheat at mill $1.00 Paid. Splitting wood & took same into cellar cold west wind.

Daily Record

Friday doing chores dressed & went to city on 10 Train & seen Duke & Duchess of connaught larger crowed in city went to Fred Mulhollands & stayed over night.

Saturday at Hamilton & done some buying & came home on 4.15 train.

Sunday doing chores east wind & storm went to church at night frosty air & moon light.

monday doing chores helping mother to wash baged up some grain & got some chopped also got Geo horse shed new shoes all around & drawed load This for Julia Manzie cold wind.

Tuesday doing chores & helping R.A.T to bag car of turnips.

Wednesdsay doing chores helping R.A Thompson at turnips in forenoon very nice day.

Thursday doing chores had sick head ache Father & mother away to funeral of Geo Wood age 70 years.

Friday doing chores not feeling very well very nice day.

Saturday doing chores cleaned out hen house & got in gravel for winter also cutting wood in afternoon mothyer went to Harrisburg at night very winded & cloudy Read L. from H.E.

Sunday doing chores & getting the meals went to church in forenoon.

monday doing chores & getting meals Polling day Dr. James mcqueen & Wm. Lawson candidates wet day.

Daily Record

Tuesday doing chores getting meals Father & I over barn measuring stone walls took some lumber over to fix barn & went to Rameys for to see about buckwheat brought pole up from woods & doing some plowing in lot very nice day.

Wednesday doing chores Casper Ram-ey brought 2 1/2 bushel buckwheat Paid $1.75 S.E.V went to office & posted letter to H.E.P killed a chicken in a.m not feeling very well.

Thursday doing chores killed 3 chickens & helped pick same drawing out 2 loads manure into orchard & got some mangels from pit East wind quite mild & farmers plowing no frost.

Friday doing chores & fixing around in general made 1 axe handle in a.m. father went to Seth Vansickles sale in P.M I took my shoes to H.W. Rouses.

saturday doing chores very nasty day stormy from the east went to rouses & got shoes paid 50% for same .

Sunday doing chores went to church morning & evening

monday doing chores & helping mother to wash in forenoon. went up to H.W Rouses in P.M. & got shoes healed paid 25%.

Tuesday doing chores & making clothes reel in a.m. went to Howards in P.M. to see about hay. father & mother were married 44 years.

Daily Record

Wednesday doing chores & picking & chickens in barn cutting wood & fixing around in general. Paid C. Bogle for 2 bushel wheat also C. Filler for fixing Pants F.W.M. home from west.

Thursday doing chores getting wood into cellar & wrote some cards cutting wood & doing other odd jobs. went Xmas Tree intertainment at night mother away to market with 4 pair chickens chickens selling from 80% to $1.25 a pair Turkeys sold @ 26 % per Lb.

Friday doing chores took some wood into cellar & doing odd jobs rain about noon.

Saturday doing chores & fixing up around the house Will & Cora came up for over Xmas

Sunday doing chores drove to Rockton & called at H.E.Ps & spent the afternoon come home at 7 P.M. & had supper Will & cora here. also mrs & mr hull.

monday Xmas we all went to Jeans for Xmas dinner very nice day with no snow come home on 4-18 train.

Tuesday frosty in morning Will & cora went home on morning train Albert also went home with them doing chores & fixing the doors & locks at new house east wind.

Wednesday doing chores & fixing around house change in weather colder.

Thursday doing chores & fixing wash machine cold west wind.

Daily Record

Friday doing chores went to office & posted letter to H.E.P & spoke to mr Henry Howard about hay Drove up to a m adams in P.M. & seen about hay a. mr. adams. brought me load of hay $ 8 90 lbs @ $ 15.00 a ton. Paid $ 14.15 to N.H Howard.

Saturday doing chores & fixing around house Will & cora came up in P.M.also Fred Mulholland & wife & son came here & stayed over night. snow storm from east.

Sunday doing chores milder with east wind at home all day except driving mr & mrs Fred Mulholland to {wrin?} sleet & rain.

Daily Record 1912

monday New years day. cold west wind doing chores. mr and mrs Bate of Toronto here also mr and mrs F.W Muller and & family and Jean and family. also albert and miss Wroden of Paris. Polling day at Lynden for township officers reeve Dupety Reeve and councilers.

 Reeve - chas sparks 464 464 
 D.Reeve - {sames  Champian?} 359 aec.
 council - Frank Biggs 464  464
                E. mc.Pherson 417   417
                S . moffalt.  533417  533

Tuesday doing chores. had headache and sick all day.Jean and family here.

Wednesday doing chores. got over some mangels from pit not doing much in afternoon wrote letter at night.

Thursday doing chores and cutting wood and took some wood into cellar. Cold west wind posted letter.

Friday doing chores and fixing around very cold with west wind Rew letter from H.E.P city also work wrote one Rew another at night.

