== Daily Record ==
Tuesday doing chores & fixing barn in forenoon. working at Chas Zillers in afternoon leaving down barn. Jim Ross also helping with barn.
Wednesday doing chores fixing chicken house & fileing saws & cut some wood also grinding plaine blades sold mrs Robins 2 1é2 dozen eggs at 305 = 75% bot butter 27 & bread 10. cash 39%
Thursday doing chores cutting wood & cleaning up cellar in furnace room. Presentmont party at Dr. Gibsons.
Friday doing chores cleaning up cellar in fruit room & sorting apples. stormy & east wind.
Saturday doing chores sorting apples & fixing around Read payment from R.A Thompson $7.50 for 5 day word. also $ 200 from H.E.P for 2 bags potatoes & 90% from John Manzie for apples & mangels west wind & turning colder.
Sunday doing chores home all day. went to church at night.
monday doing chores fixing new door on North side of house. 7 working at hen house.
Tuesday doing chores fixing up roost in hen house getting ready to raise up shed at old store & working at same.
Wednesday doing chores drawed out two loads manure & put around house on lawn also helping to move old shed from village lot. Read from pale notes $ 154.88 & paid 75% for collection Dep in B. $100.00.