Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1923


Scanned Manuscript


Front cover with yellow sticker "1923"

[Inside front cover]

Frank McMillan

Burlington, Ont

Diary 1923.

[First page]

Jan 1st. Weather is mild + cloudy. Thawing snow nearly all gone. Had Grandpa, John + Donald also Mr+ Mrs Boniface out from Hamilton for New Year dinner

Jan 2nd A little cooler but bright and clear. Have another load of orange crates ready at Carol's. but have a bad cold and can not go for then now. Election day returns for yesterday Hydro Radeal Baylaw, defeated in Hamilton, Toronto, East {Kamboro?} + Baston, Cawed in St Catherines : {Bwliugtu} + Nelson, Pete Rae + W.N. Easterbrook. for Reeve + Deputy by acclamation Nelson all {?} acclamation Burlington. Hanis Mayor 7 Dr Ehurt. Reeve. Couneillas ally acclamation they are.

Sheppherd. Busly, Gray, Williams, Van Seilier. Hamilton Coppley defeater for mayor by Jutten.

Jan 3rd Snowing all day and last night. looks like real winter

Jan 4th Fine + moderatley cold went out to do the chores tonight but cold is not better yet.

Jan 5th Cold and looks like another storm coming. done the chores today. all used up again with cold tonight

Jan 6th Another real North East snow storm this morning cleaned up at noon but very cold. Mr E W Lewis was buried today. Grimsly Hockey team defeated Burlington last night the score was 8 to 0.

Jan 7th Sunday. very cold must be around zero

Jan 8th A Little milder with light snow

Jan 9th milder with more snow roads bad, some cars running yet. but sleighs go the best.

Jan 10th Clear + fine but cool. Got a summons tonight for speeding but it was for Mr Bruce who got our Ford Truck the Reo poeple did not transfer license as they promised. Burlington Hockey Team defeated Oakville 6 to 1 last night.

Jan 11th One of the worst snowstorm of the season. Have bad cold yet Dr Peart advises me to go to N. Carolina. Had a Real Estate agent in Hamilton

phone me wanting to go to Texas on an excursion to Rio Grande Valley to see some land there selling at {?} $200 to $600 per acre. Cost of trip $96.50 for ticket + meals. Rev. Amy died today

Jan 12th Cloudy and cold a few snow flurries

Jan 13th Bright + cold roads badly blocked now. The busses are nearly all quite running.

Jan 14th Sunday. another real snow storm today. Only two days this month so far that it has not snowed

Jan 15th Mild this morning, a few snow flurries and colder at night.

Jan 16th Cold again, plus more snow more snow than at any time for several years.

Jan 17th Very cold 18 below zero here and 22 below in Waterdown not many cars out too much snow now.

Jan 18th Mild today. Cloudy but thawing fast. Quite a change about 60 degrees in 24 hours. Burlington lost hockey match with Ham. Beavers 8 to 4. Looks like Beavers to win group.

Jan 19th Fine today, Harry Boniface had another daughter born this morning. Also, Lily‘s grandmother died this morning.

Jan 20th Milder with rain in the evening. My birthday today guess I must be 38 years old.

Jan 21 Lillie gone to Welland this morning to her Grandmother's.

funeral the service is Mond. morning at 6 o’clock. The weather was just fine + bright

Jan 22nd Fine bright and not very cold. Had Allan Davidson in to buy and sell trees. They are the same price as last year Plum trees $100 Cherry and pears 80 apples 70, do not know whether to plant for not as price seems very high

Jan 23rd Fair + Cold. lots of snow yet and roads very icey. fair + cold. zero this morning. wrote greens nursery's Rochester and Stark Bros. Louisiana Ms for price of trees.

Jan 24th Milder and snowing again this morning. Burlington lost hockey game 5 to 3 with Beamoirlle last night. Received a load of chestnut coal from can 22 00 at $16 per ton – $17.60. Raining this afternoon. Had an agent from Star Nurseries Ridgeville selling trees. cherry trees 70 for 3.

Jan 25th Fine, thawing some this afternoon. We heard Syers has another son last Sat-Jan 20th.

Jan 26th Doris - first Birthday had Grandpa, Ida + Clive up for dinner. played Parcheesi after dinner.

Jan 27th Strong North East wind, cold and cloudy. hockey game last night Ham.- 12 Burl. - 6

Jan 28th Cold with north east winds and some light snow.

Jan 29th Fine + cool good sleighing

Jan 30th Clear + cold. Burlington hockey club team turned again in Oakville, 3 to 1 last night.

Jan 31st Cloudy + milder today. One month of the year gone it has been a real one at that, never saw bare ground all month.