Saturday doing chores fixing up stable in foremon cutting wood in afternoon cold west wind. Had Settlement with R.A Thompson to date for 1 1/2 days work $ 2.25.

Sunday doing chores home all day went to church at night cold.

Daily Record 1912

monday doing chores in Foremon and and helping to collect provisions in after lloyd Jones H.W Raw and & did not go to tea meeting at night.

Tuesday doing chores and working around house very cold.

Wednesday doing chores and fixing around.

Thursday doing chores and getting some Mangles from pit also bot 12 {Budiel?} oats from D.A Woodworth @ 479 per bus got some chopping done.

Friday doing chores splitting wood and getting some in cellar. Fatter away to city wrote letter to H.E.P.

saturday doing chores splitting wood got out cutter and working around.

Sunday doing chores and drove over to Rochton in P.M with cutter. H.E.P gave me Xmas present a watch. she recieved present from mrs S.F.P.

monday doing chores and fixing around the house snow and west wind.

Tuesday doing chores killed 2 chickens family chores and table.

Wednesday doing chores splitting wood and{ Tinkarrning?} around wrote L.

Thursday doing chores . Posted letter to H.E.P fixing {pump?} in cellar soft and rainy all day also went to mill a short time in afternoon.

Daily Record 1912

Friday doing chores & painting chairs got some oil & fixed up lamp cold wind from west very good sleighing. mr & mrs {SF atkins?} here for tea.

Saturday doing chores & Tinkering around.

Sunday doing chores at home all day not feeling very well.

monday doing chores helping mother to wash in a.m drove up to Geo Woods sale in P.M very nice day.

Tuesday {Starey?} doing chores & cleaning up homes shoveling snow.

Wednesday doing chores went out to R Jones & got pipe & coupling also got funnel made.

Thursday doing chores went of office & posted letter also took pipe wrenches to mill. splitting wood in P.M.

Friday doing chores cutting wood in cellar & helped mother {web?} 9 chickens marley Bahen & Charlie James called to see father about buying lot.

Saturday doing chores mother of took morning train & went to city & market with chickens and eggs. came home on 230 train.

Sunday doing chores Frank & Jean come down & had dinner home all day.

monday doing chores, had side head ache & cold all day father & mother went to {altsins?} for Tea. West wind & sleet storm very slippery.

Daily Record 1912

Tuesday doing chores not very well colder with west wind.

Wednesday not very well wrote letter to H.E.P.

Thursday done chores & Tinkering around house not feeling very well

Friday doing chores & around house not doing much

Saturday doing chores went to office & got mail.

Sunday doing chores went to church in morning home the rest of day reading & wrote letter.

monday doing chores had bad head ache & sick at stomach wrote letter to H.E.P.

Tuesday doing chores & got mangels from pit took all out of pit & put some in cellar. Ready Paultor buried to day.

Wednesday wrote note to H.E.P & Posted some went out to Rawes mill for window frame also took sleigh out.

Thursday doing chores & working around in a.m drove to Rockton in afternoon & called at H.E.P & had tea H.E.P not very well. mrs Plastaw sick with cold & S.F.P used up with between ribs. very cold & drifting.

Daily Record 1912

Friday doing chores very cold wind from North west. & & below zero.

Saturday doing chores in forenoon Dressed & went to Hamilton in P.M train late arrived here about 2 P.M.

Sunday doing chores & drove to R in P.M & had Tea at H.E.Ps & not very well mrs P. sick in bed Sam used it up with broken ribs. Father & Mother away to Harrisburg. over Sunday milder.

monday doing chores splitting wood & Taking same in cellar. chores done to for Plastaws in afternoon. for not very well. father & mother came home on 4-30 train.

Tuesday doing chores helping mother to wash very nice day. mild & bright sun.

Wednesday doing chores & varnishing chair in a.m went out to buy some hay & oats. but did not get any. very nice day.

Thursday doing chores varnishing chairs & table mrs Bed Shepherd called this P.M Revival Service in Church went to church at night.

Friday doing chores & working around in general Rew letter from H.E.P.

Saturday doing chores Father & I cutting wood in forenoon. I away to town {Thompsons?} looking for hay.

Daily Record 1912

Sunday doing chores, went to church in morning home the rest of day & had head-ache.

monday doing chores went over to milton stanabough. & bot some hay. also went up to function for a while & to bank.

Tuesday doing chores sold {fuling?} mangl 1 bag potatoes 1.50 starting offers. Mr Bladel of taming here for diiner I cleaning out hen {fun?} This P.M. also pumping water for tank. also drove to R & had tea at H.E.Ps & spent the evening mrs B sick.

Wednesday doing chores very bad storm from east home all day & not doing much.

Thursday doing chores very stormy from west nothing doing.

Friday doing chores shoveling snow cleaning side walks.

Saturday doing chores drove over to milton stanbough to see about hay milton brought 1/4 ton in afternoon Paid cash $5.00.

