File #32239: "SydneyClarenceVanSickle_1909-1913_112.pdf"


== Daily Record == Thursday doing chores baged up 5 bags grain & took to mill & got chop. Plowing in Orchard in forenoon Working for R.A. Thompson all afternoon Loading Turnips. Friday doing chores & working for R.A thompson loading Turnips & bagging Turnips. Saturday doing chores & working for R.A Thompson loading Turnips. Sunday doing chores home all day went to church at night. monday Thanksgiven day doing chores fixing around Veranda cut some wood got galon oil sold geo Pirie 1 bag snow apples also 1 bushel mangels to John manzil. Recieved payment from R.A Thompson for 132 days work $ 50.25 mr Vester Van-sickle & wife here for dinner Berlin twin city Fred mulhollan & wife 22 Tucket ave Hamilton were in village & took 4-50 train home. Tuesday doing chores working for R.A Thompson building platform for new chop shed. rainy. Wednesday doing chores working for R.A Thompson. Thursday doing chores working for R.A thompson Friday helping to build chop shed for R.A Thompson.
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