Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archives and Special Collections, University of Guelph






20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 5, 1915


Scanned Manuscript



Housekeeping Book {handwritten in black ink on cover}

Notes for 1915 1916 1917 {handwritten in red ink on cover overtop of other text}

{Inside Cover} Year 1915

{Start of diary}

Jan 15th weather has been mild since the 1st of year

Jan 19th had big snow fall last night ordered three cars of manure from S.W. Marchment to be shipped Feby 15th March 1st & March 20th

Jan 20th Good Sleighing and very cold.

Jan 24th Cold below zero this morning

Jan 25th another big snow storm this morning. ordered two cars of manure to arrive this week

Jan 28th. started unloading car of manure. very cold below zero every night.

Feby 2nd North East Blizzard the worst this year

Feby 6th unloaded second car of manure today. had 7 loads in car of 28 tons 900 lbs. which makes it come at $5.50 per load.

Feby 12th has been mild all this week. some rain on the. 11th.

Feby 14th mild with Rain

Feby 20th weather has been mild all this week.

Feby 25th started unloading car of manure & making hot be beds.

Feby 26th turned cold today finished car of manure & making hot beds. started putting earth on hot beds. have 55 sashes out of car

Feby 27th sowed first row of hot beds with Peppers & Egg Plants starting at East End. 1 sash and 3 rows are Ruby King Peppers. then 2 Rows Bull Nose Peppers. Balance of frame are Ruby Giant Peppers. next are 1 sash & 4 rows of Black Beauty Egg Plant. Balance of frame. N.J Purple Egg Plants. Weather is bright and cool. saw come {some} Robins yesterday

March 1st. sowed 3rd row of Beds all with Johnstons Prizetaker Onion 16 sashes - 2lbs seed

March 1st. sowed Tomatoes Cabbages & Peppers.

1st. 3 sashes B. First & Best Tomato. 1 sash Bonny Best tomato Next 4 sash. Our own Pepper seed. then 1 sash C. Wakefield Cabbages 1/2 sash Copenhagen Market Cabbages 1/2 sash S. Premier Cabbages 2 sashes H. Succession Cabbages weather clear & cold.

Mch 2nd Sowed 11 sashes more Onions (4 sashes next pear tree are J. Y. Danvers. then 7 sashes of Johnston Prizetaker weather cold & windy

March 5th, cold & windy

March 6th snow storm on all last night

March 8th Sowed 4 sashes Chalks Jewel Tomatoes (4 oz seeds)

March 9th & 10th weather fine & mild & Bright.

March 12th. clear & cool. stopped fishing today. have been pruning the last few days.

March 17th weather clear & cool. still pruning trees.

March 19th weather still clear & cool. north & East winds for about two weeks. still pruning trees.

March 19th & 20th unloaded car of manure for hotbeds for transplanting

March 21st first day of spring roughest day we have had for two weeks. west winds, cool with snow flurries.

March 22nd transplanted 4000 Cabbages. 8 sashes in Row next Barn are Succession 1 sash in Large Bed in South corner are Premier. 3 sash on S. West side are Copenhagen Market. 4 sash on North East side are C. Wakefield also 4 sash in small frame.

March 23rd transplanted Tomatoes. Bruces First & Best. Large Frame and small frame By Ogon {Oregon} plum trees. weather is fine & dry. also sowed Late tomato seed

March 24th Transplanted 8 sashes more of Bruces first & Best Tomato. 1 in frame next Tank also 8 sash in second frame are Bonnys Best. Tomatoes. about $56.00 in all

March 24th also Transplanted Large frame Peppers. 1 sash in North Corner next Egg Plants are Bull Nose Peppers 3 sashes on North W. Side are Ruby Giant Pepper and 4 sashes on South East Side are Ruby King Pepper. also large frame of Egg Plants next Peppers are Black Beauty Egg Plants. weather cool

March 25th showery showery this morning turning colder tonight

March 26th very cold with strong North West winds had a few plants frozen last night.

March 27th very cold can't do any transplanting

March 28 changable heavy south west winds

March 29th very cold this morning heavy north west winds with snow squalls.

March 30 Transplanted Large frame Peppers at far end Ruby Giant Peppers also next frame this way of hot Peppers.

March 31st transplanted 2nd frame of Egg Plants N. J. Improved planted 16 sash in all 1600 plants.