Sunday doing chores went to methodist church in a.m ms {fuin Vansickle?} & daughter Lama were here for dinner & tea & I went to church with them at night. {Preslyleuair?} anniversary.

monday very stormy from east Posted letter to H.E.P. & shoveling snow in afternoon.

Daily record 1912

Tuesday doing chores went to mill & got some oats & earn & got same chopped cold west wind.

Wednesday doing chores and working around in general & getting ready to go to Preslyterrian tea meeting. Jean came down & went to tea meeting.

Thursday doing chores splitting wood & took some in cellar. pumping water to fill tank mr & mrs brown here looking at house very nice day but cold.

Friday very cold doing chores went to office & got mail also got load of coal at mill in P.M moon light nights.

Saturday doing chores went down to office and got mail. Dad and I over to village lot trimming trees in afternoon also pumping water and filling tank

Sunday went to church in morning cold air but nice day uncle sam and aunt Dorothy came in afternoon and stayed for tea.

monday doing chores in a.m went to john {athers?} for load of sand in afternoon & to meeting at church at night.

Tuesday very nice day away for load of sand in forenoon & doing chores. Trimming apple trees in P.M over at village lot.

Daily Record 1912

Wednesday doing chores trimming apple trees & burning bush. {Wn?} Purdyès Barn Burned.

Thursday doing chores & to office in forenoon also starting potatoes . Dad & I over at lot cutting down maple tree. & burning bush. very nice day. {Thawing?}

Friday doing chores & doing odd jobs around down at mill in afternon

saturday doing chores took henry murray two bags potatoes also drawing wood from village lot. & got some coal at R.A.G Read letter from H.E.P.

Sundy doing chores went to church in morning drove to Rockton in P.M & had tea at H.E.Ps also met miss armstrong from manitoba.

monday doing chores trimming apple trees also drove to ms jae Archeer & got 9 1/2 bushel mangels & paid for same & went to meeting in church at night.

Wednesday at Harrisburg & went out for drive with Frank came home & had dinner. Then took 4:30 train for {Lynder?} & doing chores.

Daily Record 1912

Thursday doing chores sold 2 bag potatoes got barrel of water & trimming Trees in orchard Jean & children came down & went home on {waving?} barn.

Friday doing chores went to office & posted letter watching {barn?} shoeveling snow off of walks. stormy all day from east.

Saturday doing chores cutting wood & trimming trees. Read letter from H,E.P

Sunday doing chores Langford of had dinner & tea at albet E. Ramsays & also calles at Artie Ramsays. fine & {tharowing?} very fact. amos Kitcher died early a.m.

monday doing chores cutting wood & making trap hen nest. Read card from S.A.Patterson.

Tuesday doing chores. Trimming Trees finished making trap nest. went to funeral of amos kitcher buried at Jersey ville very nice day.

Wednesday doing chores cutting wood.

Thursday doing chores cleaning up bush in orchard.

Friday doing chores bot meals at {piriis?} & making trap nest in P.M & went to church at night.

Saturday doing chores bot some nails at mall. not very well had head ache.

Sunday doing chores went to church in morning & evening.

monday doing chores delivered 3 bags potatoes & Read balance from belldan.

Daily Record 1912

monday took lumber & shingles over to farm to fix pig pen roof & working at same. mrs James Raws was buried to day at Hamilton.

Tuesday doing chores & making trap nest in shop stormy.

Wednesday doing chores working at pig pen roof in forenoon not very well in afternoon.

Thursday doing chores posted letter to H.E.P. & working at Pig pen roof finished fixing same rain at night fireman clement called & wanted money on {Munistrs?} salary.

Friday doing chores mrs chamberland of Strathmiore come here. also Jean & children came down & caprie and children came over. I took addie to see her aunt mrs. Geo Kitcher.

Saturday doing chores went to morning train with Tom chamberland. also with jean not doing much all day. sick with cold.

Sunday doing chores very nice day. not doing much at home all day.

monday doing chores sick with cold

Tuesday doing chores not very well

Wednesday doing chores & tinkering around ladies aid held meeting here.

Thursday doing chores & fixing up around.

Friday doing chores fixing {drie?} hassow tongue. & got 4 new bolts & fixed {aisterm?} top over at village.

Daily Record 1912

Saturday doing chores took oats to mill & bot 1 bushel corn. & had oats and corn chopped paid $1.68. S.F.U New letter from H.E.P.

Sunday Easter at home all day. went to church at night rain in morning & snow at night. Della Rose here.

monday cool west wind cleaning up bush & cleaning out berry bushs wrote letter to H.E.P.

Tuesday doing chores posted letter to H.E.P. helping mother wash & carrying water in a.m cutting wood in afternoon.

Wednesday doing chores & fixing around barn working on roof shingling at house in village.

Thursday doing chores working at house in village on roof.

