William Henry Arkell Diary, 1908-1915
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Diary Vol II unn/25 unn/25
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Sept 19th I took Herbert to meet the tram at Mildmay this morning. I attended meeting of Agriculture Society this afternoon. Geo has been away all day
20 Lizzie & I were at church this morning Miss Rattie came home with us. We all went up to the school house this afternoon to hear Miss Rattie's address I drove her after Sunday School
21 George was at McCulloughs thrashing I have been choring
22 Geo at Wm Armstrong's thrashing I took some wheat to town and brought home some lumber
23 Geo & I have been laying tiles and filling in ditch
24 Geo has been at Geo Armstrong thrashing. I finished ditch this morning and went to town this afternoon
25 Geo at Geo Armstrong's thrashing until noon we were taking up potatoes this afternoon I took two rams up to Peter Arkell & Sons this evening
3 Geo ploughing. I have been choring & fixing stable for loose cattle. A heifer choaked on an apple this afternoon and we had to send for J. {Colorm} V. S.
4 The ground is white with snow this morning. We have been getting the cattle in loose Geo was ploughing this afternoon & Lizzie and I went to Teeswater
5 Geo ploughing. Jas Donaldson came for a ram lamb & John Aitken bought one too & was here for dinner. Agnes & Jean Inglis, Mrs E Lucis & Miss J Ritchie were here this afternoon & for tea
6 We were choring & fililng up a load of chop this morning. Geo was ploughing this afternoon & I took a load of chop to town
7 Geo ploughing. I have been choring this morning & went to town this afternoon Mr John Gordon was buried this afternoon
8 Annie & went to church this morning Annie stand in & I went in for her this evening
9 Thanksgiving, Geo plough I have
Nov been choring this morning & ploughing this afternoon. John & Jean Inglis came over this afternoon & they & Annie & I went in to hear Mr Bengangh in the Presbyterian church
10 Geo ploughing I went to town this morning & was ploughing this afternoon. John Aitken came for his lamb this morning
11 We were bedding sheep from this morning and ploughing this afternoon
12 Annie + were at town this morning and brought helen home a high-chair Geo was drawing out manure I have been setting hurdles in sheep yard & getting in sheep this afternoon
13 Geo drawing out manure I have been choring & cutting wood Ballagh came for his lamb
14 We were drawing in straw this morning & Liz I went to town this afternoon. Geo was drawing out manure this afternoon
15 Lizzie & I went to church this morning there were a few had their cutters out
16 Have been choring & was over to see Mr Buttons lambs this morning. Walter Jenson's started to work this morning
Nov {16 continued from previous page} I was at John Hill's sale this afternoon with the cutter
17 Walter & Geo have been drawing in pea straw to the sheep barn this morning and I went to see Angus McKenzie about cutting straw. The men were cutting wood this afternoon & Lizzie, Helen & I drove over to Shielfield
18 Geo went to town this morning with a load of chop. Walter & I have been choring and this afternoon we have been bording up the end of sheep pen. Andrew Dutsler came for Geo this evening.
19 Walter & I have been choring & making sheep rack, fixing pens etc.
20 We have been ploughing sod, the weather is quite warm, almost like spring. Heifer Freshened
21 Walter ploughing, I have been choring and went to town this afternoon. Warm.
22 Annie, Walter & I went to church this morning
23 We have been ploughing all-day. E. Smith bought two fat cows from me
24 Ploughing nearly all day. Mrs & Mrs Inglis were here this afternoon. Warm
Nov 25. Walter + I have been ploughing mangol ground. It has been very warm all day. rained for a while this afternoon
..26. We have been ploughing all day. Very windy
..27. Walter has been ploughing. I have been choring this morning and Annie & I have been to town this afternoon
28 Have been choring this morning. Walter was ploughing this afternoon. I have been attending Farmers Institute this afternoon & Evening. Took tea at Dr. Gillis' The delegation was Dr {Standish?} R.R. Elott & Miss Yates we had good meetings
29 Lizzie & I went to church this morning Mr Lamb came home with us & I took him in this evening. Anniversery Services in Methodist Ch
30 Walter & I took two fat cows to Mildmay this morning. It has been raining nearly all day This afternoon I attended F I [Farmer's Institute] meetings in Belmore took tea at Shielfield & came home sick. Thunder this afternoon
Dec 1 Have been in bed all day. Walter choring
..2 Was up for a while to-day. Walter went to town with a load of chop this afternoon. Robb McKee was over for a while this afternoon
Dec 3. Have been up nearly all day. It has been snowing the last three days.