March 31 Transplanted frame next Peppers chalks Jewel Tomato. also small frame by Burbank plum tree. also frame next back door also frame next abundance plum. weather is still very cold & rough

April 2nd Good Friday cold & cloudy with north west wind

April 6th Smith Clause started work. weather fine & warm

April 8 unloading car of manure & making hotbeds

April 10 cleaning up brush in the orchards

April 13th & 14th spraying orchard. put in a barrel of mixture in three tanks of water used 10 1/2 tanks of stuff.

April 19th Transplanted 8 sashes more of Our Own Peppers East of next Egg Plants.

April 20th Transplanted Late Tomatoes about 3000.

April 21 Starting transplanting Early Tomatoes 2nd time weather has been fine & very dry.

April 24 transplanting Early Tomatoes second time weather fine & very warm

April 25 Big Thunder & Rain storm.

April 26th Finished transplanting Bruces First & Best. 24 sashes at far end of Long Row also 8 sash on west side and 4 sash on East Side of last Row are B. F. & Best $36 00. all together. then 4 sash Bonny Best and 8 sash by Astrahan {Astrachan} tree and 2 sash right next tank Bonny Best. rest are Chalks Jewel

April 28 Plum trees in full blossom. weather very hot about 90 in the shade

April 29th Planted Cabbages out 1 Row west side Premier 10 rows 2 peces Wakefield

then Copenhagen Market then Success Cabbages. about 4000 alltogether

Apri 29th Started planting strawberries.

May 1st Finished patch of strawberries in John's field 30 Rows on west side Pocomoke the rest are Gibsons. weather cold & showery.

May 4th Finished planting strawberries in my place and also at home on Pocomoke. very cold & showery

May 5th planted a few trees filling up dead ones.

May 8th Started Planting out Onions. weather has been showery nearly every day

May 10th Planting Onions. a very heavy frost last night.

May 11th Finished planting Onions Planted 10 bushel of Irish Cobbler Potatoes also sowed Cauliflowers 1st 4 sashes Gilt Edge next 4 sash S.B. Snowball 2 ozs in all also 1 oz Red Cabbages seeds.

May 15 Hoeing Strawberries frost again this morning.

May 18th very cold again heavy frost this morning froze lots of strawberrie blossoms.

May 20th very cold Planted sweet corn & Pumpkins.

May 22nd Planted Hubbard squash seed and Pie Pumpkin seeds.

May 25th & 26th Planted Tomatoes about 11000.

May 27th some frost this morning did not hurt much I guess. Spraying 2nd time today Finished spraying on the 28th.

May 29th. Planted Yellow Corn. also planted Cucumbers 3/4 lb seed. also sowed 1 lb. Parsnips Seed and 1 lb. Carrots. sowed Parsnips near the Beet hole. in drill and carrots half way past Onion hole.

June 1st Frost again this morning did not hurt any thing here.

June 2nd weeding Onions today.

June 4th Planted Peppers Egg Plants & Vegetable Marrows up.

June 5 finished cleaning up hot beds and planted Potatoes.

June 11th Hoeing old Strawberries second time.

June 12th Sowed Turnip seeds half way past turnip hole in Drill

June 15th Planted Cabbages & Cauliflowers.

June 18 Picked 20 crates SBerries sold at 11¢ here also Spraying for last time.

June 21st Picked 68 crates SBerries sold at 9¢ and 10¢

June 22nd Had a shower at noon quiet a lot of hail but not very large

June 28th Largest Picking strawberries 113 crates sold at 7¢ and 8¢ box.

July 2nd started Picking Richmond cherries

July 5th very heavy thunder storm last night and terrible heavy gales today blowed a lot of the tree fruit off

July 9th. Finished Picking Richmond Cherries.

July 10 Starting cleaning old Strawberry beds

July 13 Finished picking Strawberries and Started Picking Raspberries

July 14th Started Picking montmorency cherries

July 15 Picked 109 bskt {basket} cherries today sold 50¢

July 19th Busy picking cherries 220 baskets today sold at 50¢

July 23rd Picked 14 bskt {basket} vegetable marrows sold at 35¢ bskt {basket}.

July 29th Finished Picking cherries.

