and I went to town, then went out buying cattle bought 1 cow from Perkins 1 cow & {calf?} and 1 heifer from T. P. McDonald and 1 cow & 2 heifers from Alf Rose. Snowing all day 30 Storming all day. I went over to buy Robt McKee's cattle this morning, but did not buy. T. P. McDonald brought the cow and was here for a load of chop, and I went to see Robt McCullough's cattle but did not buy Feb 1st 31st Lizzie & I went to church this morning Feb 1st I bought 3 cattle from S. Wallace + went to Jas Moffat's cow this morning, Walter and I were cutting wood this afternoon 2 Bought a heifer from McKay Bro's this morning. took dinner at Archie Tolton's & went to Jas Colter's sale. 3 Have been working in root house this morning & cutting wood this afternoon. Annie went to town this afternoon. Leslie & Jas Walker were down this evening 4 We were fixing manure sleigh this morning
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