Friday doing chores in a.m working on roof in P.M.

Saturday done chores in morning took early train & went to city. Hamilton done some chopping and went around market went to ms. R Stewards & had dinner & tea & stayed over night.

Sunday drin oh at hamilton visiting at Russell Stewards. mrs H.E.P.

monday had breakfast & dinner at Stewards Hamilton & came home on 2 30 train. very nice day. was around city with H.E.P in morning.

Daily Record 1912

Tuesday doing chores & tinkering around helping to House clean & wrote letter to H.E.P 107. { st?}

Wednesday doing chpres helping mother to house clean went to Jae Archers son & got mangels. & started to more tool box. Father burning brush in orchard. wrote card to H.E.P.

Thursday doing chores & making tool box. rain through the night. Father away to Harrisburg & stayed over night got Geohorse sled.

Friday doing chores & working around.

Saturday doing chores. & cutting wood in a.m had headache in afternoon.

Sunday at the funeral of Hugh Taylar in forenoon also went to church at night & met S.A.P after church & went for walk. wrote to H.E.P.

monday doing chores helping to wash and tinkering around.

Tuesday mothers Birthday . Jean and children came down. cutting wood. New letter from H.E.P city.

Wednesday doing chores & cutting wood very windy all day,

Thursday doing chores & cutting wood & getting ready to ground of {braile?} hen house. & helping warll Kelly at woods.

Friday doing chores drowing out {mamws?} and plowing lot for day. of Paid from Wilson for bag of oats $1.50.

some hay came home & {re rqr 4?} & culltivatory for Ward Kelly in a.m. spreading {maiure?} in garden. & drawed up some wood for A.E.U. also drew out a load of ashes. very fine day.

Friday doing chores doing chores. Plowing in orchard walking around.

Saturday doing chores culltivating in orchard & helping on hen house & making garden got ready & went to Hamilton on 5 train & stayed at Stewards.

Sunday at R stewards & called on fred mulholland.

Daily Record

Saturday doing chores plowing garden in orchard & helping Father to build hen-house. cool wind.

Sunday doing chores went to church at morning. Geo VanSickle wife died this a.m. cool wind.

monday doing chores & working around in {gaural?}.

Tuesday doing chores cultivating & {Harrawing?} in garden went to Funeral in P.M. geo Vansickles wife was buried Lynden Cemetry.

Wednesday doing chores plowing in garden. & cutting & planting potatoes sent letter to H.E.P containing 20.00.

Thursday doing chores went over to see miller Stewabaugh & bot

Daily Record

monday at Stewards for breakfast & dinner came home on 2 30 train & fixing fence. Millor Stenabaugh brought hay 1140 lbs. Paid for some $9.50.

Tuesday doing chores & helping to put roof on hen house & working around in general.

Wednesday doing chores & doing some plowing for andrew Black. had head-ache drove H.E.P home from station rain at night.

Thursday doing chores went to mill & bot 10 bushel oat @ 53. & got a bus chopped also bot , bushel frozen wheat for chicken feed. Dine harrowing in orchard also plowing for Geo Jackson 2 hours.

Friday doing chores plowing harrowing & planting potatoes for mrs Geo Jackson.

Saturday doing chores plowing & harrowed lott for WM Robins. rain in afternoon. read card for Jean. Mother went to Burg.

Sunday doig chores went to church in morning. wrote letter to H.E.P in afternoon & went to church at night.

monday doing chores & tinkering around plowed will p rainy and cold wind.

Tuesday doing chores harrowing & making out potatoes ground planting potatoes in afternoon.

Daily Record

Wednesday doing chores working for R.A Thompson in mill & unloading car of wheat.

Thursday doing chores. helping R.A.T in mill & unloading wheat rainy all day.

Friday doing chores & working around in general.

Saturday doing chores moving wood & cleaning up for hen yard. cutting grass & lending barn & getting ready to go away. rain at night.

Sunday doing chores drove to R & had dinner at H.E.Ps also tea. Took mrs P. 1 bag potatoes rain at night

monday doing chores cultivating in lot back of house 7 putting up fence around the house. rain afternoon & evening. sent for Family Herald {Rafar?}. for H.E.P & payed R.G Thompson for coal that Sam Plastaw got $2.60.

Tuesday doing chores & working around in general.

Wednesday doing chores & working at hen house & making trap nest. wrote to H.E.P.

Thursday doing chores & working at hen house. fixing doors & {Lathering?}.

friday doing chores drove mr and mrs Fred Mulholland up to {wier?} in a.m. heavy rain early in morning very windy had head ache.

Daily Record

Saturday doing chores cultivating in orchard & garden went to Baseball.

Sunday doing chores & went to church morning & evening.

Monday doing chores cultivating for Wm. Robins in a.m. & working around in generakl.

Tuesday doing chores & working at hen house plowing in orchard.

