Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1918


Scanned Manuscript



1918 - 1919

Notes for


& 1919

Jan 1st. New Years Day was clear and very cold.

Jan 11th weather has been clear and very cold.

Jan 12 weather very cold, snow drifting badly. Radial Ry. Blocked.

Jan 13th Finished drawing second hand barrels and Orange Boxs from Hamilton. got 225 barrels @ 15¢ 450 boxs @ 4¢ each. was very cold this morning 10 below zero. lots of snow sleighing all month.

Jan 30 very cold yet below zero nearly every night. ordered our hotbed manure to be shipped Feby 18th March 10th and March 15th they say it will be scarce and hard to get this year.

Feby 1 very cold about 15 below zero. Got our Berry Boxs in today 20 000 at $6 per m. also have about 10 000 left over from last year

Feby 4 ordered seeds today they are scarce and very high in price. also ordered 4 barrels of Lime Sulphur and 200 lbs Arsenate of Lead

Feby 5th. Forgot to mention that the bear saw his shadow on Feby 2nd means six weeks more winter they say. and it feels like it today. from 28 to 30 below zero this morning.

Feby 10th. very mild with rain this is only the third day that the thermometer has reached the 32 mark since Nov 15th

Feby 13 weather has been mild the last couple of days.

Feby 14 Heavy rain with thunder and Lightning.

Feby 15 very cold again.

Feby 19 heavy rain with thunder again. every thing flooded.

Feby 20 decidely cold again ran across an old account of Goods sold to {??M} Carrol of Hamilton in years 1902 & 1903. prices very low - Onions 35¢ and 40¢ a bushel. Apples 10¢ bushel. Turnips 20¢ bushel. Butter from 13¢ to 17¢ lb. Eggs 12¢ a doz.

Feby 21 Every thing getting scarce and high in price. ordered 500 bags up north today. costing 9 1/2 to 10¢ up there.

Feby 23rd & 24th. weather vey mild just like spring. working. out. doors. making hot bed covers.

Feby 25 Fixing hot bed sash and getting in baskets. Heavy rain again to night with Thunder and Lightning again.

Feby 26. Blowed a hurricane all last night had to get up and fasten some hot bed sash down. one all smashed up. very cold and blowing yet today.

Feby Snowing today. Have no hot bed manure yet. phoned S. W. Marchment this morning, promised to ship car today

March 1st 2nd & 3rd. weather fine & mild.

March 4th mild with a little rain.

March 5 Started unloading car of manure. for hot-beds. 36 ton 900 lbs.

March 7th putting earth on hot-beds.

March 6th Mike the Indian started work. Heard a Robin today

March 8th Sowed Onion. Cabbage Tomato & Pepper seed. weather fine & moderately cool.

March 9th Finished sowing Pepper seed, very cold north East Blizzard started at noon.

March 10th Had some more Thunder and lightning last night. also blowed a gale with Rain and Snow, and today extremely cold. cloudy and blowing from the north.

March 12th & 13th. Have been trimming apple trees weather is fine

March 13th nothing doing. snowed last night. and raining from N. East today

March 15th Fine & Bright but very cold north wind.

March 16 still cold, very cold last night

March 18th & 19th weather fine and mild trimming trees and looking after hot-beds.

March 21st First day of spring, fine and mild, winds South and East. looks showery. Trimming apple trees yet.

March 23rd. Weather has been fine all week. Trimming trees yet.

March 25th started unloading car of manure for hot beds 30 tons on it. weather very cold

March 26. very cold finished car of manure and put dirt of hot-beds.

March 26 ordered 5000 SB. {strawberry} Plants from Stevensville Mich. $13.00

March 27. still working at hot beds very cold at night freezes hard.

March 28 started Transplanting Tomatoes, cold yet.

March 29th. Good. Friday. fine and warm. south wind nearly all day. finest day this Spring. transplanting Peppers all day

March 30 Fine & warm. transplanting tomatoes and Cabbages.

March 31st Easter Sunday Fine and very warm south winds all day. changed to about west in the evening.

April 1 Transplanting Peppers and Tomatoes, warm with a few light Showers.

April 2nd Finished Transplanting 4000 Cabbages 12 500 Peppers and 13.500 Tomatoes. Fine & warm

April 3rd cold and cloudy.

April 4th Heavy frost this morning. very cold with high north wind. but bright.

April 6th. weather has been Clear and cold. trimming trees yet. a big job this year as much dead wood, also started the plough today.

April 10th very cold since Sunday heavy north East Winds. and heavy frost at night. cleaning up brush in the orchard.

April 11th Snowed last night and nearly all morning.

April 12th cold East wind with rain and snow.

April 13th turned very warm and fine this morning. started unloading third car of manure for hot beds. also sowed 1 lb. Y. Danvers Onion seed. sowed just a little smaller than onion hole in the drill. Land fine and dry.

April 15 Fine and very warm making hot-beds.

April 16th started uncovering strawberries.

April 17 uncovering strawberries started to rain about 3 oclock. ground dry a shower would do good.

April 18 very cold and showery in the morning. started snowing at night.

April 19. about one inch of snow this morning and ground frozen hard. Burning brush in the orchard.

April 20th very cold yet.

April 22nd and 23rd Transplanting tomatoes second time have 114 sashes. over 11 500 plants. weather cold. raining tonight

April 24th very cold with a few snow flurries

April 25th still very cold. got a lot of plants frozen last night

April 26th Sowed 3/4 lb. Parsnip seed. (A Little Smaller than Beet hole in drill. 1 3/4 lbs Carrot Seed, Patch next Raspberries at Onion hole, other side the next larger one.

May 1st. cold yet. hoeing Blackberries & Raspberries.

May 2. a little warmer but very high wind from S.West.

May 3rd Cold and cloudy planted Vegetable marrows and Squashes in hot-beds.

May 6th to 9th. planting strawberries about 4 acres. ground very dry.

May 10th had a heavy thunder shower, done a lot of good.

May 10 planted out Cabbages today. about 4000 plants.

May 11th turned very cold last night heavy frost this morning ground frozen. in some spots. planted Herbert Raspberry Suckers.

May 10. shipped first Asparagus 4 bskts {baskets} to Toronto.

May 13 Sowed Cauliflower, Red Cabbage in hot beds.

May 14 and 15th. planting out Onions ground in fine shape

May 16th Cultivating seed Onions

May 17th Planting Early Corn and Pumpkins also Cultivating carrots with hand cultivator weather FIne, warm & dry.

May 18th &19th Fine and very warm

May 20th & 21st Fine and very warm planted Pie Pumpkin & yellow Pumpkin. squash and citron and Late Red & White Cabbage

May 22 Had a fine shower started weeding carrots.

May 23rd & 24th weeding carrots and Parsnips.

May 25 & 26 cold and showery also heavy thunder storm in the night.

May 26th apples in full blossom now Plums have been out about a week.

May 27 & 28th. Planted out Tomatoes cool today had about 11 500 plants

May 29th Planted Peppers out today about 12000 started raining about night.

May 30 started spraying today put in 10 lbs lead and 3 1/2 gal. lime sulphur. in tank.

