File #34104: "William Arkell, 1908-1915 12.pdf"


19. Choring this morning, I went to see J Murry we here cutting wood this afternoon Mr Inglis Called 20 Annie Walter,+ I went to church this morning 21 I have been helping Lizzie pluck chickens this morning, We were drawing in wood + filling up a load of chop this afternoon 22 I went to town with load this morning and brought home chair from Toronto also coaloil {L}izzie, Helen, + I drove over to Shielfield this afternoon + I attended A. N. Darling's sale 23 Walter took load of chop to town this morning + we were drawing pea straw into sheep barn this afternoon 24 We have been cutting wood to-day Bessie came home this afternoon 25 Agnes, Jean + John Inglis came over this afternoon and spent the evening with us 26 We have been choring + putting cutting wood into furnace seller, Geo Deitzler was here this afternoon 27 Lizzie, Walter + I went to church this morning. Storming this afternoon
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