== Daily Record ==
Saturday doing chores collecting provisions in a.m. went to park in afternoon. & to social at night.
Sunday doing chores home all day went to church at night with Jean.
monday cleaning up yard after social. paris greening potatoes. cleaning lumber of off barn floor. mr fred Mullerland called 171 Queen south Hamilton.
Tuesday posted letter to H.E.P cutting grass in orchard & cleaned up the some paris greened carries potatoes. & cleaning up around barn. bot 1 lb paris green.
Wednesday fitting in driveway at barn & working around in general.
Thursday working in garden cultivating also drove to R. & called at H.E.Ps dry & dusty moonlight.
Friday cultivating in garden & paris greening potatoes.
Saturday paris greening potatoes in forenoon hoeing in afternoon mending grain bags doing chores.
Sunday warm & dry at church in forenoon home the rest of day.
monday boging up oats took grain to mill to get chopped.
Tuesday went away for binder down near station got home after P.M rain in afternoon.