May 31st very hot, spraying yet.

June 1st. spraying in morning stopped at noon. wind to high. finished putting out plants. marrows & squash. very hot. they say nearly 100 in the shade.

June 6th Planted some yellow Corn & Pumpkins.

June 7 & 8th Weeding Onions very showery nearly every day but not very heavy.

June 9th heavy shower again tonight.

May June 10 Finished planting corn & Pumpkins. heavy thunder storm at night.

May June 13 sowed some Turnips today. half way past Turnip hole in drill

May June 13 Planted Cucumber seed outdoors

May June 18th Planted Cauliflowers

June 21st Picked 5 crates SBerries would have picked more but it rained. Shipped to Orillia at 26¢

June 22 Picked 12 crates Strawberries shipped to Toronto Sold from 25¢ to 30¢ Planted Red & White Cabbages out and sowed some more Turnips.

June 26 Sprayed apples. today put in 10 lbs lead. 3 1/2 Gals Sulphur picking some strawberries but crop will be very light.

June 29th Picking strawberries 44 crates yesterday and 44 today sold at $5 00 a crate.

July 1st largest picking strawberries 65 crates sold at $5.20 to $5.40 a crate. also picked 2 bskts Green Peppers sold in Toronto at $2.00 a bskt.

July 2nd picked some Early Richmond cherries sold at $1.00

July 3rd spraying cherries for the fly. 11 lbs lead and 3 lbs Soluble Sulphur per tank.

July 5 Picked 9 boxs Rasps for the first. sold at 30¢ in Toronto.

July 9 Cut first bunch of Cabbages 22 1/2 doz sold at $1.00 dozen

July 10 Picking SBerries yet picked 41 crates today sold at 575 {$5.75} and $6.00 a crate

July 11 Picked SBerries and Rasps. heavy shower in the afternoon.

July 12 Picked 10 crates Rasps this picking sold at 30 to 33¢ box

July 13 started Picking a few montmorency cherries. also cut 33 doz more cabbages sold at $1.00 a dozen.

July 15 & 16. Picked 20 crates Rasps sold at 25 and 27¢ box at Station. also finished picking strawberries had nearly 600 crates prices ranged from $5 00 to $6 00 a crate here

July 20 Rasps sold from 24 to 27¢ all week. montmorency cherries $1.35 to $1.50. Picked first Vehetable marrows. Weather fine & warm but a little dry.

July 24 & 25 Picking cherries over 250 bskts the last two days sold at $1.50 a bskt. weather very warm

July 27. Picked 26 bskts Tomatoes today. Sold at $1 00 and $1 10 heavy shower this afternoon. done a lot of good.

July 31 Finished picking Marlboro Rasps. started picking Morello cherries.

Aug 2 picked 50 bskts tomatoes sold at 75¢

Aug 3 Finished picking the last cherries 30 bskts also picked 97 baskets Peppers.

Aug 7 Picked first Lawtons 5 crates sold at $7.00 crate the weather is extremely hot and dry. about 98 in the shade the last few days.

Aug 9 & 10th Picked 150 bskt Tomatoes sold on the 9th at 75¢ on the 10th at $1.00 bskt

Aug 10th. This is one of our berry pickers address Mr Louie Armstrong Caughnawaga. P.O. Quebec

Mr Louie Armstrong 516 1/2 Church St. W. Toronto. Cent.

Aug 17th Picked about 1000 baskets Tomatoes sold at 60 to 75¢ the past week.

Aug 24th very busy picking Tomatoes about 1500 baskets sold at about 40¢ a few plums & Lawtons but both plums & Lawtons a failure.

Aug 31 busy picking Tomatoes all week sold at 40¢ sold a few plums at $1.00 also picked peppers and cukes. weather showery

Sept 7th. have been very busy picking Tomatoes nearly all the time selling at 40¢. weather showery.

Sept 14th weather very showery picking some Tomatoes yet. and plums at 85¢ Bartlett pears at 85¢. today sold 6 team loads of squash marrows Pumpkins Carrots Corn etc. got done at 9 oclock at night.

Sept 21st the Past week has been cool and showery nearly every day.. picking some Cranberry Pippin apples, a few Tomatoes. lots of Peppers. finished plums on Sept 20th. started on Howell & Duchess pears. selling at 80¢ bskt. also selling lots of Pumpkins to Ross Hart at $100 {$1.00} dozen. had 100 dozen in front patch of corn

Sept 28th have been just as busy as ever. Picked 600 to 800 bskts peppers this week also a lot of pears. about 300 bags carrots and 100 bags Turnips, some Tomatoes yet. weather cold. rough and windy but no frost yet

Oct 5th had a couple of heavy frost the past week. finished picking peppers & pears got Onions & squash inside picked Cranberry Pippin apples and started on Greening apples. weather showery rains about every day.

Oct 12 Have been picking and packing apples all week. this has been finest week for a long time fine and warm and no Rain.

Oct 16 Loaded Car of apples for Bracebridge today 155 barrels apples $3 00 15 bags Onions $1 50 bag weather fine and warm

Oct 17 finished picking apples tonight.

Oct 18 Fine but a little cool. pulling carrots.

Oct 26 Finished with apples shipped last 42 bbls to Powassan this morning had about 325 barrels. weather has been fine. sold the last 100 bags carrots to Ross Hart on the 24th.

Oct 31 Finished up with white Cabbage Sold to Ross Hart. 9 tons 590 lbs at $16 00 a ton.

Nov 2 Trimming out Blackberry bushes, weather cool.

Nov 7 started going to market. some time of the year to start. it was not very good.

Nov 9th was to market again very slow market, rained, in the morning, also saw the Big Victory Bond Parade.

Nov 5 started unloading crates got 945 from Wagstaff at 15¢ each

Nov 11th. Good news this a.m. War Ended at 6 oclock this morning.

Nov 16th have been going to market weather is mild but market is very slow.

Nov 21 was at market again it is very slow.

Nov 22 Weather turning cooler had a few snow Flurries today for the first this year.

Nov 27th weather fine & mild unloading first car of manure this fall & cut the last of the Cauliflowers about 10 boxs worth about $150 {$1.50} a box.

Nov 28 went to market with the car today, was home early. started to rain at noon.

Nov 29. Unloading Car of Hay 23590 lbs. at $23 per ton and $27.10 Freight, nearly $300 for the car.

Nov 30 Turning very cold high wind and some snow flurries.

Dec 2nd started covering strawberries and going to market yet.. not very cold as yet

Dec 5th started unloading second car of manure 48 tons 500 lbs. roads slippery quite a lot of Snow.

Dec 9th started unloading third car of manure getting very cold

Dec 12 & 13 & 14 mild and showery.

Dec 19th Fine and mild, people ploughing yet. finished another car of manure yesterday

Dec 21st weather mild and cloudy as warm as spring no frost.

Dec 24th. unloading manure but stopped at noon by. big north east snow Storm

Dec 25 Xmas Day lots of snow on the ground and the storm not over yet.

Dec 27 Finished 2 cars of manure today. roads very bad neither sleighing nor good waggoning.