.4 Walter has been choring and drawing wood into woodshed & cellar. John S Inglis came over this afternoon & staid for tea, he took lights {bouble} harness home with him.
5 Walter choring. Annie went to town this afternoon
6 Walter went to church this morning and out to JAs Donaldsons after church
7th Walter choring & filling up chop, I have been helping a little while to-day. Storming
8 Walter went to town with a load of chop this afternoon, I was choring some
9th I drove up to D. McDonalds to see Joe Murry about cutting straw then took Lizzie & Helen for a little cutter ride meat Agnes & Jean Inglis coming over, Walter & I were cleaning up wheat this afternoon Smith McLean called this morning
10 I took a load of wheat to town this morning and brought home 500 lbs of flour We were cleaning wheat this afternoon
Dec 11 I took a load of wheat to town this morning & brought home 475 lbs of flour. Walter & Robt McCullough have gone to Salem this evening
12 We have been choring & putting wood into celer [cellar]
13 Annie, Walter & I went to church this morning
14 We have been drawing out manure from the loose cattle pen. Robt McKee brought the old ram home & took his too ewes home
15 Walter & I have been drawing out manure Lizzie, Helen & I drove to Shielfield this afternoon Walter went to Salem this evening to an oyster Supper Bible society collectors were here
16 Walter & I were drawing out manure finished cleaning out loose cattle pens
17 Walter drawing out manure this morning & I drove over to the 10th to see Joe Murry. We were putting up storm doors & splitting wood this afternoon
18 We have been choring this morning & cutting wood this afternoon, I attended club meeting this evening Mr {Klink?} from O.A.C. [Ontario Agricultural College] spoke on grain growing
19. Choring this morning, I went to see J Murry we here cutting wood this afternoon Mr Inglis Called
20 Annie Walter, & I went to church this morning
21 I have been helping Lizzie pluck chickens this morning, We were drawing in wood & filling up a load of chop this afternoon
22 I went to town with load this morning and brought home chair from Toronto also coaloil {L}izzie, Helen, & I drove over to Shielfield this afternoon & I attended A. N. Darling's sale
23 Walter took load of chop to town this morning & we were drawing pea straw into sheep barn this afternoon
24 We have been cutting wood to-day Bessie came home this afternoon
25 Agnes, Jean & John Inglis came over this afternoon and spent the evening with us
26 We have been choring & putting cutting wood into furnace seller. Geo Deitzler was here this afternoon
27 Lizzie, Walter & I went to church this morning. Storming this afternoon
January 7th. Walter drawing out manure I have been choring this morning and Lizzie, Annie, Helen & I spent part of afternoon + evening at Wm Armstrongs. Horses went over bridge with Walter.
8th Mr Lamb was here for dinner then he & I drove to Holyrood to attend Farmers Institute meeting. We had good meetings.