Wednesday doing chores & working at hen house putting up wire fence & drove to R. & fixed side boards for H.E.P.

Thursday doing chores & working at hen house Plastering. I also bought 4 shares of Wireless marconi Telegraph company stock at $12.50 a share & paid cash in full for same to Dr F.F Turner. 86 couen ave. toronto, long distance phone, Park 3975.

Friday doing chores cultivating plastering hen house & house were day go lines fixing fence.

saturday doing chores cultivating in orchard & making out care ground. had headache in P.M. Read letter from H.E.P also card from F.C. Braithwaiti.

Sunday doing chores & drove to Harrisburg mother of rainy all day.

Daily Record

monday doing chores & helping mother to work. nice day.

Tuesday doing chores & working up ground for mrs Geo Jackson. & plowing orchard.

Wednesday plowing & harrowing in orchard.

Thursday doing chores cultivating & working up ground for mangels & corn. sowed mangels had head ache in P.M.

Friday doing chores bot 18 lbs corn & planted same in orchard. Took { jorne?} horse away to pasture on Seil Lees Farm hired pasture from Tom Lawerson at $1.50 per month& 10% extra far salting also drove to R. & had tea at Plastows & done some fixing around

Saturday doing chores & having potatoes in orchard. very nice day. also helping to fill trench for {varanda?}.

Sunday doing chores & looking around Frank & Jean & children down. also had tea at Carries. very nice day.

monday doing chores. cultivating potatoes in orchard. having.

Tuesday doing chores making out potato ground for mr. Jackson.

Wednesday panting harrowing &

Thursday helping Geo Archer to plant potatoes down on farm. had dinner at mr Joe archer {sern?}.

Daily Record

Friday varnishing buggy wheels harrowing & hoeing & got in grass

Saturday doing chores varnishing buggy wheels had sick headache in P.M out carwassing in evening with Jemul Wilson.

Sunday at home all day wrote letters & cards. mother not very well. went out to church at night.

monday doing chores also{ mirg?} cement mortar for back veranda.

Tuesday done chores & went to city. came home on 8 P.M train.

Wednesday doing chores cutting grass hoeing & cultivating potatoes in orchard. Read Payment for 1 days work. from Geo Archer. $1.50 miss H.E.P & miss Thompson also Gilbert Plastow here to village & called. nice day.

Thursday doing chores & working around at odd jobs. changed hens into new house down street at night.

Friday doing chores fixing up hens nests also got Frank Vansickles sig & drove to Rocktor & got 6 bag sand also drawed up 2 loads wood for H.E.P & had dinner at Plastows mr atkins rode home with me. Ladies aid having strawberry social at Tom Kwieds old home south end.

saturday doing chores got 2 front shoes at on Geo {harma?} & working around in general. went to see Baceball game between Lynden & Rockton. also drove H.E.P & mary P. home at night.

Daily Record

Sunday doing chores home all day. went to church at night. mrs Sawn Drake bilt called a wanted me to go. & work for him.

monday doing chores went away up near Brandford with with Sam Drake to shingle a house for{ mrmr Intosh?} mrs Geo wilson is living on place.

Tuesday shingling on roof.



Friday & went up to G.F.R station at Brandford & came out to harrisburg & stayed at Jeans overnight.

Saturday came home on morning Train from Harrisburg doing chores cutting grass and helping to get ready for old bays reunion.

Sunday doing chores drove over to Rockton & had Dinner & Tea at Plastows mr & mrs Steward there miss H.E.P came home with me also mr {amrs?} Steward.drove over & went to church in lent at Park ground.

monday doing chores & getting ready for old bay reunion collection {profisions?} working at booth on park grounds. Proceeds for day amounted to about $1200 or 1600 in all very fine weather dry & dusty miss H.E.P & mr & mrs Steward here also Frank & Jean.

Daily Record

Tuesday helping to clean up Park grounds & take down tents in a.m. cultivatin & gathering potatoe bag & cut some grass.

Wednesday doing chores cutting grass trimming mangles. helped S.F alkins take school flag down.

Thursday doing chores picking potatoe bags in a.m. warm wind and dry. went to see Torxe Horse

Friday doing chores & working around in general.

saturday cultivating in orchard & cutting weeds & paris greening potatoes warm & dry.

Sunday doing chores drove over to pray church & went to Fin Vansickle for dinner & tea.

monday paris greeing potatoes in a.m. & helping R.A. Thompson to put roof on building 6 hours

Tuesday doing chores to helping R.A Thompson to put metal siding on building. aob wing also helping on the job very warm and dry. bot sack of bug killer from carson weaber price 75c/.

Wednesday doing chores helping ms aob wing at building for R.A Thompson.

Thursday working for R.A.T getting metal sideing on bulding.

Friday got geo Horse shool & cultivating turnip for Tom Hull also had dinner there.