Dec 30th. Drawing Turnips to Biggs Evaporator

Dec 31 Finished drawing turnips had between 14 and 15 tons. and in the afternoon had three cars of manure come in together. some way to finish the old year.

year 1919

Jan 1st Motored to the city and brought Mr & Mrs and Lillie B. out for the day. drove them home again at night. Roads very bad. raining nearly all day.

Jan 2nd Unloading manure, have three cars in at once.

Jan 3rd Unloading manure. W. Cuttriss wanted me to go to Lodge. as it was Installation night, but was tired and did not go.

Jan 4th Finished unloading manure at noon. had nine cars and they cost us $620.22. Was down town at night, things very hot over the coming Election on Monday next. This was the coldest night this winter about 6 {from?} zero.

Jan 5th Had Jake Brant over to see us would think he owned Nicholson's Mill. but guess he will be around here in berry picking time. Motored to Hamilton in the evening met Lillie after church and spent a very pleasant evening.

Jan 6. a.m. sent Marchment cheque for last five cars of manure also to Cannon for feed in full to date and ordered our three cars of hot-bed manure to be shipped Feby 18th. March 5th & March 15th. Motored to Freeman and Aldershott to Vote.

p.m. went down town to hear Election returns. Dr Peart was elected Mayor and Hugh Cleaver for Reeve. Nelson Township same as last year. but Reeve Emery was defeated in Flamboro by Peter Ray.

Jan 7th Having a few holidays now

was up to Johns for dinner, was down town at night. Weather milder raining a little

Jan 8th Got a letter from L. B. saying she was sick with a touch of the Flu. Burlington Hockey Team went to Ham {Hamilton}. tonight for first O H A Game, sure to get beaten.

Jan 9th Hockey Team trimmed score 17 to 3 at last nights game. p.m. went down to the P. Office. coldest night this winter.

Jan 10th Very high west wind today p.m. went around to the Rink watched them skating for a while

Jan 11th Very cold today must be nearly zero. was down town at night quite a turn out in {Bush's?} store

Jan 12th Motored up to the city. L. M. B. was better. was pretty cold driving

Jan 13 Feel rotten today. have a cold in my head. wonder if I am gertting the Flu. p.m. was down to Lodge first time since July. small crowd out (only. nine) Paid my Lodge Dues $4.50 up till July 1st.

Jan 14th Mild and Cloudy. like rain Burlington plays 1st O.H.A. Hockey Game at home with McMasters College of Toronto. tonight if the ice is not to soft. wont be able to go have a bad cold.

Jan 15th Burlington won Hockey Match last night score 4 to 3. Had J. A. Simmers Seed Agent around already seeds higher in price than ever

Jan 16th Weather fine and very mild. have a peach of a cold.

Jan 17th Had Mr & Mrs Bell and Mrs Hicks to spend the Day. Got a letter from L. all well in Ham.

Jan 18th. Fine and mild. Just like spring big doings in Burlington the new mayor. Deputy Reeve and four councillors resigned this a.m.

Jan 19th. Very fine weather. snow all gone.

Jan 20th Motored down town. feeling tough. yet. some way to spend your birthday. but the day was just like spring. Nine (9) years ago I spent it in Havana

Jan 21st. Feeling tough. went down to get some medicine from Dr. Peart. was an awful fog.

Jan 22 Very mild and warm. some people ploughing. if it keeps warm and then turns cold it will be very hard on fruit crops for this year.

Jan 23rd Mild and raining all day.

Jan 24th Turning a little colder Burlington won H. G. at {M. M.?} Toronto score 4 to 2.

Jan 25th Went down town this afternoon, feeling a little better.

Jan 26th Motored to the city for tea was home at 7.30. weather fine no snow at all.

Jan 27th Walked down town this afternoon big doings tonight in Burl. nominations for mayor and councillors.

Jan 28th. Cloudy today like rain.

Jan 29th. Cloudy and a little cooler today. Had Jack Ellis over all ready to borrow $23. (nothing doing} and wants to work for us.

Jan 30th Motored to the city. for Motor License. the no. is (41783) also seeing about Empty Bags. can buy at 10¢ each. went to the Grand at night to

see (my Honolulu Girl) was very poor. more like a Burlesque show.

Jan 31st Motored down town. went to the bank and had the A. Books checked up and send a letter to Condor Bros for seeds $10.04

Feby 1st Fair and cold. Received a Certificate of Protection from the Military to carry as a protection against arrest as a deserter. Saw John Blair he got home from the war on last Tuesday.

Feby 2nd Clear & cool. Bear saw his shadow. six weeks more winter they say. Motored to the city for tea. went to church after

Feby 3rd Election Day in Burlington M. C. Smith elected Mayor. and Jarvis. Hobson. Allan and Tufgar were the councillors elected. Went to Lodge had a pretty snappy meeting. had a few good games cards. and a debate after that got home at 1.15 a.m

Feby 4th Very mild with a little rain. Was down town at night saw one of our old pals. Elliott Anderson got home from the war today. after being gone about three years. guess he has had some experiences.

Feby 5th Radial Cars started running again today. Burlington lost Hockey Match with Hamilton tonight in overtime play score 5 to 4 but it was a good game.

Feby 6th. Weather cold and cloudy Had an offer from Mr Hall to buy his place. he wants to much for it. asks $10.000 for five acres

Motored to the city in the after tea and spent a very pleasant evening.

Feby 7th Had Orme. Bush over wanting me to take over a mortgage for a party who wanted to buy a car but did not think I could handle it.

Feby 8th was down town afternoon and evening, nothing doing weather fair and cool.

Feby 9 Motored to Hamilton for tea went to church. weather cold. radiator of car froze up coming home. but no damage done.

Feby 10th Have a Sore thumb, tried to stop motor fan with it. but not on purpose. John and I motored to the city. got some Seeds at S.B. also bought 500 Empty Bags at 10¢ each. and tried to buy some Orange boxs but they seem hard to get this year. was down to Lodge at night a pretty good crowd out had a few games Pedro after.

Feby 11th was down town had a few games cards with the boys started to snow a little.

Feby 12th. mild and cloudy. snow all gone already.

Feby 13th Motored to Hamilton for the evening. was a peach coming home. raining and an east gale blowing

Feby 14th. Mild and rainy. nothing doing walked down town at night.

Feby 15th nothing doing was down town at night every thing quiet

Feby 16th. Fine & cool. had John & family Dean B. & family & Lillie out for tea.

Feby 17th Was down to Lodge tonight. had a few good games cards. Sir Wilfred Laurier died tonight at Ottawa.

Feby 18th. Had quiet a snow storm in the night. Got 300 bags and 20 apple barrels from Gravenhurst

Feby 19th Had Mrs & Miss B. for dinner sorry I had to work. putting in 11 quart. baskets.

Feby 20th Getting in Berry crates bought a bunch from Furnival New in Hamilton. looks like a big north east storm coming.

