some crates at Wagstaffes spoke for a load. Went to the Circus, at night with L. B. it was pretty good
May 20. nothing doing. started raining again in the night. rained nearly all day. and looks like more rain tonight. Every thing flooded water in the cellar, also in the barn first time for some years.
May 21 went to Wagstaffes for a load of Orange Boxs and crates got 245 cost $19.25. To wet to do any thing on the land Heavy rain again in the afternoon. Planted 2 ozs of Cauliflower seed in hotbeds was going to plant out doors but cannot get on the ground.
May 22nd Rained nearly all last night. and some again this morning.
May 23rd Cut 7 baskets Grass rained again this morning Hoeing strawberries in the afternoon. had another shower.
May 24th. Hoeing strawberries in the morning, took a holiday in the afternoon. Went to the city to the Savoy in the afternoon with L.M.B. had a good time all day.
May 25th Fine and warm. went to Hamilton in the evening
May 26th Fine and very warm Hoeing strawberries
May 27th Fine and warm. planted. Early Corn and Pumpkins