File #33890: "SarahWaltonDiary_1883 57.pdf"


They went home about 1 a. Aug 31 - I had to go to blacksmith shop so run to office in morning got card from E.M. & one from Wes F. I answered it. Joe had to take bhl apples to train that were left in warehouse from Dor. boat. after dinner Jennie Wild came for afternoon we played cards in parlor. Mrs. Caugan came in morning stayed for dinner & tea Ma & Maria went to Johnsons with her. Ida & I went to log with Jennie she told us Mack & sisters were there the night before, we did not like to part as Jennie was going home next day to start to school but we kissed and parted. I read some in "Stepping Heavenward" and came to bed. Sept 1 - I was doing my cleaning & Mrs Speers & Mrs McNab a lady friend of hers who used to lived here called, stayed awhile. After dinner
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