Daily Record

Saturday. doing chores. cultivating in garden & hoeing. windy today.

Sunday. doing chores home all day called on Geo Archer in evening.

monday. doing chores & started to work for Geo Archer at store.

Tuesday. at Geo Archers store. & had dinner & tea there.

Wednesday. done chores at home & at Geo archers store working.

Thursday. at the store

Friday. at the store & to Hamilton for goods for Geo.H.Archer.

Saturday. at the store.

Sunday. cloudy rainy at home

monday at archers store.




Friday went to city for Geo Archer & brought home load of goods

saturday at the store working around in general read letter H.E.P

Sunday home all day.

monday at archers store

Tuesday & to R at night


Thursday at archers store

Friday away to Hamilton for goods

saturday at the store busy all day.

Sunday drove to Harrisburg & had dinner at {braidth?} waits Fred & I drove to St-George & called at Dr.Robinsons had tea at Jeans.

Daily Record

monday at Geo Archers store




Friday away to city for goods.

Saturday at the store as usual.

Sunday at home all day

monday at the store working



Thursday & geting ready for market Read check from G.H.Archer.

Friday went to city for goods.

saturday at the store as usual. Rain at night very heavy. read letter from H.E.P.

Sunday doing chores & home all day had head ache cool damp wind.

monday at Archers store.


Wednesday at

Thursday at the store getting ready for market miss H.E.P & cousins were over. funnel from A. Blacks.

Friday drove to city & got goods for store carrie went down with me. carrie and Della Ross came home with me. H.E.P away to waterloo picnic

saturday at the store very nice day.

Sunday went to church in a.m. mother away to toronto Father away to harrisburg over sunday. nice day.

Daily Record

monday feeling rather blue. & at store all day.

Tuesday at the store all day.

Wednesday at the store.

Thursday at the store & on the farm drawing in oats load rainy.

Friday doing chores & drawing in oats at Geo Archers farm. & getting ready to go to market.

Saturday away to city for goods for store. rain not very well at night Father & mother away to toronto.

Sunday cloudy and wet at home & doing chores.

To 7. working at Archers store 7 to city for good.

carrie of drove to lanngford 7 had dinner & tea at Ramseys.

To 14 at the store & to city for goods

Drove to harrisburg & had dinner at Braithwaiter also drove to R. & called to see H.E.P.

monday at the store & new pay to date check for months Pay.

Tuesday at the store as usual.



Friday getting ready for market.

saturday away to city for goods. Geo & wife & baby away to city.

Sunday mother & I away to church in morning Frank & Jean & children down. rainy in afternoon.

Daily Record

Monday at the store as usual.





Saturday away to city for goods.

Sunday fair & cool. at home.

monday at the store as usual.

tuesday working at the store .

Wednesday at Geo Archers store

Thursday at the store & getting ready for market.

Friday away to market for G.H Archer & brought home load of goods.

Saturday at the store as usual

Sunday drove to harrisburg & to St. george at night to the opening of new baptist church.

monday at G.H archers store & quite busy all day.

Tuesday at Archers store

Wednesday at the store till 10 am then got ready & drove to Rocktor fair & had dinner with H.E.P. also tea & spent the evening.

Thursday st the store as usual.

friday got ready & went to city for goods & in the store at eve.

Saturday at Geo Archers store.

Sunday at home cool & fair day sat church in a.m. & evening.

Daily Record

monday at G.H archers store.




Fridayawayto city for goods. Geo not very well rain at night.

saturday at the store very busy.

Sunday at home in forenoon very nice day. mother away over. Sunday drove over to R. & had tea at H.E.P mrs & mr Steward there also.

monday at the store as usual.


Wednesday at the store & getting ready for market.

Thursday away to city for goods wet most of the day.

Friday at the store busy.

Saturday at the store digging out drain from sink.

Sunday at home very nice day jean & children down. Della Ross here also.

monday at archers store as usual


Wednesday at the store

Thursday & picking apples.

Friday at the store & getting ready to got to city.

Saturday away to city for goods.

Sunday at home in a.m. drove to R in P.M & had tea at H.E.Ps & went to League.

Daily Record

Monday at the store



Thursday at the store and getting ready for market

Friday away to city for goods {Geo Droher?} did not go along.

Saturday at the store and very busy just like in drain in p.m Geo went to city.

Sunday doing chores very nice day at home all day.

monday went to store in morning came home at 11 o clock and got in mangoes and corn and also some apples.

tuesday at the store H and P came over to train in P.M.

Wednesday at the store

Thursday at the store

Friday away to city for goods :

Saturday at the store and unloaded goods also laid some tile and filled me drain very nice day Re check from {Geo Archer?}.

Sunday at home not very well.

monday went to store as usual





Saturday and working at ditch

Sunday at home in a.m drove to brother in p.m and had tea at N & P and went to league at night.

Daily Record

monday at the store as usual colder in morning with wind.

