Aug Sept 9th Picked quite a few Peppers reds at $100 {$1.00} Greens at 75¢.
Aug Sept 10th Showery today picked Pears & Peppers went to the city at night
Aug Sept 11th. Got a big order from Ross Hart for Sweet Peppers 30 bskts. Reds 5. Tomatoes 15 Green Toms. 75 bskt. for tomorrow started picking today. cool and cloudy today.
Aug Sept 12th Picked Tomatoes & some Duchess Pears. also 13 blls {barrels} Cranberry Pippin Apples
Aug Sept 13th. Picked Tomatoes for Ross Hart 144 bskt Green and Ripe at 25¢ bskt. also 5 doz squash and 9 doz Pumpkins at $1.25 doz. also picked 22 bskts Grapes wprth 40¢
Aug Sept 14. Fine and warm had Mrs & Mr Will Bell & Family Mr & Mrs F. Bell. over for supper I motored up to Hamilton after.
Aug Sept 15. Cloudy & showery very busy today picking pears. tomatoes. and Cranberry Pippin apples for our north orders
Aug Sept 16th Fine and warm picking Green and ripe tomatoes for Ross Hart for to load tomorrow.
Aug Sept 17th Busy today took two big loads up to Ross Hart. Tomatoes 25¢ pumkins $125 {$1.25} doz. also started Carrots 15 bags at $1.50 a bag.