Feby 21st Mild with a little rain. finished getting in Berry crates got 728 from Hamilton at 15 cts. also have 7500 11 qt baskets in. went up to the city tonight on the Radial. (first time since last winter) went to a concert at I.O.O.F. Hall. there was a dance afterwards. but we did not stay for dance

Feby 22. Motored up to the station. roads. fierce with mud. had more rain at night with some thunder and lightning

Feby 23rd Motored to Hamilton for tea and went to church after

Feby 24th Fine and mild. like spring. ice nearly all gone out of the bay. icemen have none in yet. went to Lodge tonight was Installed as Outside Guard. had a little lunch and cards after sure had a good time. have wrote twice now about car of hotbed manure was to shipped Feby 18th but have not heard of it yet.

Feby 25th. Received word our car of manure shipped on the 24th. went up to the city at night.

Feby 26th Very cold with heavy north west winds.

Feby 27th Last night coldest of the winter so far. Hamilton won Hockey Match from Dentals score 5 to 3 win there group by one goal. played last night.

Feby 28th Mild again today. just like spring. making out Income Tax Papers today. and took them up to the city. as this was the last day for them. car of manure arrived this p.m. have to start in the morning. Dust flying on the roads. people burning grass along there fences. between here and the city.

March 1st. Came in like a lion alright. very cold with north west gales blowing started unloading manure. but stopped as thermometer was not very warm. and the day so cold.

Mch. 2nd Motored up to Hamilton after supper and had a nice drive. as it was a fine evening

March 3rd Unloading car of manure and making hotbeds. fine & warm just like spring. heard some Robins. went to Lodge had a big time. lunch and cider.

Mch 4th. Putting earth on hotbeds. Will Mac came down for a few days holidays

Mch 5th nothing doing. snowing a little all day.

Mch 6th Fair & Cold. Motored up to the city and got Ear Drums for the governor. Planted Tomatoes and Cabbage seeds. The Maccassa made first trip to Toronto very early this year. went to city tonight. L. B. has bad cold

Mch 7th. Planted Onion and Peppers seeds.

Mch 8th. Finished sowing seeds - wrote to Barrie & Gravenhurst trying to get some Orange boxs.

Mch 9th East blow with snow and rain. Went to the city to church

Mch 10th nothing much doing. only looking after hot-beds. seeds seem to be coming up good. especially Cabbage and Tomatoes.

Mch 11th went up to the Junction for some more apple barrels. motored to the city in the evening

Mch 12th. Fine and mild. was down town. roads bad.

Mch 13th Went up to the city to Wagstaffe and got 252 orange boxs at 8¢ each. very cold drive. strong north east winds.

Mch 14th About the coldest and roughest day this winter heavy north east wind. tough on hot-beds

Mch 15th Raining all day. went up to the city saw (Bringing Up Father) at the Grand. we thought it was pretty good it was fine driving home raining so hard you could hardly see

March 16th Raining yet (at noon). today. hard on plants in hot-beds. no sun since last Wednesday. motored to Hamilton. after church Hydro Bylaw was passed yesterday in Hamilton and Nelson Township.

Mar 17th. nothing doing raining all day. Went to Lodge at night. small crowd there on account of rain I guess

March 18th Drove car to city to get it overhauled, went to Dr MacKay and got my teeth fixed. done some shopping and went to {Lorcus?} at night.

March 19th Fine and mild. walked down town at night. nothing doing

March 20th North East winds. fixing up hotbeds frames. have a car of manure in to start tomorrow.

Mch 21st Unloading car of manure. This is first day of spring, and is cold and cloudy with north & north east winds blowing. they say that will be prevailing winds all spring

Mch 22nd Clear and cold, ground frozen hard. putting earth on hot-beds. Went up to the city after the car. Cost $45.92 to get it over hauled went to the picture show with L.M.B. it was pretty good.

Mch 23rd Went up to the city at night and went for a nice drive.

Mch 24. Clear and cool. North East winds yet. Trimming trees today. was down to Lodge at night. had a game of Pedro after

Mch 25th. Transplanting. Cabbages and Tomatoes plants today.

Mch 26th Cloudy and cool with north east wind yet. Transplanted Tomatoes.

Mch 27th Cold west winds. cloudy and showery. Turning very cold tonight

Mch 28. North winds. very cold ground frozen hard. very bad for plants just planted Went up to the city on the Radial to cold to drive. and spent the evening with L.M.B.

Mch 29 Very cold yet and very high north west winds was down town at night nothing doing. Saw Melvin Bush. first time for a long while.

Mch 30. Very Cold yet. The Government defeated the Daylight Saving Bill by 54 Majority. but the railroads are putting it in to force tonight at 2 oclock went up to Hamilton in the evening.

Mch 31 Went to Lodge tonight Bros (G.M.) Luke spoke on Centennial Fund for a Odd Fellows Home at Toronto.

April 1st Very cold today. and last night one of the coldest this winter.

April 2nd Getting milder. digging out dead trees. Have been trying for two weeks to get a car of manure to transplant peppers but have none yet

April 3rd Trimming trees, looks like rain went up to the city in the evening pouring rain coming home.

April 4th Transplanting some more Tomatoes.

April 5th Had Jake Brant over to borrow $25. he promises to get our berry pickers again this year. Clipped Onions today for first time. weather is a little milder and cloudy. was down town at night. there was quite a crowd of people out.

April 6th Rain in the morning cleared up fine and warm motored up to Hamilton and went for a drive.

April 7 Trimming trees and working around hot beds.

April 8th Trimming trees in the morning heavy rain all the afternoon. went up to the city at night.

April 9th Unloaded car of manure today. making hot beds weather very cold and cloudy.

April 10th Cloudy and showery working at hot beds. went up to the city. and went with L.M.B. to see Cinderella at the Grand it was very good show.

April 11th Very cold with high winds started to transplant peppers but had to stop. too cold. Got an account for Income Tax for (1917) $28.67.

April 12 Transplanting a few Peppers. stopped by rain again. Motored up to the city with Stan Blair for a shoe shine.

April 15th Cold north east wind and started to rain heavy at 5 oclock. motored up to Hamilton to spend the evening rained hard all the way home

April 16th Blowing and raining hard yet this morning.

April 13th was omitted also the 14th. was fine & Cool. motored up to Hamilton in the evening.

April 14th Fine and warm transplanting sweet Peppers did not go out to Lodge thought I had better sleep as I want to go out tomorrow night

April 17th. Transplanting Peppers was down town last night nothing doing.

April 18th. Good Friday. Fine & bright with cool west and north west wind. had L. M. B. and Mrs & Mr. B out for dinner and supper. drove them home at night.

April 19th I guess every thing is getting dearer. Got 10 panes of 8" x 10" Glass charged me 10¢ a pane wanted $13.50 by the box. Finished transplanting 14000 peppers. very late getting them done. Started to uncover Strawberries. and ploughing away from Raspberry Bushes

April 20th Easter Sunday. a.m. southerly winds and showery afternoon fine and warm turned cold at night with north west winds. motored to the city in the evening.

April 21st. Drove car to Oakville to get painted. and started transplanting tomatoes second time, men uncovering strawberries

April 22nd. Sowed Danver Onion Seed today. (1 lb). Ground a little wet yet. Uncovering strawberries yet.

April 23rd Transplanting Tomatoes showery at night.

