== Daily Record == Aug 6 Friday. doing chores. got gee have shud 2 shoes. got 40 red soll wire fwd at station to fwd on fwd. solled wire aut & tacked up on fence posts. had bath & shave & went to funeral this after noon. of John Crouss. wife. very warm & dry. Real milk chech $1951 = with 37% cheese charged. for bread 104. Aug 7 Saturday. doing chores. picked bugs off of {lword looks like "polaroid"} in orchard. went to Woodwarths & got fence stretcher. & stretched fence. north of house. & fastened some to posts. also went to station & got 3 plows. & other repairs. For A-E-V. Mother& Albert & Muriel went to Toronto on {Illegible text, lookt like "so bam" or "so barn"}. very warm day. Aug 8 Sunday. doing chores, drove to R. & had dinner & tea with H.E.P her cousin & Gentleman friend golt came there. Real 759 from marster. Let H.E.P Have a V. to go to Hamilton & Toronto. Frank left any 4 cows in stable all night not milloed. {"XXX" written above the date} Aug 9 Monday. doing chores. a little rain. cultivating on fall wheat ground. this P.M. S.C.U. & F.W.M. had settlement to take. for all back accounts. & had quite a talk about going away Sundays. Milk & butter making. eggs & cream uperator {"XXX" written above the date} Aug 10 Tuesday. Doing disc harrowing on fall wheat ground in A.M. culling rats on hill in back field in afternoon. Frank got 3 bags sharb of mill.
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