Picked 3 crates Rasps sold at 35¢ in Toronto.
July 21 Spraying apples today very light crop and also look scabby. weather very warm
July 22. Sunday Fair & cool. Dalton Ghent. drowned in the lake near. Brant Hospital
July 23rd. Picked 190 bskts cherries 70 crates Cabbages at $1.00 crate
July 24. Showery this morning picked 135 cherries sold at 65¢ north also sold 70 crates Cabbages 6 crates Rasps sold at 15¢
July 25th. Fine & cool. picked130 cherries sold north at 65¢ had orders today for about 400 bskts. also picked a few peppers and Cabbages
July 26. Still picking cherries 65¢ and picked 12 bskts tomatoes sold at $150 {$1.50} north and 9 crates Rasps sold in Toronto at 20¢ & 21¢
July 27th. Picked 208 bskts Cherries sold north at 65¢ also 10 crates Cabbages. but are nearly all done.
July 28 Only picked 9 crates Rasps shipped to Toronto sold at 23¢ & 25¢ and 10 crates Cabb. at $1.00
July 29 Sunday Fine was home all day.
July 30th Wet this morning picked 7 crates Rasps sold at 23¢ & 25¢ Cherries at 65¢
July 31. Picked 20 crates Rasps also cherries. Rasps sold 18¢ & 20¢.
Aug 1 Finished picking cherries only had {blank} bskts this year. Tomatoes very slow only picked 9 bskts at $100 {$1.00} today.