== JULY.-7th MONTH. 1881. ==
4. MONDAY. [185-180]
Getting away old log shed gathering stones and stumps. An hour or two will make it ready for the plough now. Evening put on a load of hay for Owen Sound. This has been a very warm day
5. TUESDAY. [186-179]
At O.S. with load of hay got $11 per ton had 1960 labs $10.753 Bought $1 oatmeal. Paid 1.40 Ballon crosscut saw. 2 harvest rakes 25 c 2 hats $1. Book & Stationary 1.25. Weighing 10 c Got home all right No cold yet.
6. WEDNESDAY. [187-178]
Took off some stones & rubbish & got started to plough. Got part in front of house ploughed. Evening at Uncle W. raising sheep house. Willie Harrowed the piece i ploughed.
7. THURSDAY. [188-177]
Went to Thomson's as they want to hire did not bargain wants $23 per month. Came on rain & rained till night. Got gate for road finished. & the other made for calves park to let horses down to water. This rain has done a great amount of good turnips will soon be ready for hoe. 9 oclock Mare foaled horse colt all night.
8. FRIDAY. [189-176]
Ploughing all day very warm Got 1/2 turned over. Mare & colt doing well. the latter a little weak on pasterns but will soon straighten up. Father & Willie wwere hoing potatoes they will soon need furring up. Turnips growing fast will need hoe in a day or two.
9. SATURDAY. [190-175]
Ploughing all day 2 or 3 hours will finish it now. The heapss of logs & bush are all burned but 2 One at creek side & small one ploughing. Breezy day but very warm. Colt still doing well Father & Willie finished potatoes & hoed turnip afternoon.
10. SUNDAY. 4 after Trinity. [191-174]
At our Sabbath School in the forenoon had 19 scholars As the Sacrament was dispensed at {Desbou?} today our service was in the evening at 6 oclock. Mr. Currie had for his text But exhort one another daily least any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.