April 24th Very cold. cloudy, with very high North West wind with snow flurries covered hot beds with manure. L. M. B. visiting at Johns. I went up for supper and went home with her.

April 25th. Very cold. froze nearly an inch of ice in the water tub. Got about 25 plants frozen Ground covered with snow tonight and freezing hard.

April 26th Cold yet but moderating a little. covered hot beds again

April 27th Mild today. but looks like rain. Went up to the city on the 7 o'clock car. came home at 10 oclock.

April 28th. Raining this morning got up early and opened the hot beds. cleared up about noon. Got 50 plum

trees for John and 30 for myself. From C H. Davidson

April 29th Transplanting Tomatoes and hoeing Raspberry Bushes went up to city on the Radial I sure miss the car.

April 30th Cool and cloudy looks like rain again. Transplanting tomatoes yet.

May 1st nothing doing. Raining again this morning. Went up to the city and Paid Income Tax for 1917. Got some Seeds at Steele Briggs and spent the evening at 71 Aikman Avenue.

May 2nd Very cold and cloudy heavy west wind. Planted squash and Vegetable marrow seeds in hotbeds. Charles King was buried today. he died on April 30th.

May 3rd Cool and cloudy started raining again at noon. rained all afternoon and night. was down town nothing doing.

May 4th. Showery in the morning Heavy thunder shower started at noon. still raining at midnight. Ground flooded the worst yet this spring.

May 5th. Fair and cool. Weeding Peppers in Hotbeds. Had the bride-elect and her mother Mrs Homewood for supper went to Lodge. Brother Logan came in on a transfer card from Meaford Lodge and Minnie Nesbitt was initiated

May 6th Cold with very heavy East winds Got car back from Oakville it looks fine.

May 7th Weeding peppers, men hoeing. fine and warm.

May 8th Cool again started planting strawberries ground very wet. and started to rain again tonight. went up to the city on the Radial and spent the evening at Mr & Mrs Barlows. had a good time. closed hotbeds up after midnight when I came home thought it was to cold.

May 9th Planted strawberries very cold with East wind.

May 10th nothing doing. started raining in the night and rained and blowed all day from the north east. Very cold too. every thing flooded. water laying all over the ground in the low spots. Melvin Bush got married today to Miss Scott of Milton.

May 11th. Mothers Day. held in the church. The Odd Fellows held there church service in the Presbyterian church tonight. It has been raining all day. went up to the city to church. and still raining when I got off the last car.

May 12th Very wet nothing doing cleared up fine this afternoon.

May 13 Fine and warm

planted some trees - was up to Hamilton at night.

May 14th. Planted strawberries Had the Willshers out for tea

May 15th Finished planting strawberries. planted Cabbages and started planting Raspberry suckers. Cool east wind again. Cut first Asparagus yesterday sold to Ross Hart 4 baskets at $2.25 was up to Hamilton at night.

May 16th Planted three sashes Citrons. Vegetable marrows were a failure and replanted Citrons in same boxs. Men planting Raspberries. Transplanting some more Tomato plants into the empty Cabbage frames. stopped by rain at 2.30 p.m.

May 17th Rained all last night every thing flooded again have only had two warm days this spring so far today is cold with west wind and flying showers of rain. Finished transplanting tomatoes. very late don't know how they will do.

May 18th Cool west winds but fine. Early plum trees in full blossom now. was up to the city for a drive in the evening.

May 19th Cool and cloudy. shipped 10 bskts {Baskets} Asparagus to Toronto sold at {blank}. went up to Hamilton with John to see

some crates at Wagstaffes spoke for a load. Went to the Circus, at night with L. B. it was pretty good

May 20. nothing doing. started raining again in the night. rained nearly all day. and looks like more rain tonight. Every thing flooded water in the cellar, also in the barn first time for some years.

May 21 went to Wagstaffes for a load of Orange Boxs and crates got 245 cost $19.25. To wet to do any thing on the land Heavy rain again in the afternoon. Planted 2 ozs of Cauliflower seed in hotbeds was going to plant out doors but cannot get on the ground.

May 22nd Rained nearly all last night. and some again this morning.

May 23rd Cut 7 baskets Grass rained again this morning Hoeing strawberries in the afternoon. had another shower.

May 24th. Hoeing strawberries in the morning, took a holiday in the afternoon. Went to the city to the Savoy in the afternoon with L.M.B. had a good time all day.

May 25th Fine and warm. went to Hamilton in the evening

May 26th Fine and very warm Hoeing strawberries

May 27th Fine and warm. planted. Early Corn and Pumpkins

in the cherry orchard. Planted 4500 Tomato plants out today.

May 28th Cultivated seed Onions very wet and hard Sowed Parsnips. Hoed Strawberries. Fine & Warm Sowed Parsnips seed.

May 29th Sowed Carrott seed at just a little larger hole than Onion hole in drill started planting out Prizetaker Onions.

May 30th Finished planting Onions. very warm.

May 31st. Planted Patch Tomatoes in Johns Field. also started planting Peppers. very warm yet.

June 1st Went to Oddfellows service in Hamilton this afternoon had tea in Ham. and drove out to the beach after church.

June 2nd Planted marrows & some squash out of hot beds and finished planting sweet peppers, very warm.

June 3rd. Cultivated Onions and got ground ready for Tomatoes.

June 4th Finished planting Tomatoes very warm

June 5 Finished planting peppers. getting very dry now.

June 6th started spraying seems to be lots of Pears and cherries but

not many plums. put in about 10 lbs Lead and 3 1/2 Gals Lime Sulphur per tank.

June 7th Spraying yet weather very warm and dry. Cutting Asparagus yet price very low this year only 75¢ basket last shipment to Toronto.

June 8th Fine & warm had LB & Mrs B for tea went to church at night.

June 9th Had a nice shower in the night the first since the 24th of May. Finished spraying. and hoed new strawberries

June 10th Fine & warm, weeding and cultivating onions had LMB & Mrs B for dinner

June 11th Finished weeding Onions 1st time cost about $25.00 have five men working now.

June 12th Very warm, cultivating Carrots. Contracted part of our strawberry crop to 500 crates to Upton Jam Co Hamilton at 20 cts a quart. have about seven acres to pick.

June 13th. Plowing up half of our carrots and all the Parsnips. got so weedy can't clean them will plant Turnips. Planted Corn and Pumpkins in Pear Orchard.

June 14 Motored to Hamilton. to buy stoves and beds for berry pickers and got 1400 {---?} Covers from F. new at 1¢ each

Got tenders on building a Indian house 12 x 24 ft. Coates price $425. Alton & Metcalf $325. but think we will get a big tent. Very warm & dry 94 in Hamilton. strawberries getting ripe.

June 15th Very warm, went for a drive after church as far as Winona.

June 16th Picked first strawberries only got part picked and got 26 crates shipped to Toronto and sold at 30¢ to 35¢ very warm and dry no rain. Berries will be done for if it don't rain right away as the vines are falling over today.

June 17. Very warm yet went to Hamilton for a tent for Berry pickers. Paid $150.00 also got a stove and beds. picked 33 crates Strawberries

June 18 very warm picked 50 crates strawberries.