Aug 2. Picked first Plums 30 bskts {baskets}. shipped north at 60¢ Raining nearly all last week can't get Raspberries picked

July Aug 3rd Heavy rains nothing doing

Aug 4th worst storm last night that we have had for years. rain & wind. lots of damage to fruit & grain. some of our Rasps have not been picked since last Thursday.

Aug 5 Picked first Lawtons 8 crates very soft so much rain, rained again today

Aug 6th 7th 8th still raining most of the time.

Aug 7 Picked 25 bskt {basket} tomatoes sold at 50¢

Aug 9. Picking quite a few Lawtons now.

Aug 10. started Picking Abundance plums. a big crop this year.

Aug 12 Raining again

Aug 15. Biggest rain of the year every thing flooded

Aug 13 Picked first Egg Plants 2 baskets sold at 85¢

Aug 17th Pulled first Green Corn 50 doz sold here at 10¢ doz.

Aug 18 Picked 10 bskt {basket} Red Peppers sold in Toronto at 50¢

Aug 21 picked first Burbank plums very large this year

Aug 22 Big Rain Storm today

Aug 24 Rained Again today.

Aug 27th weather cool since Tuesday have picked about 2000 bskts {baskets} these 5 days this week.

Aug 29. Big thunder storm in the night heavy rain.

Aug 30 Shipped some Cabaret apples to Toronto sold at 40¢ bskt {basket}

Sept 4th fine all week no Rain very busy with plums & Tomatoes.

Sept 2 shipped 5 doz pumpkins to Toronto sold at 12¢ each cleared about 854 doz

Sept 9 Picking 200 bskts {baskets} Bartlett & Howell Pears. sold Bartletts at 45 Howells at 40¢.

Sept 13th one of the worst Thunder Storms for years in this section last night

Sept 17th weather has been very warm all week.

Sept 20th finished picking Tomatoes for this year.

Sept 20 & 21st Picked nearly 160 bskts {baskets} Peppers

Sept 23 started Picking Cranberry Pippin Apples.

Oct 1st finished picking Plums very large crop.

Oct 1st started Picking Greenings & Wagner Apples.

Oct 5th Finished picking Peppers over 100 bskts {baskets}.

Oct 4th Picked Evergreen Corn 132 doz sold at 8¢

Oct 5th to 8th Picking & Packing Baldwin Apples

Oct 9 Loaded Car of apples for Hutchison Bros 185 barrels and 32 bus. {bushels} Onions

Oct 9 sold last of Peppers 102 bskts {baskets} to Ross Hart

Oct 14th Finished picking apples. shipped 334 barrels.

Oct 18 Started to market this morning for the first.

Oct 21 Shipped the last of our apples today to Burks Falls.

Oct 31st finished market Saturday 30th but took last load in to Hamilton today.

Nov 10th weather has been fine for two weeks. working on the farm cleaning up for winter

Nov 18th started putting in drain weather fine finished ploughing.

Nov 19th Big rain last night flooded our drain will have to quite till it drys up.

Nov 20th & 21st weather a little windy & rough but no frost.

Nov 26th weather still fine & mild, have our work all done.

Dec 1st weather is still fine & not very cold

Dec 7th weather still fine not very cold, no snow.

Dec 13th weather has been fine till today turning very cold with a little snow.

Dec 17th cold today with rain freezing on every thing

Dec 21st weather has been good seasonable weather not very cold

Dec 22nd had quite a snow storm today.

Dec 29th went to city with sleighs good sleighing and a big East snow storm raging this afternoon

Year 1916

Jan 1st Raining again today. saw a Robin this morning.

Jan 5th weather has been very changeable one day cold next day mild. and Today it is raining again.

Jan 10th Raining again

Jan 11th Cold again.

Jan 21st very changeable weather the past week. on the 17th it was 10 below zero. on the 20th & 21st was raining again

Jan 22. weather very warm

Jan 23rd to Jan 28th. very warm with lots of rain.

Jan 29th ordered three cars of hot bed manure from SW. Marchment to be shipped Feby 15. March 1st & March 20th.

Jan 30 & 31st warm with heavy rains

Feby 4th. Parliament Buildings at Ottawa burned down last night.

Feby 10th Fine & moderately cold

Feby 13th very cold 12 below zero

Feby 17th very mild like spring

Feby 18th very cold again 4 below zero. got word car of manure shipped Feby 16th

Feby 21 very cold again last night about 10 below zero.

