Nov 10th. Getting a small load ready to take to market in the car.
Nov 11th went to market with car with Cauliflowers. sold good, at $1.75 and $200 {$2.00} a box car went on the bad had to get Radiator mended. door fixed new fan belt and spark plug cost $5.00 in all
Nov 12th Fine & warm John & Mike unloading 4th car of manure Dad and I cleaning up hotbeds
Nov 13th Feels like first day of winter ground frozen and some snow flurries. Plowing and cleaning up hotbeds. went up to Ham. and managed to get money for a cheque from McDougall which was returned to the bank unpaid was down to 71 Aikman Ave after tea expect to leave with L.M.B. or L.Mc on Dec 9th for Cal {California}.
Nov 14th Cold again today ground frozen hard this a.m.
Nov 15th Finished cleaning up hotbeds also plowing orchard. weather cool. ground frozen a little. was down town got lots of sympathy and congratulations
Nov 16th Fine and cool motored up to Hamilton after supper
Nov 17th Fine and warm cutting Cauliflowers for market and cleaning out bushes - plowing etc.