October, 1927
7 Friday Thunderstorm & heavy rain last night. Showery & drizzly today. Vernon & Walter helped cut corn at Elmo King's this afternoon.
8 Saturday. Fine cool day. They finished cutting corn at King and started here before 11. and finished tonight. Our help - Frank Fairweather Jack Martin, {alf?}. Shantz, Art Thomas, Elmo King, Howard, Hoffer, Walter Adler, Sam Bird, Harvey Reist & Otto Miller
9 Sunday. Beautiful a.m. Drizzly p.m. We went to church and S. School this morning and to Elmira S.S. Rally this afternoon, went to {norma Snider?} for tea and to the W. M. S. Rally Vernon spent the evening at Enoch Schnieder's.
10 Monday Fair and cool. Ella washed this morning and the men plowed. This afternoon we went to Kitchener to do some shopping and had our tea with {Mr.?} Hoffman at Bridgeport.
11 TuesdayFine day. Walter & Vernon helped to take up potatoes all day at grandpa Maurer's.