File #32166: "SydneyClarenceVanSickle_1909-1913_039.pdf"


1910. Daily Record. Jan 29 Saturday. doing chores. went to office & posted letter & card to H.E.P. Recv car letter from H.E.P. I fixing up rack to draw post on. Father & Mother went away to Hamilton also to Ancaster. A.E.V away to city. I down street at night. & bot. sausage. Bread. buns. & corn cakes. Jan 30 Sunday. doing chores. snowing I drove to Troy Church. at night. then drove HE.P home. after church snowing. Anniversary services. Rev Mr Archer preached. Jan 31 Monday. doing chores. splitting wood. went down street & got mail. coal oil. & lantern globe. Father & Mother. & Albert all came home to day. Tea meeting at Troy to night. very good sleighing. {written in margin: XXX} HEP. has cold. & not feeling very well. Feb 1 Tuesday. doing chores. sorting apples. in afternoon. wrote letter to Bessie. Feb 2 Wednesday. doing chores. went to Rockton & got 100 post. at Pete Newtons. @ 13 {cents} each. called at H.E.P.s. wrote letter to H.E.P. at night & posted same. Feb 3 Thursday. doing chores. very stormy all day. shoveling snow. sorting A. Feb 4 Friday. doing chores. doing chores. went to Rouses mill & put logs on. scids. & drawed home two loads pine lumber.
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