9th Mr Lamb & I spent last night with John Purves then drove to Lucknow for afternoon meeting there, after which we came home. John & Jean Inglis were here this afternoon
10th Lizzie, Walter & I went to church this morning
11th Walter drawing out manure I was choring this morning & went to town this afternoon
12 Walter drawing out manure this morning and went to town this afternoon with a load of chop, Lizzie, Helen & I were at Shielfield this afternoon
..13 We have been cutting wood today. Lizzie Annie & Helen drove to town this afternoon
14 Walter has been choring & putting wood in the celler I have been away buying cattle
{continued from previous page} bought 9 heifers from Joe Gamble for $337.50. $10.00 Paid went to town this afternoon
17 Lizzie & I went to church this morning and Mr & Mrs Inglis came home with us for dinner they & Annie & I went to church this evening Rev Mr Knowles preached anniverery services on the fiftieth anniversery
18 Walter & I were drawing out manure this morning & drawing pea straw to sheep barn this afternoon. Joe Gamble came with 9 cattle this morning & was here for dinner. I went up to Thos Arkell's this evening to get the report of Sunday School
19 Walter has been choring & splitting wood he took Annie to town this afternoon she is staying in to the social gathering at Knox church. I have been on sick list to-day
20 Walter choring & splitting wood I have been thawing out water pipes in kitchen this morning and went to see Joe Myer about cutting straw & filed saw this afternoon
1909 Walter chorning & putting wood in celler I attended Agriculture Society Annual meeting this afternoon. Was appointed President
..22 . Walter choring. I went to town this afternoon and called at Alex McKague's to get Annual seport of school signed. Walter has gone to Salem this evening
23 Walter choring, I went to town this afternoon
24 We all staid at home to-day
25 Walter choring. I attended annual meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church this afternoon They appointed me a member of the managing board
26 Walter choring this morning & I was fixing up the wagon to draw gravel. We started to draw gravel for the silo this afternoon
27 We have been drawing gravel to day Annie went to town this afternoon
28 We have been drawing gravel with two teams this afternoon Thomas Arkell was helping us fill. It has been a beautiful day. good wheeling
29 We were unloading gravel & fixing up wagon this morning. This afternoon Walter was choring
and I went to town, then went out buying cattle bought 1 cow from Perkins 1 cow & {calf?} and 1 heifer from T. P. McDonald and 1 cow & 2 heifers from Alf Rose. Snowing all day
30 Storming all day. I went over to buy Robt McKee's cattle this morning, but did not buy. T. P. McDonald brought the cow and was here for a load of chop, and I went to see Robt McCullough's cattle but did not buy
Feb 1st 31st Lizzie & I went to church this morning
Feb 1st I bought 3 cattle from S. Wallace + went to Jas Moffat's cow this morning, Walter and I were cutting wood this afternoon
2 Bought a heifer from McKay Bro's this morning. took dinner at Archie Tolton's & went to Jas Colter's sale.
3 Have been working in root house this morning & cutting wood this afternoon. Annie went to town this afternoon. Leslie & Jas Walker were down this evening
4 We were fixing manure sleigh this morning
and cutting wood this afternoon. Lizzie, Annie & Helen went to Shielfield this afternoon
5 Walter choring. Cleaning out hen house splitting wood etc. I went to town this afternoon. Raining
6 Walter choring & cleaning cattle I went to town this afternoon to bed car & put in hay. Robert Button came out this morning and bought a heifer
7 Annie, Walter & I went to church this morning Good wheeling
8 I shipped a load of cattle to Herbert this morning, 14 out of our own stable & 10 I bought Bought 4 steers from A Shafbuch this afternoong Wm Kirkland & his Brother-in-law Mr Wilson was here this afternoon to buy a horse
..9 Walter was drawing out manure from the stable I left for Toronto this afternoon to attend the Fairs Association. S Brill was married to day at 1130 to Miss M McNaughton
10.11 Spendt in Toronto. attending meetings
12 Came home from Toronto this afternoon {Durnuin?} was here to see fat cattle
18 I went down to Wm Armstrongs this morning for a load oats & Barley
Walter went to town this afternoon with a load of chop. I went to church & took tea at Mr R.E. Little's sold Queen to Mr {Rentsol?} of Wingham over the phone
14. Lizzie & I went to church this morning communion service stormy
15 I took Queen to Wingham. Sleighing is pretty good again
16th We were drawing pea straw to sheep barn this morning. Walter was drawing out manure this afternoon and Lizzie, Helen & I went to Shielfiel, It has been snowing hard all afternoon
17 Walter drawing out manure, I was choring this morning and went to town this afternoon for a load of bran. First lamb this morning
18 We were drawing home wood & filling up chop this morning. Walter was drawing home wood this afternoon & I went to town with a load of chop
19. We were choring this morning & went for two loads of ceder posts this afternoon to Jas Thompson I attended Farmers Club meeting this evening
