May 22nd. Finished planting strawberries about 8 acres. also sowed Johns Pear orchards with oats & clover. started hoeing Blackberries.
May 23rd. Sowed Cauliflower & Late Cabbage Seed, also planted Potatoes and finished hoeing Blackberry patch. weather clear but very cold east wind.
May 24 Received 130 apple barrels From McJannett Gravenhurst Paid 25¢ - $32.50 and $21.45 freight. Sowed Carrots sowed at Onion hole in drill all but last few rows which are a little thicker. also put nitrate on Cabbages. and shipped 6 bskts asparagus Sold at $2.75
May 25th Fine & warmest day this year, hoeing & Cultivating old strawberry patch.
May 26 Fine & warm still at strawberry patch.
May 27th Sunday Fair with cool east winds. cherry & pear & plum blossom out now also a few strawberry blossoms.
May 28th Fine & warm hoeing & cultivating strawberries got 200 bls {barrels} Arsenate of Lead also a bag Blight. special for Tomatis plants.
May 29 Hoeing strawberries. went for a load of stumps
May 30th. Hoeing strawberries fixing up sprayer etc.
May 31st. Started putting out Tomatoes about 9000 today