== Daily Record ==
Sunday went to methodist church in morning to beach in P.M & called on has Jones 7 wife came home & had tea & went to {caitral ?} presbyterain church at night.
monday doing chopping & looking around the city sent present to mr & mrs Fred Mulholland
Tuesday wet in a.m. went down town about 10 a.m. & done some shopping had dinner & went to temple Theather in afternoon came home at night on mail train.
Wednesday doing chores & fixing up around father away to city. rainy most of day. got mail & small loaf bread.
Thursday doing chores to do queen to mill and got same chopped and sold ms {gfiller?} 1 bag grain & 50 Lbs chop getting ready to go after ceder.
Friday doing chores went to 8th consession for ceder plants got some & sat now up on South side of house. sold John mangle 75 lbs chop 95@.
Saturday doing chores plowing and working up ground in lot 7 doing odd jobs around.
Sunday doing chores home all day. but drove to R. at night & met Mrs Henry Plastow & daughter.