File #33777: "JamesBremnerJrDiary_1881_018.pdf"


MARCH & APRIL.-3RD & 4TH MONTHS. 1881. 28. MONDAY. [87-278] Cutting firewood. Put down a beech had 24 blocks in it. 1 small maple that was put down by fire also a maple stub 2 ft through at but a splendid log Got some notches cut in it before night. This forenoon G. Henderson got 8 bags black oats changed for 8 bags white for seed. Clear & cold 29. TUESDAY. [88-277] Sawing at John Duncans he had a day of sawing machine & has got 50 cords or more cut to day. I was taking blocks from saw forenoon afternoon splitting. Cold day with appearance of {?} 30. WEDNESDAY. [89-276] Sawing at home got our maple stub cut up, I suppose we had about 2 cords. Put down a big beech, evening. Cold north east wind. I wish the cold weather was past for it has been to long cold. 31. THURSDAY. [90-275] I was at a log raining today. W. Maxwell has rented John Mc {?} 100 acres & has to put up a house first thing so we got it raised today. 16X20 feet. Had a pleasant evening at Mr Hays on my way home Cold day & looks like snow. 1. APRIL-FRIDAY. [91-274] I was assisting Mr Hays to saw as he had a days saw with machine at home. He got over 50 cords cut. Very cold day had slight shower of snow. 2. SATURDAY. [92-273] Sawing wood in bush. cut off 21 big blocks of beech in forenoon. Split & pile then and chopped down another tree & fixed a lot of brush heaps & cut off 6 blocks evening Still very cold keen frost. I have been on 3 days at home this week. How quickly it has passed. 3. SUNDAY [93-272] Attended divine Service in Presbyterian Church Keady The Pastor Rev H Currie Preached from the text Come see the place where the Lord lay Matt 28th. 6th
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