== 1909. Daily Record. == July 5 Monday.doing chores. hoeing potatoes. grinding scythes. & mowe, knives. cut piece of grass. in afternoon Recd money on checks from Bank. & had settlement. With Frank to date. July 6 Tuesday. doing chores. hoeing potatoes drawing in 33 loads hay. very nice day. Father sold some old I iron to {sheeiry?}. mother & carrie away to Ladies Aid meeting July 7 Wednesday. doing chores. tedding hay. in forenoon. & cut piece in afternoon started to draw in hay. 2 loads. Tom Jones came here. & left 50 lbs. bindes truine @ 10.9 per lbs. Payable in October. July 8 Thursday. doing chores. drawing in hay 2 loads. & tedding. & rakeing hay. cultivating corn. & Potatoes. washed buggy at night. July 9 Friday. doing chores. hoeing mangles rakeing hay & drawing in hay. 4 loads wrote letter to H.E.P. & posted some. Bot stamps & Bananas. July 10 Saturday. doing chores. thinning mangles all day. clowdy cloudy & rain at night. Frank Barlaw Paid me 25e/. on account down street at night & bot bread 109. July 11 Sunday. done chores. drove to R. there to Tom Jones's. for dinner & tea. back to to R. then home showery at night. July 12 Monday. doing chores. thinning mangles all day cloudy & nice breeze. rain at night. July 13 Tuesday. doing chores. thinning turnip Light Culling up potatoes. F.W.M cultivating turnips & Potatoes.
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