20 Walter drawing out manure. I attended
agricultural Soceity meeting this afternoon
21st Lizzie, Walter & I went to church this morning
22 Walter drawing out manure. Lizzie & I went to Walkerton to-day. Lizzie was getting some teeth filled
23 I have been choring Walter was drawing out manure.
24 Lizzie, Helen & I went to Shielfield for dinner I went to W.H. Webbers sale this afternoon and bought a pure bred cow for sixty dollers
25th Walter choring & drawing out manure I took cutter up to Wm Armstrong's this morning and attended his sale this afternoon, bought four cattle, gravel box & set of whiffle trees [see Rural Diary Archive Glossary for definition]
26 Walter choring and drawing out manure I went down to Webbers for the cow took dinner at Shielfield on my way home
27 Walter drawing out manure I went to town this afternoon & bought 1 steer from W Taylor & 1 steer from The Missis Dobson
28 Lizzie & Walt I went to church this morning
March 1st Walter drawing out manure I took a load of mowing to town for Wm Armstrong this morning & Lizzie, Annie, Helen & I went to Shielfield this evening. Annie went to Walkerton this morning
2nd Walter drawing out manure I went to town this morning and attended Geo McEwens sale. bought 3 ram lambs & sold them again for 50ct per head more. also bought a ladder
6th A beautiful day. Robert McKee came over this afternoon and helped Walter draw some clover hay in for the sheep. Agnes & Jean came over this afternoon. Will in bed all day.
7th Sabbath. No one goes to church to-day. Will still no better. Saw McCulloch's passing to church and asked them to call & send out the Dr. He came directly and prescribed for La Grippe
8th Walter busy with the chores. Annie went to town this afternoon. Will still in bed.
and I went to town, then went out buying cattle bought 1 cow from Perkins 1 cow & {cald?} and 1 heifer from T.P. McDonald and 1 cow & 2 heifers from Alf Rose. {Snowing?} all day
30 Storming all day. I went over to buy Robt McKee's cattle this morning, but did not buy. T. P. McDonald brought the cow and was here for dinner. Walter went to town this afternoon for a load of chop, and I went to see Robt McCullough's cattle but did not buy
Feb 1st 31st Lizzie & I went to church this morning
Feb 1st I bought 3 cattle from S. Wallace & went to Jas Moffat's cow this morning. Walter and I were cutting wood this afternoon
. 2 Bought a heifer from McKay Bro's this morning. took dinner at Archie Tolton's & went to Jas Colter's sale
. 3 Have been working in root house this morning & cutting wood this afternoon. Annie went to town this afternoon. Leslie & Jas Walker were down this evening
4 We were fixing manure sleigh this morning
Feb and cutting wood this afternoon. Lizzie, Annie + Helen went to Shielfield this afternoon
5 Walter choring, cleaning out hen house splitting wood etc. I went to town this afternoon. Raining
6 Walter choring & cleaning cattle I went to town this afternoon to bed car & put in hay. Robert Button came out this morning and bought a heifer