Feby 23. started unloading car of manure. 37 tons on it.

Feby 25 Finished car of manure have it all up in hot beds but one load. have 54 sashs put up.

Feby 26. Put dirt on hot beds very cold again

Feby 28th sowed first seeds of the season. 2nd Row from the house are Old Seed Onions. which we had over and thought we would try. 1st Row outside fence at starting at far end - 1 sash Succession Cabbage 1oz 1 sash Charleston Wakefield 1oz 1 sash Glory of Enkhuizen 1oz 1 sash Copen Hagen Market 1/2 oz Rest of Rows 8 sashes are all Hot Peppers 2nd row at far end 2 1/2 sashes B. First & Best Tomatoes 2 oz 1 1/2 sashes SBr Earliest of all 1 oz.

March 1st very cold

March 3rd & 4th it was 4 below zero lots of snow and good sleighing

March 5th fair & very cold yet, hard on hot beds

March 6 bad north east snow storm, with thunder & lightning at the same time

Marh 7th sowed chalks Jewel Tomatoes 4 sashes.

March 8 & 9th Extremely cold with high winds. good sleighing. awful weather on hot-beds.

March 9th sowed Pepper and Egg Plant seeds. 4 sash between Tomato beds and 3 sash by crab apple tree are, Ruby Giant and next sash Ruby King Peppers. 2 1/2 sashes next back door are Black Beauty then 1 1/2 sashes N. Y. Imp. Egg Plants.

March 10th big snow storm again last night. very cold. sowed 19 sashes Prizetaker Onions 2lbs of seed.

March 15th weather very cold yet. sleighing and lots of snow and ice. fierce on hot beds.

March 16th and 17th. clear & bright but extremely cold. away below zero this morning. Indian moved into our house this week. started unloading Car of Hay - 11 tons 1700 lbs - @ $13.50 per ton $160.18 and 1680 Freight ordered from {Shi...?} Milling Co. Caledonia. Indian started work helped us unload.

March 18. very cold below zero and cloudy

March 20th First day of spring cool and very changeable. winds from East to South West. Cloudy and snowing towards night

March 25th weather has been cold all week, except today is a little warmer have been trimming trees all week

March 28th sowed another ounce of chalks Jewel Tomato seed. and Transplanted 7 sashes of Bruces First and Best Tomatoes about 1400 plants. in row with Onions.

March 29 started unloading 2nd car of manure this afternoon about 22 tons on it

March 31st. Transplanted Tomatoes 16 sashes next tank Bruces F & B. then 8 sashes Earliest of all. 3 sash in small frame Earliest of all and 1 sash Bruces F & B. makes 35 sashes all together about 7000 plants

April 1st Transplanted 16 sashes Cabbages, starting at this end. 4 sashes Copenhagen Market then 4 sashes Story of Enkhuizen then 2 sashes Succession and 6 sashes C. Wakefield.

April 3 & 4th Cold & Cloudy Transplanted 24 sashes Hot Peppers

April 5th Transplanted 16 sashes Chalks Jewel Tomato 12 sash in row this side grafted tree the other four in second bed other side of tree.

April 6th unloading 3rd car of manure for hot beds 32 tons 800 lbs. weather very rough & cold some snow flurries

April 7th very heavy frost this morning ground frozen hard

April 9th cold East wind yesterday and snow storm last night. Fine & cool today.

April 10th Transplanted 4 sashes more Succession Cabbages makes 20 sashes in all 4000 plants. also 4 sashes Chalks Jewel Tomatoes. makes 55 sashes Tomatoes all together about 11000 plants

April 11th Finished planting peppers. 1st 4 sashes in large frames. are Ruby Giant. then 4 sashes Ruby King. then the second frame hot Peppers and the next frame Ruby Giant also the 12 large sashes in last row. Ruby Giant 28 sashes sweet Peppers and 32 sashes Hot peppers all together over 12000 plants.

April 11 transplanted 8 sashes Egg Plants.

April 12 & 13 & 14th cold & some very heavy rains

April 14 Transplanted 8 sashes Egg Plants makes 16 sash - 1600 plants.

April 15 Fine & very warm

April 16th to 20th Cool & cloudy with lots of showers very Backward spring

April 21 Easter or Good Friday North East winds cold and cloudy started raining at night and rained all night.

