File #34760: "Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 19.pdf"


see (my Honolulu Girl) was very poor. more like a Burlesque show. Jan 31st Motored down town. went to the bank and had the A. Books checked up and send a letter to Condor Bros for seeds $10.04 Feby 1st Fair and cold. Received a Certificate of Protection from the Military to carry as a protection against arrest as a deserter. Saw John Blair he got home from the war on last Tuesday. Feby 2nd Clear & cool. Bear saw his shadow. six weeks more winter they say. Motored to the city for tea. went to church after Feby 3rd Election Day in Burlington M. C. Smith elected Mayor. and Jarvis. Hobson. Allan and Tufgar were the councillors elected. Went to Lodge had a pretty snappy meeting. had a few good games cards. and a debate after that got home at 1.15 a.m Feby 4th Very mild with a little rain. Was down town at night saw one of our old pals. Elliott Anderson got home from the war today. after being gone about three years. guess he has had some experiences. Feby 5th Radial Cars started running again today. Burlington lost Hockey Match with Hamilton tonight in overtime play score 5 to 4 but it was a good game. Feby 6th. Weather cold and cloudy Had an offer from Mr Hall to buy his place. he wants to much for it. asks $10.000 for five acres
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