== Daily Record ==
Wednesday at the store as usual
Saturday busy at the store.
Sunday drove to harrisburg and had dinner at Franks mother and a also paid Frank $34.00 for oil store and recieved Payment of 3.60 for Potatoes.
monday at the store as usual
Tuesday at the store
Wednesday away to city for goods
Thursday at the store as usual
Friday at the store
Saturday at the store
Sunday at church in morning drove to R and had tea at H E P.
Monday at store
Tuesday at the store ms alex harris and started to take stack.
Wednesday at the store and taking stack.
Thursday at the store and farwell thing took. ms Harris left for town in evening.
Friday at the store cleaning up and washing at books rain in p.m.
Saturday at the store as usual
Sunday at home went to chuirch in a.m cool west wind all day. Drove to R and went to league with R and P.
Monday at the store and usual.
Tuesday at the store
Wednesday at the store in a.m.