Frank McMillan
Jan 1st Sunday, new Years Day, very cold this morning. zero.
Jan 2nd and still cold below zero yet, no electric lights. no Radial cars till noon. Election Day: we voted in both townships.
Jan 3rd milder this morning and snowing a little. Yesterdays Election returns are in East Flamboro Peter Rae Reeve, and ult. Easterbrook. Deputy Reeve in Nelson Irving. Reeve {Ry aid,?} H.T. Foster one of the councillors , in Burlington Hobson again for mayor & Harris for Reeve. Burlington won first of their O.H.a game with Ham. Tigers in overtime play score 4-2
Jan 4th Raining all day roads very icy
Jan 5th Rainting Raining yet this am ice all gone. turning cold again tonight