7 Annie, Walter & I went to church this morning. Good Wheeling.
8 I shipped a load of cattle to Herbert this morning, 13 out of our own stable & 10 I bought Bought 4 steers from A Shafbuch this afternoon Wm Kirkland & his Brother-in-law Mr Wilson was her this afternoon to buy a horse
9 Walter was drawing out manure from the stable I left for Toronto this afternoon to attend the Fairs Association. S. Brill was married to day at 1130 to Miss M McNaughton
10.11 Spent in Toronto attending meetings
12 Came home from Toronto this afternoon {Drermain?} was here to see fat cattle
13 I went down to Wm Armstrongs this morning for a load oats & Barley
Walter went to town this afternoon with a load of chop. I went to church + took tea at R. E. Little's sold Queen to Mr Rentool of Wingham over the phone
14 Lizzie & I went to church this morning communion service stormy
15 I took Queen to Wingham. Sleighing in pretty good again
16th We were drawing pea straw to sheep barn this morning. Waalter was drawing out manure this afternoon and Lizzie, Helen and I went to Shielfield, It has been snowing hard all afternoon
17 Walter drawing out manure, I was choring this morning and went to town this afternoon for a load of bran.
18 We were drawing home wood & filling up chop this morning. Walter was drawing home wood this afternoon & I went to town with a load of chop
19 We were choring this morning & went for two loads of ceder posts this afternoon to Jas Thompson I attended Farmers Club meeting this evening
20 Walter drawing out manure. I attended
Feb agricultural Society meeting this afternoon
21st Lizzie, Walter & I went to church this morning.
22 Walter drawing out manure. Lizzie & I went to Walkerton to-day. Lizzie was getting some teeth filled.
23 I have been choring Walter was drawing out manure.
24 Lizzie, Helen & I went to Shielfield for dinner I went to W.H. Webbers' sale this afternoon and bought a pure bred cow for sixty dollers
25th Walter choring & drawing out manure I took cutter up to Wm Armstrong's this morning and attended his sale this afternoon, bought four cattle, gravel box & set of whiffle trees
26 Walter choring and drawing out manure I went down to Webbers for the cow took dinner at Shielfield on my way home.
27 Walter drawing out manure I went to town this afternoon & bought 1 steer from W. Taylor & 1 steer from The Missis Dobson
28 Lizzie & Walt I went to church this morning
March 1st. Walter drawing out manure. I took a load of mowing to town for Wm Armstrong this morning & Lizzie, Annie, Helen & I went to {Sheffield?} this evening. annie went to Walkerton this morning
2nd. Walter dawing out manure. I went to town this morning and attended Geo Mc Ewens sale, bought 3 ram, lambs & sold them again for 50¢ per head more, also bought a ladder.
6th - a beautiful day. Robert McKee came over this afternoon and helped Walter draw some clover hay in for the sheep. Agnes & Jean came over this afternoon. Will in bed all day.
7th - Sabbath - no one goes to church to-day. Will still no better. Saw McCulloch's passing to church and asked them to call & send out the Dr. He came directly and prescribed for La Grippe.
8th - Walter busy with the chores. Annie went to town this afternoon. Will still in bed.
9th - Will is a little better to-day. Helen too has taken cold.
10th - A disagreeable March day - raining this morning and snowing this afternoon. Walter choring and bringing home some wood. Mr, Button, Mr McCulloch and Mr Tait called to see Will. Annie went to town this afternoon. Will not quite so well to-day. Helen was very restless most of the night. john Inglis & Jas Darling were here for tea. G.B. Armstrong called this evening.
11th Walter chring. Weather fine. Annie went to Doronthy Arkell's wedding. Had a good time & was home at 10 o'clock. I got up and dressed for a while this evening.
12th Jos Myer came with his cutting machine at noon to cut straw. Jos Walker was helping us. I have been up most of the day
13th The men finished cutting at noon. Mr. & Mrs Inglis were here for dinner. I drove to town this afternoon.
Mon 14th We all staid at home to-day.
" 15th I bought a hefer {heifer} from Alf {Shafbue?} went to see Mr McCullough's cattle and called to see G.B. Armstrong, was in at Jas Buttons and called at Summer Hill Farm this morning. Annie & I went to town this afternoon. I went to see the Dr, and ordered car for shipping on Thursday morning.