Feb 1st Mild cloudy with a few sprinkled of rain

Fab 2nd Cool and partly cloudy. guess there was enough sunshine for the bear to see his shadow so for six weeks more winter.

Feb 3rd Cold again with some snow got {?} on trees from Stark Bros for the cherry trees 75¢ got our last doctor Dr's recount for last year from Dr. Peart total for last year's hospital plus nurses, doctors, maids, ways + board $982. Drugs at drugstore would make it easy up to $1000 some bill for sickness in one year

Feb 4th Sunday. very cold Lillie went to church with Mr. + Mrs. W King

Feb 5th Very cold. Below zero. Our maid leaves today. Hope we will not need her again for awhile.

Feb 6th Very cold, strong North wind, and snowing again all day and still at it tonight. Oakville + Ham. beavers played another tie game score 4 to 4 after half an hour overtime

that makes the second tie game this winter, will likely have to play again.

Feby 7th Ordered four cars hotbed manure for {?} 20 March 1st, 10th + 15th also a few seeds in states from Condor Bros. Rockford Ill {i think this is abbreviated from Illinois}. 1oz {?} peppers, 1lb bag {Tom?} pumpkin on, 1oz Cannon Bull cabbage. Stokes seed farms Co. Moose town N.J. 4oz Ruby Giant, 1oz Neapolitan pepper, 1oz Copenhagen market cabbages.

Feby 8th Mild today. heavy south west winds + thawing. Hockey team Ham. beat Oakville in the third game to break tie score, score 5 to 2 last night.

February 9th Colder again and very icy. Went to Ham. on bus and got a pair of truck chains.

February 10th Bright + cool but thawing in the sun went to Hamilton to {?} for two loads orange crates got 287 at 10¢ – $28.70, also got 3000 –11qts in from Glovers. Got truck license today cost $25.

February 11th Sunday. Fair + cold.

February 12th Received 50 Apple from {Huletion} Bros + 71 from Geo Kemp at 25¢. Total cost with freight $39.29. Started storming again from the east tonight. Grimsley won from Ham. beavers on Saturday night which gives Grimsley group honours in, the {?} O.H.A

February 13th Cloudy + cool had Alderson up the Gray Dot. Out trying to sell a cow.

February 14 Very cold, heavy west winds plus snow squalls. No mail man today. Wonder what the trouble can be (too cold)

February 15 Very cold yet but nice and clear wind getting up again. Worst blizzard of the winter in the west the papers say. (yesterday)

February 16 Cold. Around zero. Lots of snow yet and good sleighing.

February 17 Fair + cold yet

February 18 Sunday. Cold. Had Will Bell plus family for supper, also Mr. and Mrs. Allen after supper.

February 19 Fair + cold yet. {?} are having some winter.

February 20 Cold yet. Had Anderson out about a car he is also trying to rent Woodruff's place to Koenig to raise {foxes?} on it

February 21 Cloudy + cold had Prescott out trying to deal {?} Red can. Got seeds from the states. Duty 25% on trees duty is 3¢ each plus plants ({?}) etc 20%.

February 22 Drove down to Hicks had dinner + supper. And played a few games.

February 23 Very cold again. Biggest fire in Hamilton history at 2:30 this morning one million dollars loss. Whole block between James + Hugeon + King W. + {Rohece?} burned. Had Harry Simmons + Stan + John Blair over at night for a few games cards.

February 24 Cold + cloudy. have not heard of any hotbed manure yet. Was ordered for February 20.

Sunday, February 25 Fine + mild. Thawing about the first since Xmas. Was down home for supper.

February 26 received answer from Maloney Bros. Nursery Davisville NY can go 250 {?} cherries two year old 6 to 7 feet for 70¢. Freight + duty paid. Weather cloudy.

February 27 A little colder but thawed some. Got another load of baskets.

February 28 Fine + clear + thawing. Shovelled snow out of hot bed ground

March 1 Fine plus mild. March came in like a lion lamb alright. .

March 2 Very mild, wanted to get a few trees by {?} from W.S., but cannot on account of quarantine + inspection. Went to the aly got some seeds. 1/2 lb Copenhagen market cabbages, 2oz John Baer tomato and 4 ounce Fust best tomato cost $5.35. Made a deal this afternoon for a Chevrolet car allowed $150 on Gray Dot + $645 balance cash

March 3 Fine + mild. Snow nearly all gone. Heard some robins + crows. Toronto Granites won O.H.A. senior hockey last night from Hamilton and Stratford won intermediate from Guelph. Have no hotbeds yet but two cars manure on the way. Big fire tonight about 9 o’clock. Ed Sherwood’s big lawns burned. Don’t know whether they got stock out or not. Firetruck could not get up past Freeman too much snow. (Part of livestock burned.)

