File #32183: "SydneyClarenceVanSickle_1909-1913_056.pdf"


== Daily Record == monday rainy this afternoon. We took cows No 1 & 3 to C Bayles bull. Tuesday doing chores took milk 2 60 lbs to factory got wagon ready & started to draw logs to rouses mill for Father Paid Sam Doherty for shoeing Geo Horse all round. 50 c. very nice day. Wednesday doing chores took milk to factory 188 lbs. drawed two loads of logs to mill & me load of lumber home. sent letter to H.e.P at night. masons finished second story of house to-day. & started carmells house Thursday took milk to Factory. Then went to Rouses Mill & got load of lumber cultivating & sowed Fodder corn next to barn cultivating in hoe crop ground. Friday doing chores took milk to factory cultivating & harrowing Read letter from H.E.P. Saturday took milk to factory. got ready & went to Hamillon on 9-50 train & got good. $14.10 met H.E.P. very wet day called at mr Stewarts S.A. Plastow also down with rig. Sunday doing chores went to Church at night. home all day met S.A.P at night & went for walk. monday doing chores working at new house . Father away with Team to Froy for line & to {Bapetowne?} with house to see carpenters. Tuesday doing chores doing was work. & drawed 1 load stone from
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