== Daily Record ==
Wednesday doing chores working for R.A Thompson in mill & unloading car of wheat.
Thursday doing chores. helping R.A.T in mill & unloading wheat rainy all day.
Friday doing chores & working around in general.
Saturday doing chores moving wood & cleaning up for hen yard. cutting grass & lending barn & getting ready to go away. rain at night.
Sunday doing chores drove to R & had dinner at H.E.Ps also tea. Took mrs P. 1 bag potatoes rain at night
monday doing chores cultivating in lot back of house 7 putting up fence around the house. rain afternoon & evening. sent for Family Herald {Rafar?}. for H.E.P & payed R.G Thompson for coal that Sam Plastaw got $2.60.
Tuesday doing chores & working around in general.
Wednesday doing chores & working at hen house & making trap nest. wrote to H.E.P.
Thursday doing chores & working at hen house. fixing doors & {Lathering?}.
friday doing chores drove mr and mrs Fred Mulholland up to {wier?} in a.m. heavy rain early in morning very windy had head ache.