April 22 planted 4 sashes on Far Side & 1 sash East End Vegetable Marrows then 1 sash Boston and 1 large sash Green Hubbard squash.

April 23rd Easter Sunday cloudy. East winds with some rain

April 24. unloading car of slabs. 17 cords. Dry Pine slabs. weight 30 000 lbs. rate 6 cts. $18.00 Freight from Kearney.

April 24 & 25 Transplanting Tomatoes 2nd time.

April 26 Finished Transplating Tomatoes. Have a few over 10 000 plants.

May 1st started Planting out Marlboro Raspberry Patch.

May 3rd Heavy north East rain & cold. nothing doing

May 4 & 5 Hoeing Raspberries ground very wet.

May 8 started digging Strawberry Plants

May 9th planting strawberries

May 10 showery, planted out Cabbages.

May 11 & 12th Finished planting Sberries they are all Pocomoke

May 12 shipped first Asparagus 9 bskts {baskets} sold at $2.00 bskt

May 13 sowed 1 lb Parsnip & 1 lb Carrot seed. sowed at Carrots at Onion hole and Parsnips a little past Beet hole in seed drill

May 13 Got our Car today

May 14 North East Rain all day.

May 15 & 16th cold & showery

May 18th very cold hoeing Black berries

May 19. Just started to plant Onions and stopped by heavy rain

May 20. Started Planting Onions again.

May 21st. Plum trees in full blossom now.

May 20 Planted 4 sash Early Snowball Cauliflowers

May 22 Raining again all day. nothing doing every thing flooded.

May 23 Planted a few more onions on high ground

May 24 Fine & warm started Planting some Tomatoes out.

May 23 Sowed 2nd Bed of Cauliflowers. they are S. Gilt Edge

May 24th & 25th Planting Tomatoes out.

May 26 Planted Early Corn. Pumpkins & Onions

May 27. Heavy rain in the morning cleaned up some hot beds rest of the day

May 29th Planted Egg. Plants & Sweet Peppers Raining again tonight

May 30. Big rain last night & this morning Planted Vegetable Marrows in the afternoon.

May 31st Fine. Planted Red & White Cabbage seed. also planting Onions out of hot beds.

June 1st Planted Onions & Peppers (Finished both)

June 2nd Finished Planting Tomatoes. Heavy showers again. Every thing flooded again

June 3rd Finished Cleaning up hot. beds.

June 5th Hoed new Strawberry Patch

June 6th Started Spraying put in about 10 lbs Lead

and two pails a little over 3/4 full. of Lime Sulphur also started Hoeing old Strawberry Patch. very cold. East wind today.

June 7. Hoeing strawberries stopped by heavy rain in the afternoon

June 9th Hoeing strawberries heavy Thunder storm this afternoon again. every thing is getting flooded worse every week. also very cold

June 10th started Rain again about 11 oclock Rained all day. also started work today on new time one hour ahead

June 11th Sunday raining again nearly all day.

June 13th Finished spraying first time so late on account of Rain. started Cultivating Onions Parsnips & Carrots terrible hard work. ground so hard and wet

June 14th showers again tonight

June 15 Cultivationg Onions stopped at noon Heavy rain again.

June 16 & 17 Hoeing strawberries

May {he means June} 18th Heavy showers again

June 19th & 20th Planted Corn & Pumpkins & some squash in the corn

June 21st Picked one crate of Strawberries sold at 12¢ also planted Potatoes

June 22nd & 23rd Planted Cauliflowers & Red Cabbages. Heavy Rain again on 23rd.

June 30 Planting out late Cabbages

July 5 Big Picking of strawberries 124 crates today

July 6 very hot & dry all week strawberries about all burnt up.

July 11 Has been very warm and no rain for about 3 weeks now.

July 11 Planted Cucumber seed today.

July 12 Picked Richmond cherries (a poor crop)

July 14th no Rain yet very dry

July 17 started Picking a few Montmorency cherries also picked a crate of Rasps sold 16¢

July 20 Picked eleven baskets Green Peppers sold at 75 and 85¢ in Toronto

July 18th Sprayed apples today for scab.

July 25. still very warm and no rain picking cherries.

July 26 had a nice shower tonight but not very much.

July 28 Picked first Tomatoes 4 bskt {basket} sold at $1.50

Aug 4 Picked some squash & marrows sold at 40¢ bskt.

