File #32210: "SydneyClarenceVanSickle_1909-1913_083.pdf"


== Daily Record == monday doing chores very stormy all day. strong wind & snow drift {ing?}. Tuesday doing chores had head ache. & not feeling well. Wednesday doing chores cutting wood in shed sent letter to H.E.P. Had talk to Father about Renling farm. Thursday doing chores helping father to move into new house very nice day. Friday doing chores had headache miss H.E.P. called today & had short talk colder with west wind. Saturday doing chor{es?} splitting wood & fixing & cleaning around house. Sunday doing chores went to R. & had dinner and Tea at H.E.Ps & went to cough at night. monday doing chores splitting wood got load of coal for B Van mother very sick. Plurcy drove to R. at night & went to Tea meeting East wind & stormy all night. Tuesday doing chores very stormy east wind had dinner at new house Cara & Jean there mother sick. Wednesday doing chores & washing around shoveling snow & so on. Thursday doing chores cutting wood in shed went to store & bot goods Bought Binder Frost & wood make also cultivator 16 took with grain box. attached gave notes for $ 160.00
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