== Daily Record ==
monday doing chores fixing fence helped mother wash cut some wood. Wrote letter to H.E.P. went down for mail at night. rainy.
Tuesday doing chores cut some wood in shed not doing much. This P.M. posted letter to H.E.P. had head ache. showery this afternoon.
Wednesday doing chores cutting some wood in shed. & helping some at house. masons finished first story of new house to day. rainy this A.M. sold 1 weal caff $13.50. & bot 1 calf $1.50 Ed.Raing. F.W.M.
Thursday doing chores helping father at house putting up studding & {foice?}. rain at night.
Friday doing chores took 2 cows to Bull. NO 6 Black & No 9 Red. Fixing fence along evergreen & helping at new house in afternoon. Roy G. Vansickle & wife called here & had tea & took some pictures.
Saturday doing chores hoeing in garden took Geo Horse to shop & got {shud?} down street at night & got mail & met miss S.A. Patterson.
Sunday doing chores rainy day I went to Rocktor in evening & called at H.E.Ps & spent the eve. rain & showery.
monday doing chores. & tinkering around. Helped father to get out logs.