Aug 5 very warm & dry no rain at all

Aug 7 Finished Picking Monmorency cherries

Aug 8 Picked Morello Cherries also picked Lawton Berries 15 crates sold at 15¢.

Aug 11 Picked 50 bskt {basket} Tomatoes sold at 90¢

Aug 12 Picked 88 bskt Tomatoes sold at 60 and 80¢

Aug 18 & 19th Picked over 300 bskt Tomatoes sold at 45 and 50¢ here.

Aug 18 Picking Abundance Plums sold at 50¢ not very big crop. Also Astrachan Apples selling at 30¢ to 35¢ here.

Aug 21st Picked 175 bskt Tomatoes today sold at 45¢ also picking out door cukes 17 bskt sold at 50¢ bskt

Aug 26th The week has been fine with a couple of light showers Have been picking Tomatoes heavy. sold 1000 bskts at from 40¢ to 50¢ also picked quite a few Plums sold at 50¢

Sept 2nd had a very busy week picking Tomatoes and Burbank Plums

Sept 9th Picking plums and Tomatoes

Sept 18th Started going to market today

Sept 30th still going to market frost tonight Tomatoes peppers all done.

Oct 6 Picked Cranberry Pippin apples about 40 barrels

Oct 7 Still going to market.

Oct 9. started Picking Greening apples. weather fine but cool nights with frosts.

Oct 19th was at market got nearly drowned had 12 Boxs Cauliflowers sold at $2.25

Oct 24th was at market had 13 boxs Cauliflowers sold at $2.50 a box. had a one horse load and made $53.40. was home before noon. also loaded Car of apples for Bracebridge only had 110 bbls {barrels} and bought 40 barrels from Fred Bell. to make 150 in all

Oct 31st was to market getting $2.50 a box for Cauliflower $1.00 a box for Cabbages $1.25 a box for Red Cabbages 65¢ box for Turnips.

Nov 4th. weather has been fine all week till today. which is rainy.

Nov 7th at market again today. had 20 boxs Cauliflowers sold from $2 to $2.50 a box also Cabbages.

Nov 13th. snow & sleet storm cut Cauliflowers & Cabbages nearly all day.

Nov 14th very cold snow on the ground

Nov 16th very cold like winter snow & ice on the ground went to market.

Nov 23rd Finished marketing today. Raining nearly all day. Had 28 boxs Cauliflowers made 60 out of them and 28 boxs Red & White Cabbages averaged $1.00 a box out of them.

Nov 24. Turning cold, snowing Finished ploughing.

Dec 7th weather has been mild & fine some people ploughing yet.

Dec 11th still fine people ploughing yet

Dec 12th snowing today.

Dec 13. turning very cold.

Dec 16th very cold. zero.

Dec 20. Milder again ordered 5 cars manure Feby. 15th 20th & 25th. March 10th & March 15th.

Dec 25th Xmas Day Fine & cool. Good sleighing.


January 1st weather turning milder

Jan 5th Heavy rain today.

Jan 10th Turning cold

Jan 11th 12 below zero this morning.

Jan 18th weather has been cold, and snowing again today.

Jan 23rd Weather has been fine & Cold lots of snow and good sleighing.

Feby 2. weather still very cold with sleighing Bear saw his shadow today. they say six weeks more winter.

Feby 12th weather has been very cold has been as low as 12 below zero and very cold yet away below zero this morning

Feby 16th Fine & moderately cold. Finished getting in Hay today. Got ten tons from Harry Long at $12 a ton. $120 in all.

Feby 17. mild today, snow nearly all gone. Finished putting in baskets have 35000 qt Boxs, 12500 11qt bskts {baskets} and 500 6 qts with covers for all of them. (Recipe for spraying cherries for Cherry Fruit Fly) 39 Gallons Water 1 Gallon Molasses 3 lbs Arsenate of Lead

Feby 26th Showery today unloading car of manure for hot beds.

Feby 27th. Finished Car. 38 tons and 100 lbs on it. Freight was $15.03

Feby 28. Fine & moderately cold. Putting earth on hot beds.

March 2nd sowed Cabbages Egg Plants. Peppers and Onion Seed.

March 3rd Sowed Tomato seed.

