Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archives and Special Collections, University of Guelph






20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 5, 1915


Scanned Manuscript



Housekeeping Book {handwritten in black ink on cover}

Notes for 1915 1916 1917 {handwritten in red ink on cover overtop of other text}

{Inside Cover} Year 1915

{Start of diary}

Jan 15th weather has been mild since the 1st of year

Jan 19th had big snow fall last night ordered three cans of manure from S.W. Marchmet {Market?} to be shipped Febry 15th March 1st + March 20th

Jan 20th Good Sleighing and very cold

Jan 24th Cold below zero this morning

Jan 25th another big snow storm this morning. ordered two cans of manure to Annie this week

Jan 28th. started unloading can of manure. very cold below zero every night.

Feby 2nd North East Blizzard the worst this year

Feby 6th undloaded second can of manure today. Had 7 loads in can of 28 tons 200 lbs. which makes it come at $5.50 per load.

Feby 12th has been mild all this week. some rain on the 11th.

Feby 14th mild with rain

Feby20th weather has been mild all this week.

Feby 25th started unloading can of manure + making hot be beds.

Feby 26th turned cold today finished can of manure + making hot beds. started putting earth on hot beds. have 55 sashes out of can

Feby 27th sowed first row of hot beds with Peppers + Egg Plants starting at East End. 1 sash and 3 rows are Ruby King Peppers. Then 2 Rows Bull Nose Peppers. Balance of frame are Ruby Giant Peppers. next are 1 sash + 4 rows of Black beauty Egg Plant. Balance of frame. N.J Purple Egg Plants. Weather is bright and cool. saw come {some} Robins yesterday

March 1st. sowed 3rd row of Beds all with Johnstons Prizetaken {?} Onion 16 sashes - 2lbs seed

March 1st. sowed Tomatoes Cabbages + Peppers.

1st. 3 sashes B. First + Best Tomato. 1 sash Bonny {?} Best tomato Next 4 sash. Our own Pepper seed- then 1 sash C. Wakefield Cabbages 1/2 sash Copenhagen Market Cabbages 1/2 sash S. Premier Cabbages 2 sashes H. Succession Cabbages weather clear + cold.

Mch 2nd Sowed 11 sashes more Onions (4 sashes next pea {?} trio are J. Y. Danvers. then 7 sashes of Johnston Prizetaken {?} weather cold + windy

March 5th, could + windy

March 6th snow storm on all last night

March 8th Sowed 4 sashes Chalks Jewel Tomatoes (4 oz seeds)

March 9th + 10th weather fine + mild + Bright.

March 12th. Clear + cool. stopped fishing today. have been pruning the last few days.

March 17th weather clear + cool. still pruning trees.

March 19th weather still clear + cool. north + East winds for about two weeks. still pruning trees.

March 19th + 20th unloaded can of manure for hotbeds for transplanting

March 21st first day of spring nighest {nicest?} day we have had for two weeks. west winds, cool with snow flurries.

March 22nd transplanted 4000 cabbages. 8 sashes in Row next Barn are Succession 1 sash in Large Bed in South corner are Premier. 3 sash on S. West side are Copenhagen Market. 4 sash on North East side are C. Wakefield also 4 sash in small farm.

March 23rd transplanted Tomatoes Bruces First + Best. Large Frame and small frame By Ogon {Oregon?} plum trees weather is fine + dry. also sowed Late tomato seed

March 24th Transplanted 8 sashes more of Bruces first + Best Tomato. in frame next Tank also 8 sash in second frame are Bonnys Best. Tomatoes. about #5600 in all

March 24th also transplanted large frame Peppers. 1 sash in North corner next Egg Plants are Bull Nose Peppers 3 sashes on North W. Side are Ruby Giant Pepper and 4 sashes on South East Side are Ruby King Pepper. also large frame of Egg Plants next Peppers are Black Beauty Egg Plant. weather cool

March 25th showery showery this morning turning colder tonight


Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  1.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  2.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  3.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  4.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  5.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  6.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  7.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  8.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  9.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  10.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  11.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  12.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  13.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  14.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  15.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  16.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  17.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  18.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  19.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  20.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  21.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  22.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  23.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  24.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  25.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  26.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  27.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  28.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  29.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  30.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  31.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  32.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  33.pdf
Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917  34.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed July 16, 2024,
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