File #34748: "Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 7.pdf"


April 3rd cold and cloudy. April 4th Heavy frost this morning. very cold with high north wind. but bright. April 6th. weather has been Clear and cold. trimming trees yet. a big job this year as much dead wood, also started the plough today. April 10th very cold since Sunday heavy north East Winds. and heavy frost at night. cleaning up brush in the orchard. April 11th Snowed last night and nearly all morning. April 12th cold East wind with rain and snow. April 13th turned very warm and fine this morning. started unloading third car of manure for hot beds. also sowed 1 lb. Y. Danvers Onion seed. sowed just a little smaller than onion hole in the drill. Land fine and dry. April 15 Fine and very warm making hot-beds. April 16th started uncovering strawberries. April 17 uncovering strawberries started to rain about 3 oclock. ground dry a shower would do good. April 18 very cold and showery in the morning. started snowing at night. April 19. about one inch of snow this morning and ground frozen hard. Burning brush in the orchard. April 20th very cold yet.
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