File #34779: "Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 38.pdf"


July 14th Picking cherries 162 bskts today sold @ $125 {$1.25} to $1.50 pickers scarce had to turn all the men on picking. July 15 A Few showers in the morning. Just enough to delay picking. July 16 Picking cherries and Rasps - Pickers scarce weather fine and cool. July 17 Went to the Garden Party at Waterdown with L. M. B. 17th. Cut first Cabbages 8 crates shipped North at $1.75 a crate. July 18th. Picking cherries & Rasps. july 19. Holiday today. (Peace Day) did not get much done. Sold Ross Hart a small load. went down to the beach at night. July 20. Motored to Campbellville and Rockwood with L. M. B. nearly got stalled in Rockwood. with Battery Terminal eat up with the Acid but got it soldered. had a little shower up there. but a big rain here in Burlington. July 21st. Did not get very much done today. showery. July 22 Picking Rasps also 120 baskets cherries Picked first shipment of Tomatoes 27 bskts at $1.50 bskt July 23 Picking Rasps 25¢ box & cherries ($135 to $150 {$1.35 to $1.50} Peppers at $1.00 Cabbage at $1.00 a doz. very warm
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