File #34810: "Franklin McMillan Diary 1922 15.pdf"


had to ship 100 54 crates to Toronto sold at 14¢ 50 crates nth {north} at 15¢ June 29th Picked 66 crates straw-berries. shipped mostly to Toronto. shipped 56 bskts {baskets} Richmond cherries & some Cabbages up north. June 30th Very warm today. only picked 34 crates strawberries they are nearly done. July 1st Saturday showery in the morning nothing doing all day July 2nd Fine & warm July 3rd Picked 22 crates SBerries and a few cherries 29 bskts {baskets} July 4th Still picking Berries and Richmond cherries July 5th Picked the last of the strawberries had 1484 crates, only a light crop. July 6th Picked first Raspberries 2 crates shipped to Toronto sold at 27 1/2¢ also finished picking Richmond cherries averaged about 90¢ {basket}. Started picking Montmorency 68 bskts {baskets} at $1 00 per bskt {basket}. July 7th Cherry market all shut selling as low as 50 cts in Toronto only picked 58 bskts {baskets} to ship north. Blowing heavy gales from south west. blew alot of cherries off and bruised them on the trees badly. July 8th Fine & moderately warm Hoeing old strawberry Patch. July 9th Sunday Fine & cool 10th Picking cherries selling north at 80 cents cut 28 crates Cabbages 80 & 90¢ July 11 Very warm, cherries badly bruised. picked 21 bskts {baskets} Green Peppers
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