== Daily Record ==
Friday doing chores & housework took 3 bags potatoes to mrs Bell Vansickle also load of machining to John thompson for A.E.V. Read Payment for potatoes father got some eggs & butter & some sausage.
Saturday doing chores Father & I fixing pig pen roof. Frank & A.E.V away to city H. sent letter to H.E.P. also recieved one at night.
Sunday doing chores colder Presby terian anniversary to-day. went to church at night.
monday doing chores went to tea m. at night & had good supper. P{ronda?} $ 160.00
Tuesday doing chores splitting wood & took furniture over to new house had dinner there. mr Woodworth & bro here talking about renting farm.
Wednesday doing chores was over to new house for dinner & talking about renting farm.
Thursday doing chores cutting some wood. & working around.
Friday doing chores. shoveling snow & drewing in corn. mild day.
Saturday doing chores cutting wood & cleaning up house in afternoon.
Sunday doing chores rainy; Bates & I went up to see new swiches had dinner at new house.
monday doing chores cutting wood in shed.