16 I bought 3 yearling steers from Thos Goodfellow. 5 heifers & 1 cow from John McAllister and 1 yearling heifer from Alex McKenzie. Mr Klein of Formosa was here this afternoon selling wire fence I bought 40 rods @ 48 ct per rod. Will Arkell came down this afternoon & Jos Walker called this evening. Walter was choring & drawing home wood. Lizzie has a very bad cold
17 Walter choring this morning this afternoon he took load of straw & hay to town to bed car. I went to town too & sold my export cattle to Jas Reed 4 steers @ 5 1/2 ct per lb & one heifer at 5 ct & $2.00 back
Mar 18th We took cattle to town this morning I shipped a load to St Anne de Bellevue We brought 1 cow & 2 heifers home Lizzie, Helen & I drove to Shielfield this afternoon
" 19 We were bedding sheep pen and got a load of wood this morning Walter took 4 old ewes & 3 lambs to J.J. Reed this afternoon
" 20 We took 5 cattle to town this morning 1 heifer 1040 lbs at 5 ct 4 steers 5390 lbs @ 5 1/4 ct sold to J.J. Reed. We were taking some potatoes from {pit?} this afternoon
" 21 Annie & I went to church this morning Lizzie is laid up with neuralgia.
22. Walter is drawing out manure I went to town this afternoon
23 Walter went to town with a load of chop this morning and was drawing out manure this afternoon I was choring this morning & helping fill manure this afternoon
24 Walter was drawing out manure this morning & we were cleaning grain this afternoon it has been snowing all afternoon
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- William Arkell, 1908-1915 1.pdf
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- William Arkell, 1908-1915 6.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 7.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 8.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 9.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 10.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 11.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 12.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 13.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 14.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 15.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 16.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 17.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 18.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 19.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 20.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 21.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 22.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 23.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 24.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 25.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 26.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 27.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 28.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 29.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 30.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 31.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 32.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 33.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 34.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 35.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 36.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 37.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 38.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 39.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 40.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 41.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 42.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 43.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 44.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 45.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 46.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 47.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 48.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 49.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 50.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 51.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 52.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 53.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 54.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 55.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 56.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 57.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 58.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 59.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 60.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 61.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 62.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 63.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 64.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 65.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 66.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 67.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 68.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 69.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 70.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 71.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 72.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 73.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 74.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 75.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 76.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 77.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 78.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 79.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 80.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 81.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 82.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 83.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 84.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 85.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 86.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 87.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 88.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 89.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 90.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 91.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 92.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 93.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 94.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 96.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 97.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 98.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 99.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 100.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 101.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 102.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 103.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 104.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 105.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 106.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 107.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 108.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 109.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 110.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 111.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 112.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 113.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 114.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 115.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 116.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 117.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 118.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 119.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 120.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 121.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 122.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 123.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 124.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 125.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 126.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 127.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 128.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 129.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 130.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 131.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 132.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 133.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 134.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 135.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 136.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 137.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 138.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 139.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 140.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 141.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 142.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 143.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 144.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 145.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 146.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 147.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 148.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 149.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 150.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 151.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 152.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 153.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 154.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 155.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 156.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 157.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 158.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 159.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 160.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 161.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 162.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 163.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 164.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 165.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 166.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 167.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 168.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 169.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 170.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 171.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 172.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 173.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 174.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 175.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 176.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 177.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 178.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 179.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 180.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 181.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 182.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 183.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 184.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 185.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 186.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 187.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 188.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 189.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 190.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 191.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 192.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 193.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 194.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 195.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 196.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 197.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 198.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 199.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 200.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 201.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 202.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 203.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 204.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 205.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 206.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 207.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 208.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 209.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 210.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 211.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 212.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 213.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 214.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 215.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 216.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 217.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 218.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 219.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 220.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 221.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 222.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 223.pdf
- William Arkell, 1908-1915 224.pdf