== 1881. 28 DAYS. FEBRUARY. ==
21. MONDAY. [52-313]
Father & I had a good sleigh ride to O.S. today. Paid $2 for fixing Fathers watch. 30 c for beekeeping books for Willie. 65 c for tea. $30 to R. McFarland $27 for cow $3 for 25 bus leine. Received for 10 pieces of square timber sold to McArthur Bros. & taken of far end of 50 acre lot $15.55. Spent today $33.45 $100 Pleasant sunny day
22. TUESDAY. [53-312]
Cleaned up 4 bags grist 9 bags chop. Then I split all the wood we have left in afternoon Soft day but I think will freeze. Paid G Henderson $9 for thrashing our crop. Cheap thrashing.
23. WEDNESDAY. [54-311]
Cold morning. Took load to Mill On my way bought 13 bus peas @ 61 1/2 c per bus-$8. Paid Gerolamy 96 c interest on gang plough had 1.25 balance 43 c Paid. Paid {scribble} $68. Bought 1 lb {?} 10 c 1/2 oz Bin iodide of Mercury 15=254 =$78{?} Got home at 11 oclock had to wait on grist
24. THURSDAY. [55-310]
Intense frost this morning. I emptyed chop and cleaned bags and hung them up. Then split wood. Afternoon Josh down scaffold which was under strawcarriers at thrashing and fixed up sleigh to go out to Tara tonight to evening meeting in Pres. Church. Had a very pleasant meeting Mr Tom's was very pointed & clear Subject - The Borad & the narrow way. Cold day
25. FRIDAY. [56-309]
Did some little jots, then went to D. {Adamsay?} sale. Things went very dear some being primed by the whiskey pail which was handed round so that all who wished might dip & drink. 2 Calves were sold one went at $22 the other at $12. Uncles Henderson + Haverrose were at sale, had tea with us on their way home. Clear Sunny day
26. SATURDAY. [57-308]
Took in part of old stack out of Barn, then down some straw to Mr. Currie & some to Mrs Welsh. Afternoon took down load pea straw to sheep, and went 3 times to the bush to break road Took alittle load of wiid each time. Alittle soft today and appearance of another thaw
27. SUNDAY. [58-307] Quinquagesima --- Shrove Sunday
Attended divine service in Chalmers Church Keady The Rev H. Currie Preached from the text For godly sorrow worketh repentence to Salvations not to be repented of but he sorrow of the world worketh death II Corin. 7 & 10