June 19th Had a nice shower this afternoon picked 97 crates strawberries at 20¢

June 20 Picked 111 crates SBerries sold at average 20 1/2 cents

June 21 Picked 107 crates SBerries sold to Canada Fruit Co of Grimsby at 21¢, and Planted out Cauliflowers.

June 22nd Very warm had L. M. B. up for tea. drove her up to church and had a drive after.

June 23rd. Strawberries ripening very fast. picked 205 crates today.

June 24th Biggest picking of strawberries 213 crates.

June 25th Had 53 crates picked before 9 oclock, and stopped by rain. picked 36 more in the afternoon and stopped by rain again. {Our?} man was planting some more Cauliflowers out.

June 26th showers and thunder storms again. Berries getting very soft.

June 27 Biggest picking of strawberries 260 crates.

June 28. Very cool today. payed berry pickers $530 at noon and more yet to pay. payed $600 up to night Peace was signed by the Allies & Germans this morning at 10.30. Just five years today. since the start of the war.

June 29 Cool and fine today

" 30th Started picking some Early Richmond cherries. 63 bskt shipped to Muskoka at $1.25 a bskt.

July 1st very warm picking strawberries.

" 2nd Finished picking strawberries. season for them was very short only 16 days since we picked first crate. had a little over 1600 crates. sprayed Montmorency cherries also apples.

July 3rd Very warm. weeding and cultivating onions some reports say 98 in the shade

July 4th. Big fight between Williard & Demsey today in Toledo. very warm & dry. Picked two crates of Raspberries. sold at 40¢

July 5th Very warm about 100 in the shade had an awful Thunder Storm. and heavy wind and rain, but the rain would do a lot of good.

July 6th Cool today. had a nice shower about noon. Had Will Bell and family over for dinner.

July 7th Fine and cool. picked 17 crates Rasps. sold from 27¢ to 38¢ in Toronto

July 8th started picking Montmorency cherries. also picked 10 bskts Green Peppers sold at $1.75 a bskt in Toronto.

July 9 Hoeing out old strawberries beds and picking cherries

July 10 Picking Rasps & cherries very high wind blowing some cherries off.

July 11. Cool and dry. with heavy west winds. picking Rasps & cherries

July 12 Orangemans Day. nearly all the men and berry pickers gone to Hamilton looked like rain but did not rain.

July 13th Fine & Cool was down to the beach for tea and went to church

July 14th Picking cherries 162 bskts today sold @ $125 {$1.25} to $1.50 pickers scarce had to turn all the men on picking.

July 15 A Few showers in the morning. Just enough to delay picking.

July 16 Picking cherries and Rasps - Pickers scarce weather fine and cool.

July 17 Went to the Garden Party at Waterdown with L. M. B. 17th. Cut first Cabbages 8 crates shipped North at $1.75 a crate.

July 18th. Picking cherries & Rasps.

july 19. Holiday today. (Peace Day) did not get much done. Sold Ross Hart a small load. went down to the beach at night.

July 20. Motored to Campbellville and Rockwood with L. M. B. nearly got stalled in Rockwood. with Battery Terminal eat up with the Acid but got it soldered. had a little shower up there. but a big rain here in Burlington.

July 21st. Did not get very much done today. showery.

July 22 Picking Rasps also 120 baskets cherries Picked first shipment of Tomatoes 27 bskts at $1.50 bskt

July 23 Picking Rasps 25¢ box & cherries ($135 to $150 {$1.35 to $1.50} Peppers at $1.00 Cabbage at $1.00 a doz. very warm

July 24 Picking the last of the montmorency cherries. Rasps nearly done to. very warm

July 25. Finished picking cherries for the year

July 26. Picked Blackcurrants 21 bskts sold at $3.00

July 27 Very warm motored to Brantford. had three blow-outs on the road.

July 28. shipped three crates of Lawtons on last Friday July 25. to Toronto sold at 28¢ box. Picked about 50 bskts Tomatoes today sold at $1.00 to $1.50.

July 29 Finished Picking Raspberries sold at about 25¢ all season.

July 30 Unloaded second car of crates from Wagstaffes started picking Early apples. very dry. Blackberries all dried up.

July 31 Showery today not very heavy but will do good.

Aug 1st Picked 60 bskt tomatoes worth $1 00 bskt now, fine and cool.

Aug 2nd Picked apples and Cabbages for Ross Hart 60 apples at 60¢ bskt. 8 Crates Cabbages $1.25 crate

Aug 3. Sunday. Moderately warm and cloudy. Had Bells called in also visitors from the beach for supper

Aug 4 Warm & cloudy very busy picking Tomatoes apples and Lawtons.

Aug 5th Picked first plums. 11 Baskets Red June at $125 {$1.25} bskt

Aug 6th Finished Picking Red Astrachan Apples. very warm and dry. Johnny Bell. died tonight did not live long after leaving the farm.

Aug 7 Burlington Civic Holiday and Reception for returned soldiers. started last night with a Garden party at Pine Cove. a parade and Ball Games and sports this afternoon. Band Concert and Dance on highway in front of Gore park managed to get to the Band Concert at night. with L.M.B.

Aug 8th Picked last of Red June plums only had 20 bskts. picked Tomatoes again only had 46 bskts no 1's and 11 bskts no 2's off about 5 1/2 acres. awful poor crop.

Aug 9th Picked Abundance plums for Ross Hart also 50 bskts Burbanks (107 in all) sold at $1.25 Contracted the Balance of our plum crop at $1.25 basket also Bartlett pears at $1.00 at orchard and baskets returned. To the Harvest Canning Co of Hamilton.

was down town at night heard that Abe Alton Harry's father had died at Burford today.

Aug 10th Cool and smoky today but very dry.

Aug 11. Picking a few Tomatoes sold in Muskoka at 75¢. crop very poor.

Aug 12 Picking a few Lawton berries. men hoeing old Strawberry patch. very dry. Started Picking a few Clapps Favorite pears. selling at $1.00 up North

Aug 13 Picking Berries and hoeing Strawberries

Aug 14th Picking tomatoes And Lawton Berries.

Aug 15 Picked 21 crates berries today and 200 bskts Burbank Plums for the Harvest Co. first time this week that we had supper at 6 oclock went to the city for a drive with L.M.B. after.

Aug 16th Had a fine rain this afternoon about 4.30 the first good rain in about 4 weeks. Saw Harry Simmons tonight he got back from the war a few days ago. was away about three years

Aug 17th Motored up to Ted Irelands back of Dundas. with Stan. and Harry. he seems to have a nice farm. but it needs fixing up a lot.

Aug 18th. Did not get very much done. only Tomatoes picked very heavy rain in the morning and again in the afternoon

Aug 20 Showery again picked tomatoes & plums.

Aug 21 Another big shower at noon. picked 157 bskts plums. they are rotting very badly.

Aug 22 Picked Plums & Tomatoes had biggest picking of Tomatoes 121 baskets sold at 50¢

Aug 23 Picked Plums in the morning 131 baskets and got Cabbages & Peppers in the afternoon for Ross Hart. Motored up to the city with my w. and bot a suit of clothes nearly broke now

Aug 24 Had tea down at the Beach. motored up to church went to the Hospital to see Mr. Barlow.

