File #34737: "Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917 30.pdf"


June 12th & 13th Planted out Cauliflower plants & weeding carrots. June 14th & 15th spraying 2nd time June 19th Planted out Late Cabbages June 20 Planted Red Cabbages and sowed Turnips (sowed half way past Turnip hole in drill) weather warm today have had rain nearly every night lately June 21st Fine & warm {----ing?} in the orchard. June 22nd Sowed Beet Seed at Parsnip Hole in drill June 23. Rained heavy all afternoon & night June 26 Heavy Rain all day. June 28 Raining again this afternoon June 29 Rained hard all night June 29th & 30th Picked 32 crates Strawberries sold 10 crates here at 18¢ Rest in Toronto sold @ from 20¢ to 25¢ a box. July 1st Heavy rains again July 14 Rained every day since July 6th strawberries nearly done. July 18th Sprayed cherries with 3 lbs of soluble sulphur and 11 lbs of arsenic to the tank. July 18 Started picking Richmond cherries sold north at 80¢ bskt {basket}. July 25 picked 1 and a piece of crate of Rasps. sold in Toronto at 25¢ box also 1 bskt {basket} peppers at $150 {he means $1.50} 1 bskt marrows @ 75¢ July 28th Picked 2 bskts Tomatoes
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