March 5th very cold with north east snow storm raging

March 6th unloading car of manure out in the field 24 tons on it.

March 9. started to do some pruning.

March 14. Cold & Showery.

March 15 Cold. sowed 1 lb Prizetaker Onion seed the others did not come up good.

March 17th weather still unsettled last night rain, today cold & very windy.

March 20th. man started work today started unloading manure for hot - beds.

March 21st First day of spring. Cool & clear with north & East winds.

March 23rd Showery today from the South.

March 24. Transplanting Cabbages & Tomatoes.

March 26 Transplanting Tomatoes

March 29 Rain in the morning turning very cold in afternoon

March 28 & 29 very cold & windy. transplanting Sweet Peppers.

March 30 unloading car of manure.

March 31 another car of manure arrived with 47 tons on it

April 1st. Raining today

April 2nd started unloading manure, stopped by rain

April 5th Finished unloading manure. Raining again this afternoon.

April 6th Good Friday Cold with north & East winds. with Rain & Snow

April 7th Clear & very cold north wind Planting Peppers

April 8th Easter Sunday Clear & Cold. with north wind. heavy frost last night. got some plants frozen.

April 12th very cold heavy frosts every night Transplanted Hot Peppers and Egg plants.

April 14th sowed 1 lb Danver Onion seed. a little smaller

than Onion hole in the seed drill. Land nice and dry but very cold.

April 21st Weather has been fair & cool with a couple of showers planted trees on the 19 & 20th of April. have no men. and dont know were to get any.

April 23rd. Started Transplanting Tomatoes 2nd time

April 24th. very cold north East winds Sowed 1 lb Parsnip seed (in Beet hole in seed Drill)

April 25 Sowed 1 1/2 lbs Carrot seed. (in Onion hole in drill

April 26 and 27th Finished Transplanting Tomatoes last time have about 11000 plants. weather very cold with flying showers.

April 27th Planting Vegetable marrows in hot - beds

April 28 A Little milder today weeding Peppers in hot - beds

May 1st. very cold and heavy gales from South west have been nailing down hot bed sashes the men are hoeing Blackberries.

May 4th weather has been very cold all week. finished hoeing Blackberries

May 5 Rained all day from the East. nothing doing

May 6 Cold & cloudy.

May 7. Planted Early Cabbages out. had about 4.5000

May 8 Sowed Cauliflowers Late Cabbage & Red Cabbage seeds. Fine & warm today.

May 10 started Planting strawberries.

May 11 Cut first two baskets Asparagus sold @ $2 50 bskt {basket} also started spraying first time, buds pretty well out. putting in nearly a barrel of Lime-sulphur in three tanks strength 1 to 8.

May 11 & 12th spraying trees and planting strawberries weather cold & dry.

May 17th Planted out Prizetaker Onions.

May 18. Sowed some Red and Late Cabbage seed outdoors Weather is dry & warm.

May 19 Heavy Thunder storm at six oclock. at night. will do a lot of good. got hot-beds watered.

May 21st. Planted Early Corn & Pumpkins. Squash and Pie Pumpkins, cold & cloudy

May 25th Planted Raspberry suckers.

May 26th Planted Sweet Corn and Citron seed. also Yellow Corn & Pumpkins

May 28 Cold & Big East rain started at noon

May 30th & 31st. Planted out Tomatoes a few over 10000 plants

June 1st. Rained last night cleaned up hot-beds today

June 2nd Planted out Sweet Peppers & Part of hot ones weather very cold today.

June 4 Planted Peppers & Egg Plants

June 5. Planted Marrows & Squash also some marrow seeds Rained all morning.

June 6. Filling in new Strawberry Patch. Heavy thunder shower at night.

June 12th & 13th Planted out Cauliflower plants & weeding carrots.

June 14th & 15th spraying 2nd time

June 19th Planted out Late Cabbages

June 20 Planted Red Cabbages and sowed Turnips (sowed half way past Turnip hole in drill) weather warm today have had rain nearly every night lately

June 21st Fine & warm {----ing?} in the orchard.

June 22nd Sowed Beet Seed at Parsnip Hole in drill

June 23. Rained heavy all afternoon & night

June 26 Heavy Rain all day.

June 28 Raining again this afternoon

June 29 Rained hard all night

June 29th & 30th Picked 32 crates Strawberries sold 10 crates here at 18¢ Rest in Toronto sold @ from 20¢ to 25¢ a box.

