File #32172: "SydneyClarenceVanSickle_1909-1913_045.pdf"


1910 Daily Record. Mar 20 Sunday. doing chores. went to church morning & evening. very nice day. Mar 21 Monday. doing chores. helping to wash. clothes. & also helping to tear down old houses on village lot. Mar 22 Tuesday. doing chores. taking down and cleaning up around old house. & burning brush. very nice day. Mar 23 Wednesday. doing chores. went to station to see Electric weld wire fence helping Dad to move brick out of old kiln. Marshel Nisbet called to see about house. cool east wind. Mar 24 Thursday. doing chores. helping Father move brick. very nice day Will & Cara. came up this P.M. wrote letter to H.E.P. & sent some Easter cards away. Mar 25 Friday. doing chores. helping to dig out apple tree on lot. & trimming up some. Will Bate here. Mother away to Jean's. west wind. Mar 26 Saturday. doing chores. helping father to move brick. & staking out ground for house. & plowed some. got chop from mill. & paid for same. 57 {cents}. S.C.V. Recv letter from H.E.P. Mar 27 Sunday. doing chores. went to C. morning and evening. Cara & Will here. also Frank & Carrie for dinner Mar 28 Monday. doing chores. in A.M. helping Father to dig out cellar for house. on village lot. Frank Paulton. & F.W.M. helping also
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