== Daily Record 1912 ==
Tuesday doing chores not very well colder with west wind.
Wednesday not very well wrote letter to H.E.P.
Thursday done chores & Tinkering around house not feeling very well
Friday doing chores & around house not doing much
Saturday doing chores went to office & got mail.
Sunday doing chores went to church in morning home the rest of day reading & wrote letter.
monday doing chores had bad head ache & sick at stomach wrote letter to H.E.P.
Tuesday doing chores & got mangels from pit took all out of pit & put some in cellar. Ready Paultor buried to day.
Wednesday wrote note to H.E.P & Posted some went out to Rawes mill for window frame also took sleigh out.
Thursday doing chores & working around in a.m drove to Rockton in afternoon & called at H.E.P & had tea H.E.P not very well. mrs Plastaw sick with cold & S.F.P used up with between ribs. very cold & drifting.