Aug 19. Picked 205 plums at 23¢, also some cukes corn etc.
Aug 20 Sunday fair & cold Lillie played organ at church had Dad. Effie Hattie & Lillies folks for the day.
Aug 21 Fine & cool picked 519 bskts {baskets} today tomatoes at 30¢ plums 25. Gages 40¢ Corn 12 1/2. Cabb 40 doz. pears 50¢ apples 35¢
Aug 23rd not so busy today orders dropping off.
Aug 23rd Picking plums and Tomatoes prices no good 25¢ up north. Toronto no good at all, prices noted on the papers. say, Tomatoes as low as 15¢. plums 20¢ Cukes 10¢. Corn as low as 3¢
Aug 24 Started picking Tomatoes for Canning factory at 45¢ a bushel.
Aug 25. Shipped 200 bskts {baskets} fruit north. also 3 loads toms {tomatoes} to Canning factory.
Aug 26th Sold Ross Hart 2 loads today, 160 plums at 20¢, 40 cukes 18¢, 19 crab apples at 30¢ 25 sweet Peppers 35¢ 100 doz corn 12¢ 5 doz Pumpkins 100 {$1?}
Aug 27 Sunday fair & cold.
Aug 28th not very busy for monday. picking Tomatoes for factory and a few plums & Tomatoes for orders.
Aug 29th Raining all morning picked a few Pears & plums for orders.
Aug 30 Orders scarce and everything cheap.
Aug 31 orders a little better today about 250 bskt {basket} in all.
Sept 1 no orders at all hardly, raining in the afternoon.