Tuesday at the home colder with wind

Wednesday at the store as usual

Thursday away to city and got goods for store also got {call?} at Jones and took some to miller {Burungo?}.

Friday at the store and working at chimeny for new furnace.

Saturday at the store and working in inside and out started furnace.

Sunday at home not very well cold in head and headache. mother away to church

Monday at the store as usual.




Friday away to city for goods.

Saturday at the store and very busy

Sunday drove to R and had tea at H & P and spent the evening cold west wind and freezing.

monday at the store as usual cold west wind , Sadie and Clara away to city.

Tuesday doing chores and at the store as usual cold west wind.

Wednesday Cold wind at the store

Thursday at the store and {traveling?} up {Dedication?} for Xinao.

Friday away to city for goods

Saturday at the store go to {Zaenti?}

Daily Record

Sunday miller brother of to church in and home the rest of day

monday away to store as usual

Tuesday at the store starting deliveries

Wednesday at the store

Thursday at the store

Friday away to city for goods.

Saturday at the store and very busy

Sunday at home writing cards and letters but not feeling very well.

monday away to store as usual

Tuesday at the store

Xmas Wednesday at the store in a.m then got ready and drove to R and had tea with H & P

Thursday at the store

Friday at the store

Saturday at the store Geo away to city and brought home some goods also arrived from{ Foronts?}

Sunday at home Jean and family here over Sunday at church at N.

monday at the store as usual.

Tuesday at the store as usual.

Daily Record

Wednesday very nice day I at home not very well Fred milllholland called and at drove him up to Win Jean and Family here also Della Rose and all over to carries for dinner.

Thursday at store as usual

Friday as usual at the store

Saturday at the store intended going to city but did not.

Sunday mis Della Rose and I drove to Harrisburg and had dinner at {Braithwaile?} cold east wind and storm at night.

monday very slippery at the store as usual

Tuesday away to city for goods east wind and storm

Wednesday at the store as usual not feeling very well

Thursday at the store come from at might sick

Friday at the store as usual

Saturday at the store very mild rain at night new letter at night

Sunday at home in a.m matthew {vansible?} and wife come here and we drove to some {Bitcheis?} home in p.m I to church in evening.

monday at the store matthew and wife and they left for home. Miss N & P came here in P.m also Jean and family and {car cored?} to{ zeo?} meeting at night. very nice night.

Daily Record

Tuesday at the store got some groceries for H & R she went home in a.m.

Wednesday at the store as usual

Thursday at the store

Friday away to city for goods

Saturday at the store

Sunday at home in a.m drove to Brother in p.m had tea in H & P then drove to Christie Church at night.

monday at the store raining very hard through the day. Snow and wet aimed at night.

Tuesday at the store

Wednesday at the store

Thursday Sterling and I went to a.m {Zawo?} and through home now. rainy also fishing up stall in barn. And washing me store and made sausage.

Friday away to {up?} for goods

Saturday at the store

Sunday at church in the morning drove to R in the P.m and hadf tea had H & Ps and spent the eve

monday at the store cold wind, good {watching?}

Tuesday at the store

Wednesday at the store

Thursday at the store

Friday at the store. {Leo Arden?} went to city and took sick on train coming home.

Daily Record

Saturday at the store Geo Archer worse and died at 11-30 a.m. cold wind.

Sunday went to store in forever. had headache and at home in afternoon with letter to H & P in evening cold west wind all day.

monday at the store as usual.

Tuesday at the store funeral of Geo H Archer at 2 P.M. store closed very large crowd. H & P here.

Wednesday at the store as usual.

Thursday at the store.

Friday at the store Sterling away to city. and got oyster, salted peanuts and Laundry.

Saturday at the store and busy cold and windy all week. Sterling {arches?} Paid me wages for month up till 7 d15 in full $ 25.00 cash sales for day $51.90. Leon came down to stay {our?}.

Sunday cold west wind went to {Roockter?} in PM and had tea at H & Ps.

Monday at the store as usual




Friday away to city for good for store and took down eggs 24 1/2 doz.

Saturday at the store. Real Payment for Work to date.

Sunday at home {met?} to cold. Went and to church at night.

monday went to store as usual.

Daily Record

Tuesday at the store

Wednesday at the store and man from Trust Go. was there looking own over things and also took book accounts and debts.

Thursday at the store and started to take stock mr alex Hanes and I.

Friday at the store. Sterling away to city and bot some goods.

Saturday at the store also taking stock.

Sunday at home fair and cold. went to {Prulylacan?} C at night.

Monday at the store as usual.




Friday away to city for good. Paid for goods $98.95. Mis Geo Archen and myself were sworn in {P.Q?}

Saturday at the store as usual. unpacking goods and making {arrange?}.

Sunday at home west wind and stormy.

monday at the store as usual Clara {Mullerland?} great work at the store monday night.

