File #34983: "MaryCooperDiary_1908_029.pdf"


Wed July 29. Very hot 92 Degrees. Men cutting barley. Annie went to Willies we called at Miss Duncans in the evening. Thur July 30. Fine and still warm. Fri July 31. Fine and turning cool in the evening. Willies men all here drawing Wheat. we went over to Willies in the evening. Sat Aug 1. Fine and moderately warm. men at Willies drawing wheat. Mrs Jeasdale and Annie called in the afternoon. Sun Aug 2. Fine day very dusty. Uncle Aunt Mattie and I at church. Fisherville in the afternoon myself. went over to Willies in the evening. Mon Aug 3. Fine and very warm. men finished cutting Barley, then went to Willies in afternoon. Tue Aug 4. Fine untill night very sultry men finised hauling Wllies barley and came over here at four Oclock. Wed Aug 5. Rained heavily all last night. We thought it was too wet to go to the falls. Uncle and I took butter out to thornhill. Miss Wilery also Mrs Stran buried. Annie and Marjorie here for tea. Uncle went to Toronto in the evening. Thur Aug 6. Fine and moderately warm, Auntia also Annie, Mary and the children at Scarboro Beech. Men started to cut Oats in the afternoon.
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