Aug 20 Fine & warm, busy today picked 262 tomatoes shipped at 30¢ 5 plums at 60¢ a few Cabb, Caul, & peppers.
Aug 21 Only picked 32 plums for Ross Hart at 55¢ Rained nearly all day and very heavy wind blew a lot of fruit off.
Aug 22 Very cold this morning light frost they say shipped 329 bskts fruit & 4 crates berries
Aug 23rd. Very cold. only picked 44 bskts tomatoes today very cold. 28 Blue plums at 75¢ 7 crates Cauiflowers at $200 {$2.00}. Picked 3 bskts Red peppers & on Aug 20 Sold at $125 {$1.25}, and 2 bskts today sold at $1.50 shipped 13 bskts Clapps pears at 65¢. picked up 100 bskts Bartletts which blew off. put in Barn to try & ripen.
Aug 24 Picked 140 toms 35¢ 54 Burbank plums @ 70¢ 8 crates Cauliflowers $2.00 also cut 10 crates Cabbages at $125 {$1.25} a crate. cut out of patch that was planted June 30th, 54 days after planting.
Aug 25. Got two loads of orange & lemon boxs. in Hamilton about 200 in all.
Aug 26. Sunday. Fine. had Mr & Mrs B. and C. McKay from Welland.