File #35335: "Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 25.pdf"


July 11 Picked 14 bskts {baskets} Richmond cherries shipped north at 50¢ very cheap in Toronto as low as, 15¢ to 50¢ for 6 qts. July 12. only picked 15 crates SB, for orders. north. picked 10 bskts Green peppers sold in Toronto at. $1.50 July 13 Shipped 22 crates SB $1.25 north. & 11 bskts cherries 50¢ July 14. Only picked 13 crates SBerries sold at $1.75 crate nearly done now. was down town. at night. every body talking of not picking ay cherries. price so low. Canners have bot a few at 50¢ and baskets returned but will not buy any more July 15th Sunday. cloudy and showery. heavy rain in the evening was down to the beach for tea. July 16th. Picked 41 Richmond cherries sold at 50¢ and 35 crates Cabbages $100 {$1.00} and $1.25 July 17. Finished Richmond cherries and started Montmorency cherries July 18th. Only 3 or 4 pickers Indians quit picking Mont. cherries, because we would not pay 25¢ July 19th. Went to Hamilton this morning for cherry pickers. picked 118 bskts sold at 60¢ also picked 20 bskts peppers sold at in Toronto, 85 & $100 {$1.00} very warm today. July 20. Picking cherries and cutting Cabbages
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