File #32177: "SydneyClarenceVanSickle_1909-1913_050.pdf"


1910 Daily Record. Date Apr 22 at Hamilton met H.E.P. at Stewarts. & was out to Park. & called on H.E.Ps aunt. H.E.P. not feeling very well. & rather out of sorts about things general. Apr 23 Saturday. doing chores. cultivating garden & helping father to level up gravel around new house. very nice day. A.E.V. & Carrie away to city. Apr 24 Sunday. doing chores. at home all day. not feeling very well. headache. cloudy & rainy. AE.V. away. over Sunday. Apr 25 Monday. doing chores. cleaning up pig yard. harrowing garden. & planted 3 rows potatoes on North side of garden. Apr 26 Tuesday. doing chores. setting out apple trees. & cleaning up around. sold 6 pigs to Amos Dyment. 1030 lbs @ 9.00 $92.70 FWM. away to St George. for load of planks. Mother away to Jeans. rainy to-day. settled with F.W.M. for all back accounts. Apr 27 Wednesday. doing chores. fixing fence around woods. went to Austin Mul-hollands & got his wire clamps. fixing wire fence in P.M. went out to church at night. Miss Anna. Snider. gave an intertainment. cool at night. Apr 28 Thursday. doing chores. helped Father put timbers on wall. & moved joice.{joist} on wagon. we started to draw out manure 18 loads. Apr 29 Friday. doing chores. cutting a little wood in shed. went to Bakery for bread. & settle with Mrs Robins. $1.00 cash & bread tickets. 50 {cents}. rainy day
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