March 4 Sunday. Raining. Turning very cold at night. Was down home for tea.

March 5 Cold today, no manure yet. Ordered 255 Mont. Cherry trees from Maloney Bros Davisville N.Y. At 647 landed here freight plus duty paid also some pears, apples, + plums to fill in.

March 6 Got new Chev. car today. Allowed $150 on old Dot balance $645 and license $14. Car manure arrived this afternoon. Big snowstorm started at noon from the north east.

March 7 Real winter again from 6 to 8 metres snow. Unloading manure.

March 8 Finished putting up seed beds also got the earth on. {Cav?} made 4¢ sashes for $90 cost price.

March 9 Sowed seeds today 8 sashes sweet pepper, 8 sashes hot pepper, 8 sashes cabbages, 20 sashes John Baer + First + Best tomatoes. Weather fine but cool at night nearly zero last night.

March 10 Cool + windy real March weather, Kitchener won Junior O.H.A. from Verity and Ottawa won the Pro NHL from Montreal last night.

March 11 Sunday. Had Mr. plus Mrs. B out for dinner + tea.

March 12 Have another car of manure in. Raining + snowing in the morning. Started unloading at noon and quite again at 3 o’clock. Too high wind.

March 13 Finished unloading car of manure. Weather getting cold tonight.

March 14 Very cold must’ve been nearly zero. Too cold to work.

March 15 Strong east wind, cold + cloudy. Seeds in hotbeds not coming very good.

March 16 Raining all night. Turning colder again with strong west winds. Toronto Granite won senior O.H.A. semifinal from Ottawa last night. They play finals in Winnipeg next week.

March 17 Cool + cloudy. Lillie played at St Patrick’s concert at M Sunday.

March 18 Sunday. Fine + mild. Drove new car to Hamilton had dinner + tea.

March 19 Strong West winds. Very cold as bad as Feby. Was about zero.

March 20 Very cold yet. We’re all down to Grandpa's for supper. It is his birthday. They were 17 there. Macs + Bells.

March 21 First day of spring. Strong southwest + west winds. Fine + mild. Getting cloudy at night. Started trimming trees.

March 22 Shovelling last night + this morning. Making hotbeds this afternoon.

March 23 Toronto Granite senior O.H.A. win allow cup from the west Sask Varsity score 11 to 2 on the two games gives them champions of Canada. Weather cloudy + colder.

March 24 High Westwinds + cold with snow flurries. got in a load of basket covers 10000 in all. Ordered some {shelves?} Also 1lb pumpkin seed 75¢, 1oz {A type of plant}, 15 lb corn, R. giant $4.50 seeds total $8.25 from J.A {Simmons?} Toronto.

March 25 Sunday. Cloudy + cold in the morning + started snowing a real blizzard from the north east in the afternoon.

March 26 Zero this morning + lots of snow. Car of manure in this afternoon.

March 27 Unloading manure + making hot beds. Very cold will be zero or lower tonight. Kitchener Junior Hockey Team lost in the finals against Manitoba Varsity after winning the O.H.A. + defeating Montreal + Niagara Falls.

March 28 Very high northwest winds with snow squalls. Nearly zero this morning froze truck radiator going to Burlington hotbed will be frozen out I guess.

March 29 Very cold. Finished unloading car of manure got some tomatoes + cabbage frozen last night.

March 30 Good Friday. Very cold ground covered with snow. Strong north west winds with snow squalls in the afternoon and getting colder.

March 31 Very cold must be below zero. I am afraid more plants in hotbeds will be frozen. March came in but like a lamb, but it is going out like a lion. Don’t think there has been a week all winter as cold and rough as this week.

April 1 Easter Sunday. Was down home for dinner + supper weather is a little milder.

April 2 Transplanted about

6000 cabbage plants. Fine + mild but very high wind. Ottawa won Professional Hockey Championship in the finals last night with Edmonton.

April 3 Cloudy in the morning. Transplanted 4000 tomatoes + 2000 hot peppers. Started raining about 3 o’clock. Indian started work at $14 per week.

April 4 Cool + cloudy. Transplanted 6000 tomatoes +2 000 peppers. Rorgot to mention that there was skating at Burlington rink on Good Friday March 30.

April 5 Nothing doing. Cold and raining from the east.

April 6 Have a bad cold, did not go out till noon. Transplanted some more cabbages after dinner.

April 7 Finished transplanting cabbages this morning about 10 000 in all In 40 sashes. also done, 12 sashes of ruby giant peppers after noon. Sent draft to Maloney Bros Davisville N.Y. balance on tree under $145.46. Looks like rain again.