Aug 25 Picked tomatoes and plums, showery & cool.

Aug 25 Very cool picking plums. tomatoes and Lawton Berries

Aug 26 Picking tomatoes & plums very cool.

Aug 27 Finished Picking all the plums except a few Reine Claude had about 1300 baskets

Aug 28 Started picking Bartlett pears 111 bskts and drawing Onions into the barn.

Aug 29 Picked pears. had tea at Johns. with Mrs & L.M. B.

Aug 30. Showery this morning picking pears. wrote SW Marchment price on 12 cars manure.

Aug 31st (Sunday). Sons of England held there Decoration Day. motored down to the beach and too church in Hamilton

Sept 1st Labor Day. Picked pears and Tomatoes. Tomatoes cheap and hard to get orders up north.

Sept 2. Picked Bartlett pears and a few Tomatoes.

Sept 3 Warm today. picking pears. will be done Bartletts in about another day.

Sept 4 Went to Toronto Ex. with L.M.B. had a good time men picked Bartlett Pears for the Harvest Co. Had 906 baskets. and about 100 baskets small ones.

Sept 5 Picked 9 barrels of Colvert & Holland Pippin apples sold at $5.50 a barrel.

Sept 6 Fine and warm. picked 125 bskts tomatoes for Ross Hart. only 25¢ bskt.

Sept 7 Had Cammie Bell & family over for dinner, very warm today. Motored up to Hamilton in the evening

Aug Sept 8. Very warm. Picked Tomatoes and starting our Howell pears selling a few up north at 90¢

Aug Sept 9th Picked quite a few Peppers reds at $100 {$1.00} Greens at 75¢.

Aug Sept 10th Showery today picked Pears & Peppers went to the city at night

Aug Sept 11th. Got a big order from Ross Hart for Sweet Peppers 30 bskts. Reds 5. Tomatoes 15 Green Toms. 75 bskt. for tomorrow started picking today. cool and cloudy today.

Aug Sept 12th Picked Tomatoes & some Duchess Pears. also 13 blls {barrels} Cranberry Pippin Apples

Aug Sept 13th. Picked Tomatoes for Ross Hart 144 bskt Green and Ripe at 25¢ bskt. also 5 doz squash and 9 doz Pumpkins at $1.25 doz. also picked 22 bskts Grapes wprth 40¢

Aug Sept 14. Fine and warm had Mrs & Mr Will Bell & Family Mr & Mrs F. Bell. over for supper I motored up to Hamilton after.

Aug Sept 15. Cloudy & showery very busy today picking pears. tomatoes. and Cranberry Pippin apples for our north orders

Aug Sept 16th Fine and warm picking Green and ripe tomatoes for Ross Hart for to load tomorrow.

Aug Sept 17th Busy today took two big loads up to Ross Hart. Tomatoes 25¢ pumkins $125 {$1.25} doz. also started Carrots 15 bags at $1.50 a bag.

Aug Sept 18th There was a white frost this morning but did not do any damage

Aug Sept 19th. Picked 125. Green toms and at 25¢ 50 Ripe for Ross Hart. also 10 doz pumpkins also all the Onions we had left 20 bags at $4.50 a bag. also shipped 100 bskt pears at 75¢ and 75 bskt tomatoes at 25 up north. yesterday and today. did not get in tonight til nearly 7 oclock. and it was raining hard.

Aug Sept 20th Had a good shower last night and today is as warm as summer Picking Peppers all day

Sept 21st. Had a heavy thunder storm last night. and is raining again today. Rained heavy nearly all day and all night.

Sept 22 Fine and cool. picking pears and Tomatoes.

Sept 23rd Showery started Picking Wagner Apples

Sept 24th Picking apples Wagners Baldwins & Greenings. also pears.

Sept 25 Packed 25 blls apples shipped to T. S. Tremouth Powassan at $6.00 per bll.

Sept 26th. Finished picking Baldwin apples cool and windy.

Sept 27 Packed 39 blls apples for Geo. Kemp. Sundridge

also picked 65 bskt Pears weather fine and warm Motored up to Hamilton with Harry S. Stan & John.

Sept 28 Fine and warm went up to Hamilton in the afternoon. shot the bearings and Cone too pre{?} in one front wheel. of the car coming home at night got home pretty late. stopped at the heights to help get a Car out of the ditch

Sept 29th Pulled the last sweet corn 90 doz for Ross Hart aso picked 64 bskts tomatoes etc.

Sept 30th started unloading car of Hay. from W. E. {Todd?} Hagersville. $25 a ton there 9 ton 1950 lbs. Total $244.93 and $18.00 freight charges only got part unloaded raining part of the time this was the first day of Burlington fair.

Oct1st Very Cold. Burllngton fair day. they all went but myself.

Oct 2nd Very warm just like Summer. Picking Spy Apples

Oct 3rd Warm had a thunder shower in the night. Packed 57 blls {barrels} apples. got done at eight oclock.

Oct 4th Fine and warm started at 4.30 this morning with a load of

apples for the station. finished Picking Pears also finished Onions sold to Ross Hart today $107.55. Motored up to Hamilton with Stan B & Harry S. to the Grand to See. (In Mabels Room) it sure was some mix up.

Oct 5th. Awful tired last night, came to life at a quarter to one today, so they saved breakfast on me. had a few heavy showers today. Had Mrs & Mr Roy Bell over for tea. Lizzie Bell died last night in Burlington. Motored up to Hamilton in the evening.

Oct 6th Picking Spy apples weather fine

Oct 7th. Finished picking and Packing apples 200 barrels alltogether sold at $5 50 and $6.00 per bll total {blank}

Oct 8th. First heavy frost of the season this morning picked about 150 bskts Peppers. they were not frozen very much.

Oct 9th Showery all day mending crates in the barn all day. my car refused to go tonight first time since we got it in May 1916

Oct 10th car still refused to go this morning had to

get Maxwell up from garage found the Carburator choked with dirt. Very warm Cutting out Raspberry bushes.

Oct 11th Trimming out Blackberry bushes. some rotten job.

Oct 12th. L. and I was at B.S.H. for tea. had a good time also motored up to church Rev Wilson preached a Prohibition sermon.

Oct 13th Thanksgiving day worked in the morning had L. & Mr & Mrs B. for dinner & tea drove to H. afterwards. it was a fine day.

Oct 14th Cutting out bushes yet. fine and warm as summer

Oct 15. Fine and very warm at the berry bushes yet.

Oct 16. showery in the morning and again at night.

Oct 17. Fine and warm again

Oct 18th. Fine and warm went to Hamilton at night saw the Prince of Wales at corner King and James.

Oct 19th. Cool and cloudy motored to Hamilton for tea. went to church with L.M.B.

Oct 20 Big time today. Election day for the Ontario House also on Prohibition Voted for Ford. W.F.O. {United Farmers of Ontario} candidate also for Prohibition.