Tuesday at the store

Wednesday at the store as usual.

Thursday at the store cold weather.

Friday at the store Bell Telephone men forcing me central phone offer.

Saturday at the store as usual Mrs GH Archer away to city and got Laundry. ms H.J {Ryans?} paid our check of $33.00 in payment from 16 700th {culluralion?}.

Daily Record

Sunday miller at home all day

monday at the store as usual




Friday at the store and away to city for goods

Saturday at the store {mrs Geo Ardhen?} said me S & v for month in full.

Sunday colder with west wind

Monday at the store as usual



Thursday feeling away to city.

Friday at the store feeling away to city Market travel very {troxy?} unsaid.

Saturday at the store Will and Cara here also Jean and children also Della Rose

Sunday at home all day. The girls were here from {Tomato and otasibang?} also Frank and Carrie and Della.

Monday at the store as usual.



Thursday away to city and got goods

Friday at the store as usual.

Saturday at the store mrs a and Sadie away to city.

Sunday very nice day at home went to church at night.

monday at the store as usual.

Daily Record

Tuesday at the store as usual.



Friday away to city a lot goods.

Saturday at the store {Alix Hamer?} wife come {with?} in evening.

Sunday at home nit very well cold.

monday at the store as usual






Sunday at home very nice day

monday at the store as usual

Tuesday away to city for goods with team for nice day.

Wednesday at the store

Thursday at the store

Friday at the store as usual


Sunday at home cool {over?} wind

monday at the store as usual

Tuesday at the store not very well

Wednesday at home in a.m {ate?} went to store at noon and for the p.m.

Thursday at the store as usual

Friday away to city for goods

Saturday at the store as usual

Sunday and wet day rainy

monday at the store as usual


Wednesday busy at the {day?}

Daily Record

Thursday at the store


Saturday away to city {pres gacha?} alow away to city.

Sunday at home.

monday at the store as usual




Friday away to city for goods.

Saturday at the store

Sunday at home in a.m down to R in P.m and had tea at Plastores.

monday at the store



Thursday at the store and went to {harryrrisbing?} to got at store.

Friday at the store

Saturday at the store and got {Gee horee slid?}.

Sunday went to church in a.m home the rest of day.

monday at the store at a.m also went to Brendon with store.

Tuesday at the store as usual.

Wednesday away to city for goods.

Thursday at the store

Friday at the store

Saturday at the store as usual. Mrs {arehn?} away to a.m and sending away in P.m.

Daily Record

Sunday at home in forman walked to Hamburg in P.M. rode back on train. Jem Wilson and see {Jotbridge}.

Monday at the store as usual.

Tuesday away to city for goods.

Wednesday at the store.

Thursday at the store

Friday at the store as usual.

Saturday at the store but not feeling very well received Parcel from London for H & P.

Sunday very nice day at home not feeling very well cold in head.

monday at the store as usual. H & P here




Friday away to city for good.

Saturday at the store.

Sunday cool west wind home to R and had tea at H & P.

monday at the store as usual.

Tuesday at the store.

Wednesday at the store.

Thursday at the store.

Friday away to city for good.

Saturday at the store as usual

Sunday at home in a.m. drove to R in P.M. and had tea at H & P.

monday at the store as usual.

Tuesday at the store.

Daily Record

Wednesday at the store as usual



Saturday busy at the store.

Sunday drove to harrisburg and had dinner at Franks mother and a also paid Frank $34.00 for oil store and recieved Payment of 3.60 for Potatoes.

monday at the store as usual

Tuesday at the store

Wednesday away to city for goods

Thursday at the store as usual

Friday at the store

Saturday at the store

Sunday at church in morning drove to R and had tea at H E P.

Monday at store

Tuesday at the store ms alex harris and started to take stack.

Wednesday at the store and taking stack.

Thursday at the store and farwell thing took. ms Harris left for town in evening.

Friday at the store cleaning up and washing at books rain in p.m.

Saturday at the store as usual

Sunday at home went to chuirch in a.m cool west wind all day. Drove to R and went to league with R and P.

Monday at the store and usual.

Tuesday at the store

Wednesday at the store in a.m.

Daily Record

Wednesday went to city in noon train to buy goods for store.

Thursday at the store.

Friday at the store

Saturday as usual at the store

Sunday at home strong west wind. mother away to Toronto

Sunday went to church in a.m. and at home the rest of day. very nice day.

monday at the store as usual.

Tuesday at the store in a.m went to R and attended the funeral of the late David Bell. also had tea at {Pleslowers?} and spent the evening.

Wednesday at the store.

Thursday at the store.

Friday at the store and away to city

Saturday at the store and busy Sterling away to city


{light scratches and indentation from previous writings}

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{Flower} Help Crippled Children{emblum of some kind}

Aidez les enfants infirmes

Transcription Progress





Sidney Clarence Van Sickle, “Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,

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