File #32164: "SydneyClarenceVanSickle_1909-1913_037.pdf"


19 {1 written over 0} 0 Daily Record. 1910 Jan 10 Monday. very nice day. doing chores. & fixing up horse power. Father loaned $15.00 from me. S.C. Vansickle. Jan 11 Tuesday. doing chores. we went to Rumples gravel pit & got 2 loads. Jan 12 Wednesday. doing chores. away to gravel pit and got 2 loads gravel. Recv letter from H.E.P. & card from Tom. Jones. very nice day. milder. Jan 13 Thursday. doing chores. getting ready to cut feed. & cutting feed. this afternoon. F.W.M. getting up some wood. I wrote letter to H.E.P. & card to Jean Jan 14 Friday. very stormy from east. doing chores. & shoveling snow. Jan 15 Saturday. doing chores. shoveling snow. got ready & went to city & bot some goods. Miss H.E.P. came up on evening train. very nice day after storm. Jan 16 Sunday. doing chores. H.E.P. went to church in a.m. with Mother & Albert. H.E.P. & I went to Presbyterian church. after noon & Mother did at night. Jan 17 Monday. doing chores. helping to collect provisions for tea meeting Jean came down. & went to tea meeting with H.E.P. & I. sleet & rain at night. Jan 18 Tuesday. doing chores. very soft & raining. drawed some furnace wood. from woods. Jan 19 Wednesday. doing chores. drawing logs to Rouses Mill.
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