July 1st Heavy rains again

July 14 Rained every day since July 6th strawberries nearly done.

July 18th Sprayed cherries with 3 lbs of soluble sulphur and 11 lbs of arsenic to the tank.

July 18 Started picking Richmond cherries sold north at 80¢ bskt {basket}.

July 25 picked 1 and a piece of crate of Rasps. sold in Toronto at 25¢ box also 1 bskt {basket} peppers at $150 {he means $1.50} 1 bskt marrows @ 75¢

July 28th Picked 2 bskts Tomatoes

Aug 2. Have been picking cherries 150 bskts {baskets} yesterday sold at 80¢ and 85¢.

Aug 6 to 11th have been picking cherries have advanced in price in Toronto from $1.25 to $1.50 also Rasps are 18 and 20¢. Also picked some peppers sold at $100 & $125 {he means $1.25 to $1.50} in Toronto

Aug 18th have picked a few Tomatoes about 200 bskts averaged about $1 a bskt.

Aug 15 picked first Lawton berries 9 crates shipped some north at $5.00 a crate

Aug 25 Picked about 300 bskts Tomatoes this week sold from 60¢ to 90¢ here. also about 140 crates Lawtons sold from 15¢ to 17¢ mostly 17¢.

Sept 1st have been picking fruit all week. Abundance Plums at from 50 to 75¢ Tomatoes at 40¢ Berries 15 to 17¢ a box. Corn 17¢ dozen have been very busy.

Sept 8th have been picking Tomatoes & Plums Burbanks Tomatoes 35¢ Plums 60 & 65¢ corn 15¢ Hubbard Squash $150 {he means $1.50} doz

Sept 15 Have been very busy picking Tomatoes plums etc. Plums selling at 60 to 85 Tomatoes 35¢

Sept 22 week has been fine. very busy picking tomatoes, plums etc. also selling a lot of Pumpkins & squash.

Sept 29 Week has been fine very busy all week finished plums but have lots of Tomatoes yet.

Oct 2 Frost this morning froze part of the Tomatoes

Oct 6. picked about 600 bskts {baskets} this week of peppers and lots of Tomatoes started picking apples today

Oct 13. Picking apples. digging carrots. drawing Pumpkins to Canning Coy. most of week. the weather was cool, showery & windy.

Oct 16th Started market today it was fairly good.

Oct 20th finished picking apples.

Oct 27th. was to market on Tuesday and to Hamilton every day this week with a load of carrots, Turnips & Parsnips also shipped 65 bbls {barrels} apples this week at $4.50 a barrel and 21 boxs Onions @ $2.25

Oct 29 Rained all day

Nov 3. weather has been rough & cold all week till today which is fine have been drawing loads to Hamilton every day nearly.

Nov 10 weather has been fine all week.

Nov 17 weather has been fine and dry. ploughing all week.

Nov 15th weather has been fine till this afternoon. Cold north East Rain starting.

Nov 16 very cold unloading first car of manure

Dec 1st weather has been cold & frosty. unloading manure

Dec 6th Finished another car of manure

Dec 6 covering strawberries did not get quite done and now covered with snow

Dec 7. started drawing Hay got two loads

Dec 8th Got another load of Hay. stopped by a heavy north East snow storm.

Dec 9th very cold. lots of snow. Good Sleighing

Dec 12th finished the last of manure this fall had five cars & also finished getting in Hay & Straw 8 tons hay 4 tons straw.

Dec 13. Snowing again

Dec 17 Election Day.

Dec 20 weather has been very mild. since Dec 17th. roads sloppy and slushy sleighing about done.

Dec 21 weather turning colder again.

Dec 22 fair and moderately cold

Dec 25. Xmas Day. fair & cold. but no Sleighing

Dec 28 very cold. coldest day this winter was below zero.

Dec 29th 20 below zero this morning.

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Transcription Progress



Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  1.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  2.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  3.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  4.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  5.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  6.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  7.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  8.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  9.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  10.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  11.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  12.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  13.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  14.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  15.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  16.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  17.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  18.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  19.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  20.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  21.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  22.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  23.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  24.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  25.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  26.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  27.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  28.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  29.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  30.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  31.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  32.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  33.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  34.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 24, 2025,
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