Oct 21st. Prohibition carried by big maj{ority} and the Conservative Government defeated

W.F.O. lead the list with 41 members Tory's 27 {---?} 29. Labor 12 2 Independents. Ford was elected in {Hamilton?} Cleaver and Nixon defeated

Oct 23 Two cars of manure arrived this afternoon nearly 62 tons freight. $4924 {$49.24}. manure 8309 {$83.09}

Oct 24th Went to market first time this season. it was very good. carrots $1.00 bus. {bushel} and every thing a good price got up at 1 oclock to go to market. got to bed at 12 oclock. just 23 hours L.M.B. was out and I drove her home which made it late

Oct 25 Fine and warm finished the two cars manure

Oct 25 started getting a load of carrots ready to go to Hamilton Monday sold 50 bus {bushel} to McDougall at 90¢ a bus. stopped by rain. did not get load all ready.

Oct 26. Heavy rains this morning with some thunder.

Oct 27th Rained all morning got load ready for market in the afternoon

Oct 28 went to market rained all the way in and till about 7 oclock got good and wet. but sold out early.

Oct 29th John went in with a load to Hamilton which was sold all to McDougall. got another load ready for market.

Oct 30th. started raining just as I was putting the horses in at market and it rained hard all day. made the market slow got home after three oclock nearly drowned.

Oct 31st Fine this morning sent another load of carrots in to Hamilton, tied up Cauliflowers, rained again at 5 oclock.

Nov 1st Spreading manure on Tomato patch and plowing.

Nov 2nd Fair & Cool.

Nov 3rd Cool and cloudy like rain

Nov 4th Had another wet day at market. guess this finishes all the big loads. have nothing left only some Cauliflowers.

Nov 5th Fair & cool unloaded 3rd car of manure

Nov 6th cool and cloudy shipped 30 bskt Peppers to Toronto. Shipped some Sweet Green Peppers on Monday last to Toronto sold at 85 and one Dollar a bskt.

Nov 7th Spreading manure and plowing.

Nov 8th. Carrying out berry bushes. Had heart failure nearly when I read tonights paper. got some reception in Burlington. guess everybody reads the papers alright.

Nov 9th Motored to Hamilton for tea and went over to church but did not go in

Nov 10th. Getting a small load ready to take to market in the car.

Nov 11th went to market with car with Cauliflowers. sold good, at $1.75 and $200 {$2.00} a box car went on the bad had to get Radiator mended. door fixed new fan belt and spark plug cost $5.00 in all

Nov 12th Fine & warm John & Mike unloading 4th car of manure Dad and I cleaning up hotbeds

Nov 13th Feels like first day of winter ground frozen and some snow flurries. Plowing and cleaning up hotbeds. went up to Ham. and managed to get money for a cheque from McDougall which was returned to the bank unpaid was down to 71 Aikman Ave after tea expect to leave with L.M.B. or L.Mc on Dec 9th for Cal {California}.

Nov 14th Cold again today ground frozen hard this a.m.

Nov 15th Finished cleaning up hotbeds also plowing orchard. weather cool. ground frozen a little. was down town got lots of sympathy and congratulations

Nov 16th Fine and cool motored up to Hamilton after supper

Nov 17th Fine and warm cutting Cauliflowers for market and cleaning out bushes - plowing etc.

Nov 18th Went to market with the car had 10 boxs small Cauliflowers sold at $2 00 box. Had some squalls of snow and rain in the afternoon. and getting colder.

Nov 19th Snowing this morning from the North East. looks like winter sure

Nov 20th Very cold this morning was at market for the last time this season

Nov 21st Fine and mild started covering strawberries

Nov 22 Fine & mild. was down town at night everything quiet

Nov 23rd Was out for a ride with L.M.B. and had supper at home. went to church as was L.M.s last Sunday to play the organ - Charlie Klinka's wife was buried today. and Muriel Willshire was buried yesterday.

Nov 24 Cold today working in the barn. did not go to Lodge.

Nov 25th Showery today went up to Hamilton in the afternoon. Bot an overcoat. Paid $38 00, also got a Ring and M. L. some Job.

Nov 26th Unloading the fifth car of manure. very cold and cloudy. The news in last nights paper is rotten. Lillie and I have to be vaccinated for Smallpox before we can cross the border. am going to tackle it tomorrow

Nov 27th. Cloudy & cold. Got Vaccinated tonight suppose it will be in good shape by Dec 9th

Nov 28th Mrs Hicks held her 25th Anniversary of married life. was down with Lillie had a big crowd and a fair time.

Nov 29th Heavy rain all day. starting blowing hard in the evening. was down town came home about 9 oclock blowing a hurricane. trees blown across the streets, lights all out. worst wind in years.

Nov 30th Cold this morning, still blowing a gale. several trees in the orchard smashed. motored up to Hamilton this afternoon. pretty cold and rough yet

Dec 1st. Had some of the Bells, Hicks, Mrs Will Mac and Jim Davidson over for dinner. motored up to Hamilton and got our tickets for San Diego Cal. $147.25 each without berths.

Dec 2nd. Snowing a little this a.m. finishing fixing crates in the barn.

Dec 3rd Cold today was down town in the afternoon doing some business at the bank. Motored up to Hamilton in the evening. Robbie Kennedy blew in this morning from Detroit to see Miss B.

Dec 4th Fair & cold. getting busy. getting ready to go South was at Johns for supper

Dec 5th. was up to Hamilton

Dec 6th was up to Hamilton in the morning. started snowing at noon.

Dec 7th snowing this morning not enough for sleighing motored up to Hamilton this afternoon. will be last time to drive to H. for a while. I guess. cleared up fine in the afternoon.

Dec 8th. Fixed up the car for the winter. going to Hamilton by Radial this afternoon it will be awful - after driving a car so long.

Dec 9th. Going to get married today. so guess this will end this diary. and lots of other things.

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Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 18, 2025,

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  1. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 1.pdf
  2. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 2.pdf
  3. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 3.pdf
  4. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 4.pdf
  5. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 5.pdf
  6. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 6.pdf
  7. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 7.pdf
  8. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 8.pdf
  9. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 9.pdf
  10. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 10.pdf
  11. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 11.pdf
  12. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 12.pdf
  13. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 13.pdf
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  15. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 15.pdf
  16. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 16.pdf
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  19. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 19.pdf
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  22. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 22.pdf
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  24. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 24.pdf
  25. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 25.pdf
  26. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 26.pdf
  27. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 27.pdf
  28. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 28.pdf
  29. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 29.pdf
  30. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 30.pdf
  31. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 31.pdf
  32. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 32.pdf
  33. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 33.pdf
  34. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 34.pdf
  35. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 35.pdf
  36. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 36.pdf
  37. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 37.pdf
  38. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 38.pdf
  39. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 39.pdf
  40. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 40.pdf
  41. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 41.pdf
  42. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 42.pdf
  43. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 43.pdf
  44. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 44.pdf
  45. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 45.pdf
  46. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 46.pdf
  47. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 47.pdf
  48. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 48.pdf
  49. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 49.pdf
  50. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 50.pdf
  51. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 51.pdf
  52. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 52.pdf
  53. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 53.pdf
  54. Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 54.pdf
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