April 8 Sunday. Cold, cloudy + windy. Have a cold did not go out.

April 9 Cold ground frozen. {Illegible due to smudging} ice in water pail. Got a few tomatoes frozen. Cut blight out of {illegible}. Pretty bad on the high ground. Transplanted tomatoes in the afternoon. April 10 Fine in the morning went to the Dominion Tile + got 500 tile cost $14.37.

Had a snow squall in the afternoon.

April 11 Transplanted a few more tomatoes. Stopped by rain. Cleared up and turning cold again in the afternoon. Very cold and stormy at the {Soo?} had a foot of snow on the ninth. Total {?} This winter tea all gone here out of bay. Macasse started Monday.

April 12 Very cold ground frozen solid. Had from 3000 to 5000 tomato plants frozen last night. Transplanting more all day to make up the loss.

April 13 Cold + cloudy. Transplanted more tomatoes, went to Hamilton to get truck. Gas tank {finish?} was leaking. Took Ineome Tappapero in for Grandpa. Myself nothing.

April 14 Very cold ground frozen hard in the morning. Went to Geo Thomases at Mount Nemo to get some stumps. His lane so bad could not get any. Got some pine limbs instead.

April 15 Sunday. Ground covered with snow this morning. But it seems milder. Had Harry B and family for tea. Raining this evening.

April 16 Cold again with a few snow flurries. Started putting in tile.

April 17 Still at drain some job mud, + some places, a foot of frost yet in the ground

April 18 Cool yet. Ground frozen this morning. Finished putting in drain for strawberry patch. Stanley Longo baby died today was four weeks old tomorrow.

April 19 Milder, gathered up brush + drew some manure into raspberries.

April 20 Very warm. Started team working on farm discing + {preparing in some way} asparagus.

April 21 Very warm started maw ploughing for strawberries + trees. Sowed one ounce cauliflower seed today (as experiment) in hot bed to try and get them earlier. Also uncovered one strawberry patch. Looks like rain tonight. The strawberries that are covered are nice + green. The others are very brown.

April 22 Sunday. Cooler and cloudy.

April 23 Uncovering strawberries.

April 24 Same job. Weather clear and cool.

April 25 Uncovering strawberries. Weather bright + clear all week but cool with high cold winds.

April 26 Making hot beds for transplanting tomatoes last time. Trees arrived this afternoon from Maloney Bros. Davisville N.Y. Arrived in good shape and look like good trees. Weather very warm.

April 27 Planting trees. Three of us planted 200 cherry trees today.

April 28 Had a light shower this a.m. Finished planting trees, the apple trees are by hedge next road. 1st Greening, 2nd Snow, 3rd R. Astrachan, 4th Snow, 5th Spy In the row down the field 1st is McIntosh, 2nd Delicious, 3rd Duchess, 4th Macintosh, 5th Delicious, 6th Rome Beauty, 7th Yellow Transplant, 8th McIntosh, 9th Delicious, 10th Wagener

April 29 Sunday. Cold. Tom Bamford buried today, had a very large funeral. Went down home for tea. Frank + Geo McMillan called.

April 30 Cloudy and very cold, West winds. Too cold to transplant, tomatoes, which are ready.

May 1 Fine + warm. Transplanting tomatoes, second time.

May 2 Transplanting tomatoes. W West buried today there was three funerals today. Six in all some Sunday!

May 3 Transplanting tomatoes + put 2000 cabbages out. Are up against it for men, only have one and cannot get any more it seems. It has been fine + warm and very dry.

May 4 At tomatoes yet also put out some more cabbages

May 5 Finished transplanting tomatoes today about 18 000.

May 6 Motored to Caledonia Six Nation + Oshweken to try + get men. Have some promise to come.

May 7 Fine + warm, dry. No rain. Finished putting out cabbages. Started digging strawberry plants. One man arrived at noon.

May 8 Started planting strawberries. Showery in the afternoon.

May 9 Cold and showery, also some snow. Digging strawberry plants between showers.

May 10 Ground covered with snow this morning. Too cold to plant strawberries. Got a load of hay at $15 per ton total $27.90.


Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  1.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  2.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  3.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  4.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  5.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  6.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  7.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  10.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  11.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  12.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  13.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  14.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  15.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  16.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  17.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  18.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  19.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  20.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  21.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  22.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  23.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  24.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  25.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  26.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  27.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  28.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  29.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  30.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  31.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  32.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  33.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  34.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  35.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  36.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  37.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  38.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  39.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  40.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  41.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  46.pdf
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary  47.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,
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